Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Sept. 9th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Episode #10,907 Director – Albert Alarr

Steve is at the Pub, calling Kayla to tell her what a great checkup Joe just had, gained a whole pount, everyone in preemie ward is very happy. Kayla thanks him for starting up this PI business so she can cut back on her hours & spend more time with Joe. They both talk of being so worried about Stephanie, she hasn’t come home as she said she would, & Steve has Hope checking Trent’s background for him. He has been entirely too nosy about Nick, & Steve is sure he just wants info about Max & Stephanie. Her patient arrives, she has to go. Good thing, as Hope arrives with the file on Trent (who is sitting at a nearby table). She shows Steve the file, and outside of going by the name Trent Becker years ago when he was young, there is really nothing there. Prestigious Colleges, degrees, European universities, even Heidelberg. Nothing untoward at all. Steve says there has to be something, otherwise he would not be trying to keep Max away from his sister. What about a wife. Hope notes that on some form he did check he was married, but nothing more, and there is no other info. Steve insists, if there is a wife, there has to be something somewhere. Nicole has come in, (new hairdo, sort of swept up and to the side), and of course overhears this part, gets hold of Trent, and warns him that Steve is investigating him. Trent laughs it off, no, he hired Steve himself to investigate Nick. Nope, she tells about the file. She is worried, Victor cannot find out about them still being married. Now Trent admits he is momentarily financially embarrassed, and obviously is looking to hit Nicole for a “loan”. Nope, she has been down this road before. For a math whiz, he still hasn’t figured out the house always wins. He is on his own, she takes off.

Back at the hospital, Kayla has been examining Kate, who finally came in for her coughing spells. She wants to do an x-ray, oh, Kate has no time, just give her anti-biotics. Nope, Kayla cannot do that without knowing what is causing the problem. Kate is adamant, she has something going on over at Barrons with her company, no time, & she takes off. Daniel comes up to Kayla, wanting to know what Kate is there for, she gives him the file since he is her doctor on record, and takes off. Daniel chases after Kate, who is calling someone, takes her phone away, tries to convince her to stay & have these tests, she insists she is fine, he reminds her how “fine” she was when she came into the hospital for that surgery. She is not fine. He tries to talk her into getting the tests & x-rays, but she says later, and takes off.

Over in France Max returns to him room, unable to have found Melanie. He rants to Stephanie, knows his sis is a pain, but he wants to get to know her. Knock, Knock! Stephanie opens the door…….Voila! here is little Chelsea, all the way from Salem on Grampa’s jet. They fill her in, Max gets a phone call from Nick, who says he found Stephanie, but lots of static, they get cut off. Max takes off, Stephanie fills Chelsea in on Party Girl, how she lies, cheats, steals, gets into one bit of trouble after the other, and allt hey do is rescue her. Max returns with a cop, he knows where Melanie is, and they all take off.
Meanwhle, Lucas arrives at the Horton cabin, Allie in his arms, braggin to her about how wonderful the place is. Chloe comes in dragging the luggage, feeling a tiny bit seasick, tho the waters were calm. Lucas gets Allie to sleep, returns to find Chloe going thru a picture album. They talk about various Horton family members, but we only see one photo of Bo & Hope. Before you know it, Lucas & Chloe are doing the horizontal mambo on the sofa, but we mostly see “afterglow”. He decides to get some firewood, in spite of it being 80, as nights are cool, and making love in front of fireplace is what it most fun. He gets dressed, leaves, & a bit later we see the fully dressed Chloe hearing Allie cry. She gets her, holds her, paces with her, but Allie is fussing all the time. Lucas comes in (shirtless, yum!) takes Allie, who stops her fussing immediately. He once more gets her to sleep. Chloe bemoans the fact she is not mother material, but he tells her not to worry. Allie has a mother, it is Sami, and when Chloe & Allie become more familiar with each other, all will be well.

