Days of Our Lives - Tues., Nov. 10, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Bo wakes up on a cot in Hope's room, spots Victor outside the window, goes out to talk to him. Big Hugs, Vic wants to know everything that happened. Bo tells of looking for docs doing research on Caroline's illness, finding Salinas, then getting call from ISA to work on a case. He tells of being kidnapped, not because of the case, but Salinas & the drug. He warns Victor these people are dangerous, they all have to be very careful. Along comes Kayla, more hugs, etc. Meanwhile, Hope is having dreams, of Aiden making love, or kissing, and then of trying to kill her. The scenes alternate, until finally she is screaming out loud. Bo comes running in, calms her down, Kayla gives her a sedative. Bo goes home to wash up and change clothes.

At the jail, Rafe comes to see Chad, he will be out soon. The message comes in, he opens the cell door, takes Chad down to sign paperwork. Andre' is giving Justin a hard time, but Justin lets them know Aiden could be a copycat killer. Later, at the DiMera house, a jovial Stefano is happy is son is free at last. Chad is smiling away, but manages to let Stefano know how Andre' told him, while Chad was in the coma, that he should stay in the coma, or better yet, die......and then how he came to see Chad, telling him the necktie killer would strike again last night...and he did. Chad hopes they did not try to get Hope killed just so he could be free. Stefano turns gloomy, wants to be taken to his room.

Gabi sits with Kate, who is trying to talk her into modeling for them. Gabi refuses, doesn't want to attract any attention, give her a desk job, benefits and insurance. Kate seems to agree, but wants Gabi to think more about being a model again.

Gabi gets a text from Rafe about Aiden being the killer, trying to kill Hope, etc. JJ comes by, Gabi keeps looking at Eduardo, who sits reading the paper. She tells JJ that is Paige's father, shows him the text, wonders about telling him. JJ urges her to do so, she does. Eduardo is very nice to her, Rafe comes by, listens in, eventually stepping out. Eduardo leaves as Rafe sort of gives Gabi a hard time about chattering with Pop O, but she is old enough to make her own decisions about who she talks to. Rafe goes to see Hope.

At the remote cabin, Abby now sits with her hands tied together, Ben comes in, got some donuts hopefully should satisfy any cravings she might have. He has been thinking, figures they can work things out between them.She is begging Ben to untie her hands, they can talk. He refuses, cannot trust her, she could be just playing him. She talks of how she forgave him for the tracking ap he put on her phone, but now he gets nasty, lets her know he tracked her to Chad's, heard what they said, how she left Ben to go to Chad, and they went at it on the ground outside where anyone could have seen them, then up in Chad's room, over and over and over again. He figures they won't be able to have their own life until he is away in prison, and she can't get to him. She is begging, pleading, she is having his baby, is engaged to him, he ignores her, is trying to get info on his phone about Chad, but no reception. Ben decides to return to the apt., pick up some stuff. She cries, begging him not to leave her tied like this. He is gone.

JJ has called his mother, tells her what happened with Hope. Jen rushes off to the hospital, runs into Chad, who is looking for Abby. She tells of Abby's text saying she & Ben were going away to work things out, Jen doesn't know where, not like Abby, but Jen has to go now.

Kate spots Eduardo sitting at a table, goes up, introduces herself, has seen him around, knows he is Paige's father, offers condolences, notes she is Will Horton's grandmother. He is sorry for her loss. Chit chat. He has decided he is tired of being on the move, owns a security company, wants to settle down, Salem seems a good place, nice people, blah, blah. Kate says she has to go, but if he needs any help getting real estate brokers, legal help, etc. here is her card with all her info. She departs, hoping they will see each other again.

JJ is at the cemetary, bringing flowers to Paige's grave. He kneels down, talks to her, saying he wants to do something with his life, that will make her proud of him. And has decided what that is.

Bo goes home, finds a cop finishing up the investigation. They greet, the cop assures him they will get someone in to clean this all up.....She won't return home to a crime scene. The cop leaves, Bo sits on the sofa, muttering how this could have happened.

Rafe visits Hope, asks how she is doing, then realizes it was a stupid question, so just gives her assurance that she has a lot of family & friends who are there for her, will help her through this. Bo returns, Rafe leaves so they can have time together. Hope wants to know what happened. Right now. Why did he not come home so many times when he promised.

Abby tries to find a way to cut her bonds....but no luck. She is promising her baby that "you are the most important thing, and I am going to get you away from here, as soon as I figure out a way. Uh, oh, a pain. She grimaces, decides it is just one pain, all is o.k. And then another one comes, she is grimacing, saying no, no, no.

