Days of Our Lives - Tues. Jan 19, 2010

It WAS the same Lawrence.......when Carly "killed" him, he had longer grey hair. Since he was supposed to be a lot younger in this newly filmed flashback, he had short dark hair.

Michael Sabatino plays Lawrence Alamain (married in real life to Crystal Chappell)
John Callahan played Dr. Baker

Thanks Poirot. I thought it was someone else playing the younger Lawrence.
Lawrence looked more like how he looked when he was in the show years ago..he is pure evil in that birth scene... omg.. I got goose bumps...and was glad it was flash we don't have to deal with his evilness..
One does wonder. He also tried to kill Bo by placing a bomb on a ship in the harbor, only Patch is the one who was terribly injured. Lawrence had his evil side from childhood, and I guess managed to effectively hide it when he needed to, and retained that trait thru the years.
I gotta say, I loved this episode! Vivian and Kate were awesome together! I was sorry to see Melissa go. Kind of hoping she would have stayed around longer, but oh well. Maggie and Kate were great in their scenes together as well.

But, my all time favorite scenes were the new flashbacks between Carly and Lawrence. Both Michael Sabatino and Crystal Chappel were excellent in those scenes! Lawrence is so evil! I loved the part where he was telling Carly about his day and how he dropped the coffee cup and the phone and then he said "I have to ask myself...what will I drop next?" And, then, the ghost of Lawrence telling Carly that's he's finally won! Fantastic acting by Mr. Sabatino!

Great episode!