Days of Our Lives Tues., Sept. 3, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, September 3, 2019`

Replays....Gabi/Stefan kiss in living room, he gets call from Vivian, (have to say, hearing his dead mother's voice on the phone, claiming to be alive doesn't seem too surprising to him). He cannot believe it, Viv tells him short form of surviving., says long story as to why she did not contact him sooner. He promises to get to Chicago right away. Stefan returns to Gabi (who has again been having flashbacks of her conversation with Julie, leaving her, repeating Julie had to be faking, but wondering why Julie would do that in front of No one) Gabi thinks he should not go to Chicago, should send Ben, he agrees, calls Ben, needs him immediately. Stefan warns Gabi not to tell Kate.

Hope sits with her dad at the Club, he wonders why Julie has not returned from shopping yet, Hope reminds him of the Labor Day sales, how Julie loves shopping, they smile & laugh over how Julie gets carried away with shopping at times. Doug can see something on Hope's mind, she brings out the letter from Ted, which she hasn't read. He lied so much, she figures more here, should throw it away. Doug figures since she didn't, she must want to know down deep, what it says, offers to read it to her. He does, reading how Ted knows he told many lies, admits he had a wife in Paris, but they no longer were together. He goes on in that vein about his lies, how he never expected to meet someone like Hope, knew he did not deserve her......yada yada. Doug stops, doesn't want to read anymore, but Hope takes the letter, continues reading aloud. Ted knows she won't ever have anything to do with him, doesn't blame her......but of all his lies, there is one truth......he loves her. She puts the letter away, she talks of her great love with Bo, Doug does some philosophizing about forever love, she wonders if she will ever find love again. They hug, love each other.

At the hospital, Ciara is very upset, worried about Gramma, Ben holds & comforts her. Kayla is in room with Julie, who is unconscious, flatlines. Kayla gets the paddles, manages to bring Julie back. Sarah wanders in, what's going on. (Sorry, but she is useless). Julie comes to a bit, mutters that “she left me to die”, but no name. Kayla mentions tests, waiting for results. Sarah goes out, tells Ciara & Ben. Ciara has been trying to reach Doug, his voice mail full. Ben gets her some water & snacks, as their Chinese food went in the trash. He gets call from Stefan, she encourages him to go, has snacks, water (guess hospital has no water, lol). He promises to come if she needs anything.

Sarah had called Eric, he fills her in on Nicole & Holly being alive, but has to hang up suddenly. Yep, thug Walter has a gun on him, Eric pretends to be Chicago P.D., looking for Nicole & Holly, Walter wants a badge, Eric admits the lie, still wants to know. Walter refuses info, Eric is trespassing, Eric brings up Kristen giving him the address, is in jail, will go free once Nik & Holly found. They go into room with Viv, who says nothing, Eric argues with Walter, who won't say boo, but finally says something about Kristen not being his only boss. Eric thinks Rolf, Walter says not that old quack, he looks at Viv, who denies, would not have stayed there with the lousy company and bratty kid. Hmm, Walter won't divulge who the other boss is. Stalemate.

Hope sees a slew of texts from Ciara, and is upset. It's Julie.

Gabi learns Viv is alive, begins badmouthing her to Stefan, who convinces her that she forgave him, try to do so with his mother. She finally agrees. Ben arrives, is told about going to Chicago, seeing Vivian who is alive. O.K. But he has to stop back at hospital to see Ciara. Uh, oh, she o.k.? What happened. Oh, she is fine, tis her gramma,....massive heart attack. Cue Gabi's shocked look.

Hope arrives at hospital, hugs from Ciara, Doug right behind her, more hugs. Kayla comes out, everyone is looking at her expectantly, how is Julie. Kayla with solemn face, has bad news.
There were a lot of flashbacks by Gabi of her conversation in park w/Julie, and with Julie herself, as she lay unconscious in the hospital bed. The show definitely got a lot of mileage out of those scenes.
The scenes with Hope & Doug were so very nice, really well done.
Am left wondering why Jack, Jen & Rolf left Vivian behind, did not take her with them to Salem, since that is where her "beloved, precious son" is.
And then, WHO is the "other" boss? LOLOL
How many times are they going to replay Julie and Gabi's confrontation? Enough already! They can't kill Julie can they?

So Ted just lied about everything? The wife, the kid. Didn't we all speculate that he was going to be Leo's dad?

What I wish they would do with Hope's love life, which will never happen, is that they bring back Aiden. I thought the actors were great together. I actually liked Hope then but then they went and ruined it!! If not, they at least need a new actor to come on. There isn't anyone on the canvas she could hook up with. Rafe was not it.

