Days of Our Lives - Tues., Jan. 28, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Today, we jump around Salem a lot. And amazingly, despite it being January, and mid-winter, out Salemites (especially the females) seem to be immune to the cold, as evidenced by their choice of clothing. Nick has stopped Gabi in the square, near the arch, spending nearly the entire show talking about wanting another chance to be her friend. He makes reference to the last time they saw each other, but only talks of the argument in Horton Square. He asks if she really never wants to see him again, wishes he was gone forever. Cue flashback to hitting him with rock. He keeps it up thruout the entire show, finally leaving with the "wanting us to be friends" standard line.

Daniel has a new computer, is in midst of transferring hospital files, Theresa calls, wanting to see him. He puts her off, someone at door. Tis Eric, who wonders if Daniel is able to retrieve any of the medical research on him. Nope. Nicole sits with her computer, and the interview video of Eric, when her boss, Miles comes along. He is making all kinds of sleazy comments, doesn't want a puff peace about the good priest, insinuates that perhaps he wants to be friends with her the way he was friends with Kristen. She gets angry, stands up, packing up, she is leaving. He goes on and on, even saying something about perhaps a video of her & Eric would go all over the internet, really viral. She slaps his face.

Eric is in church, praying, when Father Louie comes in, at the request of Father Matt. Eric talks to him about the ordeal he & Nicole went thru, nearly losing their lives, and admits he told her he loved her. No, he is not saying he no longer wants to be a priest, he has some thinking to do. Father Louie says that Father Matt has said if he still wants to be a priest, there are steps that must be done.

Nicole sits with Daniel in the Pub, relates how she told Eric that she & Dan were not a couple. She felt they were going to die, and did not want him believing that lie. Daniel is fine with that, understands, has to get back to hospital. Eric comes in, Daniel says he knows Nicole told him about them, he is sorry. No problem. Daniel leaves, Eric sits down, and Nicole notices he is again wearing his collar. He tells her he is going on retreat, needs time to pray, to think, to figure out what is right for him, for them both. He says it is necessary, mentioning Father Matt, and he hopes Nicole will pray and give it some thought as well.

JJ is making plans with Bev, (who is all dressed up) giving her the file with the check. She leaves, he calls Theresa, claiming he has info she wanted on Nicole, she has to come over and see for herself. She gets there, he talks of googling, but then sees the web site is gone, so is trying to get it back. Theresa is asking questions about Rory, and then that girl who she thinks has a crush on JJ, but is getting impatient, as JJ keeps up the pretense. Finally she decides to leave, opens the door, there is Uncle Roman, surprised to see her there, since they are not supposed to see each other. She claims to have brought work files to Jennifer (she did) quickly leaving, Roman questions JJ, who promises he is on straight and narrow, and don't tell his mom. Roman agrees just this once.
Abby is trying to open the boxes of T-shirts in the storage room, when EJ comes in. He locks the door. And the face off begins. He definitely doesn't want her talking to Hope, she says she only would say what she knows, he claims she really knows nothing. She is wearing her I.D. badge on a long ribbon around her neck, he pulls on it, she is close. They are talking of Nick, but his fingers are walking up the middle of her chest, carressing her neck, her chin, his thumb brushing across her lips. Oh, these two are on fire, they kiss passionately, and are back and forth, up and down, clothes are being unbuttoned, unzipped, and outside the door, an intern is trying his keys in the locked door. No luck. he knocks, the two inside stop, hastily attempting to put themselves together. Abby calls out just a minute, EJ ducks behind some shelves, buttoning his shirt, zipping his pants. She opens the door, the intern wants towels, she hands him some, closes the door, looks at EJ, then takes off. She next is at the Club, asking herself what the blazes she is doing.

Bev is in Anne Milbauer's office, pretending to want some job. Anne thinks she is the daughter of some rich benefactor, so is bending over backwards to be nice. Finally, Anne says she has the job, Bev claims to be texting her dad, but it is JJ. Anne is going to walk her out, Bev drops her purse spilling everything, telling Anne to just go, she will go by herself. Anne leaves, telling her to turn out the lights. Bev quickly puts the envelope into a file box with Theresa's name on it, resumes picking up her stuff as Anne returns, having forgotten something.
Out in the corridor, JJ comes along, calling to Theresa, who turns to face him. Behind her is Bev & Anne coming out.

