Days of Our Lives - Tues., Nov. 24, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Am sure this has all been as emotionally draining on the cast as it has been for us viewers, as today, family receives word of Bo's death. Steve comes into Victor's foyer, breaks the news. Victor is disbelieving, Maggie in tears, Steve breaking down as he explains about the brain tumor, Kayla insisting on tests. He says Bo was like a brother to him, so he felt he should be the one to tell Victor. He tells Vic how sorry he is, Maggie as well, and leaves. Victor is still disbelieving, but remembers how Bo acted when he came over, and how he asked Victor to keep an eye on Caroline. Victor is going there right now. Maggie says she will come along.

At the Pub, Kayla is hesitant, but finally explains to the family (Roman, Shawn, Caroline) about Bo, his tumor, how he did not want anyone to know yet, how it was growing and had been there a long time. Roman talks of Bo being held & tortured, but Kayla doesn't know if perhaps all that accelerated the growth or not. No, he wasn't in the hospital, he died in the arms of the woman he loved. Shawn knows, immediately asks about his mother. Kayla explains she went home. What about Ciara.....she walks in.....what about me? What's going on. Shawn takes her outside to tell her. The rest of the Brady's see Ciara fall apart as Shawn tells her what happened. She comes in, Shawn decides they both should go be with their mom, & they leave. Roman asks how Caroline is doing, she is fine, doing o.k. Victor && Maggie walk in, Caroline takes one look at victor, and breaks down crying. He goes to her, holds her, as Caroline sobs uncontrollably.

Hope is in her room, on her bed, holding Bo's jacket. Jennifer has come in, calling Hope's name, no answer. She goes upstairs, the bedroom door is locked. She calls to Hope, talks to her thru the door, to no avail. Finally she tells Jennifer to just go away, leave her alone. Jen goes downstairs as Shawn & Ciara arrive, tells them where Hope is. She decides to leave, telling them to call her for anything. Shawn & Ciara sit in the living room, vowing to stay strong for their mother.

Upstairs, Hope is crying, sobbing, holding the tickets, Bo's jacket, when suddenly, he is standing there, telling her not to cry. She talks to him, but he answers her questions, no, he is not alive, and she can go on, she knows what is the right thing to do. Find the people who held him, stopping him of returning to his family and loved ones. He grabs her hand, holds it with both of his, then lets go, and fades away. She is calling, don't go, don't go.

Steve is in the park, getting drunk, sees a message on his phone from Kayla, but he just cannot be with her just now. He gets another message..."sorry for all your pain". He looks around yelling for whoever, to come out. He wanders from the park area into the square, staggering a bit as finishes off the bottle in the paper sack he is holding. Here comes Hope, stops him, says she needs his help. He is unsteady on his feet, she smacks him, tells him to snap out of it, she is going after the ones who kidnapped Bo. Are you with me? Sure.

Abby is still in labor, still trying to get Ben to let her go to the hospital, but too late for that, the baby is coming, is crowning. And at last, the baby is born. Ben watches, smiles and says they have a son. Later, Abby is holding the baby, wrapped in a blanket, Ben wants to hold him, coos a bit. Abby is worried, but he returns the baby to her as he pulls his gun from his pocket, telling Wendy her work here is done. Abby talks of how they would not have their son if it wasn't for her, but Ben feels she knows where they are. He then ushers Wendy outside, as Abby holds her baby, tries calling to him, and then after a few seconds, we hear a gunshot. Abby sobs. Ben returns, she asks how Ben could do that. Wendy knew too much. He pulls her leg out, shackles it, then takes the baby from her again. Abby cries.

John & Marlena are in the apartment, he is comforting her (I don't know why she is crying, they must have gotten word about Bo). They talk of Sami, who sends a text message, saying she is safe. (Sorry, folks, I did not quite understand or get what was going on here). They talk of Sami actually stealing from Stefano, being a fugitive now, but John doesn't think Stefano would press charges. Marlena realizes then he would want to handle it himself, in his own way. Uh, oh.

An upset Stefano has Andre' look at the computer, apparently all their money is gone. Andre' says it is impossible, that while Sami might have the codes, they have to be given from a computer in this house. And Samantha was under lock & key. Until she escaped, yells Stefano. Andre' notes she may have gotten only the liquid assets, that the other holdings are intact. Stefano vows that Samantha will regret this.

