DAYS OF OUR LIVES -Tuesday, April 29th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Episode #10,815 Taped 4/3 Director – Kathryn Foster

The Bickersons are sitting at a table in the Pub, with Sami frantically trying to reach her mother again, and leaving messages. She tells EJ she doesn’t think Nicole was lying about Brady being in rehab, cannot understand why Victor would keep it from them. EJ insists they get back to “studying” for the immigration inquisition, has a list of questions. Favorite perfume – he knows hers. Boxers or briefs, she has a fit – who would ask that? He says you never know, if she thinks about it, she would remember when they were locked in the steam room, and he stripped down. She says she was 9 mos pregnant, & she was not noticing his underwear. He says she had to notice, she did, boxers and they were blue. After some more back & forth they decide that they cannot pretend to be all lovey – dovey, they are not that good of actors (LOL), & should just be normal couple, who are probably going to get divorced. And right now, he is thisclose to getting his visa. In walks Marlena & John, Sami jumps up with the good news that Brady has been found, live and well. Marlena is overjoyed, Victor walks in, Marlena tells him the good news, Sami says he already knows. Now Marlena is really upset, everyone was so worried, but Victor was so bent on revenge (he explains how Chloe’s friends led Brady astray, in his opinion). John has just been listening, now confronts Victor, telling him that he played God with his son, and that was another mistake. Victor reminds him he doesn’t remember Brady, he is just a picture, and that he did what he thought was best for his grandson. John tells him Brady is HIS son, and it was HIS job, not Victor’s.
Philip has come in, and is also angry at his father. (Earlier, he was with Abe, telling him Chloe made her flight to Switzerland, and thanking Abe for his help with the Austrian embassy officials). Victor talks of how family is so important and tells Philip he always puts family first, reminding him how he helped him, Bo, Chelsea when they all needed it.
We see Marlena on the phone with Brady (not THAT is amazing, wonder how she got the phone number? Lol) and says he sounds so good, then lets him talk to John, he wants to hear his voice. John is John, cryptic, short, but evidently satisfies Brady. John gets a call, says he will be right down. Tells Marlena he has to go to Salem PD, they have questions for him. He & Marlena leave, Philip has overheard, tells his dad, and says he is going to the cop shop, too, telling Victor to stay behind. He leaves.

Down at the cop shop, Roman & Abe have talked about doing paperwork on Ava Vitali, who seems to have a lawyer, but the Vitali yacht is moored somewhere in Italy, with a Do Not Disturb flag flying from it. Now they are questioning Paul, whose daughter Morgan is with him. (ah, now we know why Philip is coming down, lol). They want him to turn John in for bribery and graft, they will cut a deal. Morgan is defending her dad, in walks John & Marlena. Paul tells him how the cops want him to say John bribed him, John says that would be illegal. Abe & Roman take turns talking about how Kiriakis containers were held up, while John’s went through. John just says then there must have been something wrong on Kiriakis ships, and not on his, that his clients are very happy. Marlena just listens, Philip has come in, making a few accusations, Morgan gets mad at him. Paul says if they are not charging him, he is leaving, Morgan says she will be along in a minute. She rakes Philip over the coals for accusing her father, Philip claims he father in lying, and too bad he doesn’t know between right and wrong. She storms out. John & Marlena are about to leave, when he sees the name Roman Brady on the office door, then turns and looks at the name plate on the desk. He is suddenly reacting to the name, Marlena notices, asks what happened. John sloughs it off, but she thinks he remembered something. Later, outside the Pub, Marlena asks him again, knowing something happened….. and tells him he used to work there. He thanks her for another trip down memory lane. They go inside, where Marlena tells Sami that John DID remember something.

Bo & Hope are at Chelsea’s bedside, worried. She is sleeping, Lexie is there, and Bo begins his usual tirade, talking of how pop died for him, & Chelsea risked her life for him and it is not fair, this should not have happened. Lexie agrees. She thinks Bo should be home and resting himself, but Bo will not leave his daughter. (hmmm, wonder if they remember Ciara??) Dr. Dan comes in, telling Bo to knock it off, Chelsea would never have been able to live with herself if she was able to save her father and didn’t. He & Bo go nose to nose, Lexie & Hope tell them both to not disturb Chelsea, who needs her rest. Chelsea wakes up, tells her dad that Dr. Dan, besides Bo, is the kindest and most caring man she knows. And to leave him alone. The doctor leaves, Lexie wants to check Bo out, he has been through a lot of trauma (to put it mildly), Bo leaves and Chelsea talks to Hope, who says how proud she is of Chelsea, and so is her father. Chelsea is telling her of a dream she had about Zack. That they were playing hide and seek, only she could find him easily as he always hid in the same place, under the bed. She finds him, and is hugging him so tightly. Now she tells Hope she thinks her not being able to have children is like justice. Hope reassures her that is not so, and don’t ever talk that way. His death was an accident, and evidently God had a plan for him. Chelsea is quick to know she means the gift of part of his liver to Claire. (This is a very heartwarming, and tender conversation between Hope & Chelsea, and may cause some tearing up, just to warn you.) Hope hugs her, and we see Bo at the door, partially open, listening and seeing it all. Hope is very kind and encouraging, telling Chelsea how brave she has been, that she loves her, and now wants to give another hug to her daughter. Bo comes in with Lexie, who gives him a clean bill of health, then wants to check Hope’s shoulder, so they leave together.
Later, in the hall, Dr. Dan is talking to Lexie, saying he has become too close to his patient, and wants to remove himself from her case. Lexie tells him he can call a few other doctors in to consult if he wants, mentioning Dr. Elman, the obstetrician. Then she realizes that Dr. Jonas means he has become emotionally involved with Chelsea, and he say he cannot do that. She agrees he can resign from the case, asks if he will tell her he is no longer going to be her doctor. He decides to tell her himself, goes to her door, stops before opening it, turns and leaves. Along comes Hope, who opens the door, sees her husband sitting besides Chelsea and holding her.

