Days of Our Lives - Tues., May 23, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Good show today, definitely an emotional rollercoaster, you need tissues for ALL the scenes between Brady, and his father, John. JJ & Lani continue to interrogate Guy, who is mostly silent. They begin talking about his list of crimes, how so many want revenge, they will turn him over, his life will be worth nothing, they know he was working for Deimos, blah, blah. He cracks at last, says he was supposed to get that amulet for Deimos, failed, so screwed up, was scared of Deimos retaliation, but then was told to get a helicopter to fly to this island , on which resides this very evil man. Tons of dangerous guards around. He I.D.s a pic of Xander, and the pieces are beginning to fit. Guy mentions Deimos wanting to get this woman and her baby. They notify Paul & Sonny, who are still watching Deimos via binoculars.

Sonny can't wait to nail Deimos, Paul worried that Sonny doesn't have his priorities straight. But Sonny is determined, the Titan CEO job is his, Deimos has ruined Titan and his family, Sonny wants to repair it all, and is only one left to do so. It is his right. Paul is on the phone with John, who has bad news, Brady is not going to make it. Paul will be home by tomorrow. John says it will be too late, just get Xander, who did this to Brady, and bring Nicole & Holly home, for your brother. Paul promises.

Deimos has been in contact with Xander, plans to rescue Nicole tonight, and will deal with Eric himself, personally.

Replay of Eric & Nicole figuring out that Xander is in cahoots with Deimos, who intends to "rescue" Nicole, take her who knows where. A bit more of her verbal abuse of Eric, but not too much. Both realize their escape attempts have failed, and they have lost out. They hear a noise, she realizes it is the cage, Eric is puzzled. Guard comes in to take Eric into it. She jumps the guard, Eric is handcuffed, but there is a brief struggle, she is thrown on the bed. Guard takes Eric out, she has palmed his keys.

Eli & Hope sit in the Greek square, talking of Nicole, his breakup with Gabi which will probably make Julie happy. He gets a call from Lani, she tells of Guy's revelations, they are on their way. Sonny has joined them, but cannot reach Paul, goes back to find out, Paul was hit on the head, unconscious, is coming to. Deimos is gone, probably in the air. (Sorry, but this rescue group has wasted soooo much time, unbelievable!)

At the hospital, Brady wakes up, John at his bedside, has not left. Brady takes John's hand, is glad he is there. Marlena comes in with Tate, Brady talks to his son, tells him how much he loves him, the fun they have had together, hopes he never forgets. Time for Tate to go, Bye, Daddy. They high five, Brady laughs. During this time, his heart monitor improves, Marlena is smiling, John is happy. But when she leaves the room, Brady loved seeing his son, wants to get better, spend more time with him, but is sooo tired.

He smiles, (gosh these scenes are just terrific!), remembering as a kid, learning about baseball, could not hit the ball, could not hit a grapefruit. But John was always encouraging, telling him to "hang in there, son". And then during the game, he actually hit the ball, but stood like a dummy....cuz he was looking in the stands for his father's face. John talking of how he was busting his buttons, he was so proud. Brady is very weak, says "hang in there, dad", his alarm goes off, John jumps up, is at the door, calling for help in here.

Eric is in the cage, remembering various times Nicole ranted at him about killing Daniel. Xander comes in, his turn to do so. He pulls a gun, taunts Eric, who tells him he has made his peace with God and those he has hurt. Go ahead. Nicole sneaks in, breaks something on Xander's head, down he goes. She has the guard's keys, gets Eric out of the cage. They know they cannot run, place surrounded by guards.

Marlena sees John, standing outside Brady's door, looking very distressed. She goes to him, he tells her Brady is unconscious, there is nothing the doctors can do. Her arms go around him, both are in tears.

Deimos arrives at the villa, opens the door, tis pitch dark. He is calling for Xander, what is going on, but Xander is in the cage. What the heck is going on. Lights go on, Eric is behind him with a gun, telling Deimos to put his down. Deimos does so, Nicole appears, Well, Deimos, what a surprise! But we've been expecting you.
I truly am baffled as to why, after learning about that island where Deimos was going, and Nicole was being held, the Salem gang just more or less sat around, doing NOTHING. Time for Lani & JJ to nuzzle a bit, time for Eli & Hope to jabber about Julie, being a Horton and breaking up with Gabi. Where does Sonny get off telling them all not to leave til he gets back? They may not know Eric is there, too, but egads, why don't you all sit down and play a few hands of gin rummy?

Don't you wonder how they all get back and forth to that plane? Amazing.

But I honestly have to say, Brady & John broke my heart. Their scenes were just the best!
Thanks for the summary. A very good show! I hope some sort of miracle happens to save Brady! Really tear-jerking scenes with him and John today, as well as him with Tate. Pull through, Brady!

The scenes on the Greek island were great too. Glad everyone knows what's going down, and that Eric and Nicole finally busted Deimos and Xander. I was less impressed with, as Poirot said, the Salem gang was just sitting about discussing nonsense that could've waited until they were back home to talk about it. Still, this was the best episode in a while, and dare I say, almost Sweeps-worthy.
The king of the phony tough, Sonny, seemed oh so very confident that he's next in line at Titan. He was so certain that it makes one wonder how others might have reacted.

Victor: "The little brat is talking like I'm already dead."
Philly K.: "If my part was still being played by Jay Kenneth Jackson, Sonny would be quickly put in his place."
Will: "What's happened to my sweet Sonny? He's turned into a typical Kiriakis. :cry:"
Big Boy Hamburger Kid: "Poor Sonny. He just doesn't realize his true life's calling."

As for Deimos, his mad plan to regain Nicole's love looked truly pathetic when it was finally put into action. Clearly, while he was sitting in a Greek prison, Deimos didn't get to watch damsel-in-distress movies. If he had, he'd realize that the handsome, manly hero is never in cahoots with the dastardly villain who's tying the fair maid to the railroad tracks.

Finally, I agree that the Brady-John scenes were very well done. It was good to see Drake Hogestyn (John) get some material that allowed him to show off his talents. Too often the fine actors who appear on Days are asked to turn the writers' sows' ears into silk purses.
Thanks for summary, Poirot.

Sad day in Salem with Brady and his family. I laughed when John talked to Brady about the
rumor he heard that he fell in love again. Great seeing Tate.

I noticed today Nicole isn't wearing shoes. I guess someone found a dress, but no shoes
when she got to the island.

I thought it was interesting when Eli talked to Hope about Julie and that she's going to
be happy he's not seeing Gabi anymore.

So everyone knows that Xander is working for Deimos.. Deimos probably won't be
happy to hear that.
Also loved the John and Brady stuff but it bothers me that Marlena was treated like an outsider. I feel like there have been cut scenes. At a minimum, Marlena AND Belle should have been mentioned when they were talking about Brady being little. But I have a hard time believing Marlena would so easily leave Brady's bedside. I also have a hard time believing Belle wouldn't jump on the first plane to Salem.

John calling Paul and not Belle? No.

Shut up Sonny.

I want to get invested in Eric/Nicole but knowing the news that was mentioned in a prior non-spoiler thread, it's hard for me to do so. Still not a fan of Nicole right now though.