Days of Our Lives -Tues., Oct. 31, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

A really weird show, the kind I really don’t like, the acting is great, and I won’t be able to do justice to the events. But….Chad Abby are home, yakking about all the candy they ate in the square, talking of how Thomas will enjoy Halloween so much more next year. Chad keeps checking his phone, finally admits to Abby that Ben escaped and he is checking for updates to know if he was recaptured. Abby looks worried, but figures she will take her mind off, continue reading Jane Eyre.

Steve is at the hospital, wearing a cowboy hat, Kayla has a hair band with kitty ears, they talk of entertaining the pediatric ward, but too bad they could not give them candy. Steve has to go check the Pub for smashed pumpkins, broken windows, they will meet later for a beer.

At the cop shop, Hope has a stack of file folders, Rafe sneaks in wearing an ugly mask, she knows it is him, kiss lightly, jabber about work, Ben, etc. Back at DiMansion, Chad is making arrangements to fly his family out of town on their jet, Abby notes the nanny is packing Thomas’s things, she will go finish packing theirs.

At the hospital, a masked doc walks down to the morgue, stops to check Rolf’s body. He pulls down the mask, tis Ben, who tells Sleeping Beauty there it is time to wake up, as he brings up a big hypo, jabs it and Rolf sputters awake, gasping for water. Who are you? Ben Weston, son of Clyde Weston. He told me where to find you, what to do, what your specialty is, and I have a list of people I want you to help.

The two men are dressed, in the elevator, when Kayla holds the door, is on her way down. Now Rolf is at the cemetery, digging up Serena’s body. Rafe gets a call from some kids who were in the cemetery, a grave was disturbed. He goes to check it out, along with Hope. When they arrive, they run into Rolf, cannot believe it is him. He laughs, they have lived in Salem long enough, know it sure is possible. He shows Hope his watch, and suddenly…….meet Princess Gina. Rafe is stunned, Gina wonders who this peasant is, Rafe gets tied to Benchie.

Chad finishes talking to his pilot, turns and there is Serena! He is shocked, she lets him know she has come to finish what they started, mentioning Dr. Rolf helped her come back, & how she doesn’t look bad for being dead a couple of years. She has an elephant statue in hand.

JJ & Lani are in the square, checking things, looking for Ben. They separate, JJ has a flashback memory of meeting Paige there, turns, and there she is. He is taken aback, can’t be, she is hugging him, talking or being together again, chattering. Lani returns, Paige takes a pitchfork from a display, rams it into Lani’s stomach, down she goes. JJ cannot believe this, he is ranting at Paige, she grabs a gun, points it at JJ, he is holding up his hands, no, but………Bang!

Rolf give Gina protective lipstick, then poison one, so she can kiss Rafe, and thus kill him. She does just that, despite Rafe saying she would not, Hope is in there, won’t do it. Rafe is dead. But Gina then talks of feeling Hope trying to get out, and then she has memories of Hope & Rafe, kissing, making love.

Steve is checking out the Pub, Kayla arrives, looking a bit distraught. They have a beer, toast each other, she starts talking of how much she loves him, how life is short, one should not waste a single day, she did, blaming him because of Joey going to prison. But knows it was not his fault, she loves him, complains a bit about her neck hurting. Steve wants to take her home, do a massage, she hasn’t finished her beer. Knocking at the door, a cop. She doesn’t want him to answer, but Steve figures the cop is checking cuz lights are on, they are closed. She kisses him, saying she loves him, he answers the door. The cop asks if he is Steve Johnson, has some bad news, his wife was strangled tonight, is dead. Steve laughs, she is right here, he turns, no Kayla.

Steve is at the morgue, crying over Kayla on the slab, holding her. Ben’s voice is saying he is sorry, did not mean to kill her, but she recognized us. Steve goes berserk, “Us??”. He grabs Ben, chokes him to death, then returns to Kayla, holding her, crying over her.

At DiMansion, Serena is still babbling away at Chad, Abby comes in, they have words, Serena wants to make Chad pay, swings that elephant hitting Chad in the head, down he goes, bleeding. Abby runs to him, you killed him. Yes, and now it is your turn, think maybe I will burn this place down, too. Abby is pleading, has a son, but Serena has no mercy, swings that statue at Abby………..

