Days of Our Lives - Tues., Mar. 24, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Folks, I missed a lot of the show, so can only give you what I saw. Clyde is with Aiden, giving a check, thanking him for representing Ben, chatting a bit about the DiMera family. Clyde gets an inkling they are not held in high regard.
Kate is packing up her thinks ready to depart DiMansion, eating from a fruit plate, chatting with Chad. While he tells her she did not have to go so quickly, he kibbits with her about how he knew she was going to get rid of him later, but knows, as she already has said, it isn't personal, just "business". Kate says what Stefano did to her was very very personal, and he will regret it.

Victor accidentally learns from Nicole that Brady is in the hospital, has a fit that no one told him, runs over to the hospital, reams out Daniel, even though he has been assured that Brady is o.k. Everyone is puzzled as to why the person took his blood.

Clint is talking on the phone to Mandrake, wanting to know if Kristen is o.k. with everything, will get what they need from Theresa after she wakes up, will do something different. Theresa wakes up, dreaming of making love with Brady, is a bit hung over, realizes she is late for work. Clint has mixed up some "hair of the dog", she refuses at first (he has spiked it with a powdered drug). Anne calls her, having learned of Brady being in the hospital, eager to spread the news. Theresa claims she is ill, will be in bed all day, hangs up, drinks the tomato juice, goes out like a light. Clint gets his blood sample, leaves her a note that he had to leave, it's been fun. He shoves the vial in his bag, is leaving, opens the door just as Melanie arrives, he drops his bag, the blood vial rolls out, Mel spies it.

Elsewhere, Serena makes muffins or something for Eric, lets him know she hasn't decided yet about leaving town, and things are looking much better after last night. Later she is gone, Caroline is there, having a muffin, saying how good it is, and telling Eric what a lovely gal Serena is, better than Nicole.

Nicole has been waiting for Daniel, who is late as he is discharging Brady. After waiting more than 15 min. past the 1/2 hr he said he would be there, she gets up, probably going to leave, has her drink, and bumps into this guy, spilling the drink all over him. Aplogies, offers to get his suit cleaned, etc. etc. She buys him coffee, they chat a bit, she gives him her card to be sure and get in touch with her for the cleaning, Dan arrives, the guy has left, and Dan is all curious about him. Nicole tries brushing it all off as nothing, but Daniel continues to quiestion, she laughs......he is jealous. He claims not.

Now this man (English accent) is knocking on Serena's door, she opens, and he tells her he is tired of all this waiting around, so decided to come in person.
This whole blood thing has me baffled.

So I start thinking why would Kristen need this? Do you think she wants to see what blood type they have to see if it matches hers for when the baby is born? Not sure if this makes sense but what if the blood type Brady or Theresa has does not match Kristen's at all. If there is something wrong with the baby they will know the baby isn't hers. By having the blood of the actual parents she can fake it longer. But if it does match hers, then in her mind she's safe.

Just a thought...
This whole blood thing has me baffled.

So I start thinking why would Kristen need this? Do you think she wants to see what blood type they have to see if it matches hers for when the baby is born? Not sure if this makes sense but what if the blood type Brady or Theresa has does not match Kristen's at all. If there is something wrong with the baby they will know the baby isn't hers. By having the blood of the actual parents she can fake it longer. But if it does match hers, then in her mind she's safe.

Just a thought...

Like everything else, it makes no sense.:confused: She would only need Brady's--unless they want it to match the baby. What if Kristen was in need of a transfusion. :OT: While I'm here, wouldn't you know a guy Nicole meets is a creep?!!
I'm baffled by the blood story too. I can see Kristen wanting to be sure baby is Brady's but why Theresa's blood? Hopefully it will be explained.

