Days of Our Lives - Tues. Oct. 21, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sami comes downstairs with Allie, making plans to ditch school today and go to a pumpkin patch. Allie is delighted, Sami answers a knock at the door, two Fed agents arrest her, have a warrant, put her in handcuffs, Allie is crying, the agents saying she won't see her mommy again til her 30th birthday. But, Sami jolts awake, having dozed off on the sofa, as Kate has come in, commenting that Sami was up all night. Chatter about the stock fraud, Kate cannot find files, Sami used to be so organized. Sami protests she was only concentrating on revenge, and instead, now, she has lost her husband, will lose her children, everything that meant anything to her. She is crying, Kate holds her, comforting her.
Finally Sami pulls away, surprised that Kate has been so sympathetic. Kate wipes a few tears away, says Sami is the mother of two of her grandchildren, she doesn't want anything to happen to her, she mentions the painting of the two of them, the strong image, and wants to maintain it. They are partners.

Will has gone to see Victor, beats around the bush a lot, takes forever to finally ask him to help his mother, doesn't know all the details, but he overheard some conversation, knows she is in big trouble. Victor wants to know exactly what he heard, then promises to try and help.
Now Victor goes over to DiMansion, walks in on Sami & Kate, who try to pretend all is fine, but victor knows everything, and no, Lucas did not tell him anything. Doesn't matter. He is there to help, sits them both down, and they evidently have a conversation about it all. Later he is telling Sami she is too emotional right now, he is leaving with Kate to get things going, and tells her to clean her self up, right now she looks guilty. Fix her hair, do something. Kate mentions Sami is in mourning, Victors acknowledges this, but wants her looking better.

Tad runs into Chad in the square, expresses condolences, mentions Abigail & EJ helping out at the club on New Year's Eve when they were understaffed, was a nice guy under all that British bravado. Tad also mentions Abigail is babysitting Ari.
At the apartment, Abigail & Sonny talk, about EJ, Will, and the impression is that Will & Sonny have not seen much of each other. Abby suggests Sonny take some time off, find Will and spend some alone time with him.

At the club, Clyde arrives, mentions Ben wanted to see him. He figures Ben wants to talk of how he offered to help Ben financially, talks of starting a trucking business in Poplar Bluff, it is doing well, and the place he bought in Branson, which is doing great, and he has a few friends helping him out there in Salem. He owes his kid something. Ben mentions saving for school, is almost there, but the place he is living is not good for him, a room in someone's home. Oh, Clyde understands, and is more than willing to help out (Ben doesn't want to return to Poplar Bluff) says it will all be just between them. Ben says he would not be able to keep it from Jordan, Clyde understands, tells him to think about it some more, let him know what he decides. (Not understanding why Ben can't ask Jordan, she had all that money she wanted to give back to Clyde, but he would not take it??).

Chad shows up at the apartment, pretending he wanted to see Will. He & Abby chat a bit, Ari is looking adorable in a yellow outfit. Ben arrives, Abby has to change Ari, leaves the guys alone. Ben gives Chad his condolences, Chad leaves. Abby has put Ari down for a nap, and gets cozy with Ben on the sofa.

Sonny meets up with Will, was hoping to have lunch, talk some, by themselves. Will is all stressed out, his mom, the kids are a mess. They talk, chat, Will mentions doing the article on Chad, Sonny thought he wasn't going to do it. they argue a bit about it, with Will assuring Sonny he has complete creative control, and Chad asked him to do it. Sonny is sorry he spoke up, wants Will to go ahead, and now Will is taking off. Sonny tries stopping him, is sorry again, Will says he knows, it is all o.k.

Eve opens her door to find the smiling Kristen standing there, inviting herself in, and then blathering about Theresa and how she knows what she did. When Eve answers her phone, Kristen plants a bug, Eve comes back, and more or less tosses Kristen out.

Now Kristen calls Anne over to her apartment, blathering about a scholarship in EJ's name for training of NON-MEDICAL person, wanting Anne's dept. to handle it. She knows P.R. usually would, but she & Jennifer don't see eye to eye of late. Anne is thrilled and practically grovels. She calls the head of the hospital to make sure it will be o.k. and Kristen plants a bug in her purse.