Jennifer returns to the Pub, tells the family how Hope would not let her in. Shawn & Ciara come in, Victor says that arrangements have to be made now. Roman figures that Hope is in no condition to do so. They all look at one another.

Chad is in Ben's apartment, looking around with a flashlight (why the heck these people cannot turn on a light is beyond me) as he empties drawers, looks under mattresses, covers, table tops, for some clue as to where Ben took Abby. He flashes back to when he came to the apartment, remembering finally his conversation with Ben, their fight.
Chad rushes over to the cop shop, finding Rafe, and telling him how he remembered going to the apartment, and accusing Ben of being the necktie killer. Rafe is reluctant to accept this, they argue a bit, as Chad has no concrete proof. Chad figures Aiden was just being a copycat to make it look like Hope was done in by the necktie killer, why would he kill the other women? But Ben hates him. Rafe seems to still not want to do anything. Chad starts to leave, but turns, and quietly tells Rafe that his gut had always told him that Chad was innocent. What does his gut tell him now? That Ben has to be found before it is too late for Abbigail. Rafe gets up, picks up the phone, orders an APB on Ben Weston.
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Thanks for the summary.

Some great scenes and great acting from everyone in the Bo storyline. Bravo ! I am so sad. Maybe that's why I can't wait for some joy and happiness. This was really hard to watch.

Speaking of hard : the Ben and Abigail stuff is definitely too hard for me. I think this is going too far, personally. The execution of the midwife. Sick, disturbing, horrible and I really don't like these kinds of things. Too much violence for my taste. And why, oh why didn't the midwife try to escape when Ben was kneeling down with the baby in his arms ? It's like she was waiting for Ben to kill her. I mean, I guess she was afraid to leave Abby and the baby, but how did she think this would end ? So run for the door and just... run ! Period ! So anyway, because to me this is too horrible, I will FF until this whole thing is resolved.

I won't comment on the Sami stuff. I didn't watch, I don't care.
Thanks Poirot. I missed there 1st 3 minutes due to the press conference. Today was a little easier to FF certain parts so I wasn't as affected as I was yesterday and Friday.

Great episode overall. I like how everyone keeps gathering at the Pub.

I thought it was REALLY well done how Shawn told Ciara. She is still a newbie for all of us and the cast so it was a great way to show the impact without really showing it.

I get that Hope is devastated but I was really disappointed that she didn't have a scene with her kids nor did she mention them. When she told Ghost Bo that he was her life, Bo's response should have been that the kids need her to be strong or something to that effect. Thanks a lot Mark Higley (today's writer). Bo could have mentioned both the kids and the revenge piece.

We got a Chelsea mention. I would have liked to have gotten a Belle mention too instead of constant Sami mentions. :rolleyes: And no Kim mention either.

That sure was a big preemie Abby had! I hope that Ben didn't really kill the midwife. Maybe she escaped. Though she should have ran out when Ben was giving the baby back to Abby.
Abby's baby sure was big! I felt bad for poor Wendy.

I was also confused about Marlena getting the text from Sami. This whole thing stinks, who cares? So this was how she exits the show? Waste!

edited to add:

I forgot to mention the Brady Pub scenes, I thought it was good and so sad!