Ben in in the apartment, packing up some things. Outside the door, Chad arrives. He hesitates, then hears a noise inside. He knocks. Inside, Ben hears the knock, goes to the door, looks thru the keyhole. His face changes as he sees who it is. He opens the door. He and Chad stare at each other.
Like yesterday, a few comments about characters. 1) Ben: Where did this delusional psycho get those plastic cuffs? Did he pick them up along with the Chinese food? 2) Justin: Why is he so quick to drop all charges against Chad? A little detective work would have turned up the facts that Aiden had gambling debts and had recently become the beneficiary of Hope's life insurance policy. From there, it's not a big jump to the conclusion that the attorney hoped to collect by staging a crime that made it look like the necktie killer was the culprit. 3) Nick's family: They certainly are a forgiving lot about Gabi. It's not uncommon for the TV news to report that families are vehemently opposing parole for the person who'd killed their family member decades earlier. 4) Kate: Why is she getting chummy with deadbeat dad, Eduardo? Could it be that she thinks that after being married to Stefano, anyone is a step up?
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I have a feeling Aiden may be exonerated in the end when Hope finds out the truth. Now it doesn't condone what he tried to do to her but at least she will know that he was in trouble with the Dimeras and desperate. I think that may become an important plot point as they were also involved with Bo it seems.

Slow day today. Chase should have been on so we could see his reaction to the events of the previous night. Ciara and Shawn should have been on too.

2) Justin: Why is he so quick to drop all charges against Chad. A little detective work would have turned up the facts that Aiden had gambling debts and had recently become the beneficiary of Hope's life insurance policy. From there, it's not a big jump to the conclusion that the attorney hoped to collect by staging a crime that made it look like the necktie killer was the culprit.

Great point but I guess this is for da plot. We needed Chad released from prison to help Abby. I do want to see Hope learn the truth about Aiden though.

I thought Kayla already saw Bo on yesterday's episode? Today she acted like it was the first time seeing him.

Kate: :tsk::tsk::tsk:
I liked today with Abby and Ben when he said "I followed you to his house one time" and Abby got this deer in the headlights look. She knew then that he knew. Is she tied to the chair? She must be or else she could just take off, but it just doesn't look like she is. Tomorrow should be interesting with Ben opening the door to Chad. I would hope Chad would be remembering already that the necktie killer is Ben.

Still hating how Bo is being portrayed as this big hero now and it wasn't his fault he was away. For at least a year it was but he decided getting the Dimeras was more important than his family. He is not blameless. And really, these guys held him captive over this stupid serum but they didn't go after the Dr. at all? This story is so dumb. Expected better from new writers.

And poor Hope. I liked that they showed her thinking about making love to Aiden as well as him attacking her. She has to be so confused and I hope she will get some answers. And I liked that she said to Bo I don't know if you can help me.

Have to say I actually got a little teary eyed with JJ at Paige's grave. I still wish she hadn't been killed.
Looked to me like Ben has Abigail's wrists bound with zip-ties. I did feel bad for her today, especially when she realized she's in labor and said "no, no, it's too soon." As much as I hate this angle, the story has been well acted.

It was nice to see Bo and Roman reunited. Otherwise, I didn't pay much attention.
I'm also curious about how the doctor's been running free throughout all of this. I hadn't really thought about it. And also, how did Salinas end up in touch with Victor, who apparently didn't know the whole story of how the serum even came to be, but didn't know anything about Bo's whereabouts when apparently he had been dealing with Bo in the first place? Bo's chat with Victor was more confusing than the story itself, really.
I predicted about a month ago that Gabi would be working for Basic Black in some capacity. Although I was kind of surprised at first that Kate was trying to get her to model for them; because I don't think most companies that are essentially rebuilding would choose a model with a murder conviction to be the face of the company. But then again we live in an age where sensationalism sells that could definitely them an edge. I know right now Gabi isn't big on returning to modeling but I have no doubt it will happen. I was starting to doubt my original prediction but now I feel confident in saying BOO-YAH!

As much as I love Rafe I don't like how he acted towards Gabi today. He is absolutely entitled to his feelings about Eduardo. I wouldn't blame him if he never softens or lets him in. However that does NOT mean he can dictate Gabi's thoughts and feelings on the matter. If she wants to speak to Eduardo or get to know him that is her decision to make and she shouldn't have to apologize to Rafe for it.

