Days of Our Lives - Tues., Feb. 5, 2019

Sami's kids are a good bet, as you noted TD. I honestly would rather they returned with Lucas watching over them. Rafe was always good with Johnny, so he can be parted from Hope, and sharing living quarters with Lucas, helping with the teens. I'dlike to see those 2 men - both ex-husbands of Sami - bonding together, & dealing with the teens.
Ari is also one who could be SORAS'd, tho I doubt her mother would appreciate her being a teen, since she herself is still pretty young. Will ignores the kid, Sonny was a good dad......who knows there.
Too soon for Holly, Tate to grow up, but Parker is a good bet.
And since kids pop up suddenly all the time on Days - (see Tripp, Sarah, Rex, Cassie, Daniel, Melanie, Emily, Lani, Eli, Summer, ) all grown up, there is still offspring of maybe.....oh, Jeremy Horton, Cassie Brady, Andrew Donovan, Melissa Horton.....................
I forgot about Ari. But Will and Gabi are in their mid-20’s. It would be a stretch for Ari to be a teen already.
I would be interested to see teen kids from characters off screen. It would be better if their parents would be in Salem too, though.
Carrie and Austin’s little boy could be one, but I want both parents in Salem.
Thanks for the summary!
I actually enjoyed most of this episode - nice to see Lani and Eli smiling and enjoying each other. The rest was at least mostly interesting.