Days of Our Lives - Tues., Oct. 15, 2019

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Kate's in her hospital bed, perfectly coiffed and made-up, arguing with Mr. Shin, until she throws her phone across the room, when Victor walks in with flowers (looking quite dapper). She talks of Tony stabbing her in the back. Victor asks who she is so mad at and she tells him how Mr. Shin dropped her in favor of Tony. Victor says he'd rather deal with Tony at the helm of DiMera than Kate, then tells her he has a proposition for her. He talks of her talent and drive, then offers her the job of running Titan. She mentions Brady and he says it's not a problem if he fires Brady.

Victor tells Kate about Kristen being pregnant with Brady's baby, and how he moved her into the K-Mansion. Talks of not being able to trust Brady over this stupid decision. Kate says Brady's doing it for his child, but Victor won't listen. Kate declines and tells Victor her place is at DiMera. Victor is surprised she's remaining loyal to them. Kate says this is only temporary (Tony in charge) and she'll fight for it. Victor keeps trying to talk her into it. He can see she's conflicted. CEO of Titan, no questions asked, his offer is the better one. She appreciates the offer; she'd like a few days to think about it. He gives her 24 hours for an answer or he'll offer it to someone else.

Tony asks Anna why she won't marry him; she talks of their future plans, and now he's agreed to run DiMera Enterprises, and isn't happy when he asks her to put everything on hold. Anna tries to get him to come live the life they've dreamed of, but Tony's not budging. Tony talks of not knowing his brother Stefan, but a DiMera needs to take his place. Anna asks about Kate, but Tony brushes off the suggestion. At first, he wasn't interested, he only wanted to focus on Anna, who asks what changed. He talks of visiting Kate and how she was insulted that Tony was chosen; Anna counters that he only took it to prove a point to Kate. But he says he wanted to do it so he could be someone Anna would be proud of (while she looks at him tenderly). She assures Tony she's already proud of him. But he wants to make money because he can't even afford an engagement ring or plane tickets. She says she has plenty of money and what's wrong with her taking care of him? But he wants to take care of her.

Anna talks of all he does that she adores (his manners, etc.) but he owes his brother nothing. She's not sitting through this rodeo again, while he gets sucked into the family drama and nothing is left for her. He tells her how she's everything to him, and everything he does is for her. They embrace.

John and Marlena sit in the square, eating, talking about how odd Hope was acting. They chalk it up to the stress of Julie's health. John asks how Eric liked his birthday cake and Marlena tells him about Eric and Nicole having a private celebration. She mentions Eric thought Sarah was pregnant, but said she wasn't. They talk about Kristen being pregnant with Brady's child, when he walks up to the table. Glum looks all around. John talks of Brady doing the "right thing" for his child, and they both talk about their concern of Kristen taking advantage of him. Brady tells them Kristen's staying at the K-Mansion (John's head looks like it's going to explode) due to her high-risk pregnancy, and it's all to protect his child. Marlena says Kristen planned all of this.

John and Marlena get up to leave. Brady says they're only living under the same roof, not sharing a bed, while John & Marlena exchange a look. John tries to school Brady on Kristen using him, but Brady's not standing for it and tells them how Victor threatened to fire him. John tells Brady that no matter what, they are here for him and the baby. They chat for a minute, then Brady leaves, while John and Marlena express their concern for him and the situation. Marlena's afraid of Kristen's plans; John's face shows he agrees.

Xander is fretting that Rolf will give Eric the envelope, when Kristen walks in and he asks her for Rolf's number. She wants to know why. Kristen and Xander bicker, but he tells her the truth, that he needs to stop Rolf from telling Eric that Sarah's pregnant with his baby. Kristen asks why; Xander thought it would keep Sarah from leaving town, but he might lose her for good. They continue to talk and Kristen is unconcerned about Xander's plight, but he demands Rolf's number, NOW (as he grabs her shoulders).

