Days of Our Lives - Tues. Feb. 12, 2013

So that means that I sound like Lucas?!?!? I promise I do not have a manly voice. :D Also, before my current avatar, I had a I wonder if I just roared or if I sounded like the lion on The Wizard of Oz. :rotfl:

I don't usually think of people sounding like their avatar, but more that they look like their avatar.
I fast forwarded the Kate and Rafe scene like I do all the other ones ;)

A couple of people might find this interesting. On Tues show, we had two
Samantha's on. The nurse Jen talked was Samantha.

I laughed when EJ held the nail polish up. Did he make a shade
to go with the lipstick he uses
I admit, I get confused at times looking at posts and the avatars.

at times, I have to remember it's a picture of character and not
person posting.