Theresa runs into Brady in the hospital, asks about his dad, who is doing well, was talking about Theresa. They go for coffee, where Brady says John said he wants to know Theresa better. They talk a bit about Kristen, with Brady saying he did not realize he had not gotten rid of her in his head, until she came back to town. Theresa gets a call from Eve, to get over there right away.

Sami comes downstairs at DiMansion, having changed into a black dress, her hair is fixed, she looks really nice. Knock at the door, she opens to find 2 or 3 men, asking if she is Mrs. Sami Brady DiMera.

Theresa is at Eve's as Eve is telling her all about Kristen's visit, and how Kristen was accusing Theresa, etc. And in her hotel room, Kristen is eagerly listening, muttering for Theresa to admit she did it. A knock at the door, Kristen is expecting the club sandwich she ordered, so says, Come in. Intent on her listening, she says to just put it over there, not looking up. But she finally does, and there stands Brady.
I saw the episode (started watching now that EJ is dead). I LOVED Kristen and Eve sharing scenes--we really need more of this. I feel like they didn't have enough time together. I also thought that Anne was hilarious!!! And so was Victor--especially with Sami!! Loved it!

Brady & Theresa keep having the same conversations over and over again. Enough of the boring filler.

I enjoyed seeing Tad today. I thought that, while the younger set today was mostly filler, it was still good. Ben and Clyde have piqued my interest.
Yeah, I thought Anne acted just as I expected her to. She gets all fangirl-y around people who have power. She was the same way with Sami and even with Bev, when Bev mentioned her father was a major donor to the hospital. I did think maybe Daniel purposely told Kristen to go for it with Anne if she wanted to because he thought Anne's annoying habits would drive Kristen nuts. Incidentally, I don't mind Anne nearly as much in storylines like this. The constant "mean girls" thing she and Theresa do to Jen is not a good use of her character, in my opinion--she's much more interesting and enjoyable away from Jen.

I enjoyed Kristen and Eve's scenes, although when Kristen introduced herself and Eve didn't know why she was there, I thought, Because we both look and act alike, so we should meet. They played off each other well. I would think Eve would discover that bug, though. She should have noticed Kristen doing something over there while she was on the phone. Or maybe Paige will find it and think Eve is spying on her. :)

I don't know which makes Brady stupider: the fact that Theresa constantly asking if John said anything else about the night of his attack hasn't led him to be suspicious or the fact that he keeps finding reasons to go over to Kristen's hotel room when he really could stay away. Maybe the three of them should form a polygamous family since he doesn't seem to be able to choose between Kristen and Theresa :rolleyes:

I was pleasantly surprised that Ben didn't respond to Abby and Chad talking the way Jen would have responded if it were Daniel and anybody. Speaking of which, Will's complaint about Sonny sounded kind of like he's been listening in on Daniel and Jen's fights and taking notes. That whole discussion of whether Will should write the article has happened before and I didn't think it was necessary to have it again.

Victor's scenes :clap::clap::clap: I think my favorite line was when he said something like, "That won't happen. They don't wear black anymore." when Sami said she didn't want the men in black to arrest her in front of her kids.
I would think Eve would discover that bug, though. She should have noticed Kristen doing something over there while she was on the phone.
I thought the same. For someone so experienced in criminal activity, Kristen is pretty stupid. She should have put the bug under the table that the lamp was sitting on.
I was pleasantly surprised that Ben didn't respond to Abby and Chad talking the way Jen would have responded if it were Daniel and anybody. Speaking of which, Will's complaint about Sonny sounded kind of like he's been listening in on Daniel and Jen's fights and taking notes. That whole discussion of whether Will should write the article has happened before and I didn't think it was necessary to have it again.
Good point about how Ben didn't give Abigail the Jennifer response!!

I agree about the discussion about the article. Will's always accusing Sonny of treating him like a child, well with all the tantrums he's having!

edited to fix quote....JS
Theresa: John knows it was me, in the Kiriakis mansion, with a poker.

I really got a kick a out of that line. Maybe it just made me remember how as a kid there were few things I enjoyed more then a good game of Clue.

Abigail and Gabi are corresponding. That makes me happy. :)

Call me gullible if you want but I'm actually starting to buy that Clyde is sincere in his claims that he wants to make things right with Ben. I know the guy is a total dirtbag and doesn't deserve a second chance but it gives him some depth. I know some people have written the character off as a "Duck Dynasty" stereotype but I don't see it. I think that's a characterization that fits Clyde's henchman Jeremiah but not Clyde.

