Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Sept. 30th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Episode #10,922 Director - Albert Alarr

Sami is sitting at her laptop as Lucas walks in. She seems discouraged over what she is doing, but surprised Lucas was able to get in without knocking. Door is unlocked, he warns her about unwelcome visitors, is there to pick up Allie. In comes EJ, exchanging a few barbs with Lucas, then announcing he is taking Johnny to the zoo. Nope, both are sleeping, down for naps. Lucas chides her for doing that, she knew he was coming, and it is his day with Allie, leaves to go get her. EJ wonders what Sami is working on, discovers it is a resume.He is impressed that she is taking the initiative to try and get a job, but she is discouraged, as not too many skills. And now we learn some things about Sami we all never knew before. She scored highest in her class on SAT, and took piano for 4 years! She is also an expert at forging, can forge anyone’s signature with just a tiny bit of practice. She doubts that anyone would want to hire her to forge things, tho. LOL. Lucas returns with the stroller, evidently Allie is in it, asks for the diaper bag, complains a bit about it containing cloth diapers (Sami says better for the environment), as EJ goes upstairs to get Johnny. Sami tells Lucas she has been working on her resumé, since she doesn’t have a brother who owns a huge corporation. Lucas says something about maybe helping out at the Pub for Caroline, she is puzzled, he realizes Sami does not know her grandmother is in jail. He tells her Maggie told him this a.m. , that she & Mickey were there, Trent Robbins was murdered, and Caroline is the prime suspect. EJ returns with Johnny, Sami keeps mum about this news, Lucas takes off with Allie, followed soon by EJ with Johnny, off to see the chimpanzees.

Hope rushes into the Pub, a bit late for her date with Chelsea, who begins to moan about just receiving her new semester packet from college. Seems she has to take applied physics, with Dean Robbins, tried to get into a different class, no dice, and babbles on and on about how awkward it will be. Hope’s face lets her know something is awry, & she learns Trent was murdered, and her grandmother Caroline is in jail as a suspect. Chelsea cannot believe it, they go back & forth with Chelsea mentioning Melanie as a possible suspect. Now Hope asks about her social life, Chelsea talks about having to see Daniel at work, but tis o.k. She mentions Nick, how she could have been more sensitive when she broke up with him, and no, she doesn’t have feelings still for him, just friends. She wants to go talk to her dad, Hope tells her no, let them do their jobs, so Chelsea decides to go see Theo, he probably missed her while she was gone. She really enjoys her interaction with him.

Max is getting dressed when Stephanie arrives, he is going to see his mom, knows she did not kill Trent. He berates himself for bringing the man into all their lives, but Stephanie tries to soothe the angry waters, telling him he did a good job of cleaning up all Trent’s messes. Cue Melanie to come barging in, asking if Steph means her. She learns Max is going to see his mom, is about to leave, Stephanie leaves instead, knowing she wants to talk to Max. And now Melanie tells Max she knows who really killed Trent, it was him, she will keep his secret. Max is furious, tells her he thinks it was her, they argue big time, with Max giving her a hard time over letting his mom, who was so good to her, take the fall. Melanie denies involvement.

Down at the cop shop, Roman, Bo & Steve are going over what they know about the murder, and of course Ma did not do it. Bo doesn’t think she can handle another night in jail. Abe comes in, heard about Caroline, doesn’t get a chance to say much when the mayor arrives, giving them all a hard time. He thinks there might be a conflict of interest, and perhaps someone more objective should handle this case. Roman assures him it is all by the book, the mayor makes a few nasty remarks, but backs off, noting that he is watching them like a hawk. In the outer room, he inquires if Abe has gotten another job yet, then offers to put him on his payroll to keep a close eye on the Brady boys. Abe refuses, naturally, telling the mayor, that unlike him, he cannot be bought.

Hope (love the top she is wearing, just beautiful, an aqua/green color) arrives in the office as the suspects are being gone over again, throws Melanie’s name out there. Stephanie arrives, sorry to interrupt but wants to visit gramma. She asks about the case, Steve cannot talk. Bo comes up, asking Steph if she thinks Melanie would be capable of killing her father. Definitely the cue for Melanie to come walking in again, telling all why not ask her personally. Stephanie spots Max in the outer office, leaves. She tells Max Mel is in with the cops, Chelsea arrives, and all 3 go to visit Caroline. Now Melanie denies killing her father, makes a big speech about coming to Salem for a fresh start, but she would be better off staying in France. So adios everyone. Bo lets her know that as a suspect, she cannot leave town.

