Days of Our Lives -Tues., July 31, 2018

Thanks, Poirot.

So, Eve and Jen are keeping secrets together. Jen wants to tell Brady about Eve being the one who
worked with Victor putting the drugs in JJ's apartment. But Eve will tell Eric the reason why
Nicole left Salem.

I thought it was nice Rafe gave Ben the number for the Homeless Shelter. Will Hope approve?

Adrienne wants Bonnie found. Will Steve find her?

Several names mentioned on today's show, Nicole, Sami and Kristen. It would be interesting
to see them all come back to Salem on the same plane.
I didn't dislike today's episode but I'm getting to dislike some people more and more. Hope has been acting ugly for a while. Today wasn't the first time she was downright hateful. I can't stand watching her raise that eyebrow anymore. Yes, we all get that she's worried for her daughter, that's understandable. But she's beginning to be out of control herself. I also don't like Rafe shoving Ben around or being physical at all with him, when he's fully cooperating and not being disrespectful. Hope and Rafe are both acting like bullies.

So it's almost certain Kristen is coming back. I never could stand to watch her. I'm also guessing Bonnie will be showing up, I can only hope, briefly. She's not someone I want to watch either. Not really looking forward to Sami showing up either. She always brings some irritating kind of drama. I'm just supposing she will show up, since a fuss is being made about her coming to the wedding.

I'm not a fan of Adrienne's hairdo.

Trying to think of something I did like about today's show. Steve and his magazines and the chowder was the best part.