Days of Our Lives - Tues., June 12, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Will & Paul talk over the idea of the serum. Will understands Paul's hesitation, but Paul is supportive, will come there with him, will be by his side.

Kayla is on phone about Steve getting bionic eye. She doesn't want anyone to know how she is involved, Marlena arrives, Kayla hangs up, they talk of Stefan's company doing this research and development, and wanting to sell to the government at some obscene price. Kayla starts talking of Kate, how devious she is, how she claims self defense in shooting Vivian, but she never lets anyone get a hold over her. Marlena wonders why Kayla is so interested, is asking all these questions. They then get into the memory serum, experimental as it is, Will & Paul arrive, conversation pro and con.

Theresa has announced that Victor gave her Bella, and tells Eve & Brady that Eve can have Bella, & Brady can have Titan, but only if Brady comes with Theresa. This leads to debating , arguing, among the 3, but Brady eventually lets Theresa know, in no uncertain terms, that he chose Eve, he is with her, he is staying with her no matter what, and Theresa should leave. She does, telling them both she will see them at work, and they better come up with new ideas, as those they came up with so far are not acceptable.

Eve now is a bit upset....Titan is Brady's dream and if she steps aside, he could have it, she loves him so much, wants him to have his dream. He stops her, yes, at one time that was what he wanted, what he thought would me him happy, fulfilled, is Eve who does that, not Titan. Kiss, fall into bed.

At the Pub, Roman and Eric are having a really nice father/son bonding conversation, all about Theresa, Nicole, Jennifer. Upshot is, Nicole was like a roller coaster, whereas Jen is steady, feels comfortable, feels like home. Roman is glad Eric moved on, sorry he is on the outs with Brady, but Brady moved on now, so maybe they both can put the past behind them.

Xander sits in the Kmansion living room, about to listen to the recording he found in the safe, in comes Sonny, what are you doing. They have a few words, Sonny figures Xander is up to something, tho he claims he wanted to write a farewell note to the family, who is so unappreciative of him, and his rescue of Theresa. Sonny grabs at Xanders bag, money falls out, he accuses Xander of stealing, they begin to get physical, Adrienne comes in, stopping them, ordering Xander out (sans the money). Xander grins, he still has that recording, leaves. Outside the Pub, he sits on a bench, listens to the entire recording. Ahhh, a goldmine. He says aloud, Brady, you SOB, you used this info to force Nicole to leave town, keeping the info to yourself, and her away from your brother. He gets up, just as Eric comes out of the Pub, telling Xander not to go inside, they won't serve him in there. Xander doesn't mind, makes some snark about Nicole leaving, and maybe she did just dump you. Eric asks what he means, Xander just smirks and walks off, saying he just might be back.

Then he bumps into Theresa, has a few words for her about her promises to get him back into the family fold have not materialized, and he is leaving, invites her to come along. She refuses, he talks of the bonanza he came across, worth more than all the diamonds he ever smuggled. He takes off, she looks puzzled.

Sonny talks to his mother, telling her about Will having the memory serum made up, and what it could mean. He talks of that play date with Ari, painting their faces, the fun, good time, how it so felt like they were a family. He wants that so bad. Adrienne hopes he gets his wish.

Kate is pondering her murder of Vivian, Ted knocks at the door, brought lunch. She is wary, they cannot be seen together. This is why he figured they would eat in. She looks around, no one, lets him in. They eat lunch, chatter about taking down Titan so she can take it over. Seems he understands her mood, grieving after being recently widowed. Was married himself for 20 years, wife died last year of ovarian cancer. Was hard watching her in so much pain. Kate tells of being a cancer survivor herself, they toast. He finally is leaving, she looks around the hall again, telling him they absolutely cannot be seen together, He says goodbye, leaves. She closes the door, and from somewhere, Kayla appears, having seen him leave.

At the hospital Marlena has taken Will & Paul to an exam room, is really not all that keen on this. No proof it works, or what could go wrong. Will jokes there is no forgetful rat around to test, he is willing. She is still hesitant, he assures her no one could blame her if anything doesn't go right, she thinks probably Sami would. Finally it's a go, she gives him the shot. Tis a done deal, Will looks around, Stalwart Paul at his side.
I fast forwarded most of this one. Way too much focus on Kate and her man of the week and Brady and the 2 sisters.

