Days of Our Lives - Tues. Sept. 7, 2010

Thanks for the preview, Poirot. It sure was nice to have it, after going three days without Days! Looking forward to this episode and the ones to follow.
It was ridiculous for Sami to be indignant that Uncle Bo was questioning her about the shooting. I'm glad Bo reminded her that she should know better coming from a family of policemen.

I am so glad that Chloe let Nathan know how inappropriate his question was and that she didn't let him off the hook for his rudeness. I loved when she said she didn't know how Stephanie Johnson can stand him.

Isn't it cute how everyone has the same computer now? Used to be the same cell phone. They really should have gotten an all-black laptop, but that silver stripe makes it so obvious.

And I can't help but mention how adorable it was when Melanie proved her point about Philip's seriousness when he first learned of Chloe's pregnancy by noting that there was no sign of his dimples. Even he got a kick out of that comment.
Sami is Still in Trouble

Will she ever be happy? Now she has to lie AGAIN to Rafe and most likely
( the way of the scripts) will just about go to jail for shooting EJ. She lied about Syd, told EJ his baby was dead and now she wants to kill EJ? Pleassssse- she is no better than him- they deserve each other.
Hope EJ does not die- the ratings will really go down then!
I really liked that Chloe told Nathan off today when he questioned "who's the daddy". I think that was the first time I was really put off by Nathan. But, loved that Chloe put him in his place. Regardless of what he knows, it was tacky.

More great acting from the vets. I'm so addicted to DOOL lately!

My *only* disappointment is I wanted to see how Bo answered Carly after her talk. I hope they don't let that story go too far by the waste side for the Sami show.
I agree about the Chloe-Nathan scene. So glad she told him off! What a doggedly rude intrusion on his part! How could he think it is any of his business?
Thank goodness Rafe took some time with Johnny. The flippant, "me me me" way Sami told him she was getting married and not to worry about his DAD made me sick. She deserves to have those kids taken from her. What she is now doing to Johnny is no better than Ej.
Maybe in your world its ok to do that to a child, not in mine *shrugs*.
No, I thought she handled telling Johnny she was marrying Rafe inappropriate, but it certainly doesn't equate to the things EJ has done and make her no better than him.....
I don't get it either, PAllison. Sami has never treated any of her kids the way that EJ has. OK, she screamed at Will a lot a while back, but he was being a know-it-all nasty horrible teenager at the time.
I said " what Ej has done to Johnny.' Ej made Johnny keep the Sydney thing a secret, totally bad on the child. Sami promises Johnny they are going to be a real family, blah blah blah, with his Dad. Next day its, "nah forget your dad, we are now going to be a family with Rafe. Poor kid has to be messed up as heck.

Sorry, as a mom it just turns my stomach and makes me mad the way she treats her kids.
Guess I am reacting as a mom as I said. I would never ever do that to my kids.

Why would she of had to lie? Take a bit of time, she did not have to tell Johnny that second. He has no clue he doesnt live with his dad any more or that his whole life has now been uprooted. Think about the kids for once Sami.

And no, just because an innocent 3yr old ( or what ever age he is to be) was "ok with it" does not mean I as an adult have to be ok with it in any shape or form.
While I think EJ and his deeds are too awful to be compared with anybody else, it did occur to me, as I watched this, that it must have been confusing for little Johnny to have this sudden switch in who his "real" family was going to be. However, like most little kids (and a lot of older ones too), he was happy as soon as he heard they were going to get to do fun things.
And, it's going to get even more confusing for the kid.

EJ-I am going to ask your mommy to marry me so we can be a family.
Sami-we're going to be a family. Your daddy and I are getting married.
next day
Sami-my bad, I'm going to marry Rafe.
Johnny-daddy won't like this
Sami-we don't care about daddy anymore.
next day (coming soon)
Sami-your daddy has been shot and might die...

