Days of Our Lives - Tues. Dec. 6th, 2011


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, December 06, 2011

If Monday was a slow day in Salem, today more than makes up for it. Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night. That line is from the movie, All About Eve, and this night is all about family & tree trimming, but what a night. EJ & Nicole sit in the decorated study/living room of DiMansion, she claiming they have to go to the Horton Square tree lighting, him saying, nope. Tonight is just all about us, no campaign talk whatsoever. Clink, clink as they toast with the fancy champagne flute glasses. Later, on the sofa, he gifts her with a little box, she thinks it fancy jewelry, but it contains the business card of Nate Berkus, as he thinks perhaps Nicole might want to spruce this place up a bit. Seems he wants her to move in with him. They go back and forth about being happy before, and for some reason Nicole is taking blame for things going awry (and not a word said about Taylor, Rafe clone or her mother’s death). She claims to have been worried about Sami (cue brieft flashback by EJ to “that” episode). He assures her she is only one he loves, Sami is out of his system. (ha!) Nicole agrees to move back in. Now she appears with a Santa hat and a sexy red teddy. And yep, soon EJ is shirtless, and they are on that sofa (gad, did anyone use Lysol since the last time?) however it is at the other end where they are making out. (Poor Mary!)

Over at Horton house, Bo & Hope are about to take off to go talk to Stefano (now would you not have loved for them to walk in on EJ & Nicole, lol) when Jennifer & Abby return, talking of how much there is still to do. Plans to visit Stefano are put on hold, & soon Doug & Julie arrive. Yayyyy. Maggie tells Julie Victor is out of town on business, but how greatful she is there is an ornament for him. Julie claims he is now one of the family, but Maggie was not too sure she was still a member with her name change. Julie hugs and assures her she is a Horton through and through, and always will be, no matter what her name is. Melanie learns she & Daniel get ornaments, and is nearly in tears, she is so happy. In comes Jack, with pine rope for the staircase. Jen asks what he is doing there. He’s there for the Horton ornament hanging. Abby says she invited him, after all…….she trails off. Jen says fine, tis o.k. Some of the named ornaments are already on the tree. Jack is holding his, remembering how he & Jennifer announced their engagement at the Horton ornament hanging, and how Alice gave him his ornament then. And we are treated to an Alice flashback doing just that to a very young Jack. LOL. He has never forgotten how she welcomed him, no matter what, when others sort of tossed him aside.
And now we are treated to the ritual. Sigghhhh. Doug points to Maggie to go first, she hangs her ornament on one side of Mickey’s & Victor’s on the other. Daniel & Melanie hang theirs side by side. Bo puts Zack’s next to his & Hope’s, & lifts Ciara up to hang hers. Doug & Julie put theirs next to Addie’s, and kiss afterwards. Jack, Jennifer and Abby hang theirs close together, and we get a shot from above with those families standing together, and tho Jack stands next to Jen, her arm is around Abby. Very lovely, all of it. And then we get a wonderful flashback of Tom & Alice hanging their ornaments together.

And of course now, over to the Hernandez loft, where Sami, Rafe & the 3 little ones are decorating the tree, with Will watching while standing near the kitchen. Allie asks him to lift her up so she can hang this in the right place, Will just looks down, Rafe to the rescue, lifting her up. Sami tries to get the reluctant Will to join in, but he is not in the mood. She offers to on Christmas carol music. Nope. Then will call Gabi. Nope. She tries again to get him to open up with what is bothering him, but he puts her off, and then is saved by someone knocking at the door. In comes Austin, Carrie is on her way up with a surprise for Sami. He starts to tell her, but Carrie walks in, greets Sami, and here comes Marlena with a big pointsetta plant. Sami’s face falls, she is clearly not a happy camper. Will hugs Marlena, so happy to see her, calls the kids, who run over, while Johnny wants Gramma to come see the Advent calendar, and how they open all the doors. She goes with the kids into the bedroom, and Sami lights into Carrie. You had no right, should have called me first. Carrie tries to explain, telling Sami she is her mother. Sami retorts that’s right, she is my mother, she is not even yours. Rafe & Austin, are listening, but Rafe finally says he thinks Carrie did the right thing, Austin says he does, too. Sami is clearly angry, and Will is lapping up every bit of it.

Rafe tries to calm Sami down, how would it be for the kids if she makes Marlena leave, try to make the best of it, just one day, tis Christmas, etc. etc. Sami gives in, Will watches. Austin reminds Carrie he warned her, she just felt she had to do something. Marlena returns, everyone begins again with the decorations, Sami asks her mom to be in charge of the tinsel, no one decorates like her. Rafe smiles, she is making the effort. Another knock, and the Carvers arrive. Ahhh, one big happy family party, more or less.
Will has taken to spiking his soda, and getting sloshed. Carrie announces to everyone that she & Austin are staying in Salem, Austin has the job at the university. Marlena hugs Austin, is very happy.
Now Carrie tells how she will continue working on John’s case, and reveals they do have a piece of evidence, and both she & Rafe explain about the doctored photograph, the shadows, etc. Will drops his glass, Sami yells for Johnny, then realizes it was just Will. She is on edge. Rafe brings out the rope he & Sami used at the wedding to bind them as a family, and how they put it on the tree. Marlena thinks that is really nice, Sami is muttering that she never asked about Sami’s wedding. Marlena is thanking Carrie, and Sami goes off like a rocket. She lights into Marlena, berating her for all that has been going on. Marlena says she sounds like she hates John. Oh, Sami despises him, hope he rots in jail forver. She begins going on and on about how John has been the cause of everything, reciting various items, and how the shooting then caused Johnny to run off and hide, how she herself suffered and how Marlena never gave a thought to her. She calls Marlena a hypocrite, and that sets Will off. Where does Sami get the nerve to call her mother a hypocrite, just look at herself. Sami is facing Will, Austin tries to calm Will down, but he is on a roll. Rafe comes over, they want to know what the heck is bothering Will, when Rafe realizes Will has been drinking. Will congratulates him on being a good cop, find that out. Rafe reminds him he is UNDER AGE, tells him he has to apologize to everyone, then go to his room and sleep it off. Will doesn’t want to, but finally tells everyone he is sorry. He says it to Austin, Carrie, then Marlena, over to the Carvers, to Rafe, then stumbles off to his room. Sami sort of wipes her eyes, apologizes to everyone. Lexie says it is no different than what happens with her family at times, Abe says they have to go. Austin & Carrie grab their coats, too.

