Days of Our Lives - Tues. July 16, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Replay of naked Brady returning from his swim and finding the bracelet, as Kristen arrives & stares, but....a lot of nonsensical conversation follows. She thinks he was following her, he counters with her planning to meet Jen because he knew that was one of his run routes. He gets dressed as they talk, then argue a lot about whether she really loved him as she is claiming, or just another bunch of lies as she has done in the past. She finally tells him to ask his father, realizes he did not talk to his dad before, but says John can tell him that tho her plan was to sleep with John to break up him and Marlena, and John's plan was to do the same to break up Kristen & Brady, she did not go through with it, blah, blah, blah. He leaves. She goes into the town square, plops on a bench, figures she told the truth, but it did not matter. She decides to forget it, focus, keep her eye on the prize.

Adrienne is on the phone with Justin, apologizing for their disagreement, is meeting Sonny, promises to behave, show him she is trying. She sits at the bar in the Pub to order, talks to herself about the baby, starts playing the video of the baby, gets distracted by the waiter when the Sami/Bernardi part plays AGAIN. Finally, she is sitting at a table, plays the baby video, and guess what, folks. She finally sees Bernardi & Sami! She is shocked, then ponders how it got on her phone, realizes it must have been Sonny, which means he knew, and is covering. Sonny arrives, doesn't take Adrienne long to get on Sami's case (without divulging the video she has seen) and Sonny gets angry. She is telling him she loves him, and he knows that. But he loves Will, and if she cannot do that back, and respect his family then he is done. Every time they meet she cannot wait to diss on Sami and it is over. Don't call him, or get in contact, unless you can be nice. He leaves. She thinks about what he said, decides that perhaps she should just give Sami a chance to explain herself.She leaves.

Earlier, Sonny is with Will in the apartment, as Will once more is encouraging Sonny to go out, have fun, see a movie. Sonny refuses, asks if Will is tryintg to get rid of him. But Will talks of some author who is signing books at the book store, a fav of Sonny's urging him to go. Sonny leaves.
Sami meets her mom, they have sodas as Sami brags about EJ taking over the family business and throwing Stefano out. Marlena worries about retaliation from Stefano, Sami assures her that EJ said they will all be safe, Marlena isn't sure. Sami figures they need to change the subject, begins talking of Arianna, which leads to Will, Sonny and then Adrienne. Sami realizes that she is Adrienne's favorite person. Suddenly, both are at Will's, with first Marlena, then Sami holding the baby, all the oohing and ahhing, etc.
Sami has to leave.....which means a really nice one on one conversation between Marlena & Will. He tells her of life being fine, but Sonny has lead such an adventurous life, and now it is so different so he urged him to get out and have some fun. And Marlena, very nicely, very kindly, tells him that Sonny loves him, that he is a package deal with Arianna, and Sonny seems fine with that. But while Will is urging him to get out and fun, this could very easily backfire. Sonny could see it as continually pushing him away . Will thinks about it, says, oh, my gosh, I am turning into my mom. Marlena laughs right along with him. She loves Sami, assures Will he is far from it, nothing like his mom, is a kind and thoughtful man.

Theresa enters the office, fails to turn on a light, moans about being able to get thru this week, then goes to pick up a file off Jen's desk. The light goes on, and Uncle Roman comes in, questions galore. Theresa wiggles out of them all, says she did not put the light on as she was only getting a file, and there was enough light from the hall. Roman tells her he will be keeping an eye on her, she tells Uncle Ro that is not neccessary, and breezes off.

Abe comes to see JJ at home, trying to be a friend, talking of the stress and strain his mom is under, eventually mentioning Jack. JJ gets on his high horse, is angry, and goes upstairs. Abe gets a call, is a bit worried, then gets another. JJ comes down in time to hear Abe talking of drug selling at the high school Abe hangs up, and JJ comes in, telling Abe he is sorry he flew off the handle, he knows he means well. Abe assures him he would never try to take his father's place, but offers to be there to listen if JJ ever wants to talk. Abe gets to mention trouble at the high school as Jen arrives home, wanting to know if he means mischief, vandalism, stuff being destroyed. Abe is vague, has to leave, so does Jen.
So, JJ sits alone, and next is Theresa at the door. She does her flirty thing, brought a file for a cover up excuse for being there, but actually, wants some more of his stash. They talk of partying, sharing, but who knows if Jen will be back soon. He gets a bag, makes her pay this time, off she goes. He wants her to take the file, she won't be going all that way to the hospital. He whispers a suggestion, she smiles, then asks him about pills, mentioning some kind she likes. Off she goes.
Jen returns, finding the file on the stoop with a note from Theresa saying she thought Jen might need this, left it on the stoop so she would not be accused of breaking the rules.
Jen smiles, goes inside, asking JJ if he knew about this. He says no, no one even rang the bell, unless it was when he was in the shower. She buys it, (is out of the room) he grins from ear to ear.
Theresa is out in the park, lighting up her "weed", talking of needing this, and lucky for her, the boss's son has a good supply.