This elephant story is so stupid now. She could have slid it open and gotten the damn diamonds the very first time she saw it in Eric's bedroom. She was alone then. And she never needed to switch the elephants. I'm not sure, but I think she hid the diamonds at Daniel's so they wouldn't find them if they ransacked her place again. I think that' s what she said. If not, then that is another stupid plot device. Cannot wait for her to get taken down. Please tell me she will be taken down and not get away with it. I also hope Nicole is the one to take her down. Let everyone stop hating on her.
You didn't miss much of importance, Poirot. The reason Nicole told Victor about Brady was because she was having a super-ridiculous argument over the phone with Daniel. He was late to their date because he had to sign Brady out and she was angry he hadn't told her that Brady was in the hospital, and didn't believe doctor patient confidentiality was why. She thought it was another way that he was shutting her out. Victor came over, taunted her about how Daniel would never want to be with her, and she retaliated by demanding to know why he was so hypocritical as to claim to be concerned about family but not go see Brady in the hospital.

I hope Serena's claim that Nicole started trouble isn't enough to put that sour look back on Eric's face next time he sees Nicole.

Re: the blood - I think Kristen wants to somehow mess with DNA to make it look like the baby is hers and Brady's, and needs DNA samples from Brady and Theresa for whatever she's doing. My dad pointed out that that doesn't make sense medically, but since there's no such procedure as an embryo transplant in the first place I'm not sure that that matters.
Oh also, the new nurse Marie, the one who took Brady's blood at the hospital, was summoned by Anne for not filling out an HR report on time. She tries to explain she was overwhelmed, Anne says they can't have that when a board member is in the hospital and demands to know who it is. The nurse says she can't tell, but Anne says confidentiality doesn't apply to her because she's HR and needs to know everything. The nurse blurts out Brady's name and Anne tells Theresa when she calls in sick. Theresa claims not to care, says she's sick in bed. After Clint drugs Theresa, before falling asleep she texts Brady some flirtatious text that she knows he thinks she's better than Melanie. At the K mansion, Mel is checking Brady's phone, finds Theresa's text, and deletes it. That's why Melanie heads over to Theresa's, despite the fact that earlier she bragged to Brady that she showed restraint when confronting Theresa and Brady asked her to not confront her again at all.
I think Kristen wants to somehow mess with DNA to make it look like the baby is hers and Brady's, and needs DNA samples from Brady and Theresa for whatever she's doing.
She could substitute the vial of Theresa's blood for hers if she had to have the baby DNA tested (when Brady finds out about the baby), making it look as though Kristen is really the mother.
In re: the blood..........I have said before that PERHAPS kristen wanted Brady's to make sure he really is the daddy......and Theresa's because she intends to switch her own blood sample with Theresa' the even someone doubts the veracity of her claim that the baby is hers and Brady's. Thus, the blood test will 'PROVE" that the baby belongs to her and Brady. However, it would seem to me that Kristen's blood type is already on file at the hospital, and Theresa has this rare, rare blood type....

As to the diamonds in the elephant.......I truly think the writers had not decided exactly WHY Eric's elephant was so valuable. Thus, the intention to "switch". As perhaps it was real ivory, or marble, or gold under whatever the outer layer. But, then they finally decided on a hidden compartment, blah, blah, yada, yada. And of course, it made all previous "switch" attempts look as stupid as the entire story. LOL
Poirot, that's kind of what I meant. I just realized I worded it really badly in my post. :) But if she has Theresa's blood then she can use it to 'prove' she's the baby's mother. This whole thing is so stupid.

And speaking of stupid, don't even get me going on the elephant. You pointed out exactly what I was thinking...if she just wanted the diamonds then why was she lugging around that ridiculous huge bag with the 'other' elephant around town? Why not just take the diamonds and be done with it.

I swear we have to suspend reality in most of these stories.
I think if Melanie's career in nursing doesn't work out she should write a book about how to avoid people you don't get along with and cut down on conflict in your life. It would be a definite bestseller because as she's shown with Theresa she's a master at that skill.:sarcasm:

Seriously though it looks like there is some actual movement on the Brady/Theresa/Kirsten baby front. Which would be a good thing if I liked where it is heading but I do not. Aw well the sooner it gets there the sooner this mess will be over. So it's true every cloud has a silver lining.

It looks like there's some movement in the Serena saga as well. But it made me think of a variation of the old riddle: "If a tree falls in the forest and there's nobody around to hear it does it still make a sound?" In this case it would be "If a storyline that nobody likes starts showing some movement will anybody care?"

