Days of Our Lives - Tues., Mar. 5, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Chloe is leaving for work, talks of a chess game with Stefan later, sees something outside the door which makes her sure someone had been there. Stefan offers his driver to take her to work, then calls someone he needs to see.

Rafe is about to punch Ted, who makes jabs at him for not being there for his wife. They go back and forth, Hope arrives, realizes what is going on, asks Ted to give her and Rafe some privacy. And then she spouts off about him running to help ex-wife Sami, Rafe insistently denies that, it was his former step-son Johnny, having a bad time. But Hope rubs it in about present step-daughter Ciara being in trouble, was missing, so why did he not hop first plane back. He moans about Ted being around all the time, she assures she would not let anything go on with Ted, she loves him, kiss, kiss. All is o.k. Rafe leaves, makes a comment to Ted who is still there, in the other room.

Ben talks with Claire a bit, she picks up a Melinda Trask flyer off the floor, comments on it, and her illegal sister. Ben leaves, JJ arrives, he is looking for Haley, tells Claire how the cops came to his place, he is worried about Haley's safety. She told him she was in safe place, would not say where, but no longer takes his calls. Claire gets a lightbulb moment about maybe Tripp helping her, when JJ mentions Haley having no friends, but says nothing.

Rex at Pub telling Eric how he first met Sarah, both at this hospital in Chicago, snowstorm. Homeless woman comes in, no shoes, frostbite everywhere, Administrator won't allow them to treat her, has to go to county hospital, not close by. Woman leaves, Sarah later is not to be found. But 2 hrs go by, Sarah returns with the woman, treats her, administrator having a fit, Sarah refusing to back down, has treated the woman, etc. Rex look down, Sarah is shoeless, having given the woman her shoes. Rex goes on, talks of his love, and wants Eric to vouch for him, convince her to marry him. Sarah arrives, Rex takes off, so as not to appear pushy with her.

Now Sarah talks to Rex (zzzzzzz) of Rex, claims she would not give answer because she knew Eric still mourning Nicole, not wanting to flaunt their happiness. She also admits having trust issues, after Rex's cheating. Eric tells her she should be happy, and if marrying Rex would make her happy, he is all for it. She decides to leave. But first asks him what it was he wanted to tell her.

Earlier, Hope & Ciara were outside the loft door, Ciara could not find her keys. Knocks on door, calling for Claire or Tripp. Inside, Haley panics, Tripp tells her to hide in his room, she takes off, he opens door, greets Hope & Ciara, who quickly thanks her mom for being there for her earlier meltdown, but now should leave. When Hope is gone, Ciara wants to know whose backpack is on the counter,

Tripp claims it is Claire's, but Ciara doesn't think so. He takes it to Claire's room, Ciara knows he is lying, starts accusing him of already cheating on Claire, calling for the skank to come out of hiding. Haley comes downstairs, offers to leave.

Chloe arrives at club, Rex is there, they get into conversation, elsewhere in the club, we hear a crash as a glass or plate drops, she jumps, Rex aware she is nervous, gets her to spill the story.

Ben is with Stefan, who wants him back on the job again. Ben is not eager to do so, they talk, he tells of breaking it off with Ciara, and why. Also how uncomfortable she was with Ben getting Gabi for Stefan. He says she wasn't hurt, but Ben notes that if she had been, Ben would have been a part of it. They talk more, Ben finally agrees to return on condition he will never have to anything that might be construed as victimizing any woman. Stefan agrees, and his first assignment is just the opposite. He is to protect a woman, yes, Ben is to keep close watch on her, protect her from anyone. But Chloe should not know that is what he is doing.

Haley figures she should leave, Tripp tries to stop her, calls her name, Ciara now realizing who she is, the cops are looking for her, and Ciara's mom is police commissioner. She stands at door preventing Haley from leaving. She say her great grandparents came over to make a new life for themselves in this country,

As Rex and Chloe talk, he sees a man a bar move his coat aside. He tells Chloe not to look now, but a man sitting at the bar...he has a gun.
Guarantee you, was not easy. Why do shows think having the same conversations in a different place, is interesting, and not repetition? Sick of Sarah, Rex & their marry me, oh, not sure, blah, blah.
I had to laugh. I had the closed captioning on when Ben was talking to Stefan and it said "sarah and I broke up" Sarah, Ciara, they sound alike.

Can we please just end this Hope/Rafe fiasco! I cannot stand to see them together. They are pathetic! Today it seemed like Ted was not going to be stepping down?

Also had to laugh when Chloe got all scared and Rex says "Is this because of those Mexican drug cartel thugs" Oh no, she's fine with that now.

Claire's face always gives her away. I thought when Ben said she should know about lying that she would say you're the second person to that to me today.
MY CC said the same. Ben said Ciara, and it showed as Sarah. LOL Yesterday, when Ted said he was stepping down, Hope said he should recuse himself. That is what he did. Doing so is not giving up the job, just not prosecuting that particular case.

