Days of Our Lives -Tues., July 31, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Eve has stopped Jennifer cold turkey, tells her the whole sordid story of how Nicole said she killed Deimos. Jen asks questions, Eve fills in, the drugging, her not remembering, then she says she did, Brady figuring it out a couple weeks later, Nicole’s admission, then her connecting again with Eric, having sex, telling Brady she was leaving him to go with Eric, and jealous/angry Brady threatening to use the recording he had of her confession, to put her in prison. Not wanting to lose Holly again, Nicole left. Jen still wants to tell Brady, but Eve insists that she will then tell Eric, who will get on the first plane to search the globe for Nicole. If Jen tells Brady of her involvement in the custody case, she is telling Eric, so, if Eve loses Brady, Jen will lose Eric. Eve walks out.

And about the same thing is going on between Brady & Eric. Brady tries to spill to Eric what he did to force Nicole out of town, how angry he was, how he was determined that both Eric and Nicole would have what he now had……nothing. But Eric keeps interrupting (Salem citizens’ national pastime) noting how time has passed, he has moved on, is in a better place, he & Jen are much better for each other, both feel the same things, want the same things. Brady decides to keep his confession to himself, Eric leaves.

John & Marlena sit in the square, discussing their upcoming wedding, though Marlena has been thinking of Kristen. They talk of her, what she did with Brady, how evil, glad she is dead. Marlena, though, just wishes they had found her body. That bothers her, she has been thinking about it ever since they left Memphis.

Ciara & Ben sit on the floor, talking, as he holds the ice pack to his head. Hope bursts thru the door, gun drawn, pointed at them, ordering Ben to get away from her daughter. Ciara is shocked, mortified, what are you doing? We were just talking, I am fine. Rafe comes in, Ben has moved away from Ciara, both standing now, Rafe tells Hope Ciara has said she is fine, holster your gun. Ciara asks why they are there, Hope says Claire said you invited a serial killer in. Ciara rants back….did she tell you she assaulted Ben? That the second she saw him, she hit him on the head with a frying pan. Nope, admits Hope. Ciara continues……he was dizzy, I worried about concussion, had him come in. Ben says he is leaving, Ciara doesn’t want him to, he says it is o.k. She asks where he slept last night, he admits park bench (and no, Hope/Rafe say nothing about Eve attacking Ben). Rafe insists he leave, he will walk him out. Hope closes the door, gives Ciara a look, Ciara has protested she is an adult, you cannot tell me what to do. Hope just wants her to promise if Ben returns….Ciara figures he won’t. Hope wants her to promise anyway, she does, hugs, love you.

Meanwhile, on the street, Rafe gives Ben the address of a homeless shelter, they are expecting him, but warns him that he doesn't think Ben is o.k. after just 2 years in Shady Hills, thinks he is pretending, & Ciara is like a daughter to him, stay away from her, Will, Abigail.... if you lay a hand on Ciara, you’ll answer to me.

Steve is all cheerful as Kayla comes in the room, Tripp has left, bought him some mags in the gift shop, jokes about now being able to read celebrity gossip. They kiss and kiss some more, Adrienne comes in (new shorter haircut for her), he teases about the color of her blouse, she is happy he can see again, Kayla leaves the room. Adrienne wonders what he is going to next, when he leaves the hospital. He is anxious to get back to work. Good, she replies, as she wants him to find Bonnie Lockhart. She talks of what it was like being mistaken for her in prison, how Bonnie did her wrong, and she won’t feel safe until Bonnie is back behind bars, where she belongs. Steve doesn’t know if he could be successful when the FBI hasn’t been, but agrees to try his best to find her.

A somber Jennifer comes along just as Kayla is exiting the Pub with chowder for Steve. They exchange small talk, Kayla commenting JJ going to get his job back, asking about Abby, Jen says she is fine. (except they talk of Abby’s therapy, not her pregnancy). Jen is happy Steve has his sight back, hugs, see ya.

Kayla returns to the hospital, Steve happy she brought Mama Brady’s chowder. More kisses.

Marlena is going over the guest list, noting that they have not received an RSVP from Sami yet. Marlena wants all their family together there at the wedding. John says then call her, tell her that. Marlena makes the call, it goes to voice mail. She says they haven’t gotten her RSVP yet, really hopes she can make it, wants her there.

Eve returns to the room, looking rather sad, admits to Brady she saw Ben Weston, all her rage and sorrow came washing over her, she wanted to kill him, attacked him. Don’t know what would have happened if Hope & Rafe had not come along. She asks about his day, could not be as bad as hers. He says well, he didn’t talk to anyone he wanted to kill, but Eric came by. She gets worried look, he admits he almost told him, but Eric is happy with Jennifer, Brady figured it would not do any good if he told him, and would, in fact, upset a lot of lives. She agrees.

Jen is standing, contemplating what she should do, saying it aloud. Do about what, says Eric, who is behind her.
Well after Eve did really tell Jennifer about Nicole I was hoping Brady would do the same but nope! Eric won't shut up! I hate when they won't just let the person talk.

