Days of Our Lives - Tues., July 11, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Kate joins Marlena who is waiting for Valerie. They drink martinis, as Marlena mentions a rumor that Kate got married to Andre, Kate admits it, says it's official. Marlena says what is official is Kate has lost her marbles. They nicely go back and forth about Kate's big mistake, all the horrible things Andre has done.

At the hospital, Kayla has told Val about the 3 mistakes she made in the last month, not like herself, she cannot believe it. Val assures her she is a wonderful doctor, invites her to come with for the dinner with Marlena. The women come into the club, join Kate & Marlena, and vow to have a good time, at first not wanting to talk of the men in their lives, but each has a man problem, go round the table...Marlena that John is away, has no idea when they will marry, maybe in 2042. Kate mentions marrying the man everyone detests, Val is very happy with Abe,. as Kayla is in her marriage. They order champagne, drink, have some jabber, jabber about nothing really. The waiter asks if there is a doc at this table, problem in kitchen, 3 docs go and seems chef nicked lis artery, is now on way to hospital with paramedics. Something is said about number of marriages, Kate figures she has had plenty, Marlena thinks Sami wins the crown for that in Salem. Kayla thanks all for the fun evening, says it is nice to have girlfriends.

Lucas shows up at the Pub to meet the waiting Anne, who begins babbling away about handling everything at the newspaper by herself. Adrienne had health issues, Jen with the JJ drama, plus Abigail, now Adrienne again. Lucas has no idea what she is talking about, been out of town. Anne finally manages to get out that Sonny confessed to murdering Deimos, Lucas did not know. Anne figures she is going to have to handle the daily paper on her own continually. Lucas just takes off for the cop shop to see Adrienne.

And over at the cop shop, replay of Sonny confessing, Justin trying to get him not to say a word, Raines arresting him, Adrienne pleading, Justin protesting, Sonny getting cuffed, being led away. Adrienne is upset, Justin promising to get Sonny off, he holds her, Lucas walks in. Adrienne spots him, goes to Lucas, hugs, but needs to see Sonny. (Paul has already gone with him) She tells Justin to fill Lucas in. He does, & tells Lucas to get Adrienne out of there, take her to dinner or something, noting Lucas is good with her, makes her laugh, understands her.

Sonny & Paul are in interrogation room, with Sonny breaking down in tears. Paul holding him, Sonny knowing his mom so upset. Paul is standing by Sonny, noting how Sonny did not let anything stop him from standing by Paul on the island, even if Paul could have killed him. Sonny saved his life, & Paul will do everything to clear Sonny now. Hugs. Adrienne arrives with something to drink, Paul leaves, she tries to convince the adamant Sonny he could not have done this. He insists there is no other explanation. He hated Deimos, wanted him dead, wished for it, they fought. Adrienne again notes everyone was drugged, but Sonny is adamant.

Later, Lucas has Adrienne at the Pub, got her a milkshake, Adrienne is distracted by everything. Anne comes in, comes over and talks of making sure the paper gets out, but then begins gushing about Adrienne getting an interview with the murder suspect, will sell a lot of papers. Lucas shoos her out quickly.

Meanwhile, Hope & Rafe arrive at the Martin house where Lani has been looking around. She says once JJ was arrested, Raines called off everyone, so she is making a more thorough search, found a hotel room card key in the garden under some bushes. Salem Inn, and no one at the party, including staff, was staying there. They think perhaps it was Deimos's room. Hope goes to talk to manager, eventually Rafe goes to the hotel as well.

JJ is released (after talking with Sonny, assuring him he knows he is innocent, and will see him set free) & warned by Raines that he is on paid leave, is not on the case, stay away. JJ calls Lani, goes to the Martin house, she tells about the key, he goes with her to Martin house.