Ugh, find Nicole already!! I'm a little worried with the henchman saying Kristen isn't the only one he takes orders from. Please don't bring Stefano back!! Maybe he's talking about Xander, though he is pleading ignorance about Nicole.
Here we go with more secret puppetmaster. :beat: That's getting to be as overdone as love triangles.

They have enough drama going with the players on the scene now that Vivian and Rolf are back. Add them to Kristen, Kate, Eve, Xander, and Victor plus Stefan, Gabi and Brady, and we have plenty enough schemers. We don't need any new secret power players. I doubt any of them would be hiding Nicole and working with Kristen--except Xander who it seems has already revealed what he knows.

Could it maybe be Victor? But would he keep Holly from Maggie knowing that she was drinking? Wouldn't that be a dealbreaker for Maggie once she found out? I don't want to see them divorced. Where would Maggie go? There aren't any more homes to live in, and I can't see her moving into the Salem Inn. Where would she bake cookies?

Or maybe Sami? But she wouldn't work with Kristen. I can't see her holding Nicole hostage. Plus, she would have had to know "Nicole" wasn't Nicole when she came to Salem a few weeks ago, and they had a fight. Sami clearly thought it was Nicole and was ready to punch her.

The more I think, it might be Victor, which would be plain awful. I'll have to think back to those scenes with "Nicole" and whether Brady ever told Victor he was back with her before it all blew up. However, it would have to have been Victor without Kristen's knowing, and I don't know how that would have worked. Unless Victor's calling the shots is a new thing since Kristen's scheme blew up. Maybe he found out what was going on and swooped in. But then why would he have kept Nicole and Holly out of Salem?
Seems like Ted's letter to Hope was to drop the potential storyline of him having a child out there that he thought died, plus his "dead" wife, that Diana saw alive and well.
Didn't we all speculate that he was going to be Leo's dad?
My guess is that perhaps originally, Ted would've turned out to be Leo's biological father. But the writers seemed to drop it and go in another direction, with the abusive Mr. Cooper being Leo's real father after all.
Just do not think Victor would be in cahoots with Kristen. Admittedly, I did not think of Xander first at all........(or Eve?) Xander was already working with Kristen, he IS the one who said Holly was on her way to her new home. He IS the one who delivered Jack to Eve. He IS the one who had Rolf's diary, and knew Eve had stolen it from the office in the Hospital. He has been in on a lot.........though he really seemed to not know the whereabouts of Nicole.
So the other "boss" could be someone else, someone currently not around......someone new, or perhaps someone who we just have not seen yet, tho we have heard the name. ???
I don't want it to be Victor, and that idea has a lot of problems story-wise. It just seems like Xander is always the flunkie. He's never the mastermind. And I have to believe that if he could use what he knew to deliver Holly back to Maggie, he'd do it at this point because it would score him major points with Sarah whom, against all rationality, he thinks is so great.
Here I am nitpicking again. It's just fun. lol

Yesterday, as Gabi was thinking about Julie and pouring herself a drink, it was water (either gin or vodka) today at the beginning it was still water. Then all of a sudden, it was tea (whatever brown spirit).
Julie: Gabi could be forgiven for thinking that Julie was faking her heart attack. I'm no doctor (not even by Salem standards), but she seemed to have an awful lot of energy for somebody who's just had the big one.

Eric: Every day in every way he shows that he has no common sense. Who with an ounce of brains seriously mouths off to a thug who's pointing a gun at your face? In fact, given Eric's usual angry/anguished expression, the gunman could be forgiven for thinking that he'd be doing Eric a favor by putting him out of his misery.

Ted: Too bad he's been killed off (call Dr. Rolf -- it's not too late). If he has a surprise child out there somewhere, he'd be a perfect fit for Salem society.

Gabi: She's tactless as usual. Who tells somebody in graphic terms that their dear mother being alive is unwelcome news?

Sarah: It would have made for a good line if when she rushed in expressing regrets that she wasn't there to help Julie, Kayla had said: "That's all right dear. We don't need any more malpractice suits this month."

The Mystery Mastermind: For the moment, my money is on Victor. He hates both Vivian and Nicole and if he learned that they were alive it's conceivable that he'd take steps to keep them out of both out of Salem.
@Dr.BakerFan.......whom I just adore......o.k. let's just say, "highly respect". LOL
My mom, living alone, had a massive heart attack. This was years ago. She called the hospital, she called the fire dept. and who knows who else. The lady who lived in the apt. under her became concerned, hearing the footsteps going so often to the hall where the phone was, very unusual, and came upstairs. Now my mom was a nurse, knew exactly what was happening to her. Her neighbor took over the call arounds (this was years ago, no 911 then) and eventually got the fire dept. to send their ambulance. My mom lived on the 3rd floor, and they actually took her to the hospital where she worked, which was not the closest one to her apt. Just noting that some folks ARE able to function well, while having a massive attack. (My mom died 3 days later)
I will definitely agree that folks in Salem don't act or react like people normally do. LOL And by the way, do you all know Days has a "medical consultant" in the credits? First time for everything.
Thanks, Poirot.

