Days of Our Lives - Tues. May 25, 2010

Like mother, like daughter--to me Carly and Melanie butt in to things that aren't their business.
I don't think Carly and Melanie butt in to things that aren't their business. People are always looking for something to hate Carly for.
Poor Chloe.
Poor Chloe? Poor Chloe? Who was it that had sex with Philip?

Thanks for the writeup, Barb.
I've not looked one time for something to hate Carly's always been thrown right in my face even when I've tried to look away......
I loved today's episode. The acting was just fantastic. I almost felt sorry for Vivian. She wants so much for Victor to love her.

Loved the scenes with Philip and Nicole, Brady and Nicole, Philip and Melanie, Bo and Ciara. Just loved that there were no scenes with Sami in them. Arianna and her whininess are getting intolerable.

I thought the endings were fabulously well coordinated with everyone getting a phonecall about Victor at the same time. Great planning!

Tomorrow's episode sounds even better. Can't wait!
Funny you mention that...I figure that she didn't look her usual morose self...when she shows her compassionate side...she really looks beautiful. The actress is beautiful. Don't get me wrong...but she sure knows how to look the part of the guilted lover...or the wack!