Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, September 14, 2021


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Dec 29, 2012
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Rafe and Ave are on the phone. She's outside Julie's Place. She wants to see Julie about her job application. Rafe wishes her good luck.

Philip (his hair better) and Chloe are on the phone. He's inside Julie's Place. Philip asks her how her day is. She says fine. He invites her to lunch.

Brady is meeting with Gabi and Jake. He's sitting at a table on the Horton Square. Gabi and Jake are standing. Gabi and Jake accuse Brady of spying on Titan.

Bonnie sees Calista walk in the interrogation room where she is. Bonnie screams for help. Calista says no one is here to help you. She says for a police station they lack a security system (that's true). Bonnie says she can't be here because she's dead. Calista pulls out the gun. Rafe comes in. Bonnie is standing and it must have been a dream. Rafe says she was awake.

Justin is in the Kiriakis den. Steve walks in. Henderson called him and says Justin needed someone to talk to. Steve tells Justin Bonnie didn't make bail. Justin doesn't want to see Bonnie's face (what about Adrienne's face).

Philip asks Chloe to lunch. She tells him she doesn't have time. She'll take a rain check for lunch. She hangs up and Nicole (she's wearing a nice green striped dress) walks in. Nicole tells her she could have gone to lunch. Chloe says Philip calls her because he's checking up on her. He doesn't trust her. Chloe tells Nicole about the trip to Wilkes Barrie and how Philip acted like a crazed bull. Chloe says she wanted to be with Brady, but he wasn't ready. She made her choice and now Brady wants her (that's the Salem way). Chloe wants Philip to stop acting paranoid. Brady says Philip is the crazy one. Philip thinks Brady put the keylogger on the computer. Chloe wants proof before she stops seeing Brady.

Ava sits next to Philip at Julie's Place. Philip asks her if she's there to shake down Julie for protection money. Ava says she's there for a job. She wants to be a chef. Philip thinks that's a strange career choice. Ava says her life has changed and she doesn't want to go back to who she was. Philip is upset because he wanted her to get someone to break Brady's legs. (oh my) Philip tells her about Chloe. Ava tells him she knows how she feels because of Rafe and Nicole. Philip mentions about breaking Nicole's legs. Ava says Nicole is to stay away. Philip talks about Brady spying and he needs to proof it.

Brady tells Gabi and Jake it wasn't him. He already told Philip that. Brady said he doesn't even know what a keylogger is. Gabi changes her strategy. It takes awhile for Jake to realize that and helps her. Gabi says Philip has changed and he has a vendetta against you. Philip isn't doing a good job at Titan and he's upset with Brady about Chloe. Brady says Philip is a crazy manic. Brady tells them about the trip and Philip showed up. This makes Gabe rant more. Gabi is afraid Philip will run Titan into the ground. Brady tells her to talk to Victor. She's afraid to cause trouble.

Rafe wants Bonnie to talk to him. She fired court appointed attorney. Bonnie agrees to talk to Rafe. Rafe wants truth about what happened. Bonnie tells Rafe the gun went off accidentally. She tells him Calista wanted to kill her. We see flashback when Bonnie tells Rafe about Calista getting a pillow and gun going off. Bonnie tries to convince Rafe Calista was crazy. Rafe wants to know why Bonnie used that gun. The gun that killed Harrison Lord. Rafe pulls out a letter Calista wrote. Calista wrote
she was afraid of Bonnie and that Bonnie killed her husband. Bonnie says all lies and you have no proof.

Justin talks to Steve about how he wanted Bonnie to be like Adrienne. Not just her face, but her goodness. Justin realizes it was just a fantasy. Steve tells Justin he needs to find out from Bonnie what happened. Steve knows there was something strange with Calista. (why does Steve like Bonnie now? Is it the Salem water?) Steve keeps defending Bonnie. Justin wonders what Bonnie was going to do with the money. Was she going to help abandoned baby elephants (that is a good cause) Steve thinks it's important to know why Calista was here.

Gabi wants Brady to talk to Victor. Brady doesn't want to because Victor is still upset that Brady is working for Basic Black and not Titan.