Also Hope bounces back, she has gone through a lot in one day!
Ben, if you honestly believe the baby will be fine without proper medical care, then you are obviously more delusion than I even though. Not to mention that cabin is hardly set up for a baby. They have no diapers, no clothes, no blankets, they don't even have a crib. Premature babies can have a whole slew of very serious medical problems. If they don't get that child to a hospital, the baby will not make it something Ben would more than likely blame on Abby. The aftermath of Bo's death is so hard to watch.:angry::cry:
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Loved everything once again, expect the Sami stuff. My hope is Andre shipped Sami off somewhere and stole the money himself using her as a cover, hey I can dream. Besides I'd rather see Hope and Patch (let's include John) take down the Dimeras once and for all because of their role in Bo's abduction.
TPTB are certainly making up for once tossing Bo onto the trash heap of Salem history -- yet another emotion-filled day in which the actors all turned in fine performances. Among the mourners, perhaps the one in direst straits was Steve who was reduced to drinking from a bottle in a paper bag while in the background cheerful Christmas lights presented a stark contrast with his grief-stricken mood. As for others today: 1) Chad: By rushing over to see Rafe, he displayed far more sense than John and Marlena who never got around to telling Roman that his daughter had been kidnapped by the DiMeras; 2) Ben: He was scraping the bottom when he told the mother of a newborn to "wait your turn," but he's now the lowest of the low for executing poor midwife Wendy. Even Stefano would gag if he heard about this; 3) Sami: For all her brave talk about "bringing down" the DiMeras, she's now a common thief (well, maybe not so common), who probably took what might amount to pocket change for the Phoenix.
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Oh, let's think positively here (and I am not fond of Sami at all). How about she played Robin Hood, took the money, and just spread it around. Salvation Army, Red Cross, Police widows' Funds, Scholarships at small colleges, Parks/playgrounds in small towns that don't have them, donations to areas needing bridges rebuilt/fixed/repaired, etc. and don't have the $$$$, paying to get miles and miles of railroad track repaired. Donations to Food Shelves, Toys for Tots, boxes of needed PERSONAL supplies to our military in far off dangerous areas....

So much could be done in a positive way with the DiMera "liquid funds". But, I suppose if Sami absconded with the $$$, she has it stashed in several other places,trust funds maybe. She could not get away with fake names, not when you have to supply SS numbers.
Thank you for the summary, Poirot.

A big thank you to Days for no Brady / Theresa, Eve / Justin, and Papa Hernandez to detract from the family learning of and dealing with the loss of Bo Brady. Unfortunately, the Sami junk was shoved right in there.

I agree that the Ben storyline has been on too long, and the killing of the midwife was too much. This wacko needs to be gone already.
I was glad that we got to see everyone finding out about Bo's death. That was emotional. Did not like him coming to Hope. I would rather he said Don't blame yourself Fancy Face. It was not your fault. I took off, you had no way of knowing something was wrong but no instead he says You know what to do and wants her to go after whoever took him. I just think they could have done better. Hope is still going to be blaming herself. I don't like that.

Ben and Abby ordeal needs to end. Wow he really is psycho. That poor midwife. I knew the gunshot was coming but it was still horrifying.
Wow, what an emotional show! Didn't think that it could get worse than yesterday, but it sure did!:cry::cry: Really hard to watch. But fantastic acting and writing all around. I do like how they showed Ciara and Shawn-D. Also like that Hope and Steve are going after the thugs who held Bo. Are they connected at all to the DiMeras? If so, maybe the otherwise-boring Sami storyline will be a factor there. I do wish that Hope would've had scenes wth the kids and with Jennifer, but I get why she wasn't ready.

Finally Chad and Rafe are going after Ben! About time that Rafe got his common sense back! As far as Ben goes, I'm tired of all this torture and death!! He's insane if he thinks that the baby will be fine as is! Couldn't stand that Wendy was so viciously murdered like that. It's getting to be too much death.
I mentioned that in another thread about a week ago Kerry! They probably don't have any maxi-pads. If the three of them are in there much longer at least Abby would be able to nurse the baby. Otherwise Ben will have to go out for formula. I want to say I was shocked at Ben killing Wendy but I wasn't. It still was horrifying. I'm glad that Rafe is finally starting to believe Chad. Hopefully they can locate Abby quickly and end this but I think this will go on for a little longer I fear.

I must say I am pleasantly surprised that we got to see all the reactions to Bo's death today. For some reason I thought for sure it would have been the next day. I totally lost it when Victor came into the Pub and Caroline took one look at him and they embraced and cried together. I liked Bo's ghostly visit to Hope but feel like it's way too soon for her to be going out seeking revenge. I guess since so much happened in 24 hours it makes sense. I like that she will be teaming up with Steve. I'm sure Victor will help as well.

What a sad Thanksgiving this is going to be in Salem. :cry:

So Bo died and Abby's baby was born on the same day. Someone mentioned somewhere that it was just about 23 years ago that Isabella died the same day that Abby was born. Interesting.