Days of Our Lives - Tues. May 25, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Episode #11,342 Taped 3/24 Director – Herb Stein

Must be summer in Salem, as most of the women show up today in sleeveless, light weight clothing, no jackets either. J However, it doesn’t much improve their temperaments, as we jump around Salem, and of course, fair warning, what is a show without a flashback to Chloe/Philip sex scene. Tis morning in Salem, Chloe flashes back to promising to tell Daniel what is bothering her “tomorrow”, tells herself it is now tomorrow. Daniel comes out, same ol conversation, Chloe has a tiny little pity party for herself, Daniel bolsters her up, they talk of their impending wedding, he mentions the vows they wrote themselves, reciting some of them, assures her of his love and their happiness, and off they both go to the hospital. He goes to see a patient, along comes miss holier than thou Carly, commenting how glad she is everything is o.k. Then, seeing Chloe’s face, demands to know if Chloe told Daniel yet. Chloe tries to explain why not, Carly is insistent that she is not keeping another secret from Daniel, and if Chloe doesn’t tell him, she will.Along comes Daniel, asking. “tell me what”.

Hope is walking in the park with Ciara, cautioning her about hugging Daddy too tight, as his surgery may still hurt, and assuring her that Daddy will have a present for her. Ciara happily says she can then put it in her treasure box. Oooh, Hope did not know she had one. Ciara says just like you do, mommy. Hope denies having one, Ciara insists, saying it is under her bed. Hope asks what is in it, Ciara says things you got from other people.
At the Brady house, Bo has a breakfast tray with French toast all ready, as Carly comes downstairs, hungry, but not really for French toast. Hope & Ciara arrive, Carly leaves. Bo & Ciara have a hugfest, he gives her the gift he sent her, she tears it open to find a snow globe. She is going to keep it in her treasure box. Hope tells her to run upstairs and get the books she wanted, put them in her back pack, and Ciara goes up. Now Hope tells Bo of the problems she has been having with Ciara, how worried she is about her.

Vivian comes into the Kmansion library, rattling on about menu tasting today, all free, including some kind of almonds. Victor replies…”nuts”. LOL. He says he has indigestion, but not the kind for seeing a doctor. She complains that he is not cooperating about the wedding plans, he agreed to marry her, that is enough. She babbles about how she has always wanted this, how they are like Samson & Delilah, Bonnie & Clyde, Bill & Hillary…..Victor agrees she has a point.

Nicole has called Baker, reminding him that he & his partner can no longer mug anyone. He asks how the frame-up is going. Great. Now Nicole is doing her TV report in front of Brady Pub, and doing her best to further incriminate Arianna, brand her guilty as sin. Philip & Melanie come out of the Pub, he calls a cut, tells her she has gone too far. She protests that other networks will be covering the mugging, & he insists they will, too, but not like that. Now Melanie chimes in, as Nicole talks of Arianna being a felon, Melanie reminding her that she is, too, and yet here she is, someone has given her a chance, yada, yada. (Melanie really gives Nicole an earful). Nicole begins again, this time doing a straight forward report on the serial mugger, and also referring to Arianna as an employee of the station, and one she will defend as being not guilty. She says something about everyone having a past, “take it from me, the notorious baby stealer”. Brady has appeared, is very happy with what Nicole has said.

Earlier, Brady visited a despondent Arianna in jail. She knows he doesn’t believe her, he insists he does, figures someone is framing her. She saw the disgusted look on his face, he claims it was shock as he never thought the hair DNA would match. He is going to get her a lawyer, he will punch holes in this case, etc. etc. He leaves, Hope arrives, all sympathetic, wanting to get to the bottom of things. Arianna is still protesting her innocence. Hope shows her the picture of the branding icon, Airanna remembers it on Brady, that it is some sort of female empowerment symbol. Hope tells her it is very familiar to the gang she used to run with. Arianna is protesting, talking of how she turned state’s evidence when in prison, is no longer in contact with anyone from that gang, how she put her life on the line to bust that drug ring, how she is a good person. Hope starts in about how Arianna was angry at Brady the night he was attacked, and how all the men attacked were rich, powerful, and the last two were men who were close to her. Maybe Arianna just snapped. If Arianna was dejected before, she now is even more depressed.