Kate comes into DiMansion to retrieve her scarf she left behind, and there is Stefano, hearty as ever. He is smiling, talks of dinner, but Kate says it will never happen. They do the back and forth minor insults, (Cecily is mentioned, is in Hong Kong, or maybe Italy, lol). Kate leaves in a huff. She is next in the Square, where Nick spots her, calling out to her, saying they have some unfinished business. She thinks not, what about. He says he thinks she knows.

Roman calls Daniel asking if he thinks Dr. Duval might have been an alias, did he seem a real doc. Dan doesn't know, but hangs up, flashes back to that Dr. list he had, gets an idea, and rumages around in his coat/backpack and finds the paper.

EJ sits in DiMansion study, thinking, Stefano is blathering away at him. EJ does not want to talk, not about the christening, or Chad, or Samantha. He doesn't want to talk at all. Stefano grins, oh, but we do, bringing up the way he has been taking care of DiMera businesses. EJ gets upset, loudly saying he is on top of everything, all is being handled. Stefano is not too sure, but hears the outside door open, says Samantha must be back, so he leaves out the other door, wish EJ Buono Fortuna (good fortune). EJ mutters to himself he will need it, as he looks towards the double door, which are beginning to open.
DAYS is on Fire!

Abby & EJ are truly a breath of fresh air...Abigail pratically blackmailed her way into EJ's designer boxer-briefs!

EJ is doing his best to be threatening & manacing , but Abby is not buying any of it...Abby seems really turned on by EJ dangerous persona...EJ is equally turned on by Abby standing up to him...Very strange dynamic...But they are HOT!

Oh, EJ. The only one who is going to lose this game is you...Say goodbye to your control and your treats buddy. Abby has your number!

My heart broke for Nicole...Oh well don't care for Eric!

Seriously...Kate needs to walk in on Rafe " Handling" Jordan...The way EJ has been handling Abby...For her to know that it is really OVER!

I do think Kate & Stefano will find their way back to each other...I can see the love in Stefano demeanor!
Gabi should stay home and refuse to answer her phone or the door. The persistent presence of Tricky Nicky is more stress that she doesn't need. If she keeps talking to him a total meltdown could be in her future. As for EJ, he continues to amaze with his choice of locales for a romantic rendezvous with Abigail. First it was the mouse-droppings capital of the universe, the Horton cabin, and now it's a hospital store room. What's next, one of the Pub restrooms?
Good show overall today. EJ and Abby totally have each other's numbers and I love it!!! :love: The sex attempt had NOTHING to do with blackmail and every bit to do with these 2 wanting one another. The only thing I did not like was EJ pulling on Abby's ID lanyard but I'm glad she stood her ground and didn't get intimidated by him. Polar opposite of Samanther.

And where the heck did Sami go? She was on the couch with her shoes off at the end of yesterday's episode!

I notice the last few weeks that Stefano does not seem very mobile. He is either seated or we don't see him walk more than a few steps. I had thought Joe Mascolo(Stefano) had recovered from the broken leg? Other than that, I figured we'd get Kate and Stefano today. Kate is strong but Stefano is one of her few weaknesses.

Nick is still downright creepy and totally knows how to get to Gabi.

I was excited to see Roman, even if for 5 minutes. He was great today and this is why he needs to be in a real storyline. It seemed to be a bad editing job at the end when we saw Roman on the phone in HTS and then in the very next scene, we Kate walking where Roman had just been standing. I was hoping for an interaction between them before we saw Nick appear.

JJ looked great today as did Bev.

My heart ached for Nicole at the end of the episode.
EJ and Abby were like dogs in heat...If EJ is carrying a secret plan to "Shut" Abby, he is extremely good, because I have NEVER seen anyone look less like he is carrying out a "plan." EJ was all over Abby, caressing her, chest, throat, jaw...He must really love Samanther if he willing to torture himself in such passionate way with Abby to save Sami!
As for EJ, he continues to amaze with his choice of locales for a romantic rendezvous with Abigail. First it was the mouse-droppings capital of the universe, the Horton cabin, and now it's a hospital store room. What's next, one of the Pub restrooms?
I think we need a thread where we all guess the various places EJ and Abby will do the "dance with no pants".
Let the RECORD show I was extremely upset due to Abby & EJ Coitus Interruptus... Janitors everywhere need better instructions to keep AWAY from the storage rooms when they are locked!

Oh EJ did in fact gave Abby a very " Stern" warning....Lose those panties !!!

I would have loved NOTHING more today for Jen to walk in that storage seeing her daughter, on that table while EJ has his pants around his ankle!
Sami is going to be so, so proud of junior when she finds out he “took another one for the team”! What a guy…..

