Days of Our Lives - Tues. Sept. 28, 2021


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's a new day in Salem.

Philip comes into the K-mansion den with a big box for Chloe. He tells her it's National Strawberry pie day.

Brady opens the door to John and Marlena's townhouse. Jake is there. He was picking up his dry cleaning across street and wanted to know how Brady's visit went with Victor.

Rafe is in his kitchen and Gabi comes in for a cup of coffee. He says I thought you moved out because of fight with Ava.

Nicole is at Brady Black office and takes Duke the bear out of her desk drawer. EJ comes in.

Gwen goes into the police interrogation room to talk to Xander. She wants to make it up to him that he's arrested.

Gabi tells Rafe she's moved back in. EJ is a snake and bought the DiMera mansion from her. She said her lawyers are working on it. Rafe wants Gabi to treat his girlfriend better. Gabi says something just when Ava walks in. Rafe wants Gabi to apologize to stay in the house. Gabi says she's grew up in the house. Rafe says he pays the mortgage. (I thought Rafe bought Maggie's house). Rafe wants Gabi to be nice. He wants her to take the high road like Ava has (Ava thinks back to her meeting with Philip when she told him Gabi and Jake want his job). Gabi apologizes. Ava accepts. Gabi leaves.

Gwen tells Xander she will do whatever it takes to get him out of jail. Xander mentions a jail break. Gwen wants to confess. She'll even say she was a hooker. Xander says sex worker. She won't give up getting him out. Gwen wants to find a lawyer. Xander tells her he called the top lawyers and even the ambulance chasers. When he mentioned EJ's name, no one wanted to help. Gwen says they need to find a lawyer that's not afraid of EJ. The door opens and Just in Time Kiriakis walks in.

EJ talks to Nicole about how Xander won't be coming back to work at Basic Black. He says Xander can rot in jail. They are holding his money in evidence and charges are no longer dropped. EJ asks if it's bring your daughter to work day looking at Duke. Nicole tells EJ that Duke belongs to Rafe. EJ didn't know Rafe collected teddy bears. Nicole tells EJ she won Duke on Rafe's birthday. EJ doesn't like Duke's name. He says Duke looks like an useless sheriff. Nicole tells EJ to stop talking about Rafe. She says she and Rafe are only friends. EJ says you wish there was more. Nicole tells EJ about Ava. EJ is shocked that Dudley Do-Right (it's been awhile since Rafe called that) is dating a mob princess. Nicole says ex-mob princess. EJ thinks Nicole interested in Rafe. Nicole says she's getting divorced. She doesn't want to upset Ava and Rafe's new relationship. EJ says Nicole looks miserable, but a wise move to say away from Ava.

Brady asks Jake how he knew he saw Victor. Jake says he saw Brady's car at the K-mansion. Brady wants to know how Jake knows his car. Jake talks about being a mechanic. Brady says he knows Jake was in the mob and asked if he was keeping tabs on him. Brady wants to know why Jake is interested in Philip not doing his job. Brady wants to know if Jake wants to be the boss. Jake laughs it off. Brady has been CEO at Titan before and he knows when the sharks are circling. Brady tells Jake he likes his job at Basic Black. Then Brady asks if he and Gabi put the keylogger on Philip's computer. Jake says no. Brady tells Jake to leave since he has to go to the office. Brady phone rings. Jake outside door and listens to call. Brady tells Victor he wasn't going to get between Philip and Chloe.

Chloe opens the big box and finds Fire and Ice roses in a garden watering can. She's happy Philip remembers they are her favorite rose (small flashback). Philip went to the nursery to get things to keep their tree alive. He bought the watering can for their anniversary. They have known each other 22 years. He wants to take care of the tree and her. They kiss. Chloe is happy Philip knows Brady didn't put the spyware on his computer. Philip says he knows it was Gabi and Jake, but not to
tell anyone. He still has to prove it. He knows from an old business associate that they did it. Chloe says the three of them had a nice dinner the night before. She's happy Philip won't bad mouth Brady anymore. She suggests Brady will help him. Philip doesn't want Brady's help. Philip can't fire Gabi because he would loose Gabi Chic. He can't fire Jake because they would know something is up. Philip wants to take Gabi's company now.

Justin is there to see Bonnie. Gwen wants Justin to help Xander his cousin. Bonnie took his money that was to go back to EJ. Justin says Bonnie is remorseful. Justin needs to leave to see Judge Smails. Xander sits up and says Judge Smails. Xander tells Justin the judge is corrupt. EJ paid the judge to drop Xander's charges, but when Bonnie took EJ's money. EJ had the judge put back the charges. Gwen thinks Justin and Xander can help each other since the judge is dirty. She thinks they can trace transactions (she doesn't really know how you pay someone off does she?) Gwen wants to get EJ and the judge. Justin isn't on board. She says Xander still needs a lawyer. Justin leaves.

Rafe asks Ava if she heard from Philip about the job offer. She says not yet. It's her last option since she can't be chef or work at Basic Black. She gives Rafe lunch and he goes to work.

Gabi and Jake see each other in the Horton Square. She wants to know how it went with Brady. Jake says Brady seemed suspicious. Gabi wants to work harder with their plan. EJ stole her house and she wants their plan to move. Jake says he has new information.

Gwen tells Xander they need to prove the judge is on the take.

