Days of Our Lives - Tues., Jan., 29, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Some rehashing, but some good stuff as well. Will is at the Pub with Marlena, wants to know what John found out when he talked to Leo's mom. Marlena says she hopes to hear from John soon, and in he comes, greets his wife with several kisses, sits down, Will pesters. In comes Melinda Trask, wants to talk to Marlena privately. They go outside. John tells Will he had a man following Diana Cooper, she got wise, talked to him, asking about her son. The man spills the beans about him using the name Leo Stark, married to Sonny, etc. John notes the man no longer works for him, adding he thinks that Leo's mom made a beeline here to see her son.

Outside, Melinda is cautioning Marlena about telling anyone about Haley. Marlena laughs, knows Melinda is only worried about not getting elected mayor. Melinda warns if it gets out, Marlena will pay.

Over at JJ's, Haley returns, is tired, JJ wants to continue their talk, she is reluctant, he convinces her. And she tells the tale. Dad from China, traveled a lot, met mom in Philippines, they fell in love, she would do anything for him. She left home, family, everything, went to China, where they lived. Melinda moved to the states when Haley was a baby. Falling out with family. Haley says mom was great, nice childhood, friends, school, played soccer. Dad killed in auto accident. Mom never the same. Died of cancer few years later. Before she died, gave Haley envelope with money, and all arrangements to get her to U.S. After she got there, she got in touch with Melinda, who helped her a lot, nursing school, etc. But when she decided to run for mayor, Haley was a liability, no where to go, nothing back in China, etc. So, is why she thought suicide was way out. She realizes now how it would have affected Melinda, and talks of how much Marlena has helped her. She knows she can trust her to keep her secret, but what about you, JJ. He assures her he will. Hug.

Rex & Sarah have told Eric they are back together, Eric doesn't say much, Sarah remarks that if Rex could forgive her for sleeping with Xander, she can forgive him for what he did as well. She takes off, is late. After she is gone, Rex babbles on and on to Eric about what he thought, how he knows Sarah mad at him, not Eric, so Eric should not be mad at her, but at Rex. He just wants them to make up, be friends again. Eric doesn't say much, but says o.k. (This was all filler, and yawn inducing)

Sarah arrives at the hospital, Maggie is there, glad to run into her, and now we get a long, excruciating conversation wherein Sarah, after Maggie talks badly of Rex, glad no longer in Sarah's life.........tells her mother about being back with Rex and Eric finding her in bed with Xander. Maggie is quite taken aback, Sarah gives her reasons, says Rex loves her, she knows that, and is the one for her, yada, yada. Maggie accepts it, hugs, love you, Sarah goes to check in, I am guessing. (another one who never works)

And over to Kmansion, where Leo is shocked to open the door, and find his mother standing there. And if we thought Melinda Trask was a barracuda, Diana Cooper has her beat! Leo wants her to leave, goes outside, urging her to go. She talks sweetly, but with a bit of venom, is cold, pushes her way inside, to fix a drink. (love she arrives in fur jacket, but Leo is outside in shirtsleeves, not a shiver). Leo is mad, what is she doing, she has to leave before anyone sees her. Too late, in comes Sonny.....who's your friend. Leo tries to pretend she is a personal shopper, not same taste as him, just leaving...but Diana tells him to stop kidding around, such a joker, and introduces herself. Leo is really angry, she is purring, Sonny asks a few questions about Leo's youth, mentioning trouble with the law. Diana starts to reply, Leo interrupts, Sonny gets a text from Will to call him immediately, leaves the room.

He calls Will, to tells him John's news of Diana Cooper, but Sonny tells of her being right there. Both guys hope she will give them something to get rid of Leo. Meanwhile, Leo is trying to get his mother to leave, takes her drink, sets it down, tells her to leave by side door. She stops him, reminding him she is the parent, he is the child, slaps him, calling him a brat. He says he is sorry. Sonny returns, wanting to resume conversation, but she needs to rest after her long trip. Sonny invites her to stay there, but she says she would feel more comfortable at a hotel, is there one nearby. Sonny smiles, mentions the Salem Inn, telling her to charge everything to him. She thanks him, takes her leave. Sonny closes the door, smiles at Leo, who is one unhappy camper, the scowl tells all.
Wow Leo's mom said she wanted to go in before she froze! Freezing in Salem? But the first 8 minutes of my show were interrupted for a special report on the extreme cold expected in my area and I do live near Salem.

I have to say I'm kinda warming up to Rex and Sarah. They were super cute playing darts a while back.

Haley does have a sad story. Both parents dead. But how did she go to college illegal? Is her name even Haley Chen?
Diana: She's off to a great start in Salem. The writers should have omitted another awful round of Rex-Eric-Sarah and given her more screen time. That said, color me confused. Short of having committed a murder or other major felony, what could she say about Leo that's worse than what Will and Sonny already know: that he's a grifter and former male prostitute.

Sonny: He was grinning like the Cheshire Cat at the end of the episode. Perhaps, sourpuss Eric should consult the Big Boy about smiling lessons. The perpetually-scowling ex-priest has clearly forgotten how to look happy.

Maggie: What makes her think that her strident, loud-mouthed daughter is such a prize? Any guy who sees her coming should run for his life.

Melinda: This barracuda was swimming in the wrong tank today -- demanding that Marlena remain silent about Haley's undocumented status. If she'd been paying attention, she'd know that Doc Evans is one of the few honorable people in Salem.

Rex: He ought to send Xander a bottle of good scotch. If the X-man hadn't bedded Sarah and knocked her off her morally-superior perch, cheating Rexy would never have won her back.
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Short of having committed a murder or other major felony, what could she say about Leo that's worse than what Will and Sonny already know: that he's a grifter and former male prostitute.
He shot, killed and ate Horton the Tiger?

He's started a blog that trashes Maggie's home-baked treats?

He's been selling blackmarket Horton ornaments?
Thanks, Poirot.

So, Melinda came from Beijing like her sister. Is she an undocumented immigrant too?

Was Maggie upset or jealous when Sarah told her she slept with Xander :)

Why isn't Sarah happier she's back with Rex?

Does Leo's mom wear that much make up for a reason? No one else in Salem does.
Maybe there's a reason she looks like that.

It was interesting Marlena told Melinda everything said in her office was
I don't think so. I've she's told people things.

Too bad Steve isn't in Salem. I'm sure he would have done a better job
tailing Leo's mom.

I'm surprised Diana didn't take Sonny's offer staying at the K mansion.

Sonny sure was happy at the end. I hope he's not over confident about getting
rid of Leo.