Days of Our Lives - Tues., Jan. 7, 2020

I finally saw the episode today. As usual, cluelessness was everywhere.

Gabi: She goes to the head of the class. She's not afraid of Kristen? Really? Doesn't she know that she could end up locked in a dungeon, tossed out of a high window, or in one of Salem's classic comas. And Gaba-Gaba shouldn't take Eli's loyalty for granted. Unlike some people in Salem, he's not oblivious to the cold, hard truth.

Julie: She actually thinks Gabi is a good person. Her fury when she learns the truth might be something worth watching.

Kristen: What does she gain by pushing her way into Basic Black? Is she trying to give John a major case of heartburn when he finds out what's going on with his old company?

Eli: He gets mentioned for making excuses for Gabi's treatment of Lani before she'd agree to donate Zero's heart. As for Lani's vandalism, Eli was correct about it being a felony. The window that she broke would surely cost more than $250, making her offense a low-level felony. To really throw the book at Lani, she would have had to smash the window with a bomb. That's a serious felony.

Finally, it was good to see that Victor is teaching Xander about the finer things in life, such as carrying a handkerchief. When he comes out of his coma, Victor might want to teach the X-Man the fine art of snarky one-liners so he won't always have to resort to glowering looks and assorted types of threats when dealing with problem people.
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