Philip tells Ava Brady wants his girlfriend and he's spying on Titan. Philip says Brady failed at Titan and his marriage. He needs proof for Chloe that Brady was spying on Titan. He says not having confirmation makes you feel crazy (maybe he is). Ava knows you have to put it behind you and stop being jealous.

Steve wants Justin to go to Bonnie and hear what's going on since she fired her lawyer. Steve says she needs help. Steve tells Justin you had feelings for her and don't you still love her.

Brady has to think about telling Victor. He tells them Philip is unfit to run the company. Brady thinks Gabi and Jake would do a better job. Gabi says you owe it to the family to tell Victor. Philip walks up. All three look at each other.

Chloe tells Nicole Ava sounds like Philip the way she's treating Nicole. Nicole tells Chloe that Ava found Rafe has feels for her. Chloe asks Nicole how do you feel.

Steve and Ava are outside Julie's Place talking. Ava thanks him for his advice about Rafe. Steve says you always need to open and honest.

Rafe is badgering Bonnie about the million dollars she stole from Xander. Did she do it because she stole money from Calista and her husband? The door opens and "Just in Time" Kiriakis comes in. Justin says the interview is over because he's her attorney.
Thanks Kat, sound like we made some progress all the way around today. Not much, but I'll take whatever we can get.
Steve: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: and scowl.jpgscowl.jpgscowl.jpgscowl.jpgscowl.jpgscowl.jpgscowl.jpgscowl.jpg [thanks KathyLu].

Gabi/Jake: Normally I'd like Gabi stirring the pot with the idiot heirs of the corrupt Victor, but her math isn't working...Philip has at least as much, if not more, birthright in Titan than Brady. (What's next, will she convince Claire to claim the company as her own?)

I have no use for Ava.

Judi Evans (Bonnie) is doing a fine job in a stupid story nobody cares about. Emmy® time!!
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Gotta say Gabi has big time nerve....accusing Brady of installing that keylogger that she herself installed. Philip is still paranoid, Ava wants a job at Julie's??? LOL, Guess she'd like to turn it into an Italian restaurant, or rather just feature all those wonderful Italian dishes....Ravioli, spaghetti, lasagna, Ziti, minestrone, chicken cacciatore, you know, the ones she is constantly making for Rafe.
Betting that soon Chloe will tire of the Brady/Philip antics and ditch both.
Hoping a new guy comes to town, with eyes only for Nicole!

P.S. why is it that Days writers just LOVE to saddle the women with restaurants or cooking? LOL
Remember Maggie owned one, then Bonnie decided to turn it into cowboy country, Julie has her place, Ava wants to cook there, Nicole waitressed when she first arrived. Caroline ran the Brady Pub (which was a cafe first. Alice did the famous donuts, which are now done, along with other goodies by Allie & Chantel. Conveniently, years ago, both Hope & Marlena could not cook, not even boil an egg, lol.

This is still in the list.......however, I have learned that, at some point, the emoticon is removed from the origination page, so then we lose it here. I just noticed one that can no longer be used, was a "back to topic" thing. I will have to take it out of the "list". That happened with the "beat a dead horse" one.........I don't like to have these that tu rn out so huge, but small ones are harder to find. LOL
Ya know Ava it's one thing to cook a pan of lasagna for one person, but to cook pans for many along with Spaghetti and Eggplant and whatever is something else..... but hey it is a change from running a mob..... slightly....... it just means Re-Ron has no clue what to do with a woman....

Oh boy Justin is going to talk with Bonnie..... I can hardly wait...... no that's wrong, I can go for a really long time never knowing the outcome of that conversation. Sad and bad use of Steve today.... Guess he and Jack have fallen into the care for unknown children parenting..... forget that they used to be vital and important parts of the story...
Calista: Please, no more visions of this horror. She was bad enough while alive. The viewers don't need any post-mortem appearances.

Ava: If she wants a job cooking, she could apply to be a short-order cook at the K-mansion. She could whip up snacks for Victor in the off-hours or prepare something for Philip to pig-out on when he needs to forget his worries about Chloe and Brady.

Rafe: He really needs to tell Abe that the police department needs a decent forensics unit. Such a group could easily discover that the pistol was in Calista's hand when the shot was fired and that the bullet passed through a pillow before killing her.

