Days of Our Lives - Tues., May 22, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Will is reading Rolf's journal, still puzzled over why Rolf wrote on every other page, leaving a page blank. He takes a drink of water, spills a bit on the journal page, is shocked that writing appears. He calls Paul to come over, shows it all to him. They figure Rolf was so paranoid about his formulas, he used some kind of disappearing ink. However, both are stumped by all the equations and what they mean. Will is eager to embark on figuring it all out, wants Paul to help, but he can't, explains he is going to Mexico to rescue Chloe Lane. Will is trying to talk him out of it, mentioning letting the ISA do it, but Paul explains the fortress, spies, etc., that he & his dad could get in under the radar. No he won't get killed, he promises to come back, kiss. Later, Will sits alone, reading that journal, suddenly realizes he has had a breakthru, is able to comprehend something on the page.

Ciara comes to the club, asking Gramma Julie if she can change clothes in their bathroom. She explains about the special dinner Tripp is making, made her leave so she cannot do this at the loft. Julie is wise, realizes this is special, sort of a date, Claire is gone, just the two of them. She even figures that maybe they might be taking their relationship “to the next level”. Ciara is not sure about that, not against it, per se. Julie wants her to be careful, mentioning this would probably be the first time since.....Ciara says “I was raped”. Julie now talks of her own rape, years ago, how long it took her to get past it, that the rape does not define you, it is not you. Really, a very nice, good talk. Ciara thanks her, is sorry her gramma went thru all that, but if and when she & Tripp decide on anything, it will be when they decide. She goes off to change.

Meanwhile, Kayla is at the loft, helping Tripp with the dinner, though she admits he did most of the work. They get into an awkward conversation about Ciara, going “to the next level”, but it is nice, slow, friendly. Kayla doesn't mention Ciara being raped, just that she has been thru a lot. Tripp assures her he would never push Ciara to do anything she doesn't want to do. Kayla is about to say more, gets called to the hospital, has to leave, mentions leaving her famous apple pie in the frig, warm it, big scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. She takes off.

Eli is talking with Lani, who mentions getting an e-mail about a Lamaze class, she never signed up for. Oh, but Eli did, she gets ticked, he doesn't have to be her coach, blah, blah. Oopsy, she gets a twinge or cramp, and off to the hospital they go. Later, she evidently has been checked over, tests, etc. Kayla just tells her plenty of rest, no physical strain, no stress. She asks about baby moving above her cervix, nope, has not happened, you might have to have C-Section. Lani gets dressed, tells Eli he doesn't have to take that Lamaze class, learn how to breathe, all that stuff, she has cheated him of the whole birthing process. He is fine with it all. (O.K. Wake up now)

Ciara returns to the loft, is impressed by the candles and drinks on the set table (water with a lemon twist). They talk a few words about the absent Claire, about this being Ciara's last night of being normal, tomorrow a superstar. (Photo shoot at Bella) Later, they sit on sofa, finishing off their apple pie desert. Tripp suggests watching a movie, Ciara has a better idea, they begin kissing. Suddenly, Ciara hears her own voice (in her head) saying No, Chase, stop. She abruptly breaks away from Tripp, saying she is tired, has a big day tomorrow, has to go to bed, thank you for dinner, it was great, had a good time. She goes into her bedroom, closing the door.

Doug arrives at club, sees Julie looking rather pensive, learns she was thinking about Larry Atwood. Doug calls him a monster, what brought him up? Julie explains about Ciara and Tripp, says it may have been long ago, and she has come a million miles since then, but it is still there, pointing to her heart. She was able to recover because of the most wonderful, patient, caring and loving man, who helped her, never left her. Doug says he could never have left her, he embraces Julie, who lays her head on his shoulder, as he holds her.

Eve walks in on Theresa & Brady kissing, asking what is going on here? The couple break apart, Eve is shocked to see Jeannie Theresa, who says “I'm back, Eve, I'm home”. And now that lunk Brady, the wuss, just stands there as the sisters go back and forth. Eve telling Theresa she cannot just waltz in here, she broke heart, abandoned her child. Theresa claims she had a good reason, Eve doesn't want to hear it. Finally Brady tells Eve she should listen to her sister.