So he is resigning from Chelsea's case, not the hospital right? Sounds like a good epi....I teared up just reading the scene w/ Hope&Chelsea.

Thanks! big problem with Nu John is all the probalems he is causing for everyone. And what irks me more is that Marlena KNOWS that he bribed Paul & she is just going to sit there & say nothing??? This is so NOT Marlena!! Tsk Tsk Marlena!! I am disappointed.
I know everyone is upset over Victor lying about Brady....but I think there is more to it than we know!!

Thanks for the write up Barb!! Sounds like a good show!

Leigh Ann
I'm not saying Victor was right, but sometimes we help our love ones by following their requests and if Brady wanted to be found he would have called somebody, because evidently he has a phone or Malena and John could not have spoken to him.
EJ wants Sami to get with the program. He takes her hand, "How about if I tell you how much I love you?" Sami breaks down in hysterical laughter. "Oh, very funny," says EJ.

HE told her HE LOVES HER!!!! :smile:
Well, I have no idea where you got that information, as it is not in MY summary here, but yes, it does happen, NO, he does not tell her he loves her, but is suggesting something to say in front of the immigration people. I guarantee you it was not romantic at all.

and Victor does claim that he was respecting Brady's privacy, that is why he told no one. It is a lame excuse, and very lame to those he says it to...I love that John Aniston can carry it off.
Poirot said:
John & Marlena are about to leave, when he sees the name Roman Brady on the office door, then turns and looks at the name plate on the desk. He is suddenly reacting to the name, Marlena notices, asks what happened. John sloughs it off, but she thinks he remembered something.

By Jove, I think I've got it. Wouldn't it be fun if John remembered....his life as Roman Brady! What a hoot that would be.

KathyLu......that is EXACTLY what I thought when I saw the scene. Oh, my gosh, he is probably going to remember being Roman, or at least parts of it. What a twist that would be. LOL big problem with Nu John is all the probalems he is causing for everyone. And what irks me more is that Marlena KNOWS that he bribed Paul & she is just going to sit there & say nothing??? This is so NOT Marlena!! Tsk Tsk Marlena!! I am disappointed.
I know everyone is upset over Victor lying about Brady....but I think there is more to it than we know!!

Thanks for the write up Barb!! Sounds like a good show!

Leigh Ann

I donno, I'm kind of glad Marlena didn't spill the would that look? Paul's daughter Morgan is standing there for Christ's sake. I think it would be cruel if she spoke up against him. She's also standing behind John, I mean, wouldn't he be a bit in trouble also if everything came out?
Rule or preference?

Well, I have no idea where you got that information, as it is not in MY summary here, but yes, it does happen, NO, he does not tell her he loves her, but is suggesting something to say in front of the immigration people. I guarantee you it was not romantic at all.

Just to clarify, since you seem rather exercised about her post - is there a rule of some sort against posting information about an episode that you leave out of your 'Day Ahead' summary? Or was it just the EJami-positive angle she took in her interpretation of the scene that was unhappy-making?
As I understand it, comments are supposed to be related to what's in the summary that Poirot so kindly does for us each day. Maybe it was a way to head off remarks that could cause another heated argument between posters. Sorry it didn't work, Barb.
Just to clarify, since you seem rather exercised about her post - is there a rule of some sort against posting information about an episode that you leave out of your 'Day Ahead' summary? Or was it just the EJami-positive angle she took in her interpretation of the scene that was unhappy-making?
No, there is no rule...I do not have the time to do a blow by blow, word by word transcript of every blink of an eye, gesture, or head nod. But it seems I DID clarify the comment, which, in my opinion, was incorrect. I have no idea if the poster saw the show or was using a summary from somewhere else. And so far, that has not been clarified.
As I understand it, comments are supposed to be related to what's in the summary that Poirot so kindly does for us each day. Maybe it was a way to head off remarks that could cause another heated argument between posters. Sorry it didn't work, Barb.
Thanks, Kathy. That WAS the intention. I already had deleted a post in this forum that seemed to want to fan a flame.
Marlena really has no tangible proof of the bribe and it would be her word against John's. She's doing the smart thing.

You're absolutely right. And supposition is not proof. What's she going to do, say "I know John's bribing Paul, but I can't prove it?" What good is that? It'd do nothing but hurt Morgan if Marlena were to say something.

I know many of you want the old John back, but the more I see of NuJohn the more I like him. He's such an entertaining character with an edginess that makes him intriguing. It also creates an interesting chemestry with Marlena. So what's going to happen if (probably when) Marlena falls in love with NuJohn and then Old John comes back? Boy, will that be hard for Doc to reconcile in her head!
OK...after reading other posts, I feel like I should apologize for saying anything about Marlena needing to say something about John and Paul. I guess I just dont like the way Nu John is doing Business & I dont like how he is going after Victor. Maybe I didnt expect her to just blurt something out right away. But I guess I thought she would stuggle with what to do. Sorry if I stepped on any toes!