Days of Our Lives-Tues.May 26,2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Episode #11,089 Taped 4/24 Director – Albert Alarr

Philip continues to question Melanie about the earring she found belonging to Stephanie. She tells him of only seeing Owen nearby, Philip dismisses the idea of Owen being involved, has worked for his family for years. Now he actually accuses Melanie of being responsible for Stephanie’s disappearance. An exasperated Mel starts to leave, but returns, and in her best Nancy Drew persona begins to grill Philip, lol. Now they start putting pieces together, Philip calls Henderson in, who tells him that Owen had some things to finish up, said he was going on vacation and Henderson gave him his check. All this while, Owen has come down the staircase with a bag, is eavesdropping outside the door. He finally sneaks out, breathing a big sigh outside, and saying sorry, Stephanie, but there has been a big change in plans. Henderson brings Owen’s file, Philip can’t believe it only has his name, and a P.O. Box address. Mel is shocked he worked here all these years and they know nothing about him. Phil retorts that Owen is only employed there, it is not like they sit down with their help for dinner every night. Henderson rolls his eyes. They hear someone at the door, Mel & Phil hide. It is Brady, looking for Phil or Melanie, Henderson takes him into the next room, but those two have vanished. Now Victor comes in, rather angry to see Brady there.

Earlier, on the docks, Bo has been questioning Victor & Brady, with Victor insisting he sent Philip to NY, and Brady denying it. Victor is furious at Brady, calling him a traitor, etc. Bo is insisting he is trying to keep everyone from being hurt or worse, and that Stephanie Johnson is his niece, it is important to find her. (and Bo, you have not mentioned a word about her daddy…and we know Patch would be tearing the place apart by now).Bo tells Brady to leave, he will talk to him later, and now he & Victor have a knock down drag out verbal confrontation. Victor wants the police to stay out, Bo wants Vic to stay out of it, talks of Stefano almost dying. Victor thinks Bo has too big an ego, then talks of him not treating Victor as his father, as his own flesh & blood. Bo tells him that he did not raise him, thank goodness, as look how Philip turned out. Vic pours it on how Bo never invites Victor to his home, or brings Ciara for a visit, then tells him that if anything happens to Stephanie it will be on Bo’s head, he will have been responsible.

Over at the hospital, Lexie is worried about her father, and is scolding EJ for all that has transpired. She tells him this has got to stop, he has a family now – he should think of them - people are getting hurt, yada, yada. She goes in to sit with Stefano, as EJ contemplates her words….but Nicole does not want him to give up. She needs him, loves him, doesn’t know what she & Sydney will do without him. EJ gets a call, tells the person to keep looking for Owen. Nicole really presses EJ not to give up yet. In his room, Lexie is talking to her unconscious father, mentioning her beautiful son and the connection Stefano has with him, telling him how much she loves him, (this was excrutiating to listen to, as I could remember her being held in the tunnel like an animal for 6 months), she is crying as she talks of just having lost her brother (you know, the one Stefano banished to an island for 20 years) and she just cannot lose him, too. Stefano’s eyes open, as he clutches Lexie’s hand. Later she comes out, telling EJ that father is awake, but they are not sure yet as to what damage might have been done…kidneys, his brain???? (Doesn’t Stefano have one of John’s kidneys? Plus Benji’s liver??) Bo has just come up, putting the still handcuffed EJ under arrest for assaulting Philip. Nicole wonders if Philip is also under arrest. EJ asks for a few minutes with his father, Bo gives him 5. EJ goes in with Nicole, is happy to see his father awake. Stefano claims he knew Elvis would not let him down. Bo says his time is up, EJ leans over, kisses Stefano on both cheeks as he presses the Phoenix ring into Stefano’s hands. He leaves with Bo, who is telling him he can hold him for 72 hours before charging him.

Philip & Melanie have run outside, into the ever present shrubbery, and she promises to help him find Stephanie. They part, she returns with some paper, Phil arrives, they looks over what she was able to find out about Owen, including his father’s name and the mortuary where he works. They decide to go see if he knows the whereabouts of his son.