When we return, Theresa has told all, except she leaves out the part about Chloe. She tells it was Xander who rescued her, made the deal with Mateo. When Eve questions why the jealous Mateo would let her go, Theresa only says he has another obsession, another person now. She also tells how Victor knew it all, kept tabs on her, as did their father. Eve is still a bit skeptical, but Theresa pushes, first claiming Victor told her Eve & Brady were all over, she dumped him twice. Eve shows her engagement ring. Theresa cannot believe Brady asked her to marry him, he admits he did. Now Theresa persists, Eve has to give the ring back, she is back, they are a family, yada, yada, yada, on and on.

While Theresa is told her leaving caused so much pain, anguish, hurt, etc., she doesn't seem to hear it. Doesn't matter, as she is back now, they are a family. She goes to check “on our son”, leaves the room. Eve tells Brady yes, this is a lot to take in, am not moving in your house now, I'll go elsewhere, you can let me know what you decide, I'll be hearing from you........or maybe I won't. She leaves, Brady stands there, looking after her, obviously in a quandary.
Good grief, Theresa today. Waltzing back in expecting to pick up right where she left off. She was not hearing a word of what they were telling her. I had to rewind and watch twice to make sure she ordered Eve to take her ring off and give it back to Brady.
It made me really angry that Brady just stood there like a dolt as Theresa was telling her sister to get lost, give the ring back, etc. And, yes, while Theresa was away, having sacrificed her life with her family to save them, lots did happen. She has no idea, but after 18 mos. how could she possibly think that she could just resume her life, as if she just popped out for a manicure and was only gone for an hour.
Don't think Abby was gone as long...but definitely could be wrong about that. I just remember that Chad took up with Gabi somewhat too soon after Abby was supposedly dead.
On a different note, while I could be wrong, it bugged me that Theresa kept looking off to the side as she was yelling at Eve, Brady, too. I was wondering if there were cue cards there, or a director waving his hands, or something. Maybe it was just me.

I really loved that our wonderful Jason47 was given a nod by the writers, within Rolf's formula. Reminded me of "Topits" disease a while back, a nod to Tyler Topits, one of the writers. :)
Well they did sort of skip over the Nicole relationship today. He kept saying Eve picked up the pieces when Theresa left.

I just get a little annoyed when some characters can do stuff that others can't. But I really don't like how they are writing for Theresa. I had started to enjoy the character when she decided to leave and I wish they had just recast like they did in the past. "The character of Theresa is now being played by". Instead they have to do this convoluted way to have her leave.
Don't think Abby was gone as long...but definitely could be wrong about that. I just remember that Chad took up with Gabi somewhat too soon after Abby was supposedly dead.
You're closer to right than wrong. Abby was gone about 5 months when I calculated out in the Chad/Abby/Gabi thread.

NewsFlash: I loved the Ciara/Julie scenes, and I haven't been able to stomach much of either of them lately.

I also loved the Kayla/Tripp scenes. I'll forget about the knife-to-the-neck thing if they keep up this rapport and relationship.

I can't believe Will spent all his time reading a journal, and didn't even take his shirt off. This is sweeps.

I hated Brady/Jeannie T but hate Brady/Eve more. There's no way to win unless the Kmansion roof collapses on this miserable trio. Jeannie is just whiny, Eve should be mad at Shane and/or confirming the story (if she's really not believing her sister's tale), and Brady should be chewing Victor out.
Thanks, Poirot.

Was Kayla going to tell Tripp about Chase before she got the phone call?

Jason, I think Will having the towel scene this month is all that you're
going to get for this sweeps :)

Did Julie see Ciara in the dress before she left?

Nice seeing Doug and Julie today.

How will Brady decided who he wants to be with? Will he go Eeny
Meeny, Miny, Moe?
So, Ciara didn't tell Tripp about being raped, right? I find this really too bad. So disappointing. I know (believe me, I know... ) that telling someone you've been raped is a hard thing to do. Sometimes, it's even hard to accept that it did happen to you. But for once, on this soap, I wish someone would simply tell the truth. There would be plenty of opportunity for drama simply by having Ciara tell Tripp she's having trouble getting intimate with him because she was raped. Tripp could be there for her, talk to her, understand... Again, so many great scenes. But knowing Days, it will once again be cheap drama, with Ciara keeping her rape a secret, maybe pulling away from Tripp, and him finding comfort elsewhere, with someone else, thus breaking Ciara's heart. Really, I can't understand why Days keeps addressing such a big issue as rape, if the writers don't know how to deal with it properly.
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