GAWD love Stefano, when he said uh-huh to junior, Stefano knows all, see all, and hears all!

Maybe Stefano wants to have dinner with Kate so he can rub it in her face that he saw Rafe/Jordan kissing. He did ask about Rafe!

Nick has turned into a full fledged psycho! He was way beyond creepy today! I hope brother Rafe finds out about Nick and beats the crap out of him.
There were some good parts, and some not so good parts today, in my view.

- Abby and EJ. Wow ! Except that EJ did seem menacing, especially when grabbing the ID badge. Then again, Abigail appears now to have a darker side (and much more interesting then the Saintly one !) and told EJ exactly how it was. When she said "You know what it's going to take", EJ could not take it anymore and gave in. So still interested in this storyline. I like it a lot. Though these poor, poor patients who almost had some not so clean sheet. Ewwww.

- Nicole slapping that sleeze bag she has for a boss. Go Nicole. :clap: Though I'm still amazed at seeing her try to edit an interview that consisted of only one question. :rolleyes: This interview will do no good for Eric, none at all. Oh, and as far as Eric is concerned, I'm sorry to say that I'm still really tired of the martyr look he has, all the time (he must be taking lessons from martyr/gloom and doom Jennifer). I know, Eric's ordeal was horrible, and I guess that's what's being asked of the actor, but it does make him appear very boring and one dimensional. No offense. I'm just glad Eric is going away for a while. This will probably lead to Nicole and Daniel investigating together, and perhaps developing real feelings (that's my wish, as I don't want Nicole with Eric). Oh, and speaking about Daniel, about time he took a look at the list with the doctor's names on it ! :rolleyes: He may be the best detective in town, compared to the Salem PD detectives, but he is still quite slow.

- Nick and Gabi : Could that conversation BE any longer ? (Picture Chandler Bing, from Friends, saying that !) Talk about stalling. :zzz:

Finally, JJ, Bev, Theresa, etc. : Get this awful storyline over with. :beat:
Jack's genes finally superceding Saint Jennifer's in Abby....She is acting more Jack-like nowdays and I must thank EJ for boinking the boredom out of Abby...This is a young woman I had no interest in, didn't care for her not a drop, now I look forward to her scenes...We Thank You Eej!
Thank you, Poirot. I got to see the last part of the show today.

I'm sooooo happy that Father Eric is going on the retreat.

Go Daniel!!!!

Nick is just as creepy if not creepier than before. He definitely scares me.

EJ and Abby are disgusting. :sick: She's acting like a lot of the young girls who we read about in the news who got caught up with rich politicians. She seems drawn by EJ's power, money, the "wrongness" of the relationship, and the danger of getting caught. She knows it is wrong, but acts like she wants him to choose her by having sex every chance she can. EJ is just a horny older (than her) fellow who likes the attention and the "no strings attached" sex with a young girl.
EJ is just a horny older (than her) fellow who likes the attention and the "no strings attached" sex with a young girl.

Both EJ and Abby have made it clear to each other and to the audience at this point that they care about one another. So, this is more than just "no strings attached" sex. Plus they are both way too distracted for this to be just sex.
Ej and Abby are just exploring options to keep their affair exciting. Nothing like spicy "exhibitionist" getting down and dirty in public places. Samanther would never be up for that kind of eroticism. They're as heaty as a freaking Danielle Steel novel.

TheWriter oh Salem hospital probably has the most body fluids all over that can be found in a blacklight. Ej and Abby in the patients laundry room. Daniel wandering around naked in an employee locker room for Chelsea to see, and Nicole putting flesh eating bacteria on hospital equipment. Vivian switching eggs. Maggie's lost egg. Oh my God in real life this place would of been so shut down by now and need the place fumigated all nasty. Oh yeah wait it's the Medical industry Days of our Lives clearly how flawed that system is in America.

Nick is so going to go crazy and force Gabi to be with him out in blackmail as she'll continue to ignore him. Nick is obsessed with Gabi his obsession will get worst like how far he went in kidnapping Melanie for example. In classic real life stalker situations the suspect becomes even angrier and more desperate to be in the victim's life. Gabi needs to really strengthen up. Nick WILL attempt to rape her again or beat her to death killing her then himself. Fatal attraction!

Kate and Stefano were quite interesting. I think this time around it's gonna take A LOT more then blackmail for Kate to ever really forgive Stefano. I think Kate would rather face State prison this time then be back in a DiMera prison she was in.