After Victor leaves the library, Vivian is talking to herself, doing a “he loves me, loves me not” with a rose and it’s petals, when she hears a noise…like a thud. She calls out Victor’s name.
At the Brady house, Bo is talking to Ciara, asking her if she was going thru mommy’s things without telling her. Ciara admits she was, and then Bo is telling her how mommy told him of her makeup that was all used up. Ciara is denying she did that, denies a couple of times. Bo wonders who could have done it. Ciara says maybe Vivian. Bo agrees that there are a lot of people in Victor’s house, and maybe someone else did use it. Now he asks about mommy’s treasure box, what is in it. Ciara says…”she keeps”……and Bo’s cell goes off. He checks it, finding a text message. Tells Ciara it’s his father, Victor.
At the hospital, Daniel is asking what Carly & Chloe have to tell him, his cell goes off, he reads the text message……says only…”it’s Victor”.
Philip & Melanie are back in Maggie’s kitchen, all happy, and about to take it upstairs to the bedroom, his cell rings. He is going to ignore it, but she worries it could be about Maggie. When he checks, he sees the text message, saying…’s my father.
And in front of the Pub, Nicole is telling Brady how she will always love him, and his cells rings. He says it is Henderson..she is surprised Henderson can text…he still owns a victrola! Brady reads, saying…… it’s my grandfather.
And the final camera shot is on Vivian, who seems to still be in the Kmansion, sad look on her face, lower lip quivering, tears in her eyes.

I cant wait to see the melanie/nicole scene. I was hoping evenually we would get one. I'm surprised melanie doesn't get pregnant because her and philip go at it alot.

awesome writeup
Thanks for the write up Barb. Nothing real exciting today!! However I do like to see Bo!! He makes for nice eye candy! :)
The Melanie/Nicole scenes are worth a look.....and Viv/Victor, lolol
I have been waiting FOREVER for Melanie/Nicole scenes. If any two people should be sparring, it should be those two. They are both so good. I am like too excited to watch.

I also love that Philip tells Mel he used to be close to Nicole. I always loved Philip and Nicole, and often hoped they would have a fling or something - not now though - LOL Philip has been flinging enough.

I'm surprised melanie doesn't get pregnant because her and philip go at it alot.

They are being pretty realistic portraying Philip and Melanie as newlyweds. Since Melanie is the town birth control police, I hope she is using hers.

Thanks for the write-up, you make my morning.
I dont think she is slyn because remember philip and melanie want to start a family together.
It is ok if Melanie gets pregant. She is legally married. Stephanie is the one that shouldn't be having sexual intercourse as she is NOT married.
Like mother, like daughter--to me Carly and Melanie butt in to things that aren't their business. I have no problem with Philip reading Nicole the riot act about giving an unbiased news report as he is her boss but Melanie is not.

However, I'm so happy that EJ and Sami aren't on and dragging down the show with their very special brand of suck that I might actually watch this episode--it doesn't sound that bad.

As for this:

of course, fair warning, what is a show without a flashback to Chloe/Philip sex scene

Poor Chloe. A year ago no show was complete without flashbacks of Daniel and Chloe either having sex or fantasizing about having sex with each other. I think Philip and Chloe need to have sex again so there can be some new flashbacks. ;) (Oh, and remember when no show was complete without the fake flashbacks to Steve and Ava having sex? How many times did they think we needed to see that? We GET IT, show!)

Thanks for the writeup!
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Gee what in the world happened to Victor. It can not be Hope as it is daytime. That really got my interest. Wonder if it is another heartattack or stroke.
they better not get rid of Victor! I love he so much. Melanie and Carly are not butting into anyones business. If chloe would keep her drawers on she would not be in the perdicament she is now in. Someone not family should tell Nicole in a kind way that she is wrong and I believe Melanie can do that with class.
This is not in my summary, so is this speculation on your part ?.....Please designate it as such.........Poirot
Is that true, PRSM?

Sounds like a fabulous episode and I'm really looking forward to seeing it. Also glad that Philip's guilt is temporarily on the shelf, his ducks are back in flinging order and he is able to behave as a newlywed once again.

Great summary. Thanks Poirot!
Hope & Arianna isn't that the nut calling the same woman crackers
Thanks for the write up.

Sounds like an interesting show, glad to see more scenes outside of the hospital, and it's good to see Philip/Melanie interacting with different people.
@kpatch......the look on Viv's face at the end did not seem as tho she was plotting something. But then, looks can be deceiving, right?
If that's true, then it's a spoiler and does not belong in this thread/forum. If it hasn't happened yet in the USA, it's a spoiler.

[Philip] is able to behave as a newlywed once again.

Why, kpatch, Philip has behaved like a newlywed since they married. Of course, he "behaved" once with Chloe but who's counting??? :)