Over at the hospital, Lexie has brought Theo in for his session, as Mark comes out to get him. She spots Kayla, they exchange some small talk, Lexie is happy to have more time with Theo now, Kayla tells her she was named interim chief of staff, Lexie is happy for her. Kayla worries about her time with Joe, Lexie says “just say no” when things pile up, they have coffee where Lexie fills her in on who to watch out for, etc. Mark comes out with Theo, Chelsea arrives with a gift for Theo, a snow globe, which fascinates him. Abe arrives, Chelsea leaves, he talks a bit about what happened at the station, & the mayor’s offer. Both complain about the mayor, with Lexie saying she is not voting for him again, (seems this is an election year…, tell, I never would have known, LOLOL) as Scott comes up. Lexie introduces the board member to Abe, then goes somewhere with Theo. Scott learns Abe is no longer Commissioner, since last week, and makes a pitch for Abe to run for mayor. Abe is a bit taken aback, but Scott is insistent, saying he will bankroll the campaign, and knows others who would pitch in as well. He gives Abe his card, leaves as Lexie returns, & Abe tells her about being asked to run for mayor.

Sami tries to call her father, but cannot get thru, hangs up in disgust. Suddenly, she sinks to her knees next to the sofa, and passes out next to it, with her head on the sofa. A few minutes later, Lucas returns to get something he forgot, spies the unconscious Sami, tries to awaken her to no avail.


Previews: Victor tells Kayla that in all the years of loving her mother, he has never done anything intentionally to hurt her, and certainly does not intend to start now
Bo tells Caroline he is not going to tamper with evidence, and she tells him “Damn right your’re not.
Melanie asks Phil if his name is Kiriakis, he says Yeah. She retorts….then you are just the man I am looking for.
Me, too.
And Perhaps, with Abe as Mayor, the idea of Bo being Commissioner can be scratched. and Roman would take the job.LOL
Thanks for the write up. Sounds like a good show.

As for Sami, based on what was going on when she fainted, I believe she needs to watch her blood sugar levels, drink more fluids, or eat more iron rich foods and take an iron supplement. The most common cause of women becoming dizzy or fainting during pregnancy are standing up too quickly (the increased blood flow through the body, sometimes makes a pregnant woman more susceptible to this problem), low blood sugar, being dehydrated, or being anemic. Since it does not sound like she stood up suddenly, that leaves one of the other 3 main causes.
Right now, Sami is not pregnant, as far as either we or she knows. And she was just drinking water, bottle next to the laptop. Also was eating lunch (both her and EJ were munching off plates)
Thanks for the write up. I really hope that Abe becomes mayor. That would be super. Loved the look on Sami's face just before she fainted.
I have a bone to pick with Lucas and EJ. I hate that they put the babies in the middle of their spats. The kids need their naps and sometimes they just don't care what everyone else plans for them. Isn't that real life?! How many times have I made plans but my sons decides otherwise.
I am betting, redsquirrel, she is not looking for Philip, but the "rich guy".......Victor. She only asks if his name is Kiriakis.
Thanks Barb for the great write up! I'd rather wait to read your write ups and KathyLu's and DJM's than any other site. When you all write them it's like watching the show! That's all I can tell you. Thanks for all you do in writing these up so all of us can read them and keep up!
I'm also for Abe running for Mayor. He'd be a great Mayor for Salem! It's about time Salem had a REAL Mayor instead of a crooked and bought Mayor.

I was kind of thinking the same thing as Barb was on Melanie. I think she also was actually looking for Victor, not Philip. She's all about the almighty dollar.
Sounds like another great show. Thanks for the write up Barb! I think Abe would make a great mayor and maybe with his dislike for the DiMera's he'll so some clean-up in Salem.
Thank you for the write up. Abe has my vote I sure hope that the writers go with this story it would be great to have a good guy in the mayors office in Salem. Do not really like Max's sister Mel, she is really up to something. Just like Julie said on Mondays show " There is something about that girl I don't like". I hope that Bo & Roman put down the that French guy Claude that Trent owned money to has one of the suspects in his murder.
Ok guys I had a thought the last few times I've watched this new mayor. He looks like he could be an older version of Shawn D. The first one, who in my opinion is the only one. I think he's Jason Cook on General now. Does anyone else see it or am I on crack?
Thanks for the write up darn work is interferring in me watching my show!