Causing Abby to wake up in bed, gasping, crying no, no. Chad wakes up, she tells him about Ben, Rolf, the dead being brought back, killing everyone. Chad asks if there is not an interrupted wedding in that Jane Eyre book she was reading, and didn’t some woman who wanted Mr. Rochester try to kill him, burn the house down? Abby nods, laughs, figures that explains her nightmare.

And Steve is sitting as Kayla arrives, kiss, kiss, no troubles at the hospital, all is well, no one missing from the morgue. They laugh, go to get a drink. We see Dr. Rolf laying on the morgue slab.

At the cop shop, all is quiet, nothing bad happened, JJ & Lani come in, Hope says their shifts are over, they can leave. All 4 depart. (Rafe, too)

Chad & Abby are laughing a bit, figure to take her mind off the bad dream. Chad smiles, will be over on her side of the bed, as soon as he turns out the light. He does, the room is dark, he rolls over to her, and we see, on the nightstand, the elephant statue.
Thank goodness! I was getting a bit peeved over the prospect of people who had been dead and decomposing walking around like they'd just stepped out of the beauty salon. Fortunately, my skeptic mind took over pretty soon and I could get through the whole show. Well played, writers!
When they arrive, they run into Rolf, cannot believe it is him. He laughs, they have lived in Salem long enough, know it sure is possible. He shows Hope his watch, and suddenly…….meet Princess Gina. Rafe is stunned, Gina wonders who this peasant is, Rafe gets tied to Benchie.
OMG! Poirot your summary is hysterical! I hope it is as funny when I finally get to watch this episode tomorrow night! Today it feels just perfect! What a hoot!:rotfl:
Apparently I am in the minority but I thought it was a fun Halloween episode. It was so dark at the end I wasn't sure what they were showing. Elephant statue?That's interesting and I thought Hope putting on lipstick at the end was interesting. I absolutely expected Rolf's eyes to open at the end. I thought it was fun. It was nice to see Ben and Paige. Princess Gina not so much. But it was fun.
Evidently, it is a "stand alone" special for Halloween, thus no moving forward of any story, except that JJ does mention, at the end, that Ben was caught & locked up.

@Designing Woman.......I was having a fit about digging up a body buried for some time (2 years???) because what about decomposing?? So how???? Glad I was not the only one bothered......cuz as you said, common sense prevailed, someone had to be having a really bad dream.

The question was............who? LOL. Have to say, the flow went well. The cast must have had some fun, for sure.
I had a feeling when JJ and Lani seemed a little too relaxed about Ben escaping at first. But then again you never know with the Salem PD. I don't mind a stand alone holiday episode once in a while.
For all the regular shows we have that make no forward movement happen, I thought this break from the norm was a fun exception. Well acted and well told story to make us all wonder, oh no! Then we get the reveal today that it was all in Halloween fun. Thanks Days for not wasting my time with the regular old no forward movement shows.
what about decomposing??

When Beethoven passed away, he was buried in a churchyard. A couple days later, the town drunk was walking through the cemetery and heard some strange noise coming from the area where Beethoven was buried. Terrified, the drunk ran and got the priest to come and listen to it. The priest bent close to the grave and heard some faint, unrecognizable music coming from the grave. Frightened, the priest ran and got the town magistrate.

When the magistrate arrived, he bent his ear to the grave, listened for a moment, and said, "Ah, yes, that's Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, being played backwards."

He listened a while longer, and said, "There's the Eighth Symphony, and it's backwards, too. Most puzzling." So the magistrate kept listening; "There's the Seventh... the Sixth... the Fifth..."

Suddenly the realization of what was happening dawned on the magistrate; he stood up and announced to the crowd that had gathered in the cemetery, "My fellow citizens, there's nothing to worry about. It's just Beethoven decomposing."
It was a fun Halloween day. So much talk has been about how shows just mentioning the holiday and move on. They actually did a day that we can see.

Even though this was Halloween was played out in Abby's mind, lots of tricks going on in her brain. Glad they did not make them all really come back from the grave, but having them all evil and out for revenge was in keeping with the day.