I'm surprised that it hasn't occurred to Kate that Victor helped Stefano play her because it clearly has to Clyde. I'm curious to see how he uses it to his advantage.
This show wasn't all that. I'm glad that Hope, Aiden, and Caroline are getting more screen time now, but what's the point if it's to be just filler material or bagging on Nicole?

I'm bored of the whole Clint thing, as well as Serena. This needs to end already. Hopefully Eric won't be mad at Nicole again after Serena's remark. As for Nicole, loved the snark between her and Victor today. Victor's line about Ebola was priceless!!:rotfl:

The Chad/Clyde/Kate stuff was clearly filler, but it wasn't bad. I will say, though, that I'm getting so very sick and tired of Melanie always running over to Theresa to whine and yell at her! Stupid! And why was she reading the texts on Brady's phone? Jeez.
Did Melanie have Brady's phone? I think Theresa thought she was texting Brady but was so out of it she texted Melanie by mistake because it was Melanie's number on her cell phone screen. Or at least I'm pretty sure that's what I saw.
.... Victor's line about Ebola was priceless!!:rotfl:
Wait...what is this, September? Oh...wait...LOL

Just as I predicted, HIPAA is invoked only to make Nicole ill at ease!! :) Oh, wait...:sick:

Hard to believe this is the same guy who played Damon!

Pretty sad that the writers can't decide what the heck they're going to do with a CHARACTER THEY BROUGHT ON less than 6 months ago!! Yeesh!! I'm remembering the old soap rule that you should have at least a year's worth of stories before you create a character. I guess it was too much to ask that they integrate a character well (which they did do with Serena) and give her a story!!! Oy vey...!

Will nobody find it suspicious that Kristen has her blood already in a vial whenever she has to do this bloodtest? LOL

As to the "super rare" blood type that Jeannie T has, and shared with Eve, we're really expecting the writers to remember a lot now, aren't we? :wink:
"Bluebird" makes muffins? Who knew? That said, she should have made donuts using JJ's recipe -- they might have injected life into the always dull Salem sourpuss. Speaking of "sour" moments, Victor was in fine form today, comparing Nicole to Ebola and suggesting that Dr. McScruffy is a "moron." Instead of the Love Doctor, Victor might have directed the "m" word at the writers for subjecting the viewers to two idiotic storylines on the same day -- Serena's inane diamond quest and the utterly insane, Kristen-inspired, blood-drawing plot. Finally, creepy Clyde better not consider helping Kate even the score with Stefano. He'd be way over his head. Unlike Victor, the Phoenix knows everything and is remorseless and relentless.
The Ebola line from Victor was probably hilarious when the writers penned it.....7 months ago. Reason #4728 why the taping schedule sucks! I'm glad Victor yelled at Brady and Daniel about not telling him about what happened. He has a right to know that someone entered his home and attacked a family member. Although I did find it interesting that Daniel said it was probably Victor's fault somehow. I wonder if Victor will also yell at Maggie for not telling him.

I have to believe they are somehow heading towards a reconciliation between Eric and Nicole at some point because otherwise this is just gratuitous Nicole bashing by Caroline. But then again this is really nothing new with these writers.

So looks like Melanie Drew has more clues for her mystery solving tour.
I thought it was interesting how many times blood was on the show.
Victor's high blood pressure, Clint made bloody Mary's and there were
two vials of blood. They also discussed Brady had blood taken twice.

Interesting to learn Kate is moving out of the mansion. I wonder where
she'll move to. Jordan's apartment is vacant.

Nice to see Caroline since we can't see the big Brady pub set.

Melanie didn't listen very well to Brady when he said stay
away from Theresa.

Daniel looked nice in his suit and tie. I liked Nicole's dress too.
Ooohhhh, thanks for the reminder katmouse! Yes, I was wondering what would happen to Kate and actually was shocked to see her at DiMansion. I would have thought she had been kicked out immediately after her oust from the company.

Nicole looked gorgeous today! The dress was amazing and her hair was really cute too.