Hope knows how Rafe feels, so it is surprising she doesn't agree with Ted stepping down. Then again, since she constantly has to bring up Sami in whatever Rafe does, ....guess she wants to save Ted as something to jab Rafe with.
Ciara was missing, yes, but Hope had the entire police force on the case, plus all that family. Just who does Johnny have? Not even Mom, who is constantly at the mummy's side. How selfish is Sami to move her entire family there, take them away from friends, school, etc. so she can do her vigil. And then she won't leave the jerk's side to help her son. Grrrrrrr.
I still say Rafe and Ted could do better than Hope.

Stefan saying that Gabi wasn’t hurt is ridiculous. Apparently kidnapping, holding her hostage and torturing her in no way hurt her. Then again this is the same man who thinks you can have consensual sex with a mentally ill woman.

I think I fell asleep during notRex’s story about Sarah. Or blacked out from boredom.

I like the notRex/Chloe scenes. Her looking at him like he was insane while he was updating her on his proposal to Sarah was great.

CrazyEyesClaire is going to be breaking out her trusty lighter isn’t she?

Ciara calling “here skanky skank” while Haley was hiding was :rotfl:

When the former serial killer is the most logical person in all his scenes there might be a problem.
It was awful watching Hope try to assure Rafe that she loves him - they have NO chemistry and she still looks way too old for him (to me). Even when they were kissing, there was no energy or passion. YUCK. She brought up his running off to Sami, but she didn't even add that he ran right to Kate to "save" her and then he was the one Jordan wanted to see, etc. Enough.

LOL - yeah, I wonder how long Claire will allow the new roommate to stay there - I think we already have an idea that it won't last too long. I do feel bad for JJ. I wonder which one of these guys Haley will marry to allow her to stay? She is still mad at JJ, so I am guessing it will be Tripp, but I can't see that happening with Claire still around.
This isn't in reference to anything that happened on the show today but I need to know who supplied Leo with the pictures of him rolled up in the rug, in the trunk of the car, etc. I hope it is Ted then he can go away.
Hope had the entire police force on the case, plus all that family. Just who does Johnny have?
Not to mention that Johnny was a kid when Rafe/Sami were married, and Ciara was a grown adult before Rafe started showing an interest in Hope.
When the former serial killer is the most logical person in all his scenes there might be a problem.
Days is off the rails.
Thanks, Poirot.

Is anyone else having deja vu with Rafe and Ted? Ted wears a suit and his
hair is slicked back. Today Rafe kept saying Johnny. I kept thinking of EJ when
seeing Ted. Rafe is married to someone and someone comes out of the
woodwork to bother them. Maybe it's just me.

I had to put my thinking cap on when Ciara talked about her great
grandparents coming to America. I finally realized not the Horton
but the Brady side of the her family.

Should Ben be drinking alcohol with the drugs he is taking?

Ciara is smart again. She figured out Tripp was hiding someone. When
she was younger, she and Theo were the best detectives in town.

I don't think Sarah needs to worry about Eric being upset with the
celebrating of her and Rex's love. She needs to worry about what
Eric thinks when they do their lovemaking.
Thank you, Poirot. How did you stay awake during this snoozer!
I didn't. I watched today's exercise in tedium right after a long walk with the beagle and was drifting in and out for much of the episode. During my spates of consciousness, I did take note of a few points.

Ted: He dares to openly make a move on Hope with Rafe's full knowledge? What would have happened if he'd tried this while Bo Brady was alive and keeping a protective eye on his Fancy Face? One of Bo's favorite lines comes to mind: "I'll take you apart."

Stefan Zero: He actually said that by kidnapping Gabi Ben didn't do anything wrong. This is either an expression of twisted DiMera family values or a reflection of the fact that Salem has its own criminal code that omits kidnapping as an offense. In any case, McPerv might have a point. Kidnappings are as common as flies in a cow barn in Salem and don't really seem to be a big deal. If memory serves, the only unfortunate ever to go to jail for this major felony was Nicole after she snatched Baby Sydney.

Eric: The awful Sarah is actually looking for relationship advice from him? Is she kidding? Can't she do better than a scowling, gloomy ex-priest who clears off tables at the Pub?
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Thanks for the summary. I tried to watch Rex, Eric, and Sarah but just couldn't. I'm afraid I'm going to hurt myself if I hear Rex ask Eric to help him convince Sarah, one more time! The scenes with Rex and Chloe were much better. He still said stupid stuff but as mentioned already, watching Chloe's expressions made it worthwhile.

I've noticed for a long time that Ben says "Ciara" in a way that makes it sound like he's saying "Sarah." I can see how the person doing CC could hear it that way.

I couldn't sit through all of Hope, Rafe, and Ted either.

Ben and Stefan were probably the best part of the show for me today. When Ben told Stefan he broke up with Ciara because he was afraid he'd hurt her, Stefan laughed and said, "If I worried about that I'd be alone for the rest of my life." Maybe he should try it. He hasn't had very much success in love so far, as it is.

Kat, I was wondering the same thing about Ben drinking while taking those drugs.
Have Sarah and JJ ever spoken before today? Have JJ and Claire? I don't recall it.
"If I worried about that I'd be alone for the rest of my life." Maybe he should try it. He hasn't had very much success in love so far, as it is.
This sums his loser character up pretty well. He's pushing 50 and yet he's only been in love once, with someone who didn't even exist.