Days of Our Lives -Tuesday, July 8,2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Episode #10,863 Taped 6/3 Director – Phil Sogard

Max dials the European phone number that Trent seems to have called quite frequently over the several weeks. A sleepy voice answers, Hello, Dad…..and asks why he is calling so early in the morning. Max just stares at the phone, stupidly asking Stephanie what he should say. He finally clears his throat, saying hello. The girl on the other end asks who is this, but Max again stupidly asks her who SHE is. She rightly replies that he called HER, but more importantly, what is he doing with her father’s phone. She hangs up. Stephanie gets all giddy that Max has undoubtably talked to his sister, wonders if there are any more siblings, causing Max to have a fit. She apologizes….Max now goes into a long, long flashback of when Trent admitted being his father (in his hotel room) and how he had come to Salem to see him, but saw he was being well taken care of, so left him. (I guess we have to endure these things to catch those with short memories up to speed, or something). Roman comes in, needing Max’s help. With the blackout, a lot of folks will be needing help with the heat…..folks, especially the elderly could succumb to strokes, heat exhaustion, heart attacks. The Pub is being set up as a shelter (having gone “green” and half the hospital is, too). We get more talk of solar batteries, etc. and that the city engineers are working on restoring power. (Boy in my area it is the electric company who has tons of workers out, bless their hearts). Max & Stephanie are to open the Pub, get it ready for the influx. Stephanie mentions the college students going door to door, and Roman talks of making announcements on the emergency radio frequency. He leaves, Max & Stephanie resume talking of Trent, and Max goes over all the feelings he had buried about being abandoned by his father, watching his mom being afraid, her dying and Max being dumped a second time, how he wondered for years, even after the Bradys adopted him, if his father perhaps abandoned other wives & children. Yada, Yada. Stephanie suggests he talk to Bo, who went thru somewhat of the same sort of thing, when he learned as an adult that Pop Shawn was not his bio dad. Max is reluctant at first, but then agrees it might be a good idea. He is determined to find this sister, has the phone number, and they talk of needing to get Trent’s phone back to him before he knows it is missing.

Sami is in the lobby of the Salem Inn, calling her father, telling of trying to find A/C for the twins, who get so cranky when it is hot (but she buries them under tons of blankets), but Roman can only tell her he has no idea when power will be restored. She mentions how people are even stuck in elevator there, Roman assures her the fire dept. will have them out soon. Cut the cameras to cut to inside those very elevators, where both our couple are going at it, finishing up goodness knows WHAT round. LOL. Nicole is hanging onto EJ, having a fantasy about being married, EJ carrying her in his arms, Sami confronting them, EJ thanking Sami for refusing him because he then found the love of his life. They kiss, Sami is having a tantrum, telling EJ that Nicole only chased him to get even with her. Nicole smiles, says the ring is on my finger now Sami, and it is not coming off. And we see Sami being covered with spray can spaghetti.

In the other elevator Chloe & Lucas are finishing up, telling each other how incredible and amazing each was. Chloe talks of Sami, Lucas assures her he is done with Sami. Yes, he has said that a couple times before, but he means it. He talks of walking in on Sami & EJ making love, how she later convinced him to give her another chance, but she just doesn’t want to let EJ out of her life. He talks of them having kids together, that he has to be there for Allie, and for Will, but more importantly, for Johnny.
Sami has been trying to call Lucas, just getting voice mail, wondering where he is, then having her own long, long flashback of discovering his ankle monitor (at the mansion), and then later trying to get him to tell her he had been out, to no avail.
Nicole & EJ are sitting with his arms around her, asking why she is so quiet, not like her. She jumps up, starts making light of what just happened, as she begins to get dressed, but then thanking EJ for reminding her what making love is really like. He says no, he is thanking her. They could have done this long ago, and he is very happy they waited. She agrees. A voice comes in saying the elevator will be manually lowered now, and the elevator jerks a bit. In the lobby, Roman has arrived, Sami is getting ready to go to the Pub or Bo’s house where the electricity is available, the elevator doors open, and she stops abruptly at seeing EJ, starting to rush towards him, then spotting Nicole, and gets stopped in her tracks. She takes in their clothing in disarray, realizes what happened, then says “In an elevator?”. She chastises EJ, calling him a hypocrite, that he claimed he had feelings for her, then “you do Nicole in an elevator”. EJ politely tells her there is no us, Sami made it very plain she loves and prefers Lucas, wanted EJ out of her life, and he is happy to oblige. Yes, she loves Lucas, and he would never, ever stoop to having sex with a tramp in an elevator.
Cue the scene to shift to the other stalled elevator, Chloe & Lucas are dressed, is going to try to slip thru the lobby. She talks of the place probably crawling with cops, he says all the better. They get word their elevator will be lowered manually now, how many on board. Chloe decides she will put on a panic act with her claustrophobia, Lucas figures he will crawl up the trap door and hide atop the elevator. Uh, oh, that is locked. Chloe says not to worry, she will do her famous impersonation of Kathleen Battle having a meltdown at the Met. Lucas asks who that is…….never mind. The doors open, Chloe goes all hysterical, screaming and crying, Lucas slips out, takes half dozen steps, and runs right into Sami. She is surprised, but starts to walk with him out, until a voice says, “Lucas”. It is Nicole, and this causes Roman to come rushing up, along with another cop who begins to read Lucas Horton his rights. Sami begs her father not to do this, Roman scolds Lucas for never learning a lesson, telling him this now means he will have to serve his entire full sentence back in prison. He wonders how Lucas managed to get the ankle monitor off, Lucas is silent. Sami insists it had to be an emergency connected with the blackout. Lucas is taken off to jail. Sami is crying, no, no, you can’t do this.

