Days of Our Lives - Tues. Sept. 7, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Episode #11,412 Taped 7/14 Director – Herb Stein

Lots of “filler” today, in my opinion, plus the obligatory flashbacks, of course. The first 4 minutes are repeat scenes from Friday’s show (just so you had not forgotten, after the long weekend). Rafe asking Sami to marry him, Stefano ordering Daniel to save his son’s life, even if Daniel is Victor’s godson, Daniel ordering the staff to page Carly, and get the O.R. ready, stat. We definitely take a tour of Salem today. So, now we are in the O.R., everyone is in scrubs, caps, masks and gloves, and guess what? A nurse begins to shave EJ”s head. Is that REALLY done in the O.R.? I thought everything was supposed to be so sanitary and the reason for caps is to prevent hairs from flying around. O.K. on with the surgery. Carly is assisting, hands Daniel the scalpel (isn’t he lucky, no student nurse for him!). They talk of the bullet being in the frontal lobe, lucky EJ is was just 22 caliber, uh, oh, sub dural hematoma. Worse now they are losing him, he is coding. Bring out the paddles. Sigh of relief, that worked, he is back in sinus rhythm, they can proceed. Ahh, Daniel removes the bullet, it goes into a bowl.

Nicole has the TV on, but no news about the shooting of EJ. She decides she is going to the hospital, Chloe tries to talk her out of it, to no avail.

Out in the hall, Stefano is in his full DiMera mode, pacing, anxious, threatening nurses because they have no news. Kate calms him down, he cannot go bursting into the O.R. now. Bo arrives, wants to talk, Stefano grits his teeth, turning away, saying not now. Bo tells Kate that with the number of people wanting EJ dead, he’d have to rent a stadium in order to question them all, lololol, but for now he wants to know who had access to that fortress they call a home. Kate tells him she & Stefano spent the night on the yacht, the staff knew they were not there. She flashes back to calling Sami, says she thinks she knows who did this. Stefano comes back, hears this, gets upset at Kate, but she talks of the scene on the dock with Victor. Bo is not convinced, but Kate tells of Maggie being able to confirm the confrontation. Stefano tells Bo whoever did this is going to pay big time.
Cue Nicole to arrive, with Tim & Chloe right behind her, and Stefano roars at her that she did this, she is going to pay. Nicole tells of EJ trying to kill her last night, Stefano doesn’t believe her, but she has Daniel Jonas as the man who stopped it, the FBI agents guarding her, the one agent who EJ also tried to strangle, and that she was at Daniel & Chloe’s all the rest of the evening, with several guards right outside the door.

Sami is watching the news, Rafe comes in with cups, turns it off, she doesn’t need the news before morning coffee, suggests they go see the kids. Next they are at the Pub, Caroline congratulating them welcoming Rafe to the family, is very happy for them both. She says the girls are sleeping, out runs Johnny, happy to see Mommy. Hugs, big time. Sami now tells him she has good news, Rafe is back, they are all going to be together now, she & Rafe are getting married. Johnny says “my daddy is not going to like that”. LOL. Sami says it isn’t going to be a problem, they are all going to be together, she & Rafe are getting married. Rafe & Sami are both kneeling down to Johnny’s level, Rafe talks of them all going camping together, playing football. Johnny is grinning, wanting to know if he can come to Rafe’s office. Rafe says heck, you can be king of my office. Johnny gives him a big hug.

And let’s take a quick side trip to Stephanie’s apt. where Ian has just arrived, Stephanie begs, pleads, wheedles….wants Ian to break into St. Mary’s system again, and see if Philip is the one who changed the results. Ian is reluctant, why is it so important. she whines some more, talks of how Philip gave away his first child…frankly, she didn’t make much sense, but she evidently convinces Ian, who agrees, and she leaves.