Anyway I'm enjoying Clyde's villainy and I don't know how long James Read (Clyde) is contracted for but if it was extended I would not be disappointed.
Thanks for the summary. I haven't watched yet but I'm already wanting to yell at Ben to stop taking favors from Clyde. I don't even care that much about the character but it bothers me to see someone set aside his better judgment for momentary pleasures. Regardless of whether Clyde sincerely wants to make up for his past mistakes with Ben, he still is a very evil man, doing unlawful and harmful/deadly activities, and I think Ben will end up hurt because of his association with and indebtedness to Clyde.
Highs and Lows -- Highs: 1) Victor the Fixer. In a community full of double-talk, b/s, and outright lies, it was refreshing to see Victor cut to the chase, analyze the Sami problem, and promise effective action. Sami should take heart, after all, Victor made Chelsea's legal problems after the Ford Decker incident vanish "just like that." 2) T the Good Guy. In the moral swamp that is Salem, it's always good to see T, the cheerful voice of good sense and common decency. Lows: 1) Kristen planting listening devices. Not this again. If Kristen would do a little research, she'd learn that in Salem this approach rarely turns out well for the bugger. 2) Will getting his back up at Sonny's reservations about his so-called journalistic efforts for truly sleazy tabloids. William should realize that Sonny knows that when you lie down with dogs, you can catch fleas.
I guess since EJ is gone other people in Salem have to take his place like
Kate saying the line of the two grandchildren and Will wearing pink :)

Upset with Ben talking to Clyde about money, I hope he won't take any.
Interesting to learn Clyde has a trucking business. I think we all know what
he hauls. He also has something else in Branson.

Ari held her lamb today.

I was glad to see Allie with Sami today since we saw Johnny yesterday.
Too bad it was just a dream.

Enjoyed Victor. He has the funniest lines.
I'm enjoying everyone's comments on here tonight:)

I find Abigail's grief over EJ 100 times more believable than Sami's.

I agree about Eve and Kristen's scenes being too short. These 2 power actresses play well off one another. They should have had a storyline together instead of some of the meaningless stuff we've seen over the past few weeks.

Kate looked all kinds of fabulous today. I hate Kate but she looked good and very age appropriate. I also wish the writers would write for the other characters in Kate and Victor's age range the way they write for Kate and Victor. They are always part of front burner storylines and then some while Marlena, Roman, John, Caroline, etc. are back burner.

I liked Kristen's blue dress and that turquoise purse but it was funny that she pulled her big iPad out of it. Speaking of which, that is one amazing iPad since it can do surveillance AND edit professional videos. :rolleyes:

Clyde and Ben and are growing on me. Jordan not so much. I like that they are adding layers to Ben's character and having him interact with lots of people. At least Ben confided in Abigail what seems to be the truth as he knows it.

I wouldn't mind if Ben and T became roommates.

Loved Arianna's glare at Chad when Abigail opened the door. :)

Was Abigail's job interview taking place at Will and Sonny's apartment?

Was Sami wearing EJ's glasses?

The AARP phone call to Eve was hysterical, especially since the actress playing her is 52.
At the apartment, Abigail & Sonny talk, about EJ, Will, and the impression is that Will & Sonny have not seen much of each other. Abby suggests Sonny take some time off, find Will and spend some alone time with him.
Wait...isn't it like 1 day after EJ's death? This is crazy, keeping up with the time shifts around Salem!! LOL

in my opinion--she's much more interesting and enjoyable away from Jen
Mine too - everyone's better without Jen!! LOL
I'm firmly on Anne's side, I wish the character were used more often and in better ways than being a foil for Jennifer.

Call me gullible if you want but I'm actually starting to buy that Clyde is sincere in his claims that he wants to make things right with Ben. I know the guy is a total dirtbag and doesn't deserve a second chance but it gives him some depth. I know some people have written the character off as a "Duck Dynasty" stereotype but I don't see it. I think that's a characterization that fits Clyde's henchman Jeremiah but not Clyde.

Me too. BUT I feel that would add too many layers for the writers to handle, so I'm pretty sure we're being led down the garden path.

Ben seems to want it both ways. He "hates" his dad but takes money from him. To me, that doesn't say much for Ben's character.
I see this angle, too. I'm not on the Benwagon over here...this guy is a creep cut from the same cloth as his subtler daddy in my observation.