That poor kid! He has a relationship with EJ (it may not be the best, but he does love his dad.) Sami's "too bad" reaction was not a nurturing or understanding statement. The way that Sami handled it was pretty rotten for a mom. Regardless of how she personally felt about EJ, she has allowed a relationship with EJ and Johnny to happen (and fostered it for some time). She should have had a little more tact.
I realize the kids arent the focus of the show/writers, that Sami/Rafe/Ej is. Just got me I guess. So many in this world treat the words love, family, and promises as disposable words, makes me grr. They could of written it better.
I agree, NikkiFan, they could have written it better.

And, we can look back at this time of Sami's mothering skills in about 10 years when the kids are rapidly aged and Johnny turns on Sami. We'd all understand why he's a bit messed up in the head compared to Allie (who'd be hacking into St. Mary's trying to figure out if she was switched at birth...)
[compared to Allie (who'd be hacking into St. Mary's trying to figure out if she was switched at birth...)[/QUOTE]

LOL good one
I have a mixture of comments about the Johnny scene. I agree that there was no reason to tell the little kids about the engagement to Rafe the day after Sami had planned to marry EJ – that could have easily waited a month to give them all time to adjust to the other changes first. On one hand, I hated the way Sami made that announcement to Johnny because it reminded me of the way she has sprung such news on Will in the past couple of years, expecting him to immediately share her enthusiasm over something monumentally stupid/dangerous like letting EJ live with them, moving into the mansion, getting engaged to EJ, etc. On the other hand, Johnny isn’t Will. He is a preschooler who is going to view any news/changes in his life in large part based on how his mother views them. The more enthusiasm and happiness that Sami demonstrated about the news, the more likely that Johnny would also view it as positive and the easier time he would have adapting to it. The other difference is that marrying Rafe is not a stupid or dangerous decision (personally, I don’t think it is a good decision and certainly not at this time but it isn’t blatantly harmful to Sami or her children). Johnny and the other children know and like Rafe and didn’t mind him being a part of Sami’s life before, so even though the timing has got to feel like a shock, I think the news overall was good from Johnny's perspective.

What struck me most about about that scene was Johnny's reaction. The day before, his parents were getting married, first thing the next morning his mother announces that she will be marrying Rafe, and Johnny's immediate response is “my daddy won’t like it.” Not, “I don’t like it” or “I thought you married daddy” or even “do you still love me”. He’s four; any reaction Johnny had to something this huge should have been all about him and his feelings, but instead Johnny's first thought was how “daddy” would react. Johnny's response is an indication that he has already internalized that EJ’s feelings are the only ones that matter and EJ’s reactions are to be anticipated and feared. It is the response of a kid who lives in an abusive home where one parent dominates the mood of the entire household, where everyone anticipates the abuser’s moods and is constantly focused on placating them. To me, Sami’s response wasn’t a flippant disregard for Johnny’s feelings at all, it was a response meant to alleviate Johnny’s concern about his father’s reaction to the news. As soon as that concern was put to rest, Johnny seemed perfectly happy about the announcement. So whether Sami handled it exactly like I think she should have or not, it seems to have been the right way for Johnny and that is what mattered most.

Two favorite things about this episode: 1) Nicole’s reaction to the news that EJ had been shot, “Santa must have got my letter”, and 2) Kate!!! That woman has always been an exceptionally skilled liar but finally she is using her powers for good rather than evil. When Bo asked for help limiting the number of people who wanted EJ dead to just those who would have access to the mansion, Kate immediately thought of Sami, but covered for her …. And not only covered for Sami but did it in the most perfectly believable way possible, she shifted suspicion to Victor. Kate’s lie was so convincing that I had to rewind and make sure that I hadn’t imagined Kate’s flashback to the conversation with Sami, because at first, I almost believed that she sincerely suspected Victor. Go Kate! Go Nicole! Go Sami! --- It makes me very happy to have reason to cheer for all 3 in the very same episode.