Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, October 17, 2023

I think Talia was a case of bad casting. She just didn't come across as a doctor and certainly not a very smart one. The way she was dressed was abominable for someone on her position. I think the girl is a good actor, but not for this role.
I think the actress did the best she could with a role that was written on toilet paper.
Looks around, Talia still could be here, runs and hides in a corner.

I wouldn't put it past these writers to think that would be amazing to have her show up with toddler in tow. Oh wait, there is no one left in town who gives a rat's patootie. Shawn's parents are gone and Belle will be gone shortly.
Another observation about this episode that made me eye roll and in the words of Jason, DA PLOT, DA PLOT, only not much plot. When Belle said to Jada that they'll still run into each other because Salem is a small town. OMG. Yes, yes, because all small towns have international companies like DiMera Enterprises and Titan Industries or Black Patch or world renowned psychiatrists, hospitals, scientists, etc. It's amazing how small or big Salem can be depending on DA PLOT!!! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
Thanks for the summary.

I'm so confused about why Jada feels she must keep babying Talia, it's making me like her even less. In any case, I'm glad Talia is gone. Her character arc was even more bizarre and pointless than Quinn Hudson, or Gus. Just plain weird.

This Clyde-Ava-Harris stuff is super weird, and really not needed. Does anyone out there actually care about this storyline? Also, why are Kate and Marlena just relegated to gossiping at the pub? At least have them go gossip with Maggie over some lemon bars!