Days of Our Lives - Tues. July 20, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Episode #11378 Tape date 5/13 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Nathan arrives at the Pub, greeting a very happy Stephanie, who comments on how the bracelet he gave her sparkles in artificial light. Nathan wants to talk, no has not started to pack yet, wants to be sure Stephanie is really o.k. with him moving in, it was such a spur of the moment suggestion. Ahhh, she is more than o.k., goes on and on at all the things she wants to do with him, fall asleep next to him at night, wake up in a.m. take showers, blah, blah. So…it is a go, he leaves to go pack. Adrienne comes in, Stephanie tells her the good news, Nathan is moving in. Adrienne is happy for her, comments on it all happening very naturally, isn’t it better. Stephanie agrees, cannot believe she ever even considered trying to trick Nathan.

Melanie sits in the kitchen, eating some kind of chocolate, Philip comes in, missing his wife. She pops a Hershey’s Bliss little chocolate in his mouth, mentioning the word decadent, lol. Smoochy time, he carries her up to bed. Later she comes down, just wearing a PJ top, and in comes Nathan with that bowl & spoon he found at the picnic spot. Melanie thanks him, Philip comes in wondering where his wife went, surprised to see Nathan, awkward convo. Phil leaves, Nathan says good night and leaves, too. (definitely filler stuff)

At the hospital, Lexie is telling the DA and Chad that Madeline did not survive her injuries. The DA angrily accuses Chad of killing his mother, Lexie intervenes, talking of Madeline being on medication and living on borrowed time. The DA explodes at Lexie, Stefano butts in, won’t allow him to talk that way to his daughter, Lexie tells Stefano to butt out, she will handle things. Kate hurries him away. Lexie explains Madeline had an aneurysm in the brain, it is what caused all the bleeding. The DA still blames Chad, Lexie says it could have happened any time, while talking, driving, sleeping. Chad is trying to talk to his dad, he loved his mom, too. The DA bitterly tells Chad he meant the world to Madeline, that they could not talk about anything at all without Chad’s name coming up. He warns Chad not to talk to him, he doesn’t want to hear his voice. He finally takes off, having to make arrangements for his wife. Stefano comes up, sorry his dad treated him this way, but Chad doesn’t want any sympathy from Stefano, his mother hated him. Stefano agrees, is sorry they did not get along. Chad gets up, going to the other of the waiting room, Kate talks to Stefano, who knows what it is like to lose a son. He remembers all the horrible things he said to Tony, telling him that he was dead to him, and not even an hour later….Kate hushes any further talk about that. Stefano sighs, commenting that at least they will no longer have the problem with Madeline. He walks away, Kate mutters to herself that she is not too sure of that.
Chad returns, Kate tells him his father is just upset, give him time, he does need you. You should go to him. Why, so he can yell at me more. Kate tries to reassure Chad, telling him a brain aneurysm is not caused by falling, your dad isn’t thinking clearly, just give him time, after all, he is still your father. Chad retorts that he has never acted like it, and leaves. Kate says “I wonder why”.

Daniel is trying to get Chloe to tell him exactly why Father Matt won’t marry them. She finally claims he thinks she is a terrible person, she has done some things they don’t see eye to eye on. Daniel wants to know exactly what, they argue, Chloe tells him to call Father Matt and just ask him what she told him in confession. Daniel steps back, trying to soothe the troubled waters, we next see them in afterglow, but it doesn’t take long for the whole question to come up again. Daniel is frustrated, she wants to be married right now, in the hospital, no she doesn’t, then in church, no she doesn’t, she wants a civil ceremony, no she doesn’t, he jumps out of bed, is getting dressed, is angry. She tries to tell him she just wants to wait a month or so. He knows there is something she is not telling him, she wishes she could explain, but can’t, he storms out of the apt.

Hope has evidently done some prep work, comes into the living room, takes off her gloves, now all she has to do is get the rest of the stuff on the list. She starts to leave, opens the door, and there stands Bo, asking what she is doing there. Hope claims Ciara asked her to get her video games, no she did not find them. Bo walks over to the table, where they sit in plain view. He is clearly puzzled by Hope and her sarcasm, finally asking where is Hope and what have you done with her, commenting on her different hair, makeup, etc. Hope says something about having to move on with her life, makes a crack about the woman who stole her husband, and is sashaying around town with no compunction about it. He tells Hope to leave Carly out of this….gets a call from Carly who has been called into emergency surgery, won’t be home. Hope calls him Beauregard, pulls his shirt up to her and kisses him. Starts to leave. Bo offers to talk things out with Hope, all night if necessary.
She takes him up on the offer, sending him to make coffee. She rummages in her purse, finds her pills, saying these will work, there is enough (she pours 5 or 6 out into her hand), puts them back in her purse. Bo returns with the tray, cups, cream, sugar, etc. He gets a call from Roman, goes into the other room, she says she will take care of the coffee. She pours a cup, takes out the pill bottle, pouring ALL the pills into the coffee, adds cream, stirs….Perfect. Bo returns, she is drinking her own cup, he picks up his, taking the first sip.