And then we have Morgan, who has arrived for her interview with Chris, who is Kate’s personal assistant. (O.K. I just love Chris, get the biggest kick out of him, and the interview! LOL) He has checked into her background, knows all about her, and begins to recite it all, schools, grades, cheerleader, prom queen, debutante ball at “Twelve Oaks” (sounds like it is straight out of Gone With The Wind). He inquires as to what she wore, making sure she had the long white gloves, sighs, comments it all sounds so lovely, and thinks HE would have made a great debutante. Lolol, it all made me smile. He knows about her father, will even arrange time off for her to visit him in prison. He is ready to hire her, but when he tells Morgan that she would be working for the fantastic Kate Roberts, Morgan figures Kate doesn’t like her, and it will not work. Just then, Kate calls, asks about some ad layouts, says she is on her way to Barrons, and trusts Chris, so if the intern is fine for him, tis o.k. with her. Chris lets Morgan know Kate gave him full authority, she is hired, and now starts asking where she bought the dress she is wearing.

And back in France, Melanie is in a dressing gown, on the phone to someone, saying she is on Michelle’s father’s yacht, and there is to be a great party tonight. She hangs up, her cell rings, tis Daddy Dearest, who lets her know he is financially strapped, she is angry. She berates him for all the money he has lost in the past, and never learns a lesson about the gambling. He tells her that his friend Claude is ready to forgive his debts, if Melanie will have a drink with him tonight. Mel has a fit that her father is ready to pimp her out. No, he claims always to have tried to protect her. She hangs up on him, just as Nick bursts into the room, trying to get her to leave with him. No, she has this party, so then he will go with her. She tries to get him to just leave, but some goon enters the room, knocks Nick out, tells Melanie to get dressed, she has a debt to pay. She wants to get help for Nick, but the goon is adamant. So now we see her dressed, trying to help Nick as he sort of comes to, is staggering a bit, but two other goons arrive and drag him off. Now Claude arrives, offering her champagne, she doesn’t drink. The creep talks of knowing her when she was young, and she remembers how he wanted her to sit on his lap. He remarks at how beautiful she has become, all grown, & is assuring her that after tonight, her father will be free of debt, she is resistant as he tries to kiss her ear, neck. Now the goons bring in Nick, whose hands are tied behind his back, sit him in a chair, and Claude threatens Nick to Melanie. He begins dancing with her, and her face tells it all. Nick is managing to get loose of his bonds, knocks out his guard, then goes after Claude with a right to the jaw. Claude goes down, Melanie screams to Nick to watch out, he turns, the goon has a gun pointed at him, shooting Nick. He goes down, as Max & 2 cops burst into the room. Max goes after Claude, Melanie tries to help the downed Nick. The cops hustle Claude & the goons out, Chelsea & Stephanie arrive to find paramedics tending to Nick. Chelsea kneels down, all worried over what has happened to Nick. Max asks Melanie what happened here, and he wants the truth. Melanie looks over at Nick.

I know this has to be just me, but Allie is wearing one of those head bands like they used to have Claire wearing all the time. I just do not care for them at all.


Pic Courtesy of Second Chances.
You weren't alone in that...didn't care for the headbands either.
Thanks for the write -up, Poirot. Maybe I'll get a chance to sit down and watch it this afternoon.

I hate those headbands too!! Would never put my daughter in one..

Ok back to topic. Sounds like an interesting episode! So melanie is a brat...but it looks like daddy dearest has for sure made her that way! What a creep. Seems he is pimping out his daughter!!
I love how Lucas gave the credit to Sami for being Allies mom. But that Chloe & Allie could develope a bond as they got to know each other! I think that says a lot for Lucas. Even after Sami screamed that she didnt want to have joint custody....he still gives Sami the benefit of the doubt. I think thats the first grown up thing I have seem Lucas do. Seems he is willing to share!

Thanks again for the write up!!!
I know this has to be just me, but Allie is wearing one of those head bands like they used to have Claire wearing all the time. I just do not care for them at all.

I don't care for them either. Someone gave me some small head bands for my oldest daughter when she was a baby. I never used them.
My granddaughter had cranial stenosis when she was an infant, and had to have surgery to reconstruct her skull. There were times when I thought maybe the baby who played Claire may have had the same problem and they were using wider bands and coverings for her head. Don't know if she had a problem or not, just thought maybe I saw some scars at times before her hair got a thick covering. But why they would put a headband of any kind on little Allie is beyond me.

I also noticed and liked the comment Lucas made about Allie having a mother. And I am looking forward to the thing with Nick and Melanie, now that it looks like there is more to Melanie's nasty disposition than had been revealed before now.
Wondering what is wrong with Kate. Know it's something bad but I don't want her to die off the show, even though she is a stinker.
I thought Chloe told Lucas that she wasn't coming with him to the cabin in order to give him time alone with Allie.

