Days of Our Lives - Tues. June 15, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Episode #10,355 Taped 4/12 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Most of this episode is devoted to the efforts to get Chloe & Daniel married, but there are enough other little tidbits to pique your interest. Sami is reading the paper, commenting to herself about Arianna’s situation, wondering why Rafe is not back to help his sister, then is on the phone with Lucas, learning Alice Horton’s illness, getting pretty upset. EJ is elsewhere, on the phone with his father, worrying about Anna’s condition, anxious she be unable to talk, as things are going so well with Samanther. He arrives in the DiMera study to find the tearful Sami, tells her he already knew about Alice, wanted to tell her himself, but will take her over right now to see her. There is small talk about the kids, and off they go, but not before Sami apologizes for being so nasty to him this morning, and saying she should have never kissed him last night.

Baker is outside the poker room door, making sure Al spikes Brady’s drink, and wanting to watch the consequences. Brady downs his gingerale, begins to get a bit woozy, asks one of the players again about the money clip, then decides he is not feeling all that hot shot, and leaves. Baker hides as Brady exits the room, but follows him down to the docks, where Brady collapses. Now Baker takes out a flask, talks about this being a waste of good scotch, takes a swig himself, saying first …one for my baby…lol…and then pours some into Brady’s mouth, sprinkles some over his shirt, then wipes the flask clean of his fingerprints, placing it in Brady’s hands.

Rafe struggles with man who is trying to kill him, manages to pull the garrotte from his neck, slamming the guy to the cot, but the man manages to knock Rafe back against the cell door, and down Rafe goes, apparently unconscious. Now the goon grabs the garrote again, is about to wrap it around Rafe’s neck, when up he comes, overpowers the guy, and knocks him out. And now here comes the real guard with Shane, pulling his gun, telling Rafe to put up his hands. Rafe obliges, Shane comes into the cell, the guard looks at the unconscious man on the floor, doesn’t recognize him, and as he tries for a closer look Rafe is on him, gives him the ol one/two and now there are TWO unconscious men on the floor. Well done, says Shane, both decide it is time to go, exist the cell, close the door, exchange “nice doing business with you”…Shane wishes Rafe well in finding Anna, Rafe does the same for Shane getting back to the States. They take off.

Yawnnnnn….and now to the nuptials. Father Matt is about to begin the ceremony, with Philip & Melanie present, Carly giving Chloe the evil eye. Chloe stops, can’t do this. And you won’t believe all the looks that pass between Carly/Chloe, Chloe/Philip, Melanie, Father Matt/Daniel. Chloe eventually wants to talk to Daniel alone, the others go out in the hall. She hems and haws around, is starting to explain, Father Matt opens the door, asking if there is anything he can do. Yep, she wants to go to confession. LOL. Father Matt is understanding, as Marriage is a sacrament, and Chloe wants to be in a state of grace. Daniel goes out in the hall.
Nathan & Stephanie show up, learn of the impending wedding, Nathan is surprised, Philip looks guilty, does the usual flashback to him & Chloe, Nathan goes on rounds. Carly has managed to pique Melanie’s interest and they decide to go somewhere private to talk. No, not the doctor’s lounge….all the way to the Pub. Interesting, huh, being as there is supposed to be a wedding any minute. LOL. Carly realizes Melanie has grown attached to her dad, isn’t too sure that Chloe might not do something to upset Daniel, wants Melanie to know she is there for her any time. Melanie asks…sort of like a mom? Carly smiles, yes, sort of like a mom.

Sami & EJ arrive at Alice’s, greeted by Jennifer, & Adrienne, as next. Nathan & Stephanie arrive, hugs all around. Nathan goes up to check on Alice, who seems to be sleeping a lot, Adrienne talks a bit with Stephanie who lets her know she is not pregnant, but that she did tell Nathan about not taking her birth control pills, he was great. She wonders how Philip would have reacted in the same situation. Adrienne comments about seeing Philip leaving Daniel & Chloe’s apt., that he was getting something for Chloe. When Nathan comes down, he reports that Alice opened her eyes, looked at him, asked where is Mickey? Nathan & Stephanie leave. Jennifer takes Sami upstairs, later Sami comes down. She looks at a picture of Tom & Alice on the mantle, flashes back to a talk she had with Alice (Sami is obviously a teen) wherein Alice is giving her sage advice about love.
Jennifer returns, EJ gets a call he goes outside. Sami & Jennifer exchange small talk about their families, their children, Lucas is mentioned. Jennifer is surprised, after all Sami has gone through, to see her with EJ. Sami tells her she had found a guy, he was perfect, but she blew it and he left. Jennifer goes to get them something to eat (seems the kitchen is full of food that folks have brought. EJ returns, Sami sees him texting, wants to know what it is, he says nothing, she grabs his phone, then scolds him a bit for not telling her that the work was completed on her apt. He claims he just called the contractor that a.m. and this was the reply.

Back at the hospital, Stephanie is wanting to know why Philip constantly looks as if he would jump out of his skin. He denies, she wants to be sure all is o.k. with him and Melanie, cuz if not, Mel will go straight to Nathan, and right now, she & Nathan are super great. Inside her room, Chloe is telling Father Matt all about her one night fling with Philip, how it came about, why it happened, how Carly overheard her talking and is hounding her, and how two marriages would be in jeopardy if it all came out. She wants Father Matt to talk to Carly. No…he cannot do that, and she knows it. He leaves the room, Daniel eagerly asks if they can now proceed with the wedding, but Father Matt says, no…..because he cannot marry them.