Hope & Rafe are let into the room 204, the manager noting that it has been cleaned, nothing remains. The man arrived with black baseball hat, sunglasses, registered as Sam Reynolds, paid cash, left this morning, the manager was not there to see him leave. (Hope shows him a pic). With manager gone, Hope notes can't be Deimos, he was already dead. And next the two are in a dumpster, going thru bags of trash, finding nothing. Along come Lani & JJ, who are invited into the dumpster. JJ notes the warning from Raines, if he helps, they all could get in trouble. Nope, one for all, join us in here.

And back at the cop shop Sonny is being booked. We see the photos being taken, being fingerprinted, and turning in all his money, watch, etc. Sonny is led away to a cell, looking back at a distraught Justin & Paul.
Thanks for the summary. This sounds like a good episode! I love that Marlena was poking fun at Sami!:rotfl: Was nice to see Kate and Marlena chatting again, as they did a few years ago relatively often, and even nicer to see the other women join them. I really love scenes like this. I'm also so glad Lucas and Anne are back on the screen! Anne was pretty funny today.

Sonny is noble for trying to help JJ, but it's silly that still nobody has done more a la the Halo to get tested at the hospital. Would it be too late by now?
A few words about today's characters.

Sonny: The people that Mr. Big Shot Executive fired might have enjoyed the sight of him crying. About that, Paul should have told him to get a grip because he was starting to act like weeping Will. Paul might have also told him to quit carrying on yet again about how he was the one who had to have killed Deimos, and said that he was starting to sound like Abigail who simply can't shut up about how she had to divorce Chad.

Marlena: Today, she was warning Kate about Andre as if she was some sort of naive, defenseless waif. If Andre had any friends, they'd be warning him with greater justification about being married to Kate. As for Marlena citing Andre's attempt to kidnap Sami as a reason to beware of him, Kate might just find that effort to be one of Andre's more positive deeds.

Kate: For once, Sami might have approved of something Kate said when Ms. Blue Chunk told Marlena, "You should be afraid of marrying John."

Anne: Her remarks about a story about jailbird Sonny were stupid and tasteless, but her comment that somebody had to get out a paper were on target. How many Salemites are that dedicated to their jobs?
The thing at the end, with Sonny being booked was very well done, I must say. I am rather torn about the ladies night out. Kate seemed "in control", they all did have fun, though Kayla looked a bit bewildered at times. Loved Marlena pointing out Andre's misdeeds, though for some reason she failed to mention how Kate poisoned Chloe after trying 3 times, put Sami on death row, plus tried to ruin Sami/Lucas wedding.

Don't know if Marlena even knows how Kate tied Daniel to the bed, holding him prisoner, or how Stefano cleaned up that motel room mess in exchange for her marrying him.

Heck, Andre is who caused Kate & Roman to not be married, and had the whole town thinking Marlena was a serial killer. yes, now a days he SEEMS milder, but I would not trust him at all. Look how he screwed up that important interview with country Club mag. I truly cannot wait to see that. LOL
I had to chuckle when Lucas was telling Adrienne how he was going to take her to the lake to spend the night. She was distracted, thinking about Sonny. She said she had to get home, in case they call. Does anybody in Salem not have a cell phone? I don't know if anybody still has a landline. Seems maybe they use them in the mansions at times, but still everyone does have a cell phone.

I enjoyed the ladies. Not sure I'd want the doctors working on me with a cut artery. They all seemed a little bit tipsy. Lol.....
Thanks, Poirot.

I enjoyed all the humor on the show today. Marlena had some good ones about Andre.

I'm glad Kayla saved the day in the kitchen. It made her realize she is a good doctor.

Nice seeing Anne. I guess we haven't seen her much since she's getting the paper out
while Adrienne and Jennifer are dealing with personal things.

I hope the Salem day ends soon. It's been going on since last week.
In the dumpster scene, Hope could not stop herself from preening her hair while wearing those nasty gloves. :sick:

Would have liked to have seen the investigating foursome working in that very small dumpster. :)

It's a good thing that Sonny got over his crying jag before he went into the jail itself. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: "(Confess) in haste, repent at leisure!" - W. Congreve
It only lasted a hot minute.