Nathan runs into Chloe on the docks, makes a bit of small talk, but gets Chloe’s dander up when he brings up her one night stand. Chloe gets indignant, tells him to shut up, informs him of her paternity test, tells him he is rude and insulting. He tells her he did promise not to say anything to anyone, and he won’t, he leaves.

Brady is looking thru the mail, Victor comes in, tell him of trouble with DiMeras, that he is sending Vivian to Tahiti for safety sake, that perhaps Brady should make himself scarce, too. Brady isn’t going anywhere, mentions his talk with Maggie (Vivian is eavesdropping) warning him about Victor. Wonders if Victor is just using this as an excuse to get Viv out of the way, so he is free to pursue Maggie, and it will not work. Brady leaves, Victor calls Maggie, telling her that he was thinking about the scene with Stefano last night, and he thinks Maggie should go on her trip after all. Maggie sweetly says she never changed her plans in the first place.
Viv comes into the room, telling Victor she is not going to Tahiti, she married him for better or for worse, is going to stand by his side. And besides, she wants to make sure the transition of Isabella’s remains goes smoothly.

Melanie is looking through Maggie’s cookbook, Philip comes in, loves that she wants to emulate Maggie. He wants to perhaps have a party for Chloe & Daniel, celebrate the baby, surprising Melanie, who remembers his solemn face when he first heard. He claims Chloe is a good friend, been thru a lot, cancer, chemo, etc. he was worried it might not “take”. But all is well now, so….Melanie suggests she throw Chloe a baby shower, Philip thinks this a good idea, Chloe will love it.

Back at the Pub, Caroline has taken Johnny to wake up his sisters, Bo arrives, telling Sami & Rafe that EJ was shot last night. Sami turns white, can’t believe EJ is dead. Bo did not say that, he only said EJ was shot, he is in surgery right now. Sami drops the glass of water Bo has brought her (she is seated at a table), apologizes, Rafe goes to get towels to mop it up. Bo asks Sami where she was last night, she just looks at him. Rafe has returned, says he can answer that, she was with him all night. Bo asks Rafe if she ever left, he says no, she was there all night. Sami is still trying to grasp the news, mumbling about him being the father of two of her children. Then says she didn’t know how she was going to tell them he was dead, and is glad she won’t have to.

Back to the hospital, Stefano is pacing, Lexie arrives, sorry she was off duty when all this happened. He wants her to go in, tell him what is going on, but out comes the solemn Daniel, his news delayed by a commercial. (!). He tells Stefano, finally, only that his son is alive, tells Bo they got the bullet, it was sent to forensics, then goes off with Lexie & Stefano to talk. Kate again contemplates her call to Sami, telling herself perhaps she made a mistake. Daniel is explaining to Stefano that they really do not know yet what sort of damage may have been done. It will take a few days. Lexie tells her father they just have to wait.
Stefano, Kate & Lexie are all together now, as Carly comes out of EJ’s room. “I have news”. Last shot is of EJ, lots of tubes and wires, machines.

thanks for the lovely right up barb. and happy labor day.
The OR scenes sound great. As for your question the shaving is done outside of the OR. Once inside the area is prepped and draped. Thanks for the write up Poirot.
Thanks Barb When I came on and saw Tuesdays write up I said YEAH! not a bad show except for the Stephannie YAWN fest. She is so not exciting! have a good labor day And thanks again for the labor you put in for us.
Looking forward to Tuesday's US episode.... Actually excited about Days again...I saw that the ratings still weren't much of an improvement except for women 18-49 (which appears accurate as far I am concerned considering I fall into that category:) ) Love Sami and Rafe together
I cannot believe Nathan's do u come up to someone ask if they know who their baby's dad is? I mean really? And he is supposed to be a dr? If he is going to be that arrogant, he at least needs to be sexy about it. And since in my book SEXY and NATE don't mix, he needs to just stop. UGH.

Melanie looking through cookbooks sounds cute...first knitting, now she is turning into a little Martha Stewart. LOL

Hopefully all of this is setting up for the upcoming drama...that is what it feels like to me...a setting things in motion day.

