Days of Our Lives - Tues. July 23, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ho. Hum.........Eric holds the ice pkg. on Sarah's boo boo, asking what Kate said to upset her. Rex comes in, and one of those conversations ensues wherein Rex “knows all about it, doesn't know why he did not see it before” etc. Sarah assures him nothing going on between her & Eric, oh, Rex knows that, why would they say that. And more of the same. Sorry, it seems all silly/stupid to me. But Sarah was upset that Kate said them all living together seemed incestuous, then Rex learns Kate hit Sara with the ice bucket, so he rushes off to tell mom to lay off his wife. This leaves Eric & Sarah to talk in round about way of how they feel towards each other, but Eric won't let her go on, she is married to his brother, etc. etc.

Meanwhile, Stefan is trying to get Kate to tell him why she is lying, he thinks she & Ted are in cahoots with Nicole, promises to protect her, they can work together, she knows he is not one who kidnapped them. Stefan really tries, Rex arrives, gets in Stefan's face as Kate rants about him harassing her. He calls police.Stefan leaves

Lani is questioning Ted in the square, he tries to put her off, does a good job stalling her, she gets call and leaves to go to Kate's room. Ted follows her. She is in Kate's room, gets the story, says Stefan could have his bail revoked.....leaves. Rex feels bad for her, so doesn't get on her case much, poor Kate! (sarcasm). He leaves, Ted arrives, she gives him the lie she told, about hearing Stefan & Xander outside the door.

And then over to real Susan coming face to face with fake Susan. She gets all worked up, figures it is Kristen, pulls a gun, talks about how Kristen impersonated her other times, locked her in a freezer, etc. But fake Susan says no, no, I am your sister. Nope, sister Penelope is dead. Not her, Sister Mary Moira! Not in a habit as fell in love with the gardener. Left the nunnery. Real Susan swallows this, Moira in Salem to see Susan, as she is leaving on a cruise. (and I keep rolling my eyes, muttering at the TV). Oh, hugs, and goodbyes.

At the Kmansion, Brady is insisting on seeing whatever Xander has in briefcase. Xander reluctantly opens, hands Brady some financial info, he had not yet had a chance to show him. Brady gives him a bit of a hard time, then wants to know what else. Xander on the spot, but Maggie walks in, tells Brady she had a moment of weakness, Victor upset about Susan being in town. Brady will take her to a meeting, Xander wishes her the very best, she doesn't trust him, so is a bit chilly. They leave, Xander goes off to have some fun.

Brady & Maggie are done with meeting, walking away, run into real Susan, who is delighted to see Maggie, hugs, she has to leave, so happy to have seen all her friends here, hugs Brady telling him he will find someone to love, she is going back to Roger who misses her.

Lani is walking thru square, sees Stefan, warns him he is a fool, could end up back in prison with that stunt. He says he is innocent, they are the ones who have perjured themselves, and he is going to prove it. She additionally warns him to stay away from the witnesses.

Xander finally shows up to meet with Kristen, they threaten each other back and forth. He takes out the Nicole mask, knowing she won't get near Brady without it. They argue about who is boss, but he lets her know that he knows who she is, and if she gives him any problems, he will blow her out of the water.

Rex returns to apartment, Sarah tells him that Kate was right, and they should move. Rex protests, she awkwardly tries to explain why, Eric finally chimes in that Sarah wants their own privacy, and living in the man cave is not all that private. Rex laughs, realizes Eric sees them making out on sofa, more silly stuff. Sarah adds that Eric needs his privacy as well. Rex agrees, they really are imposing. Hug.
But fake Susan says no, no, I am your sister. Nope, sister Penelope is dead. Not her, Sister Mary Moira! Not in a habit as fell in love with the gardener. Left the nunnery. Real Susan swallows this, Moira in Salem to see Susan, as she is leaving on a cruise. (and I keep rolling my eyes, muttering at the TV). Oh, hugs, and goodbyes.
Can't believe Susan wouldn't know it wasn't the real Mary Moira. Nice nod to history to have them mention Penelope, though.
Please make it stop was the major theme of the day.

Rexy-Sarah-Eric: When will this nonsense end? Instead of applying his icepack to Sarah's head, Eric ought to take it over to the Pub to help keep the beer cold. He does remember that he works at the Pub, doesn't he?

Kristen and Her Mask: Fie on Xander for giving creepy Kristen her equally creepy mask back. Maggie may have cooled on the X-Man and Brady is out to get rid of him, but he could have become a hero to the long-suffering viewers by taking a scissors to that ridiculous product of Dr. Rolf's evil genius.

Finally, why is Maggie now down on Xander just because he participated in a kidnapping? After all, kidnappings are a popular indoor and outdoor sport in Salem. Her cuddle-bear, Victor, once kidnapped Stefano and refused to give him his meds, and Brady, the apple of her eye, once kidnapped Vivian and Gus and dumped them on some tropical island until she agreed to give up her controlling shares of Titan. (His keeping Viv in the magic sarcophagus also qualified as a kidnapping.)
DBF, yes, yes, yes to your post! Rex and Brady should be brothers. They are the most clueless people ever, especially when it comes to the women in their lives. This Rex/Eric/Sarah thing needs to stop!

Just when I've gotten to liking Xander, he is already starting to lose points. I wish he hadn't give Kristen back her mask. What has he got to gain by continuing his association with her anyway?
Thanks, Poirot.

Darn #1 Susan figured out it was Kristen dressed as her, but Kristen weaseled out of
it by claiming to be her sister Mary Moira.

Darn #2 I thought for sure Rex figured out about Sarah and Eric.. until next time I guess.

Darn #3 Maggie saved Xander today by coming in and wanting Brady to take her to
a meeting before Brady could see what Xander was hiding in the briefcase.

Darn #4 Lani was called away when talking to Ted about Stefan and him being the
kidnapper. Now Ted has time to fix his story after talking to Kate.

Darn #5 Susan is leaving Salem already. I hope she'll be back soon.