Days of Our Lives -Tues., May 4, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Episode #11,327 Taped 3/11/10 Director – Grant A. Johnson

For “sweeps” month, rather a slow moving episode……but some interesting moments. Brady lays unconscious on the ground, Baker wants to skedaddle, Hope says not yet, she is not through with him yet, ripping open his shirt. Baker is nervous, wanting assurance she is not going to kill him, but she takes a little velvet bag from her purse, getting something out, tells Baker this is her game, and it’s not over til she says so. Later, she is closing Brady’s shirt, Baker thinks what she did was freaky, Brady starts coming to, they both take off, but not before Baker picks up & pockets Brady’s money clip from the ground, Now Hope is sitting on a bench, reapplying lipstick, talking with Baker about the good team they make. He takes off, will see her around, she guarantees it. Hope goes home, takes Brady’s wallet from her purse, not noticing something dropping to the floor, as she pulls out the box from under her bed, adding the wallet, shoving it back. She pours herself a glass of water, drinks it, leaving a nice big bright red lipstick print on the glass.

In the Pub, Gabi is still telling off Nicole, who more or less ignores what Gabi is saying, wanting a martini. She tells Gabi she is Nicole DiMera, and doesn’t go down. Gabi brings up the Mendez name she was born with, Nicole is not ashamed of her roots, but says she was born in hell and managed to pull herself out, still insisting on the martini (from a very underage Gabi????). Finally she stomps back of the bar to make it herself, Gabit protests to little avail, Nicole has her drink fixed, including a couple olives, is pronouncing it perfect, when along come Gabi with the mustard container, squirting it into the martini (too funny!), splashing some of the drink on Nik, telling her she is not drinking there and to get out. (where the heck is Pete? And Caroline?). Nicole is indignant when in staggers Brady, Nicole rushes over, he collapses in her arms. Gabi is bringing towels for his bleeding head, but Nicole cannot seem to stop the bleeding with them. Gabi calls 911, and later we see Brady being wheeled into the hospital, learn the EMT’s managed to stabalize him in the ambulance.

Over at Daniel’s apt. Chloe is ranting and raving at a dumbfounded Carly, who keeps asking what she is upset about, but Chloe just continues to yell with explaining, about what Carly has done. Daniel comes in, could hear Chloe yelling down the hall, wants to know what is going on, Carly has no clue. Chloe just yells without really saying anything. Carly leaves cause her shift is starting (and if so, then why the heck did she even make plans with Daniel to go over files, and have dinner doing it??). Now Daniel tries to get to the bottom of Chloe’s tirade, at last she explains how Nurse Gregg told her Daniel & Carly had left he hospital, went to the Mercer motel, that rumors were going round the hospital. Daniel is all set to go after the guy, learns he quit and left town. Chloe tells about going to the motel, where the clerk confirmed they were there. Daniel cannot understand who would do this, but assures Chloe it was not Carly. They decide to confront the motel clerk.

Nathan & Stephanie meet in the park, he doesn’t want to go out on a date tonight, just wants to be alone with her. She takes a couple looks at her discarded birth control box in the trash basket, (and to make sure we know what it is, we get a closeup of the box, which includes her name, lol) smiles, is only too happy to agree. Next, they are in bed, Nathan is talking of taking her to Paris next spring, wonderful hotel overlooking the Seine and the Louvre, yada, yada. She tells Nathan she loves him, he kisses her in response.

Over at Maggie’s, Philip is leaving a message for Chloe, not to anything rash, Melanie overhears, wants to know what that is all about. Philip is reluctant, but eventually tells Melanie that Chloe confides in him, is upset……and finally tells her all about Chloe having leukemia when in high school, having chemo, being unable to have children, knows Daniel would like to have a family…..Melanie realizes then that along comes Carly, with Melanie as his daughter. She gets it, praises Philip for being such a good friend. Philip thinks that perhaps he & Melanie should not spend so much time with them, just back off a bit. Melanie understands, agrees, she sees Daniel a lot at the hospital, so that is o.k. She loves him, appreciates he is such a good friend, that Chloe feels she can come to…..not having many.

Dr. Baker has joined a cash only poker game in progress, pulling out the money clip. He is warned that when his cash is gone, so is he. He loses steadily, actually having 3 kings beating his two pair at one point. He offers the money clip to stay in the game, but his flush is overpowered by a full house, and the one player is happy with the money clip, always wanted one.

Over to the hospital, Roman has come in, goes in to see Brady, learns he will be o.k., definitely the same mugger, except……..Carly shows Roman the branding on Brady’s chest. Some sort of design, looks like perhaps a Celtic symbol. Uh, oh, looks like the mugger is escalating….and is leaving a message now. Out in the hall, Arianna finally rushes in, having gotten Gabi’s message. Nicole brags of having saved Brady’s life, lets Arianna know she is the one who saved Brady’s life, and while Arianna may have had thoughts that Nicole was the mugger, she has an airtight alibi, was with Gabi for a good hour before Brady fell into the Pub.Gabi reluctantly has to confirm this. And now Nicole insinuates that because no one could reach Arianna, who was furious with Brady, maybe the cops will check her whereabouts now.

Stephanie snuggles up to Nathan, wanting him to tell her in detail, the plans for next Spring and the trip to Paris. He talks of arriving, having jet lag, but not going to sleep, going instead for a walk, spouting off about the Eiffel tower, the East (or west) bank.
In the park, a bag lady rummages thru the trash basket, coming up with Stephanie’s discarded birth control pills.