Does anyone think there's any significance to the name Trent "Becker"? Was there ever a Becker on the show in the past (or am I thinking of Arnie Becker from LA Law)?
I thought Chloe told Lucas that she wasn't coming with him to the cabin in order to give him time alone with Allie.

Does anyone think there's any significance to the name Trent "Becker"? Was there ever a Becker on the show in the past (or am I thinking of Arnie Becker from LA Law)?

IRC, that was the name they new Max's father by before, like in the 80s. So I'm guessing they're tying up so loose ends with why they changed his last name.

I hated those headbands, too. I could have gotten over it on Claire once, but she wore them all the time!
Thanks for the write up Poirot, I was so busy yesterday. I have yesterdays and todays episode to watch when I get home from work tonight. The epi sounds so good. Can't wait to see it.
Don't like the headbands either. Maybe it cuz her hair is so fine they can't style it.
Does anyone else se the writting on the wall? Here we go again with Nick and Chelesea. I hope he sticks with Melanie and tells Chelsea that she had her chance an she blew it.
I so love Ross and am so sorry I couldn't see him. Couldn't convince dad to watch it today.
Thanks for the recap Barb, I'd be lost without you.:D
Anyone else curious about Chloe's "seasickness?" I'm thinking we'll be seeing another "Who's the Daddy" storyline with Philip and Lucas, just in time for Brady's return.

I'm hoping it is seasickness.
I think Trent has some nerve to ask Nicole for money after he has been blackmailing her. I honestly would not be suprised if they are no longer married and he has just lied all this time. If he was smart he would blackmail her for money, but hey I guess it could work pimping out your own daughter!
I used to put my daughter in the headbands when she was a baby. One ear layed close to her head and one stuck out and drooped. I put it over her ears to train them. It actually worked. her father didn't like them, but it's better than lopsided ears. lol
It seemed like a sudden switch in Melanie's relationship with her dad. In earlier episodes Trent acted all concerned about her, and she was acting like the good little girl, trying to convince him she was studying hard and being a model daughter. Today, wham! She is scolding him for his gambling habits and he is pimping her. A whole new picture!

I have to agree with Chloe....I don't think she is mommy material. It wasn't just that she was awkward, she looked repulsed at having to even hold the baby, and she clearly was not interested in a rustic retreat, family style. lol.
Melanie a Call Girl??????

Thanks for the write-up Barb!:) I had a dr.'s appt. out of town so I missed it and you already know it doesn't tape on Tuesdays. (By the way, I noticed the Soap Channel taped last Thurs.????????????)

Did anyone besides me wonder the other day when Melanie called somebody on her cell from Max's hotel room - she was left there by herself - and said, "Send a car around for me, I'm sick of this" or something to that effect; that she just might me a call girl (I'm putting it nicely)!!!!!!!!

After reading today's summary and getting her reaction toTrent's request though, I'm not sure; however nobody wants to be told what to do to settle a debt for their Dad - especially good ole Trent in this case and how she was suppose to settle it. This does not sound like the 1st time "dad" has had Melanie come to his rescue!!!

Do any of you have any thoughts about who she was asking to send a car for her and the meaning of it?????????
Did anyone besides me wonder the other day ... that she just might me a call girl (I'm putting it nicely)!!!!!!!!

D - I hadn't thought of that before, but it's the first thing that makes sense about this story, insofar as why Trent didn't want Max to meet Melanie. He doesn't want Max to know that she's a call girl and that's the reason he puts up with her maxing out his credit cards. Talk about a dysfunctional father-daughter relationship.

EMBRB - I think there might be something to Chloe's seasickness, as you suggest, because they did make a big deal about it (although she also gets claustrophobic, so maybe she has a weak constitution).

I would be worried about the health of the baby, though after she breathed in all that poison gas in the hospital. I hope they don't make Chloe pregnant. I don't think it's the right storyline for her at this point. I did have to laugh at the way she was holding Allie. Reminded me of the scene in Tootsie where Dustin Hoffman (dressed as Dorothy Michaels) was babysitting for colleague Julie's baby daughter and holding her at arm's length. Love that movie!
Gosh Darn It!

My husband deleted the show from our DVR before I even had a chance to see it.

So Barb - THANK YOU for such a great write up. At least it is keeping me up with the show.