OH MY!!! What a great episode. I cant wait to watch! I didnt think they would catch Lucas so fast!! Yikes!!
Thanks for all you do Barb!!! What a great write up!! Thanks for keeping us in the know over the long weekend!
Hope it was a great one!!
Ahhhhh, The drama of it all. Sounds like a good episode! I like that Max is going to talk to Bo. Family should lean on each other for support. What a little faker Chloe is. Lucas you should have known you were going to get caught. I hope Nicole gets her man. I am interested in how the S/L with Max's sister plays out and how the phone gets back to Trent. Sami you are in for a rude awakening! I really like how this is going! Thanks for the write up Barb.
NH is correct. Sami never saw him coming out of the elevator, and only hears all the commotion Chloe is causing. It is just amazing that with all the noise Chloe was making, that Roman even heard Nicole say "Lucas". LOL
I can't wait until Sami realizes that Lucas was with Chloe in the elevator, especially after her comment to EJ "Yes, she loves Lucas, and he would never, ever stoop to having sex with a tramp in an elevator."

Guess she doesn't know Lucas as well as she thought she did. :rolleyes:
Thanks Barb ...

Sami Sami Sami .... She's going to eat her words ... she sure knows how to drive men away!
Poor Lucas here has the worst luck. I feel so bad for him. I can't wait to see this episode.

me too :(

I also feel bad for Sami, I know I'm gonna get the tomatos thrown my way, but I do. She just lost the love of her life again and I'm NOT talking about EJ.
It is about time

It is about time that they moved this story along.. Perhaps now Sami will see some sort of light.. Although I highly doubt it.. It is also about time that Lucas got caught.
just loves authority

poor lucas??? sorry pa, but i have to disagree with you today.

i don't feel sorry for him. if he is THAT stupid to take off his ankle monitor and go, of all places, to the salem inn, then he gets what's coming to him. he was lucky he only received warnings the first two times that he didn't comply with house arrest. if you play with fire you eventually get burned. lucas and sami are always reacting without EVER thinking of the consequences, and really, without accepting responsibility for their totally immature behavior. if lucas loves his family as much as he proclaims to, i don't think he would put his freedom in jeopardy. nuff ranting for now. hehe still love ya, pa!!!
Thanks Barb ...

Sami Sami Sami .... She's going to eat her words ... she sure knows how to drive men away!
That is what Nicole tells blew it Sami, you did it yourself.
Sounds like a good show. I can't wait until Sami realizes that both EJ and Lucas were stepping out on her at the same time! Not to say that she hasn't made it confusing for either of them to know where she stands.....
me too :(

I also feel bad for Sami, I know I'm gonna get the tomatos thrown my way, but I do. She just lost the love of her life again and I'm NOT talking about EJ.

Yeah I'm feeling bad for Lucas b/c he truly feels like he doesn't have Sami's whole heart anymore... he knew it which was why I feel he never fully could take her back. Gosh Sami just took off the ring EJ married her with! Poor Lucas...
:OT: Just had to say that I love Oliviaunt's Avatar - I kept watching the slinky go down the stairs - LOL. I love the footprints in the sand w/seashells footnote (?) also!!!!

Glad to find out that 4everluvU is Sunshine 247365's father or rather "pa".

This is what I love about this thread - you can see and learn all kinds of things about the other people in the thread. Sometimes it is just enjoyable to observe or rather - read!!! Thanks for making my day end nicely!!!! :smile:
The show on Tuesday was awesome. Loved the way that Nicole stood up to Sami and told her "You blew it". Awesome writeup as usual Barb.