Victor returns, finding Brady and really reams him out for “betraying the family”. He calls Henderson, telling him to escort Brady out. Brady don’t need no stinkin’ escort, (my words) Victor now tells Henderson to pack Brady’s bags, telling Brady he will have them sent to him. To get out of his sight, he never wants to see him again. Brady remarks how Victor already disowned Philip, and now him. Victor claims he never disowned Phil, and that all Brady is worried about is being left out of the will…which Brady denies. He could care less about all this money, etc. (Vic, tsk, tsk, Brady has his own trust fund from Mama Isabella, and another from Dad John Black.)

Nicole is alone with Stefano, who asks her to stay, as he puts on his ring, and begins babbling about the the Mediteranean, asking if she has every been there. She mentions Greece, but he goes on about small places like Marsala, as he turns the ring on his finger, saying it is the reason he will never die, no matter what. He goes on about the Phoenix’s ashes being scattered from one end of the area to another, about the stone being forged from the ashes.

Owen has returned to the morgue, breathless, talking of no longer being able to go with their plan. There have been various scenes of Stephanie calling for help, knowing she is losing air. He pulls out the slab, finding Stephanie practically at death’s door from lack of oxygen. He is telling her to breathe, panics a bit, but then begins CPR. She finally comes to, socking him in the jaw as she tells him to get his hands off her. LOL (he was doing compressions). Owen is hurt, and then angry that she hit him, after promising to not hurt him again. She apologizes, talks of having hyperventilated and being out of it. He is upset overall, their plans have changed, they cannot go anywhere, have to stay there. He pounds on the metal table, then pulls a gun out. She asks him what he is going to do with that gun.

Wow, Barb, thanks for that amazing summary. It was like reading a mini-novel. Really gripping descriptions! The show sounds like one of the best, most action-packed shows in years. I can't wait to see it.

Loved Henderson's rolling eyes. Why, however, would Philip not check for info about Owen himelf. Yes, Henderson is a longtime employee, but no one should be above suspicion under these circumstances. Henderson could have been in cahoots with Owen, for all Philip knows. Seems like Melanie is definitely in possession of the Salem brain, and I doubt she will let go of it.

Love the argument Victor and Bo had. Sounds like Victor was whining a bit ("you never invite me over" wah wah wah). I seem to remember Victor being at Bo and Hope's house for the annual cookout last 4th of July.

Why do you suppose Nicole wants EJ to keep up the fight so badly? Is she just trying to prove her loyalty? Hospital patients are not allowed to keep jewelry (like the Phoenix ring) or other valuables.

Is Bo holding EJ for assaulting Philip at the pier, in the hotel, or in the hospital (pillow)? If Bo can't find Philip, how would he know that EJ assaulted Philip? Seemed more like the other way around.

Speaking of the pier scene, it was totally stupid that Bo yelled out the police's presence before entering the scene. That gave people time to get away.

Sorry to go on so long, but there was so much that was worthy of commentary!
Wow, Barb, thanks for that amazing summary. It was like reading a mini-novel. Really gripping descriptions! The show sounds like one of the best, most action-packed shows in years. I can't wait to see it.

Loved Henderson's rolling eyes. Why, however, would Philip not check for info about Owen himelf. Yes, Henderson is a longtime employee, but no one should be above suspicion under these circumstances. Henderson could have been in cahoots with Owen, for all Philip knows. Seems like Melanie is definitely in possession of the Salem brain, and I doubt she will let go of it.

Love the argument Victor and Bo had. Sounds like Victor was whining a bit ("you never invite me over" wah wah wah). I seem to remember Victor being at Bo and Hope's house for the annual cookout last 4th of July.

Why do you suppose Nicole wants EJ to keep up the fight so badly? Is she just trying to prove her loyalty? Hospital patients are not allowed to keep jewelry (like the Phoenix ring) or other valuables.

Is Bo holding EJ for assaulting Philip at the pier, in the hotel, or in the hospital (pillow)? If Bo can't find Philip, how would he know that EJ assaulted Philip? Seemed more like the other way around.

Speaking of the pier scene, it was totally stupid that Bo yelled out the police's presence before entering the scene. That gave people time to get away.

Sorry to go on so long, but there was so much that was worthy of commentary!

I think this was the only way to hold EJ he's the only link to see that bo told him he can hold him for 72 hours before arresting him
Thanks for the great writup, Barb.