Philip & Melanie are in their bed, Philip is apologizing to Melanie (sounds like he was unable to provide afterglow this evening???) She assures him it is o.k. Philip goes to kiss her neck, and has another flashback to his sex romp with Chloe…he had a couple earlier as they were talking in the kitchen.
Daniel & Chloe are near the docks, spot the motel clerk, Daniel stops him. He asks why the clerk told Chloe he was at the motel with someone else, but the motel clerk denies all, doesn’t know what he is talking about, claims to have never seen Chloe before in his life, hurries off. Back at their apt., Chloe is distraught, but Daniel assures her he believes her.

Roman has called Hope, who is sound asleep, telling her there has been another mugging, and to call him when she gets this. Hope is having a dream, about branding a bare chest, wakes up suddenly, says how strange that was, then snuggles back down with her pillow, commenting that the doctor said she might have strange dreams, but….she doesn’t remember any of them.

Thank you, Barb.

A bare chested Brady will definitely brighten my day. :drool:

Otherwise, I'll be doing some fast forwarding tomorrow night.

If Hope starts remembering her "dreams", this stupidly written story may just start getting good. I'd love to see her inner turmoil when she realizes that the mugger just may be her.

Oh before I forget....Have I told you guys lately that I HATE STEPHANIE!?!?!?!?! I bet those birth control pills are going to resurface somewhere down the line.
redsquirrel....I couldnt have said anything better myself!!

And I'll take Brady shirtless any day!!

Great write up Barb!
awwww poor mel. philip feels so damn guitly that he cant even make love to his wife without flashing back to the huge mistake he made. hell he cant even have a conversation with the girl without flashing back to it. but know what they say. guilt can kill a person and its definitely working on philip.

great writeup
When Stephanie tossed the pills, I said she was stupid ... a public trash can??

That money clip .... had to have some kind of engraving to ID the owner (Brady).

And what did mugger Hope drop on the floor of the bedroom?? Hmmm.

Nicole, attempted to get back to swilling martinis .... not good for her job. :D
I guess it is refreshing to see a man actually consumed by guilt on a soap, especially for cheating. Too bad it is at the expense of seeing Philip shirtless. Is he shirtless in bed for the night? Because if so...carry on with the guilt young man!

How about Chloe's tale does make her sound crazy...

I have no words for Stephanie...and even less for Nathan. I am still trying to find the good man in that character.

Thank you for the write up!
I wonder if what was dropped was the lipstick? There has to be a reason for that obvious lipstick print on the glass in her bedroom. And she won't remember drinking the water. Hope doesn't wear that bright shade during the day, and she was reapplying and admiring herself in her little pocket mirror.

Oh, and when she "branded" Brady, she made some remark to the effect that she "left my mark".
I wonder if what was dropped was the lipstick? There has to be a reason for that obvious lipstick print on the glass in her bedroom. And she won't remember drinking the water. Hope doesn't wear that bright shade during the day, and she was reapplying and admiring herself in her little pocket mirror.

Oh, and when she "branded" Brady, she made some remark to the effect that she "left my mark".

Very interesting- I was wondering are there details to the branding? Like did she brand him with the lipstick? or something like a lighter? Wonder if they say...
Kristian Alfonso (Hope) has her own line of jewelry, and she always wears the little drop earrings from her collection. I wonder if the sign is going to look like one of her earrings?

The only words I can come up with for Stephanie are stupid and desperate.

Phil and Brady without their shirts on in one episode. :hot:

I bet Hope is going to blame Ciara for the red lipstick on the glass. I agree if Hope starts remembering her "dreams" that could make for a very interesting twist on the storyline.
Thanks for the write-up, Poirot! For the first time in a long time, the ENTIRE episode sounds like a total snore. Hopefully, Wednesday's episode will be better.
love the picture! :)

The design that Kristian uses the most in her Jewelry line is the Fleur de Lise (sp?)
I actually have wanted to purchase the earrings but they are like... $90 and... just can't afford it when there's som much else to pay for.
You may notice that Sami has been wearing the same earrings- but just gold. The earrings come in silver or gold. Hope wears the silver, Sami, wears the gold ones.
Thanks make even the slow days better :)

Philip without a shirt...sigh. But Philip miserable and sad :(

Why are they trying to make Chloe look crazy? So the wonderful Daniel can forgive her later? So what's Philip's excuse gonna be...not crazy, I was drunk. Boy did they mess this up. I'm still trying to figure out WHY? Nathan? Carly? Stephanie?

And now Hope is branding her victims? And for the life of me, unless Doc Baker picked this victim, I cannot understand why Hope would be whacking Brady of all people? Why not Victor? It's bizarre! Although I do admit, I am now officially curious about the brand as well as her victimology (I just love Criminal Minds!), so maybe I should be grateful.
Kristian Alfonso (Hope) has her own line of jewelry, and she always wears the little drop earrings from her collection. I wonder if the sign is going to look like one of her earrings?

The only words I can come up with for Stephanie are stupid and desperate.

Phil and Brady without their shirts on in one episode. :hot:

I bet Hope is going to blame Ciara for the red lipstick on the glass. I agree if Hope starts remembering her "dreams" that could make for a very interesting twist on the storyline.

I read somewhere that she "brands" Brady with a Celtic emblem. Will have to see if I can remember where it was that I read it.
Philip is apologizing to Melanie (sounds like he was unable to provide afterglow this evening???) She assures him it is o.k.

Fabulous report, Poirot. Thank you. And at last, a little realism. I've been wondering if Philip would be too guiltridden to perform his husbandly duties.

OMG, don't say that guilt will kill Philip!!! (just kidding) We don't want kpatch to have a heart attack.

Aw, thank you, red, for being so protective of me. You are like my bodyguard. :hug:
Thank you so much Poirot for the report for tomorrow. You always make the SL's more interesting to read.... than watch! :)