Days of Our Lives Tues., June 11, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Missed the 1st few minutes, but evidently Will wants to marry Sonny, who says yes, Jen & JJ get out on bail, Eli arrests Tripp & Haley, Gabi talks to Kayla about Will, getting all upset because she had no idea Will was at death's door. She moans about only thinking about some other things, and wasn't there for Will.

Eli is putting cuffs on Tripp, Haley tries to get him to stop, saying Tripp was trying to talk her into giving up, but she collapses. All over to the hospital. Eve is promising Ben he is going down, and will pay for killing Paige.

Ciara & Claire rush into the cop shop, Ciara protesting it could not be Ben. Eve admits he denies, but they have the lighter and all the proof they need. She sends Ciara into the interrogation room to talk to Ben, while she pulls Claire into her office, and reads her a riot act, knows she started the fire, what was she thinking. Claire tells her tale of being deceived by Tripp, who was running off with Haley, they were plotting behind her back. She explains about getting the passports from Rory, one for Tripp, looking thru the window, she had the lighter, saw the can of kerosene. If she could not have Tripp, who she loves so much, then no one can. She wanted them to burn. As she says this, she realizes what she said, asks what is wrong with her. Eve, of course, soothes her, will get her out of this, Ben will be blamed, not to worry, Claire is fine, blah, blah.

Meanwhile, Ciara is getting all the truth from Ben. It was Claire, the ringtone, how he heard it again in the cafe, he did not tell Ciara, knowing she was already upset, then she ran after Eve, Claire left, he followed, could not tell her. They figure out how Claire always so jealous about Tripp, how now she tried to kill him & Haley. Ciara is ready to confront Claire, Ben talks her out of that, she will only get defensive. He suggests Ciara pretend to believe Claire, get to relax, drop her defenses, then get her to tell the truth all by herself.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Haley is brought in on gurney, Eli staying with her, Kayla reports back to Tripp that Haley will be o.k. Then wants to check him over. He protests, she insists, he is fine. She tells him he is a lot like his father, loves him, he loves her as well. He is puzzled over Ben being the one to set the place on fire, why? He barely knows Haley, and has has nothing to do with Tripp.

Gabi has burst into Will's room, crying, upset she has not been there, will do anything for him, whatever it takes. Will lets her know they are being married, she pulls out her birthstone ring so they can make the engagement official. So, Will proposes again to Jackson Steven Kiriakis, Sonny accepts to William Robert Horton, Kiss. Gabi happy. She leaves them alone.

Sonny sees Will's journal, starts to read a bit of it (it is very moving, what he says about him & Sonny, and how memories really consists of “moments”). Will also reads part of it aloud. Very touching.

JJ is getting some food, something to drink for him & his mother, she sees on her tablet news of the fire at Horton cabin, rush to hospital. JJ sees Tripp, glad he is o.k., goes to Haley's room. She is better, Eli sits there, JJ asks for time alone, Eli will be right outside the door. JJ suggests to Haley he can still run off with her, sneak her out of hospital on a gurney, but she calls a halt to his plan. She is tired of running, of all the hiding. She appreciates so much all that Tripp has done, that JJ has done, but no more. She will go to China, get deported. She asks JJ just to stay there with her, hold her hand. He does, kisses it.

Jennifer passes by as Kayla & Tripp part. Kayla tells her about Will, and why no antidote, including that Eve had the diary, no longer does, but won't say where it is.

Ciara runs into Claire as both are leaving the P.D. Claire asks what Ben said, Ciara notes he blamed Claire, but she doesn't believe him of course. She & Claire are family, love each other, Ciara knows Claire would never want to hurt her. They hug. Claire is satisfied, Ciara near tears.

Eve calls Ted, offers him the D.A. Job back, wants him to prosecute Ben Weston. Leaves message to call her, they will discuss. She hangs up, the door opens, there is Jennifer. Commissioner....we need to talk!
If we can end this Haley storyline and move on, that would be great. I'm sure some fake, last-minute thing will save her from deportation.