And I hope all the forum members will take out at least a minute or two to honor all our heroes, past and present.
Sounds like a good one...I'm so glad Melanie is coming into her own....she is so refreshing....
Can't wait to see Bo and Victor...Victor's complaining of not being invited over etc. sounds very realistic....the dialogue writers continue to outdo themselves....
I knew Owen would find some way to "compress" Stephanie... :D :D
Those DiMera's are just stupid, the s/l's are stupid, the characters are stupid, the inconsistency is stupid, the character's inability to remember past yesterday is stupid, the whole darn thing is stupid....any day now I figure the town will present Stefano with the Father of the Year Award and the whole town will come out to honor the great guy....geeeezzz.....
What was that Forest Gump line........."Stupid is as stupid does"
Boy what a great show. I just loved Mel and Philip. Loved where Mel said that she knows that she crossed him in the past, but really wants to help. It was funny when they where running in the woods and Mel asks if he trusts her and he replies that he has no choice and pulls her along.
Victor and Bo were great. Loved when Victor got home and disowned Brady. Brady asked if he disowned Bo and Philip who does he have left. Victor must have a very short memory because he said that he never disowned Philip and Bo is just doing his job.
Owen doing cpr was so funny. He did not open the airway or pinch the nose.
barb, you mentioned about Lexi being held by stefano, i remember it all happening but wasnt it andre?? sorry i cannot remember why it all happened. did lexi betray stefano somehow??

boy i love how philip really roughed up ej! philip didn't seem to have a mark on him.....what i also thought was funny is that philip just got out of the hospital from a gun shot to the chest and it appeared that ej either kneed or punched him very close to that area and philip is just fine LOL....that was a rough fight, looked very real........couldn't stand that i had to look at ej's hair like that again!...someone fix it please!!!
Stefano knew all along that Andre had put Lexie down there.....he "claimed" he had nothing to do with putting her there in the first place, but he knew what Andre had done. This is why Lexie was all in favor of letting Stefano stay in that coma in the nursing did Tony & EJ at the time.
Everything Stefano and EJ do gets blamed on someone else, but we all know they are the culprits....however, the poor people of Salem seem to not be too aware of happenings.... :D
That's cuz there is only one brain in Salem, and it constantly is playing hide and seek, jumping out on occasion, saying tag, you're it to some lucky Salemite who gets to use it for an hour or so. :idea:
That's cuz there is only one brain in Salem, and it constantly is playing hide and seek, jumping out on occasion, saying tag, you're it to some lucky Salemite who gets to use it for an hour or so. :idea:

Spoiler: Now that Melanie has found the Salem Brain, look for her to sell it on the Internet.
Barb, I was watching the show today and thinking how amazing it is to me that you can write the great summaries you do, as you watch. (DJM and KathyLu, I thought of you too). It's something I could never do. Anyway, I'm really liking the story that's going on now. All the actors are doing a good job, and I especially want to remark on what a fine job Joe Mascola (sp.?) is doing of portraying a deathly ill old man. All of his movements and expressions make it seem so realistic.
So ... the secret to taking down Stefano is to destroy the ring of power? Where is Frodo when you need him?

Thanks Poirot for the summary and the warning... the Lexie comments do sound painful.
No Hes Lord Voldemort with the Horcruxes

So ... the secret to taking down Stefano is to destroy the ring of power? Where is Frodo when you need him?

No you missed it he has a horcrux that he learned how to make from Lord Voldemort( god knows he has been evil enough) We need Harry Ron and Hermione not Frodo lol
So ... the secret to taking down Stefano is to destroy the ring of power? Where is Frodo when you need him?

Thanks Poirot for the summary and the warning... the Lexie comments do sound painful.
I remember not so long ago..Stefano didn't have his ring in Aremid storyline..and he lost his memory because he's was thrown out a penthouse window by demon marlena
stefano didn't want to remember..because he thought being the good stefano he might win marlena's heart..anyway because of the woman in white celeste needed stefano to remember..after
getting struck by lightening he was beginning to remember but he fought hard not to..till Celeste took out of the draw his ring..gave it to him he put it on ..welll and he remembered everything
the ring has some mental powers for stefano...when EJ had it it made him think as stefano..if only a minute lol when stefano didn't have it he was very weak and dying...distory the ring distory stefano......perhaps...but I am glad he got the ring back...the nicole and stefano scenes next week will be great