Adrienne is at the DiMera house, asking Harold to see Sami, who is just coming down the stairs. Sami invites her in, no Adrienne wants nothing to drink. She came to give Sami a chance to explain herself.

Brady returns home, pours himself a drink, but reflects on various things Kristen said. We hear the audio. He is about to drink, but puts it down. He paces, throwing something across the room. He picks up the phone, dials a number. "Hello Dad. I need to see you, NOW"
Thanks for posting Poirot!
Finally Adrienne sees the video - it's about time. Looking forward to her conversation with Samantha - that should go well :rotfl:
I may be in the minority but I am rooting for Adrienne on this one! I suppose she's in that same horrid dress and necklace though - ugh!
JJ and Theresa are so boring - I can barely watch them.
Happy for some Marlena today :)
I don't suppose Brady can manage a civil conversation with his Father - that would be too much to hope for :(
As if one juvenile delinquent wasn't enough, Roman now has to deal with Theresa and Sami! And speaking of Sami, give the woman child a hood and a staff and call her the grim reaper because brain cells die in her presence - mostly her own.
Yes, Adrienne is still in that ugly dress. And I just did not like Sami's hair or makeup, not at all.
I am totally sick of Kristen and her plots and lies, and then attempts to sound so sincere when she tells the truth. (At least Brady noted that fact, lol)
A little :OT:, but since meldrel mentioned Adrienne's dress, I could not help but comment on Sami's hair. I hated it. It reminded me of some kind of severe hairdo from a futuristic science fiction movie, where the women are part robot or something. Definitely not soft. Though it does fit Sami's oh so nice personality, doesn't it ?

:back:Brady and Kristen : :zzz: And I can't wait for another conversation between Brady and John. We all know how that's going to go : Brady yelling and disrespecting his father, while John raises his eyebrows and mumbles. :beat::zzz: And to think John used to be one of my favorites. Poor guy. What a way to completely destroy a character.

Jennifer, JJ, Theresa : :zzz:

Sami and Adrienne, tomorrow : Let me guess, Sami will act all offended, throw yet another tamper tantrum, and Adrienne will look like the villain. :beat:

I do love Marlena with Will though.
Okay so it's not yet airing in my time zone.... but this question doesn't really matter Kristen bemoaning telling the truth but it didn't matter.... she needs to keep her eye on the prize...... just what is the prize? She has separated John from Marlena, she has alienated Brady, Sami hates her, and soon she will destroy Eric... What exactly is the prize??? and why is it a prize???
Looking forward now to checking out Sami's hair.... sounds weird....
Oh, and Marlena's shirt looks like a package of Lifesavers

It did, I noticed it too. Plus, yesterday, everyone was complaining about the heat (Kristen, Jen Jen, Brady, who took a dive in the lake) and today, Marlena wears almost long sleeves with a high neckline. Focus, there, editing and wardrobe people.
Thanks for the summary. Haven't watched yet but I know I can't root for Sami. Still, at this point I don't like Adrienne much better than I do Sami so I'm not looking forward to her using the video against Sami. It hard for me to watch a conflict when I don't want either side to win.
Okay so I've watched the show now.... first mother of the year comes into the house sees Abe talking to her son, has a minor discussion regarding drugs in the high school THE VERY SAME thing that got her precious baby expelled from his high priced boarding school and what does she do???? of course she doesn't sit down and discuss anything deeply with her son... she dashes out of the house leaving him alone..... yes.......

Did Sami's pink strip change sides? or did my week away in the mountains wipe that out of my mind??

Love Marlena and Will.... Hate the sweater she was wearing....

Speculation... Brady will go back to Kristen and then accidentally the video gets out....
thanks for the explanation of Kristen's Master Plan.... it makes as much sense as John's Plan.....
Yay, loved seeing Marlena!!! I know that the weather factor being added in and what she was wearing made no sense, but I actually think she looked nice in that outfit. At least she wasn't in a heavy jacket, LOL.
My favorite moments today were by far Marlena and Will and even Marlena and Sami (mainly because of the warning she was giving her daughter about Stefano's retaliation). I loved the scenes at Wills home with the baby. They were so cute and after Sami left they became very poignant moments. I love seeing how close and relaxed those two are around one another and the "oh no I'm my mother" moment was hilarious.

Another thing that had me laughing today was the "Uncle Ro" comment made by Jeannie/Theresa. Even Roman, made an after comment. That was too funny! Pfft, Uncle Ro...:rotfl:

Kristen and Brady had some interesting moments today. Which leads Brady to call John! Yay, John!!!
Sadly the end of those moments with Brady and her, lead to her becoming even more determined than ever to utterly destroy Marlena.

Is it me or does it seem Sami is becoming (acting, the look) a DiMera? I noticed it especially with Adrienne. Oh and the video is finally out! Dun, dun, dun!