And next, we are at Horton Square, where Mayor Abe makes a speech about how the Hortons always hang their ornaments, hand painted with their names, and so the tradition is carried on here in Horton Square. Each of the ornaments has a charity name on it, and he goes on about family and helping one another, etc. We see the crowd from the Horton house there, the Carvers, Austin, Carrie, Marlena, everyone is smiling. Finally Abe tells Theo to go ahead, he presses a remote, and VOILA, the tree lights up. Doug comes up, conducting the folks into the song “Deck the Halls”, and everyone joins in singing. Finally Rafe & Sami arrive, she sings a bit of Fa, La, La…..and across we see Will comes in, silently, hands in his pockets, just observing.
KathyLu, you are a caution for sure. Should I insert "of the sofa"? :rotfl:
Wow, what a good episode! Chandler Massey is doing a great job. I loved Sami laying into Marlena and then suddenly BAM, she's the one getting blasted by HER own child, for pretty much the same things Sami was blasting Marlena for.

I also enjoyed the flashback scenes; very nice touch.

As for the EJ/Nicole romp on that nasty DiMansion couch...... it's really time to have that thing disinfected. At this point, just sitting on that couch could get a woman pregnant.
Thanks for the summary ... can I just say I'm baffled by Jennifer's reaction why should she be surprised that Jack is there HIS DAUGHTER is half Horton did Jennifer expect Abby to NOT invite her father to a family tradition for the past 20 or so years.

Great episode Chandler Massey.

@Ana, especially since Jack has had a Horton ornament for 20 years!

I wonder if Victor was conveniently out of town due to Days' budget restraints or if John Aniston couldn't work that day? Same with Allie not being there. Would have been nice for someone to have dropped off Allie, even when they realized Will was in no condition to do so.

Also, where were Johnny, Allie and Sydney when Rafe and Sami showed up at the Square for the tree lighting ceremony?? They obviously didn't leave them at home for Will to watch, since Will was drunk and supposed to be sleeping it off.
Oh my KathyLu! We're going to disinfect your dirty mind today! LOL

But, umm, yeah, EJ probably should disinfect that thing. He's been ridden more than a supermarket coin-operated horsie lately.
Welcome KathyLu....did you bring the fruitcake? I have the :wine:

Thanks for write up Barb! Sounds like a good one today.

And JS... LOL at getting pregnant from sitting on DiCouch.
Thanks for the summary, Barb. Sounds like a good episode and I'm looking forward to the Christmas decorating scenes.

I'm sorta glad Nicole agreed to move in with EJ. The reason being, maybe she really will spruce up the place. Okay, maybe she'll even buy a new couch, but I would like to see that main room redecorated. It is so drab and dull I'm always wishing someone would breathe some life into it and brighten it up a bit. But probably that will never be brought up again.
See, now we know why EJ gave Nicole the business card for Nate Berkus. They will get a new sofa.....maybe a leather one, so it will be easier for Mary to disinfect. :wink:

@Ana......Jennifer has her mouth hanging open because Jack shows up, yes, her daughter's father who has been part of this ceremony for 20 years.....and no mouth dropping at Daniel & Melanie who get an ornament, are not married to Hortons, born of Hortons, etc. etc.

& people......that corner is getting crowded, and you are not only getting crumbs all over, but SOMEONE spilled their drink. At least I THINK it is their drink.

And look what the guys are ogling now. WHO is that?
It sounds like a good show, I can't wait to watch in the morning. Poor Will. Chandler Massey is doing a fantastic job. Thanks for the write up Poirot!

PS--I know going to the corner is punishment but it kinda sorta looks fun...:D
Chandler NAILED it. I loved every. single. moment of his drunken tirade, especially his self-comeback after calling Sami a B... "Well, I guess that makes me a son of a B..." I thought Marlena was going to fall over!

I also thought it was very telling that even after Sami ripped into her last time, and ripped into her this time, that Marlena put it aside after Will verbally schooled his mom. She attempted to comfort her toxic daughter in a way I don't think I could have brought myself to do if Sami were my kid. Marlena truly is a great mom.
(comes back to the corner with a smoking flamethrower and a big smile on her face and singing "burn baby burn" ...the blackened ruins of a huge couch smolders behind her) looks over at the crowd amassing in the corner and says....alright...yer all welcome to stay but yah need to bring yer own fruitcake and no farting! That's my job. :)
Chandler NAILED it. I loved every. single. moment of his drunken tirade, especially his self-comeback after calling Sami a B... "Well, I guess that makes me a son of a B..." I thought Marlena was going to fall over!

I also thought it was very telling that even after Sami ripped into her last time, and ripped into her this time, that Marlena put it aside after Will verbally schooled his mom. She attempted to comfort her toxic daughter in a way I don't think I could have brought myself to do if Sami were my kid. Marlena truly is a great mom.

I agree about Chandler....that kid is doing a great job!! You are so right, Marlena is a great mom...despite what gets said about her...she always loves her kids no matter what they do to her.