Thanks for the write up.
Just saw the show. The OR scenes were so funny to watch. First the shaving of the head in the OR then the fact that hair was left on it looks like a brush cut for the army. (They should have shaved it bold) Then no intubation just an oxygen mask over his face. Funny how after the surgery he is intubated and on a vent.

The scene with Melanie and Philip makes me even more sure that Philip changed the results. Now he is excited about the baby that Dan and Chloe are going to have, but wants to spend all the time possiable with the baby. (sounds like he knows the baby is his is giving it to Chloe and Dan to make Chloe happy, but plans to keep a close eye on the child growing up.)
I have a question about the paternity result thing....Stephanie wants Ian to get back in the system to see if it was Philip who changed the can he tell...?? Philip wouldn't have signed his name or anything....and he could have used a myriad of computers which couldn't be traced if that is even possible for Ian to trace like that....I don't get it....oh my gosh, did I just say that...??? They shaved EJ's hair in the OR...!! I guess it doesn't have to make sense....never mind......
I don't know how he could trace it back to Philip I am sure the person that did the switch used a public computer that could not be traced to a certain person.
I guess if they can track a hacker back to the Philipines, or Japan (which has been in the news in the past) there has to be ways to trace something done by a hacker back to them. However, if it was done at the hospital itself, no idea. Philip did not necessarily have to do it himself, I don't think he is that computer savvy. But he could have someone else....someone who is that capable, just as Ian is, to do it for him. Stephanie is a dodo.
It is hard to believe she is so worried about 'losing Nathan'. If he could be swayed by Melanie's neediness (in Stephanie's proposed scenario) so easily, then...he is not Stephanie's to begin with. It is so beneath her to have to grovel, and then sink to such a level.
When Philip got home the day of the test switch, he told Melanie about a technical problem at work and mentioned the name of an Information Technology expert at the office who fixed it. If indeed Philip was behind the switch, I am guessing he had the I.T. guy do it for him. And I don't think Ian is that smart that he can track down the IP address of the computer the results were switched from, especially if that computer was a cell phone. Stephanie is getting herself more and more tangled is this crazy web.

Thanks for following all the scenes and reporting them to us, Barb.
Thanks for the write-up, Poirot.

As far as EJ's haircut .... I know it was emergency surgery, but Daniel mentioned a CTscan in the lobby (I guess they wanted an idea as to where the bullet was located) AND .... I presume that EJ's suit/tux and other clothing was removed in some prep room before surgery ... so, why the heck didn't they shave his head at the same time?? :duh: AND, I agree, he should be bald ... NO hair!
Thanks for the write-up. The OR scenes sound interesting.

I have a comment about shaving before surgery. Many, many, many years ago I had a brain tumor. The did not shave all my hair off. Only the area around where the surgery would take place. It looked really weird afterward! Cause I was bald for 3 or 4 inches back from my forehead but still had hair in the back!
miladytn.......yes, I knew a lady who also had that done exactly the same way you describe, for the same reason. She wore sort of a folded bandana for some time, tied under her hair in the back, so I know what you mean.

I am surprised if they were going to this, they did not at least shave "bald" the area around the wound.

When I had my gall bladder out, I swear I was "shaved from my knees to my waistline. LOLOL
Thanks for the update.

Back to the hospital, Stefano is pacing, Lexie arrives, sorry she was off duty when all this happened. He wants her to go in, tell him what is going on, but out comes the solemn Daniel, his news delayed by a commercial. (!)

!! Indeed.
Mr. Scott probably insisted on shaving his entire head for all the attention it will, and is gettng him.....
Thank you, Barb, for taking your time on a holiday to give us the summary.

Another thing that I thought was funny was Melanie saying she was going to give Chloe a baby shower. How many Salem days will that be from now? Could be in 2 weeks or a year our time.