Days of Our Lives - Tues. May 22, 2012


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lots of shouting and yelling “over” each other today, and tho sweeps still has a few days to go, it feels like it is done, cuz some of this we have seen/heard before. Austin apologizes to Carrie for starting the house hunt and pushing her for it, realizing it is too soon. She suddenly doubles over, apparently in pain, then claims it is nothing, probably a flu bug, wants some air, let’s go out and get something to eat. Austin hesitates, thinking she should be in bed, but she insists. They go to the Pub, Kayla is so happy to see Carrie, embraces her. Carrie decides to run to the drug store for some medicine, will be right back. This gives Austin & Kayla a chance to chat, with Austin once again proclaiming his love for Carrie, how much he missed her, is glad she is back. She is everything to him, he cannot even believe what he put Carrie thru in the past, when he was in support of Sami. Yada, Yada. Kayla knows he is a good man, and loves his wife. Austin brings up Sami’s thoughts that Carrie still has feelings for Rafe, but Kayla says Sami is hurt, so don’t believe her, trust yourself.

Sami returns home to find Lucas stirring in a big pot, wearing a stained chef’s apron, and attempting unsuccessfully to make dinner - a stew whose recipe online seemed easier than it turned out. He wanted to invite Will….but not for this stuff. He asks if she enjoyed her alone time, she admits she wasn’t alone, ran into EJ, who gave her some advice about Will. Lucas teases her, is glad she told him cuz he already knew, saw them together. Sami smiles, calls him a jerk, they do some good natured joshing and then decide to go out to eat.
They sit a Common Grounds, talk about Will, about Sami’s failings as a parent, how she reacted the worse possible way a parent could at Will’s news. She comments how even EJ realized Will was gay, while she didn’t. Lucas didn’t either, but she says he at least has an excuse, being thousands of miles away. Lucas regrets, tho, not being their for his sone. She thinks Lucas was just awesome in response to Will, while she failed miserably and wants so much to let Will know how much she loves him, but he won’t take her calls. She talks about changing, and knows she has said this a trillion times, but means it. She wants to be more like Lucas. They laugh as they talk of how mean, spiteful, revenge seeking they both were, but Lucas has changed. He admits he has, but is no hero, is basically the same person. And he doesn’t want her to change. She is still the same person he fell in love with and married, and sure, she has some things she has to work on, everone does. They decide to go back home, and she will make dinner. “Fix” the stew. Lucas think that is impossible, But Sami thinks they can do anything as a team, no matter what. Work, contracts, revenge. They laugh and leave, arm in arm.
And back at the apartment, we have a montage of Sami finding veggies in lthe frig, tossing them to Lucas, he is chopping onions, wiping tears, they chop celery, carrots, add to the stew, do some teasing and tasting, soon some kissing. With the stew bubbling away on the stove, while kissing Sami, Lucas lifts her onto the counter, and they are kissing passionately.

In the Square, Hope & Marlena meander, happy that Stefano is caught at last. Marlena spots Rafe, goes to see what happened to Carrie. Rafe explains she went with Austin to talk to him, and no….did not mention feeling under the weather. Abe has come along, spots Hope, is surprised she is out and about, and learns what happened. All 4 are chatting away, glad the group succeeded and Stefano is behind bars. Carrie comes along, tucking a pregnancy test away in her purse, Rafe spots her, goes to talk, and learns Carrie has yet to tell Austin, the right moment has not come yet. She & Rafe exchange I love you, as Rafe is called over by Hope. Abe had gotten a call from EJ, told to come to the station, his wife needs him. Abe had left, Hope & Marlena thought Bo & John were taking too long, and called the station. They scurry off, as trouble is brewing down there.

Carrie returns to the Pub, but soon excuses her self to go powder her nose. She is gone a while, her sandwich untouched. Kayla questions Austin, who doesn’t undertand it himself, as she wanted something to eat. (I swear Kayla appears to be wearing a kimono ???) Carrie comes out of the ladies room, looking across at Austin, as she glances at the pregnancy test result, which shows positive.