Kristen tells Xander to remove his hands from her or he'll regret it. She agrees and says he owes her one, then gives Xander her own phone to call, so Rolf will definitely answer. Rolf answers and Xander asks if he gave the envelope to Eric, Rolf says no and Xander breathes a sigh of relief. But then Rolf says he gave the envelope to Nicole. Xander's face turns to horror, as he drops Kristen's phone and runs out of the K-Mansion.

Rolf and Nicole talk at the door of Eric's apartment. Nicole wants to know why Rolf is there, but Rolf won't spill the beans. Nicole says Eric isn't there. Rolf asks when Eric will be back, but Nicole says she doesn't know, he's at the hospital checking on a patient, so Rolf says he'll stick around and wait. Nicole tells Rolf he can share the info with her. Rolf says he just came from the K-Mansion where he just learned the most intriguing news. They talk about Kristen being pregnant. Rolf confirms the pregnancy and tells Nicole about Kristen moving into the K-Mansion. Then Nicole shows Rolf to the door, but he's not going; he stumbled upon other news, and it pertains to Eric, then offers to show Nicole (while holding the envelope). He reconsiders, so Nicole says to just leave it with her and she'll make sure Eric receives it, so Rolf does that, then leaves, while Nicole holds the envelope, pondering the contents.

Eric walks into the hospital, fooling with his phone, as he literally bumps into Sarah. He's there to visit Julie, and a patient from the Horton Center that he regularly sees. He asks if Sarah is OK, she's pale. She assures him she's fine and tries to leave, but Eric stops her and says he worries about her. Sarah says there's a reason if she seems different to him. Sarah says she was there when Stefan was brought in and was part of the transplant team and has been up for hours. Eric wants to take her home to rest. She declines, but wants to talk with him about something anyway....then faints into his arms. :rolleyes:

Sarah's now sitting in a chair, Eric gives her a glass of water. He asks when she last ate, she doesn't really remember, so he heads off to get something, while she sits there. He returns with what looks like a yogurt parfait, saying he almost got her a candy bar instead. She says she doesn't think she fainted due to not eating, then talks about the stress of being part of the transplant team. He admires her passion for her patients and everyone around her. He's grateful to her for all of the support she's shown him; she talks of being so glad he has Nicole back in his life. Eric's sorry things didn't turn out differently between them, while Sarah looks uncomfortable and puts her hand on her stomach.

Kristen's sitting in the K-Mansion living room, looking at a book of baby names. Brady walks in, holding a bag from the pharmacy with Kristen's prenatal vitamins. He also bought some lavender calming lotion the lady at the pharmacy recommended, which helps with stress. Kristen seems touched. He also has a GabiChic bag. It's a shawl/wrap because he said the mansion is drafty, then puts it around her. She says she's sorry about him probably losing his job due to her moving in, then he goes to make a phone call while she rubs her hands over the shawl/wrap.

Nicole puts the envelope on the table, walks away, gets some juice, sits on the couch, fools with her phone, trying to distract herself, while glancing at the envelope. She gets up, takes the envelope and holds it up to see if she can read what's in it.

Sarah has finished her yogurt and shows Eric the empty cup. He's glad she ate something, then she tells him to go celebrate his birthday with Nicole. He can't believe she remembered. She tells him of planning his birthday celebration for months. Got him tickets to something that he wanted to see, but jokes she sold them for a nice profit. Then she tells him she's leaving Salem. He asks why and where she's going to go. She mentions Los Angeles and a fresh start. He talks of her family and so many people here loving her, then asks if she's leaving due to him.