Gabi & Jack: Enough of these two and their absurd plans to seize control of Titan. I'd rather have seen the mighty Xander planning his revenge on sucker-puncher EJ.
Re: Bonnie. I just don't see how they can logically write her out of this. (I know they'll come up with some claptrap to explain it away.) Unless she was culpable, she'd have told Justin everything right away.

I don't believe any version of events that makes her innocent. She either stole the money and killed the guy, or stole the money, or killed the guy. If it's none of those, she'd have no reason not to confess to Justin & be rid of Calista quickly. [And I don't believe the nonsense the soap press quoted Judi Evans saying about Bonnie's out-of-nowhere motivations.]
There is no way Bonnie’s usable prints are still on that gun with how Calista handled it wrapped in that cloth. This is dumb. The forensics has to show that the gun was in Calista’s hand. Technically, Bonnie gave the money back to Xander. He was leaving with the bag when the police showed up. But I don’t care what happens to Bonnie.

I do care about Gabi, and the way they’re writing her infuriates me. This scheme is dumb, and she always had good relationships with both Brady and Philip. The motivation for her to be this person just isn’t there. I get why she’s plotted against Chad and Abby and even the dumb Julie plot. But this makes no sense and is destined to fail. Victor has never shown any willingness for a CEO outside the family. And he doesn’t even like her. He would laugh Jake out the door. I want to scream every time they act like this is a smart plan.
I like Philip's haircut. I don't like Ava very much but her and Philip have chemistry.

I don't get this ridiculous Bonnie story. It's so out of place.

My poor Gabi and Jake. They could do so much more with them. I wish they took Jake off the Dimera family tree.

Thanks for the recap. :)
A word on Gabi's clothing. I think they have her dressing in the same style as the clothing she sells. Same for Nicole and Chloe. The have really toned down Chloe's wardrobe.
The only character besides Gabi who seems to favor overly tight, short & revealing clothing, to me, is Ciara. The wardrobe head seems to favor plunging necklines for all the female characters....
I had to read the part about Gabi being "afraid to start trouble" about 4 or 5 times. I keep thinking... ha! since when?

I'm not a huge Philip fan...but this scheme of Gabi and Jake's is just.... really really dumb. I hope they get caught and called out by Brady, Philip, AND Victor.

Jake should go back to being a mechanic. He was good at that! He can call himself the CEO of the auto shop if that's what makes Gabi like him better. Gabi rarely mentions talking to her daughter or going to see her daughter, etc. just nothing. poor kid. Like.. I get it. Kids can't be on screen much anymore. But it would be nice to hear them mentioned. Same goes for Brady and his son, Tate. Though, I feel like Brady mentions Tate a whole lot more than Gabi mentions Arianna.
It would be interesting if Jake was still working for DiMera and now has his foot in Kiriakis door.
But I don’t care what happens to Bonnie.
I do, but only because I want her off the show. I agree with your forensic analysis - but she wasn't even smart enough to think of that. I'll take a smart guilty character or a dumb innocent one. But a dumb guilty one? No thank you.
she always had good relationships with both Brady and Philip
I agree! I like her stirring the pot but not the way she's doing it - she actually seems to be enjoying torturing Philip (I am one of those who thought for a minute she & Philip might start something romantic while Jake was boinking his sister-in-law). They tend to write her this way when they're planning to replace her (see: Andrew Stark) but I haven't heard about that lately.

Victor has never shown any willingness for a CEO outside the family.
Except that one time, which was a collosal failure. (Ian McAllister)
Betting that soon Chloe will tire of the Brady/Philip antics and ditch both.
Hoping a new guy comes to town, with eyes only for Nicole!
One can only hope Chloe tires of the jealous crap that Brady & Philip are conjuring.

I hope the same for Nicole. A new man would be nice.
It would be nice to see Chloe get someone that isn't jealous, overbearing and always thinking with the wrong head.

I loved the dress Chloe had on and her hair style. She looked great. Nicole's hair style was great and I would have loved the dress if it didn't look like there was enough material to make a second dress with. Ava looked great also. Even Gabi had a nice dress on.
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