Poor, poor Sarah. Eric told her Nicole and Holly ARE alive.
Too bad, so sad :)

Interesting they rewrote Ted after he was dead. Will they do more with
story later?

Ben told Ciara not to worry about Julie since "Kayla is some kind of a super doctor,
Since when?

Who is the mystery person? I hope it's someone new.
Nice scenes with Doug and Hope but I didn't understand the purpose of them being around Ted's letter. Hope has spent more time obsessing over Ted than she has about Bo, Aiden and Rafe combined.

I really don't care about Sarah's reaction to Eric and Nicole. Can she please have a rest??? Also, why is she in the Julie story acting like she's not even related to Julie?

I was glad to see Gabi had a conscience about Julie

Seriously, who in Wardrobe allowed a working doctor to get to air wearing jeans and a cropped blouse? Fire them immediately.
Thanks Poirot!

who has again been having flashbacks of her conversation with Julie, leaving her, repeating Julie had to be faking, but wondering why Julie would do that in front of No one)
Way too many flashbacks of this scene - wore out my FF button!

I really enjoyed the scenes with Hope and Doug. Sweet father/daughter talk! Doug's remark about protecting Hope from Ted was awesome. I think me own Dad would have responded similarly. :love:

Cue Gabi's shocked look.
I may be in the minority AGAIN, but I think Gabi was WAY out of line to leave Julie! To just walk away is unforgivable - maybe even contributed to her condition. I know the quicker you get help to someone having a heart attack, the better their chances are of recovering. I must admit though that I really dislike Gabi and Stefan. I have no positive words for - mum!

she seemed to have an awful lot of energy for somebody who's just had the big one.
It isn't uncommon for someone who is starting to have a heart attack to have energy - Julie fell down and asked for help as the heart attack was progressing. Her grabbing he arm and gasping for air are normal signs of someone having an attack. I still think Gabi was way out of line ... (I don't often disagree with you DBF, but this time I really do)

Ted: Too bad he's been killed off
Yes - I would have enjoyed Doug "taking care" of Ted!

The Mystery Mastermind: For the moment, my money is on Victor. He hates both Vivian and Nicole and if he learned that they were alive it's conceivable that he'd take steps to keep them out of both out of Salem.
I hope you're wrong - Maggie would be devastated if she never finds Holly! Too sad!

And by the way, do you all know Days has a "medical consultant" in the credits?
Either the "medical consultant" isn't very good at his/her job OR the powers that be aren't paying attention to his/her suggestions. There are sooooo many errors in the way medical issues are treated!

I was glad to see Gabi had a conscience about Julie
Conscience? Really? I think she was afraid she'd get found out for leaving Julie to die!

Not really enjoying DOOL lately!:sad:
I am only guessing, but think that medical consultant was only for this storyline about Julie's heart attack and the aftermath.
@Dr.BakerFan.......whom I just adore......o.k. let's just say, "highly respect". LOL
My mom, living alone, had a massive heart attack. This was years ago. She called the hospital, she called the fire dept. and who knows who else. The lady who lived in the apt. under her became concerned, hearing the footsteps going so often to the hall where the phone was, very unusual, and came upstairs. Now my mom was a nurse, knew exactly what was happening to her. Her neighbor took over the call arounds (this was years ago, no 911 then) and eventually got the fire dept. to send their ambulance. My mom lived on the 3rd floor, and they actually took her to the hospital where she worked, which was not the closest one to her apt. Just noting that some folks ARE able to function well, while having a massive attack. (My mom died 3 days later)
I will definitely agree that folks in Salem don't act or react like people normally do. LOL And by the way, do you all know Days has a "medical consultant" in the credits? First time for everything.
Poirot, thanks for the information. Fortunately, I've never had any personal experience with persons who suffered a major heart attack. All I had to go on was movies and TV shows where heart attack victims either drop like a stone or are suddenly enfeebled. That said, it's too bad that the Love Doctor was written out. He could have magically appeared, given Julie some preliminary surgery with his trusty folding pocket scalpel and a roll of duct tape before everyone rushed back to University Hospital for some emotionally-draining scenes as Dr. DanTan (ably assisted by Kayla, Haley, and newly-minted surgeon Dr. Tripp Dalton) struggles to finish saving her in the OR.