Xander is now banging on Eric's door. Nicole opens it and he stalks in, asking for the envelope Rolf gave to her. She removes it from her pocket. It's too late, she's already opened it.
I'm starting to think that Kate only wants the job she was recently fired from. That's why she turned down Victor's offer for the CEO job and wants the CEO job at DiMera.
Just a quick recap, just got home.....and the episode was yawnsville all the way. Xander begged Kristen for most of the show to give him Rolf's cell number so he can stop Rolf from giving those pregnancy test results to Eric.
Eric runs into Sarah at the hospital, friendly small chat, she was on team to remove Stefan's heart. She passes out, he insists she eats, blah, blah.
Brady runs into John & Marlena, tells them his tale of woe, they caution, he will be firm, Kristen won't get to him, but he mentions Vic threatening to fire him.
Vic goes to see Kate, yaks away, she tells her her tale of woe about Tony being CEO now, he offers her the job at Titan. She needs a few days to think.....nope, 24 hrs. is all he will give her.\
Tony & Anna go over all the plus and minuses of him taking over DiMera. She just doesn't want him to make the job his whole life, he assures her it won't happen.
Brady comes home with pre-natal vitamins for Kristen, she is so pleased, plus a shawl he bought her as is drafty in the hse in winter. She tries to give him thank you kiss on cheek. He backs away.
Rolf is hesitant about giving that envelope to Nicole since Eric not there. Long drawn out back and forth, he finally does. She is curious, resists temptation, but eventually cannot stand it. Curiousity.
Kristen finally gives her phone to Xander to call Rolf, he learns Nicole has it, rushes over there. Too late, she read it, has it folded up in her pocket.
Are all the actresses on Days gonna be pregnant, and go around rubbing their tummies constantly. I asked several friends if they ever did that when pregnant, all said NO, including me.
Such a soap thing, and overdone. Thank you JS!
Kate's in her hospital bed, perfectly coiffed and made-up
University Hospital may offer third-rate medical care, provide awful security, and have the worst cafeteria food in the Mid-West, but it must offer great-in-room beautician services.

As for other Salemites, here a few remarks.

Xander: The X-Man really does need lessons on being a typical scheming Salemite and not hired muscle. Yesterday, he cooked up a plot that could explode in his face and today he let Kristen in on his personal business. As many Salemites could tell him, neither one of these moves is particularly prudent.

Tony: Since when is he so hot to trot about things DiMera? At one point, he was even refusing to call Stefano "Father." Why can't he restart his old p.r. company? Surely, some of his old clients would throw him some business. And if Anna wants to convince Tony that getting involved with DiMera business is a poor idea, she ought to remind him that the last time he did this, he ended up impaled on a shard of wood at the piers.

Sonny: If he wants to do more than bustle about with Will, he'd better forget about a future with Titan. When Victor would rather hire back-stabbing Kate rather then himself, it's time to look elsewhere. Perhaps, it's time to get the franchise he needs to run his very own Big Boy hamburger restaurant in Salem. And he'd look very fetching welcoming customers while dressed in red-and-white checked Big Boy bib pants.

Brady: He bought Kristen "calming lotion" today? Hopefully, he got the super-extra-strength variety because that's what it would take to soothe the hyper-animated Salem witch.
Thanks, JS.

DrBakerFan, I mentioned Kate and the hospital beauty parlor in yesterday's summary.

Nice to see Victor out of the mansion.

Will Kate take the CEO job at Titan? There's not many people left in Salem that Victor can ask.

I enjoyed the scenes with John, Marlena and Brady.

Rolf must not know Nicole very well. Everyone knows she would have opened the envelope.
Yes, give us scenes with Nicole and Eric. They both deserve genuine love with zero manipulation!!
LOL, well, it WAS fun to see Nicole dressing in that teddy for Eric, and then getting interrupted by Mama Marlena as they began getting hot and heavy.
I couldn't stand watching Eric with Sarah. The last thing I'd want is to have my ex-lover hover over me, trying to show and tell me how much he cares about me, after he'd dumped me for someone else. Yes, I did want him back with Nicole, and I'm not a fan of Sarah, but he really needs to leave her alone!
No, KathyLu, I'm not surprised. It was even more predictable that Eric was standing right there to catch her.

The other thing, which I think Poirot mentioned a couple of days ago, is these pregnant women holding or rubbing their tummies. I don't recall ever doing that--unless I had a stomach ache. :rolleyes: It's getting ridiculous. I couldn't bear watching Kristen do it in today's episode. But then I can't bear watching her do anything!