The scenes yesterday with Jeannie T and JJ and then today with Jeannie T and Brady just show how mismatched she and Brady are. They are unwatchable for me. Same goes for Brady and Eve who are equally as mismatched.

Clearly it seems like the show is setting up a Nicole return because today reeked of "We've got Nicole coming back, now let's tell the story we should have told 6 months ago". I'm glad they're no longer ignoring Eric's past with Nicole. It was gaping hole in his sudden relationship with Jennifer.

Where is Steve? There's a lot of talk about him yet we never see him.
Kiss, fall into bed.

That's a mighty small hotel room. Guessing either Tate is a sound sound sleeper, or he is in another room with his nanny. Or Jeannie T took him out for a play date??

Today seems to be a bunch of filler stuff that might pan out eventually, somewhere along the line, maybe.
When Brady first came with Tate, he told Eve he hoped there was a lot of closet space as they really had a lot to store......With that tiny room, lucky if there is a closet, tho did not see a clothes rack. LOL Brady has enough $$$$ to book his own room, in fact a whole suite for them all. Gad, budget......

Sometimes I feel why bother with sets. Just put them all on the stage with a mike and a sound effects in radio days.
Is it legal for Marlena to give Will an unapproved serum like this? I know this is her family but imagine the lawsuits if somebody did something like this and it went wrong.

I wish Adrienne would change her hairstyle. I also wish the mothers in Salem like Adrienne and Jennifer would quit babying their adult sons. I've never known a man who would stand for his mother stroking his hair, adjusting his collar, and rubbing his face. Maybe it's just me, existing in a different culture or still living in a different century.
As far as I know, it would be highly unethical for Marlena to be treating her own grandson, either as a psychiatrist or administering the drug. Same goes for Abigail being treated for her DID by her grandmother. Just wrong.
Thanks, Poirot.

The serum looked like Kool-Aid to me.

Poor robin. Xander is leaving town and today he was wearing a shirt.
Hopefully, he'll pop in again because he knows Nicole killed Deimos.

Where, oh where, is Anna? We haven't seen her in weeks. I hope she
didn't get lost going to the post office or shopping.

Was Kayla's door open when Marlena walked in? People in Salem
need to locks their doors.

Sonny is excited Will might get his memory back. Paul looked so
sad when Will go the shot.

Xander should be glad he didn't find the amulet. It usually brings
bad luck to people.
Does Marlena ever treat anyone but family and friends??? I honestly don't understand. I wouldn't want to go to therapy with someone highly involved in my life. It's hard enough talking to a relative stranger. But then again, I have really bad social anxiety so running into someone on the regular who knows all my issues would send me into a panic attack probably.
It would seem it is one thing to talk to a close family member about a problem in your life, I think we all do that at times, perhaps a parent, a sibling, even grandparent, aunt, best friend.

It is another to have a family member be a psychologist or psychiatrist and be their patient.

On Days, though, with their limited budget, they are forced to use what they have. Whether Dr. Marlena, Dr. Kayla, Bartender Roman, Bartender Eric, who is supposed to be working at Horton Center, but never is there. :confused:
Thank you for this summary. I can't believe I'm almost starting to enjoy Xander. He sounds like the best part of this episode.
Yes, he was, and Salemies continue to dump on him. This may not be wise as an adaptation of an old song indicates.

You don't tug on Superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't take the mask off that old Lone Ranger
And you don't mess around with ... Xander.

Is it legal for Marlena to give Will an unapproved serum like this? I know this is her family but imagine the lawsuits if somebody did something like this and it went wrong.
If Marlena's use of Dr. Rolf's secret serum came to the attention of the authorities, it all likelihood, Doc Evans would be in hot water. Under the 21st Century Cures Act, patients do have the right to receive unapproved medications, but the law doesn't apply to concoctions like Rolf or non-terminal patients like Will. In any case. let's hope that University Hospital got its measurements correct. If Rolf used metric and the hospital used the American system, things could go awry. Will just might get back his own memory and that of every other Horton and Brady. Imagine the following scenario: "Paul, it's so weird. I now have memories of EJ wearing a towel."