Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Today is the first time I paid enough attention to Sami to see that her Salem jail-issued denim shirt is tailored to fit her body like a glove and enhance her bust-line.

I remember the last time she was in jail; the denim shirt was oversize and tied at her waist.

YES YES YES!!! I was noticing it today, and she had a little white tank under it. It had folded up sleeves with a little button, too. I was like this is prison garb?

Oh and I eat Peanut Butter on a spoon waaaay more than I'd like to admit. hahah I was happy to see it part of Kayla's munchies. hee heee
Loved the book club meeting/inadvertent pot party with all the lovely talented ladies showing some of their fantastic abilities. Wish the show would realize the depth of talent they have and showcase talented actors more often (actually wish they would use talented actors all the time instead of what we usually see).

Next up: English Tea Party hosted by the one and only tea-potting Brit (aka Elvis, Jr., etc.), with all the guests high on Earl Grey.
I absolutely loved this episode! The book club carried it.

Nicole's perceptive smirk was priceless.