Really interested to see how Ciara works to trap Claire and save Ben. I hope it involves something that bites Eve in the rear. She's willing to let one unstable, near serial murderer go to catch Ben, who actually shows signs of being mentally stable. Claire is as bad as Ben was. She's just been lucky others have intervened before people died.
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Yesterday, Bo Brady would have been smiling over the Salem P.D. repeatedly ignoring constitutional protections. Today, however, he would have been gagging over "Commissioner" Eve's utter criminality.
  • She knows that Ben is innocent, but is eager to frame him.
  • She knows the identity of the real arsonist, but is fine with letting her walk free.
  • She realizes that Claire the arsonist is not playing with a full deck, but she's fine with letting her roam free. (Who knows what she might set fire to next.)
As Bo gets green around the gills over Eve's malfeasance in office, he does have one thing to smile about: his daughter has launched a campaign to see that justice is done. The old quote from the film The Fly, "be afraid, be very afraid," now applies to Claire. As Sami once discovered, nobody should seriously mess with Ciara. The YouTube squawker is going to go down hard.

Finally, if JJ really wants to help Haley, he should move to China with her. He could get a job teaching English where he could entertain his students with his guitar-playing and telling tales of the unbelievable criminality that's part of Salem history. Imagine a student saying: "Mr. JJ, tell us another story about Stefano DiMera."
Can Jack please find out what Eve is doing?

Can the storytellers find a way to absolve Ben of the 3 deaths, leaving him with the attempted murder of Will, and the kidnapping of Abby, taking her baby, and attempting to burn both her & Chad, tied to the bed. (He did not do a very good job of that, because they got free pretty easily!) Those would still have him with a mental problem, sort of on the same level currently as Claire, but not guilty of murder. Oh, let that be Clyde! LOL

Wonder if the Horton cabin is made of the same unburnable wood that built the other cabin that has been set on fire twice, but still stands! Wonder why no fire dept. at the Horton cabin, since no one seemed around to even try and put that fire out.
I thought Jack did know what Eve was doing? Pretty sure she told him she really knows who set the fire and it wasn't Ben.
Thanks, Poirot.

I wondered today how the fire got put out. Yesterday, we saw Eli use his
jacket to try to put it out. Maybe the Smith Island critters have a fire

When Eve asked Claire if anyone saw her at the cabin I wondered
if a raccoon did. And I think we've learned before the ferries have

Eve thinks Ben's fingerprints are on the lighter. They shouldn't be
because he used a handkerchief to pick it up.

Eve called Ted to offer his old job back. I thought the mayor was
supposed to do that. Maybe because Eve's married to Jack she
decided to do it on her own.

Will Tripp talk to Ciara about that it doesn't make sense Ben would
set the fire?

Hopefully, Claire will obey Eve and not set anymore fires.
Can the storytellers find a way to absolve Ben of the 3 deaths, leaving him with the attempted murder of Will, and the kidnapping of Abby, taking her baby, and attempting to burn both her & Chad, tied to the bed. (He did not do a very good job of that, because they got free pretty easily!) Those would still have him with a mental problem, sort of on the same level currently as Claire, but not guilty of murder. Oh, let that be Clyde! LOL
I will never understand why they have made Ben a hero and Ciara's love life. It seems to me he could go berserk most any time, if he skips his meds. I don't understand his following at all.
I do wish that Ben was not guilty of two murders (like Poirot said). I would certainly accept a rewrite of all this to make Clyde the culprit. And to make Ben afraid of his father, needing medication for PTSD (following Clyde's bad treatments of him) but not him being aggressive if taken off his meds.

But I don't agree with the comparison with EJ, with all due respect. EJ was bad to the bone, never showed any kind of remorse for anything, never did anything nice, contrary to Ben. And at least, Ciara was never Ben's victim, while Sami was raped and abused by EJ.

So I think that's why Ciara and Ben work for me, but Sami and EJ never did. To me, putting Sami with EJ is like putting Chase with Ciara after he raped her. Nope, that's just terrible. Why would a rape victim be paired with her attacker? That's just sick and disgusting, in my opinion.

Then again, I always found Sami sick and disgusting anyway.
We saw Ben strangle Will. We didn't see him strangle any of the others. We didn't even see him murder the midwife. They went outside, and we heard a gunshot (if I remember correctly). They could totally rewrite this. I mean as annoyed as I am with Eve, if my daughter's serial murderer was frolicking around town, I'd be enraged. Right now, I'm just going with the whole, "We're supposed to move on from all that," vibe. I like the actor, and I want to forget the sociopathic killer story.
I don't understand his following at all.
It's actor-based. He's terrific. (Truly shows how short-sighted and petty the writers who picked him as the serial killer were.)

That said, I don't like how Ben threatens people when he finds it necessary. I didn't like it when Chad did it, and it's even more unsavoury coming from someone who killed Shane's granddaughter.