And now to the police station, where all hell has broken loose. Everyone is yelling, hollering, Stefano is smirking, as the CIA agent is insisting Stefano be turned loose. Not on your life yells Roman. Lexie is bewildered, EJ just observing. Agent Newman loudly tell them they all are overstepping their pay scale (LOL, what the blazes does that mean?) and explains that Stefano has been working undercover for the CIA, and as far as the government is concerned, is a “pure as the driven snow”. He has been granted immunity for all his recent crimes. There is now no containing the anger and shouting from Roman, Bo & John. EJ walks over, clasps Stefano’s shoulder, saying “good work, dad”. And again goes off to the side. It is bedlam, Newman ordering Stefano’s release, Roman refusing, Newman telling of Stefano buying the arms for them, Stefano smirking constantly, bragging of buying these, thus keeping America safe, or some such. Roman asks John to call whoever, John agrees. We hear him, frustrated, as he gets no where, finally asking to speak to someone, anyone, in that office who has a brain. He slaps the phone down. No luck. Roman had none with the governor either. Seems the White House controls this issue.
They go back out to where Stefano is seated. EJ has been trying to get Lexie to leave, to no avail. She is beginning to look rather frail, Stefano talks of her being sick and he wants to be with her. She needs her father. In comes Hope, Marlena & Rafe, and now more shouting, yelling. They are all talking about how Stefano tried to kill them all. Marlena thinks even the death penalty might not be enough, but it would be a start. Everyone is talking and yelling over each other, (mostly at Stefano), who is calling for Alexandra, sweetheart, come over here. Lexie has been holding her head, EJ telling her not to go, but she starts toward where Stefano is seated. Abe rushes in, holds Lexie telling her to stay away. People are all shouting, Lexie touching her forehead, finally shouting for everyone to be quiet. She starts to sag, Abe catching her, EJ hovering over, Marlena coming forward, as Lexie collapses in Abe’s arms.
finally asking to speak to someone, anyone, in that office who has a brain

:rotfl::rotfl: Now that is funny. Anyone else got the song "If I only had a brain" from The Wizard of Oz, stuck in their head ? Cause I sure did.

Although, I must add this since I really can't help myself : it would take one to know one ! Poor John and all the others look like fools right now. But that's because the Salem Brain is currently missing, probably in transition between the current writers and the next ones. Here's to hoping someone will use it soon...
I wish I could get into the Sami and Lucas "playful love scenes", but since she was in love with Rafe, had grief sex with EJ, begged Rafe not to leave her, slept with Lucas, made up with EJ and now they're all buddy-buddy, all within a few months, it's hard to invest in anything Sami's doing or anyone she's involved with. I'm just surprised she didn't play a little footsie with Austin, for old times sake.
I noticed the crock pot too! LOL maybe they were making the next day's dinner?
Poirot, I cannot thank you enough for posting this summary. This episode was truly awful. Between whiny Lexie, sicko Stefano, the lunkheaded FBI agent, the screeching 6-pack (sans Carrie), Austin's desperation, Carrie's squishiness, and Rafe's bullying, I was glad I was watching on an empty stomach. I could hardly even watch the Sami/Lucas scenes, for the same reasons JustSamantha mentioned, above. You are a trooper!!
Oh, Jason, did you have your Thesaurus out or come up with all those wonderful adjectives all by your lonesome? LOL. Have to say, when I saw Lucas stirring the pot, never dreamed it was supposed to be a crock pot.
I just kept thinking....well, if it was all so lousy, as Lucas indicated, then how come it did not become garbage? And when they sat in Common Grounds, and talked of going back to rescue the stew, I was like.....did you put it in the frig, or has it been sitting on the stove all this while getting moldy. And then they say crock pot....and so.....since when are you stirring and fooling around tasting, etc. with a crock pot? Aren't you supposed to put everything in, and then leave it alone???

You're welcome, Jason.....but you owe me a glass of wine. white, please. LOL
I found it funny that Stephano said that he would never desert Lexie....ummmmm what do you call locking her in a tunnel for months on end?? I bet she felt deserted then!!
I think Stefano has selective memory. My great-grandfather, Larkin McCoy, killed many men in the Hatfield/McCoy feud. It is said that, in later years, he covered his face with a bandanna when he slept so he wouldn't see the faces of the men he had killed. Maybe ol' Steffie does something similar. :)

Jammers, looks like we were posting at the same time. Great minds....
:OT: Oh my gosh, KathyLu....So you are related to the McCoys? Are you going to watch the series (I think on the history channel) about the Hatfields vs. the McCoys?)Kevin Costner & Bill Paxton are the patriarchs... Starts Monday 5/28 at 9 p.m. Eastern, 8 p.m. Central. Runs for 3 nights. :back:


Oh my goodness, KathyLu, that is so interesting! Love the pictures too!

Poirot, if you think to mention the series again next week I would appreciate it. I'd like to watch but am likely to forget. Maybe I'll make myself a note, then I'll forget to look at it. Ha ha!