Hope!! Ugh!! ! If she was my mom I would hate her. If she was my police commissioner I would hate her!! Just pulling her gun on a guy talking to her daughter?! I hope she does something against Ben that she can really be charged with!! Her actions are ridiculous!!! Ciara is an adult and can make her own decisions!! I can't believe she pinky promised. You know she didn't mean that! Rafe saying no way is Ben healed and changed person. Does he think the same thing of Abigail? Will she never be healed and always be only a killer? I always liked Ben so I am hoping for redemption. We'll see.
I hate to think I am somewhat siding with Hope. Let's just think this through a bit. Just suppose your child (even grown up) felt that Charles Manson had changed or Ted Bundy and saw them as safe. Would you be willing to turn a blind eye or your brain to let that happen without any warnings of how dangerous etc.? Whether or not Ben is cured does not account for a parent's concern for their child's welfare.

The most ridiculous thing is saying Abigail was fixed by a few weeks with her grandmother who was psycho herself at one time. Salem has a perfectly competent Dr. Evans who could have been used to work Abigail through her recovery. This whole Abigail story is a mess and destroying Gabi in the process.

The show is in serious trouble.
I do understand Hope's concern. However, that does not excuse Hope from hounding Ben as she has been doing. She has warned Ciara repeatedly, Ciara feels she knows Ben better than Hope does. And that is true. Hope has spent NO TIME with Ben. And just what would Hope do if Ciara was out in California? and ran into Chase? Or if Ben relocated there?
Of course Hope is worried, and wanting to protect her daughter. Then why not hire someone to keep an eye on Ben.....or Ciara? Instead, Hope is using her job to harass someone. She was a witness to someone trying to kill Ben.....ignored it. She has told everyone Ben started the fire, without any proof whatsoever. She has burst into Ciara's apartment, no knocking, gun drawn, intending to shoot Ben. And I am betting, having learned that Claire assaulted Ben, will say nothing to Claire, either.
This is same woman who murdered a man, (Stefano) and covered it up, then framed another man for it. Sure, both were deserving, but......she is a cop, and.........well, she is using her badge to escape blame for anything she does, and to allow her to stalk and harass a man far........has done nothing except save her daughter's life.
Hey, I don't pin roses on Ben, not at all, just find Hope's actions, as police commissioner, reprehensible.
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So, Adrienne is a reporter now? :rolleyes:

The way how Eric was taking about his and Jennifer's relationship sure didn't have feeling warm and fuzzy all over.

As nasty as Eve was, she was right. Jennifer is nothing more than a consolation prize.
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I was so rooting for Brady to tell Eric the whole truth so it was an in your face for Eve
foiling her somewhat blackmailing efforts to keep Jen quiet.
But drats, that didn’t happen. I will write it this way. Jen and Eric are on a date
when she tells him that before they can have a future together there is something he
has to know about why Nicole left. So she begins but he interrupts and says he knows
and has known all along, that it doesn’t make any different as he realizes it was a toxic
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The twit is probably still trying to figure out what RSVP spells. :)

Good one, KathyLu.

Well, a bunch of us called it in several different threads that the one to not respond would be Samantha Gene. Plus this talk of Kristen has to mean that she or Sami will ruin the wedding.

Jennifer and Brady blew it. I'm buying my bus ticket to go to Salem. Eric needs to know what a rat Brady is , and he better know that Jennifer with held information about Nicole before things get too serious.
Here's a picture of Sami when she listens to Marlena's voicemail about the wedding.

So, Adrienne is a reporter now? :rolleyes:
Not really. What real reporter would forget his/her notepad?

The twit [Sami] is probably still trying to figure out what RSVP spells. :)
The only two letters that she can successfully string together are E and J.

As for the episode, here is some dialogue that I would have liked to hear.
  • Ciara: "Mom! Put down that stupid gun before you shoot yourself in the foot."
  • Ciara: "OMG, Mom, you're actually telling Ben to go live in state prison. Like you enjoyed it so much the last time you were there."
  • Steve: "Find Bonnie Lockhart? I still can't believe that she escaped in the first place. The cops in this town are so useless."
  • Steve: "Pub chowder! Great! Sweetness, this stuff is so good for me that if I eat enough, I might just regrow my other eye."
  • John: "OMG Doc, do we really have to invite Sami to our wedding? If she starts in one more time about tabletops and ruining her life I might just go into another coma."
Steve: "Pub chowder! Great! Sweetness, this stuff is so good for me that if I eat enough, I might just regrow my other eye."

John: "OMG Doc, do we really have to invite Sami to our wedding? If she starts in one more time about tabletops and ruining her life I might just go into another coma."
Sami has a large portrait of herself witnessing the tabletop tryst delivered to the wedding as her present.

Dr. Baker reminded me of a piece of dialogue that was truly mean. Ciara asked Ben where he slept last night........he finally admits it was a park bench. Ciara comments he has no where to stay, and Hope says there's a nice little room that you would like. A place called Statesville.
I don't know what happened to Hope, but I suggest she go see Marlena.
Actually, I think I know what has changed all these people into such cruel, nasty, vengeful Salemites. It is all that time spent in the town square, they don't go home, conduct all business there, meet friends, and take a break from it only in the park. No wonder it is so easy to do mass hypnotism (Andre's way of causing mayhem as he transported those thought killed to Melaswen). But these Salemites don't seem to use their homes, everything is out in square. Planning weddings, having dates, spying, having a cup of coffee, etc. For all the stores, no one shops. LOL. Not even window browsing.
After Sami figures out what RSVP spells, she'll need to learn to pronounce it. That should keep her busy until Marlena's and John's next, next wedding.

John saying he thanks God that Kristen is gone for good only means one thing on the soaps.
Great minds, JS!