On a lighter note I loved how she tried to butter Rafe up in regards to JJ: "Oh he just likes talking to me because I'm your sister." Really Gabi, that's the best you can come up with? I just got a chuckle out of it.

While it may not be totally realistic I find I'm very much at peace with the Hortons forgiving Gabi.

On to some non-Gabi related stories I am going to give Justin ten points for using the Salem brain and seeing that Aiden was setting up a copycat scenario. :clap:Unfortunately I am going to have to subtract -20 points because he is STILL insistent on pointing the finger at Chad. :angry:
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LOL... I didn't catch that she had a longer leash. When he left, I was like - Abby! You just got in the floor, so your legs don't appear to be tied. Just your wrists are bound. Get thee up and figure a way out!! You don't need your wrists apart to get out! Go! Flee! Now!! A longer leash would explain why she didn't. Whoops! :)

Oh, and I'm kind of looking forward to the Abby story winding down. My speculation (and I think others have said similar here) is that Chad will save her from Ben, she'll have drama with the baby coming early or being sick or something, and that will open up the door for her and Chad to do their thing. I'm kind of rooting for them now. At least, for now. We'll see how it actually plays out.

And I was waiting for Ben to say something about the baby being for sure Chad's, like he's known it all along because of the whole paternity test and Clyde's involvement. Of course, I don't think the viewer knows for sure who's baby it is (I sure don't!)... I was just expecting Ben to reveal that the baby is Chad's for some reason. How creepy would that be?! And scary... I would be terrified, because it would seem the only thing Abby has going for her right now is that baby being Ben's.
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Ok, needing to ask why has Ciara, Doug and Julie not been to the hospital yet?? Hope has been there overnight and it is in all the online papers.

Really?? Bo has been to his house and back and still no dad for Hope??

Seeing Bo at the house really did make me wonder if Aiden was alive Bo would have killed him.

I did like that Rafe said to Chad that he never thought he was the one doing the murders. Now will Rafe think more about the copycat killing?
I wondered about Abby and the bathroom too.. I hope the cabin has one and you don't
go outside to the "outhouse"

Anyone else notice Chad's coming and going bandages. He had them on when he left
the police station.
office. At the DiMera mansion he came with a jacket (he reminded me of
James Dean) with no bandages. Later at the Brady Pub, his bandages were back.

I'm glad Chad told Stefano what Andre said to him in a coma.

I'm not surprised Kate asked Gabi to be a model for Basic Black. Will Gabi
take the job?

Will the Salem PD assume Aiden killed Serena, Will and Paige? I hope
they do more investigating. Will the Justin loose his job as DA since he
put the wrong man in jail? I hope so. Salem needs a lawyer :)

Since Kate gave Eduardo her calling card, will he call her? We all know
Kate is being Kate
I noticed Abby has had on a different outfit everyday. How is she changing clothes with her wrists tied up? If she can change clothes she could get away!
So...Bo still has clothes at Hope's?
Justin lets them know Aiden could be a copycat killer
Hey! He finally got one!! LOL
muttering how this could have happened
Bo & I are on the same page, here.
I honestly can't decide whom I dislike more: Abby or Ben. Ben is at least interesting to watch. Abby's wishy-washy and I'm sick of her.
I do want to see Hope learn the truth about Aiden though
Me too!
I'm okay with Kate & Eduardo, as long as everyone goes in with their eyes wide open. Anyone would be a step up from that Dixieland Dirtbag!!
Bo's chat with Victor was more confusing than the story itself, really.
Like the serial killer story, there are some rather large holes in Bo's retconned misadventures. I'm hoping we get somewhere good with both threads.
However that does NOT mean he can dictate Gabi's thoughts and feelings on the matter.
:clap::clap: I don't want to see Rafe continuing down this path either. And I'm with Gabi - a nice desk job with benefits is much more realistic than modelling. I like it when folks on soaps have regular jobs.
Hope has been there overnight and it is in all the online papers.
It wasn't in the online papers yet. Rafe texted the info to Gabi, who showed it to JJ and later Eduardo.

I noticed Abby has had on a different outfit everyday. How is she changing clothes with her wrists tied up? If she can change clothes she could get away!
No, she's been in that same outfit since before the gala.

Or rather, Grandpa Doug and Aunt Julie. :)
This is true, but Ciara calls Julie "Grandma Julie".

Although I was kind of surprised at first that Kate was trying to get her to model for them; because I don't think most companies that are essentially rebuilding would choose a model with a murder conviction to be the face of the company.
Last year, there was that young guy who had a "dreamy" mugshot and he's been flooded with offers to model when he gets out of prison.