Days of Our Lives - Tues. Jan 19, 2010

Oh, you should have heard me laughing and telling Maggie to "sock it to her". LOL Yayyy.:evillaugh:
DJM, I'm looking forward to hearing what they do wrong.

I saw the show. They did the birth very natural. No fetal heart monitors, no IVs and very well done. Did not see anything out of place. Lawerance was appearing to be supportive while the staff was present, but very nasty when they were gone out of the room. Boy the look on Carly's face when he pretends to drop the baby.
Welcome Back Poirot!

Nice respite from the deep-freeze!

Wow! Can't miss today - I get it twice as I'm in a Tri-City zone!

Who expected Lawrence to be far removed from Vivian's evil disposition!

Judging from the old You Tube clips of the early Carly/Bo years, Lawrence was very cunning . . . and gorgeous.

Cheers to Tuesday viewing!

Bo can do NO wrong,
Which way to Salem?
the whole Stephanie giving Nathan an award makes me crazy! I like Nathan, I just hate this desperate for a guy Stephanie!
I saw the show. They did the birth very natural. No fetal heart monitors, no IVs and very well done. Did not see anything out of place. Lawerance was appearing to be supportive while the staff was present, but very nasty when they were gone out of the room. Boy the look on Carly's face when he pretends to drop the baby.

Thank you for the info, Donna. :hug: Days gets other medical things wrong, and I wanted an opinion from our resident expert.
After watching the show I'm still confused by Bo's 'logic' (or lack thereof)

Have I got this straight?

Bo is sleeping with Carly to hide the fact that Mel is Carly's daughter from Vivian. Carly is in love with him, but he has plans on getting back with Hope. So Carly is just a booty call to Bo (under the guise of protecting her and Mel) - but she thinks Bo is really into her. Hope thinks Bo's in love with Carly and doesn't want their marriage to survive. But Bo really loves Hope and wants her back.


Now he thinks that in the end he can tell Hope this 'truth' and she'll be okay with it and fall back into his arms like nothing happened.

Who is writing this crap?

Are men just born stupid or do they acquire it by hanging out with other men? :rolleyes:
I am under the impression (in this episode) that Bo told Philip all that stuff to throw Vivian off track. But As far as his personal relationship with Carly goes, he has stated to her to "live in the moment". He knows he has done Hope wrong.....maybe he feels justified because of her constantly pushing him away, refusing to come home or tell him what she wants (she did not know herself). We don't know yet.
Abe already told him about his penchant for riding in on his white horse to rescue the damsel in distress....
Just saw this episode. Wow, Maggie! You go girl!!! Loved every scene with Maggie.
The only scene in this episode that didn't hold my interest was the Nathan/Stephanie scenes.
Did I hear Abe's description of Vivian correctly? "She lives out there where the buses don't go" ?? LOL
Who is writing this crap?:rolleyes:

That's the $10,000 question! :rotfl:

Did I hear Abe's description of Vivian correctly? "She lives out there where the buses don't go" ?? LOL

They have been giving Abe some good lines lately. I for one am glad for that because he was beginning to get on my nerves hanging out with Lexi at Stefano's house like they were just visiting the black sheep, not the evil master!
I am under the impression (in this episode) that Bo told Philip all that stuff to throw Vivian off track. But As far as his personal relationship with Carly goes, he has stated to her to "live in the moment". He knows he has done Hope wrong.....maybe he feels justified because of her constantly pushing him away, refusing to come home or tell him what she wants (she did not know herself). We don't know yet.
Abe already told him about his penchant for riding in on his white horse to rescue the damsel in distress....

yepper... it makes him feel like a man again. sorry but its true... he has been served a cold plate of his own .... for a long long he's back in the saddle...yeeehaw!
Please help because I think I'm crazy----after watching Days today I'm confused?! Ok--no smart remarks--so what else is new?!

The man that played Carly's husband--the last scene when Carly seems to see him laughing---I swear at that moment he looked like the doctor who switched Mia's baby. Can't remember his name---but I walked around the wall --saw his face and yelled--oh my--he's the baby doctor! Ok--so does anyone else think there is a similarity---or have I had too much coffee for the day?

I thought it looked like the Lawerance that was with Carly during the birth flashbacks. It was not the same one that they showed her killing.
It WAS the same Lawrence.......when Carly "killed" him, he had longer grey hair. Since he was supposed to be a lot younger in this newly filmed flashback, he had short dark hair.

Michael Sabatino plays Lawrence Alamain (married in real life to Crystal Chappell)
John Callahan played Dr. Baker
Excellent episode today! Vivian is just all over town. I loved the way she was tossing out adjectives about Bo and Carly, such as tawdry, indecent, disgusting, and Philip asked her to get to the noun.

Maggie and Kate's scene was fantastic, as advertised.

How many more fake awards is Nathan going to win? That was just plain stupid.

Best scene of the day, hands down, was Melanie describing her relationship with her father and the look on Carly's face. That was one of the best scenes I've seen on Days in a very long time. Multilayered and so well acted, with facial expressions and body language filling in the story that the dialog left out.

Thanks for your summary, Poirot!!!
I solemnly swear to give up coffee until tomorrow afternoon or morning!!

Hope everyone is warm, well, and enjoying the evening.
How many more fake awards is Nathan going to win? That was just plain stupid.

If any of these 'awards' were worth more than the paper they're printed on .... they'd be presented at the annual hospital banquet ... or at least a bloody hospital board meeting, NOT by his skank 'girlfriend' acting as messenger girl!