Best line of the day. Where is Hope and what have you done with her? Oh Bo watch your back. You are in for a shock tonight.

Thanks for the write-up. It is great as usual
all the wonderfully and tense things that happen today....and all I can think of is why the heck do people feel they have the right just to walk into other people's homes? Seriously don't live there anymore...don't you knock?

and the other one..... Daniel...its been a very very long time that you've had the Salem brain....when you do get it...don't misuse it like that...ask the questions and then put two and two together...seriously...yer a friggin' high powered doctor...she needs "a couple of months" to figure it out...and she's friggin' pregnant..... Well DUH!!!!

hokay....I feel so much better now.....Tanks for the great write up Barb!
She pops a Hershey’s Bliss little chocolate in his mouth

LOL, another product placement so soon? How did we ever get so lucky?

I'm glad that Daniel isn't just accepting Chloe's explanations at face value. (Sami needs to take a lesson from him.)

If I didn't dislike Chad so much I'd feel worse about his father blaming him. However, as it is I do think Chad was a complete jerk to his mother right before she fell--from what I could tell her prostitution was long before he was born and she had built a very successful, stable life since then, which deserves praise, not censure--so if he's going to blame himself for a while, I think that's fair. It's not like the writers haven't made it clear it wasn't technically his fault (though did him upsetting her so much cause the aneurysm to burst?).

Thanks for the great writeup!
Thanks for the write up! While I am glad Hope & Bo have a big story line. I hate this whole set up!!
@ Paxton.....hey I think that Chad's reaction to the news was perfectly natural. First of all...he's a kid and he has always looked up to his mother as the pinnacle of all things perfect....and she has always protected I think that if I jest found out from someone else that my mom was a whore, I'd be a bit ticked too.

the aneurysm burst probably upon impact and she bled out. yes they are trying to "soften the blow" so that we the audience do not lay blame the way his ol' man is.
regardless, a fall like that could have easily caused her death without the anerysm....and remember this is the Salem peer...only bad things happen here. :)
thanks for the write up. cant wait to see the show.
Rew, my issue is that from what I remember of Chad's past, he got sent off to military school for drug use, and of course we know he impregnated another teenager while he was in high school. He expected his parents to love him and stand by him during his mistakes. Maddie's mistake happened before Chad was even born, as far as I know. I can't blame him for being upset about it, but he was so judgmental. Had he been outraged that Stefano DiMera pimped out his mother, that I would have been with--being upset and devastated that his mother was used and abused like that. I just am so sick of Salem's judgmental hypocrites.
Heck, that aneurysm could have burst CAUSING her to fall.......not Chad jerking his arm away, but unfortunate that Chad is probably going to blame himself.

As to that product placement, yep, but it only lasts like 5 seconds, is definitely not a "in your face", and actually, very well done, very natural.

The DA is really horrible to Chad, telling him immediately upon learning Madeline did not make it......."You killed your mother". It is obvious he resents Chad, always has....and now is showing it full screen.
Later she comes down, just wearing a PJ top, and in comes Nathan with that bowl & spoon he found at the picnic spot. Melanie thanks him, Philip comes in wondering where his wife went, surprised to see Nathan, awkward convo. Phil leaves, Nathan says good night and leaves, too. (definitely filler stuff)

When isn't Nathan stuff filler? I am sure this filler was set up for more filler to come. They used to live in the same house, he has never seen her in a PJ top before? RME

Hope stuff is getting good.

Thanks for the write up.
@ Paxton...I git ya! :)

and forgive this old sod but I completely fergot that Chad made some other girl pregnant...ahs thought it were only Mia.

tanks fer yer feedback. :)

@slyn.....Nathan stuff is always filler eh? so maybe in his next line of work he could be turkey stuffin' :)
Rew, sorry for the confusion. I went back and reread my post and I see why you thought I meant Chad impregnated someone else plus Mia. When I said he impregnated "another teenager," I meant, he himself was a teenager and he impregnated one (Mia). As far as we know Chad has only been responsible for one Salem pregnancy.
he himself was a teenager and he impregnated one (Mia). As far as we know Chad has only been responsible for one Salem pregnancy.

People always seem to say, "he impregnated...." It seems to me that both he and she took part in the deed, not just him. Except in the case of rape, it takes two to tango.
I'm probably in the minority, but I'm glad that they are redeeming Stephanie's character a little (with her fessing up that trickery and deceit isn't the way to keep a man). That's showing signs of growing up. I do feel, though, that with them living together, she's going to muck it up again with her immaturity and desperation to keep Nathan.
again...another female who is so desparate to keep her man that she will lie and manipulate her way into it.
I don't know about you but aren't you getting just a little tired of it Trey?

I would definitely love to see them revamp Stephanie's character, that is for sure.
Oh, I'm with you. I'm totally getting tired of it. But, in the last few scenes with her (since she realized that getting pregnant wasn't the answer) it seems that Stephanie is starting to realize that tricking Nathan to hold onto him isn't the ideal way to be in a relationship.

Sadly, though, the writers seem to like when our heroines are clingy and desperate, which is so completely not the case. I'm sickened that they think that any child of Steve and Kayla's would have such low morals.