Justin talks to Rafe when he comes to work. He wants to talk to Bonnie. Rafe said Judge Smails isn't letting Bonnie have visitors because of her bad behavior. Justin wants to know what she did. Rafe doesn't know or care because it's Bonnie Lockhart. Justin leaves.

Nicole tells EJ that Ava gave up her old life. She lost one son and she wants to be better for her other son. EJ says Rafe likes the bad girls. They talk about his ego. EJ says they should have dinner together.

Brady and Chloe meet outside the Basic Black door with her flowers. Chloe asks what he told Victor. He said he won't get between you and Philip.

Jake tells Gabi he overheard Brady say to Victor he wasn't going to break up Philip and Chloe. They think they can use Chloe to bring down Philip.

Philip walks into Rafe's kitchen. He asks Ava if she wants to bring down Gabi Hernandez.
Wonder if Ron has considered Marlena no longer lives alone.... she has a grandbaby in that house now..... never mind...
Gabi needs much better writing..... this spoiled child behavior at home is over done and annoying...

Seemed today was filler....and according to my "what day is it" web page it is Strawberry Pie Day
Seems strange they'd know that on the day 7 months ago when they filmed that portion....

Thanks kat
The parts with Gwen, Xander, and Justin were interesting. I hope they end up taking down the judge. That could make for some great teamwork and scenes. I’d like Xander to have a positive family connection.

The rest was horrible. All Gabi had to do was run her business and be happy. She was so glad to get her company back. This whole plot with her trying to take over Titan has been idiotic from the beginning and keeps getting worse. I liked Jake at first, but he’s ruined. I don’t even want to see them on screen. I fast forwarded the scenes with him and Brady. This story is written so badly it’s embarrassing, and it’s getting worse.

EJ as a character is unwatchable. How is he smarmier than day one when I said he was all smarm and no charm? He’s getting less and less likable. His attitude about Rafe made me wish Nicole would punch him. He has no redeeming qualities. At least Ava is mixing in some emotion and genuine care for her son and for Rafe, so that I can see how, right now, she’s attractive to him. Why would any woman want to have EJ ooze his toxic, obsessive, controlling narcissism at them? His hitting on Nicole made me physically ill. Who finds that alluring?

I’m also begging them to give Chloe something to do besides react to Philip and Brady.
As Tina Y said, EJ is unwatchable. If today's episode had a theme it was the writers making him as insufferable as possible.
  • Other lawyers supposedly fear him? Give me a break. Mummy jokes are probably very popular over at the bar association.
  • He has the nerve to pester Nicole for a dinner date? She should give him the same treatment she used to give Xander.
  • He actually verbally trashed Rafe. Somebody really should forcefully teach him some manners.
  • He supposedly "owns" a judge. If Justin plays his cards right he could become a hero by getting crooked Judge Smails tossed off the bench and creepy EJ disbarred
On other fronts:
  • Jake is a clumsy, obvious plotter. He's like a guppy swimming with the Salem piranhas.
  • Why wouldn't an attorney take Xander's case? It would be worth its weight in publicity and a win would have clients pouring through the door.
I guess Gabi “grew up” from a teen to an adult in Salem?

There are so many missed opportunities here. Frankly, Gabi and Ava should be friends. Gabi and Philip had fun, fresh chemistry. I was getting used to nice Jake with Kate. Rafe and Nicole could have love and conflict without a love triangle just by navigating being together after her divorce. Or maybe bring Sami back just to be secretly jealous. EJ could still be wrapped tightly in bandages so we didn’t have to hear him talk… so many missed chances to make things better.
I know there are a lot of complaints about the possession storyline, but it holds my interest much more than the snoozefest that was on today. The only story I liked on today's show was between Xander, Gwen, and Justin, and I really hope Justin joins Xander and Gwen to take down the judge and also get EJ as well.

I really wish Chloe had something better to do than to play the ping pong ball between Brady and Philip. I would much rather see her be a mother to her son and maybe sing in a nightclub again (we don't have to see her singing since it costs too much to have the actors sing, but just show her just finishing a number while various Salem citizens are having dinner out and interacting). I'm tired of everyone having to work at either Titan, DiMera, or Basic Black.

Another one trying to get into the corporate world is Ava. Just why do we want to watch this? Philip and EJ act like corporate sharks, and Gabi and Jake are the wannabes trying to fit into this backstabbing picture. I find all of this tedious and dull. Why doesn't Gabi just run GabiChic? Once upon a time she was so proud and happy to have her own little company and both Titan and DiMera had to coax her to even join them and what happened after she signed onto DiMera? Andre tricked her and took the company away. Everyone keeps saying how successful GabiChic is, she could focus her energy on expanding it without being tied to the other businesses. As for Jake, I liked him so much better when he just worked in the garage as a mechanic.

Just no to Nicole going out with EJ. Girl, you can do so much better than that creep.
There are lots of corporate people who do things, create things, think of ideas, produce things to put into the world... It's just none of that happens in Salem because everyone is a CEO of miscellaneous, purposeless conglomerates that are basically a cover for the Salem money tree.
Yes, it's the CEOs I had in mind. Because, after all, everybody in Salem has to be a CEO and most of them don't even do that title justice. All they do is stand around and drink, while scheming on how to get even or to otherwise do somebody dirty. A little of that goes a long way but in Salem it just goes on and on and on.