Sami & EJ have returned to DiMansion, talking of her place being finished. EJ knows she still has to tell Will, wants to be there with her when she does (???why???) . Sami thanks him for getting the townhouse work done, and for paying for it. Then tells him she would like to stay at DiMansion for a while longer.

Anna opens her eyes, finding herself in a hospital room, all alone. She looks around, realizes she has to get outta Dodge. Weakly, she sits up, taking off all her tube connections, talking to her legs (too funny), telling them not to let her down now, she has been so good to them.She gingerly slides her self off the bed, feet barely touching the floor. Next we see her all dressed, struggling to get shoes on. She hears voices, gets back in bed, pulling the sheets all the way up, faking the coma. In comes a male figure, who walks slowly around the bed, putting his hand up against her chin/throat in a semblance of the beginning of a choke hold, but he walks away and leaves. Anna gets out of the bed, gathers her things and starts to open the door, drawing back at something she sees.

The doorbell rings at Alice’s house, Jennifer opens the door to find Bill & Laura Horton standing there. The look of shock on her face is amazing, as she embraces both her parents, so happy they are there with her.

The door to Anna’s room opens, Rafe stands there, calling Anna’s name, looking at the empty bed, no one apparently in the room.

Thanks for the summary!!
Seems like a lot of eyebrows will be raised when the priest says no he cant marry them! :)

Just get this story over with already!
And Stephanie & Nathan are as boring as a dirty sock!
Well, if you really read Day Ahead, the answer is there.
Thank you, Barb. Most of the show sounds good. Thanks for the warning about the Stephanie scenes.

Is this the last we see of Shane?

@ NEVERsdays - If you actually read Poirot's summary, you would see this discussed in paragraph 5. Just a isn't polite to talk about summaries from other boards in Poirot's summary.
sounds like an intresting show. thanks for the great writeup.
Poirot you bring up a question that I too am just dumb founded! Why does EJ need/ or want to be there when Sami tells Will about the town home being finished?
Like... seriously?! Why????
Sometimes I think these writers .... ahh nevermind.
Maybe to upset Will so he doesn't want to go back to the apartment??? Your guess is as good as mine.

The bigger question is why in the heck Sami decides to stay at D'Mansion longer. GRRRRR That girl seriously needs a reality check.
My first thought about EJ wanting to be there when Sami tells Will about the townhouse was that EJ wanted to appear sensitive and supportive, knowing that Sami would be hoping that Will would want to move back with her.

But, I guess it is plausible that EJ would want to try to manipulate the situation as well.

It sounds like Sami will screw it all up herself and alienate Will further by saying she'd like to stay a bit longer. That woman is nuts. Methinks it's time for the funny farm for Sami.
The only part that sounds really good is the Rafe/Anna thing, which totally should have happened during May sweeps!
Gosh, am sorry. EJ wants to be there when Sami tells Will about Alice. It gets confusing with EJ faking all this consideration, and disgusting to Sami falling for it hook, line and sinker.
Sami's and EJ scenes sounds like they should have been Sami and Lucas scenes instead. Why didn't they bring Bryan Dattilo back earlier? If Lucas knows about Alice dying, why wouldn't he jump on a plane immediately to get to Salem. They would have been more poignant with Lucas. Especially if they show Will finding out.

Another bad move writers.
Why does EJ need to be there? I agree to that question...

& Second why does Sami want to remain at the DiMera mansion when she has told EJ the kiss was a mistake...? I so wish Sami would stop toying with EJ's emotions, there I go again feeling sorry for EJ.... Somebody stop me!

Don't say goodbye to Shane, yet!
I don't even think it been written anywhere that Lucas has left Salem, right? He just isn't on anymore.
And I agree with you aliaron....I wish this story had Lucas in every blinkin' scene. :)

He's is China because of his job. He didn't move away but his shop has taken his away to another country & he had Allie accompany him.

Hey, remember EJ can only handle a few of Lucas' children, EJ wants a family just the 4 of them, hahaha.
I think he is in China. :)

LOL...thanks guys I knew you'd remember for me...the mind is a terrible thing to waste. :)

and KitKat....are you serious...about feeling sorry for ej? (cyber slap to the back of the head)
feel better now? I owe ya a beer. :)
The only part that sounds really good is the Rafe/Anna thing, which totally should have happened during May sweeps!

Agreed, I wonder who is going to be paler when they see Rafe, when he comes home....EJ or Stefano. How about Ole' Dr. Baker, now there will be a face, he's seen Rafe is physical action. Oh & then there is Nicole...all of that can't be pretty, but I think pretty good.

Rafe might need a paddy wagon...

I mean Bo & Roman are to busy to catch criminals.... & Hope well her Grams is dying so I didn't include her.
I think he is in China. :)

LOL...thanks guys I knew you'd remember for me...the mind is a terrible thing to waste. :)

and KitKat....are you serious...about feeling sorry for ej? (cyber slap to the back of the head)
feel better now? I owe ya a beer. :)

Thanks I needed that....