Days of Our Lives - Wed., Apr. 1, 2015

Good show today! And on a Wednesday! Alert the presses! Lots of nice little scenes. Aiden/John, Marlena/Will, RAFE, Melanie/Theresa/lab tech dude, Hope/Abigail/Chad, Lucas/Adrienne.

In Melanie's defense, I don't know that she was just researching plasma, per se, but I'm thinking she wants to know if perhaps Theresa's supposed plasma that she donated last fall could be tested for hcg, the pregnancy hormone, which would add another piece to her puzzle.

I'm looking forward to the continuation of the John/Will/Tori scenes tomorrow.
I've said this before and I'll say it again. Today's episode was GREAT because it was full of vets! And not only that, we had vets interacting with younger characters (Abby and her Aunt Adrienne, Chad and his dad Stefano, etc.). Every time we have an episode like this, everyone loves it. Extra kudos to the writers because the storylines actually advanced too. And no Daniel Jonas either.

Does anyone think the final scene was a red herring? Maybe John recognized Tori from Salem more recently?

I enjoyed everyone in casual attire today. But Marlena's shirt was just too boxy for her. Nice shirt but not very flattering.

Hope and Aiden need to have a storyline or 2.

Amen and Hallelujah RAFE was on 2 days in a row!!! And not only that, I love that he was on to Sonny and Paul plus I loved the conversation with Hope. Even though it should have happened months ago.

What is Stefano's motivation for going after Abby and why does he care about Jack's book? And why now all of a sudden? I need Stefano back in Salem.

Lucas/Adrienne: I'm with you Jason--didn't love it but also didn't hate it

Not a fan of Jeannie T's dress. It was too form fitting and I could see through it. Plus the color was meh.

I laughed at NURSE Melanie too but I like Sparkster's thought about timing.

More Jorge please! Finally a non-medical hospital staff that actually makes sense.
Are we being prepared for Rafe's attempting to gain custody of Ari? That contract that Gabi signed gives him some standing for this.

I would like Theresa to avoid the vampire-movie makeup "artist," in future! :eek:

Marlena's Paul Bunyan shirt was quite a change-up, and very fetching. Forgive me, Heather! :)
I suppose Rafe making an attempt to gain custody of Arianna COULD be something that's being set up but-forgive me for using logic because I know that doesn't fly in Salem but I'm going to anyway-such a story would be doomed to failure.

What would be the grounds for such an action on Rafe's part? That Will is a moron and Arianna is growing more fussy? Well Arianna is nearing her terrible twos and babies do get tempermental at that age so Will being a moron (and he is) can't really be blamed for that.

On a more serious note Will's infidelity does not automatically make him a bad father. And all the evidence has shown that Arianna IS well-taken care of and Will IS a good and dutiful father and that is what the courts will take into consideration.

As far as the custody agreement Will and Gabi signed is concerned I'm not sure it's really factor anymore. I remember Rafe and Jordan visiting Gabi before she was arrested and she said that the custody agreement was official yet because the court had to sign off on it.

Now I'm not a lawyer so I don't know if Gabi's incarceration would necessarily make the agreement null and void. But when Rafe visited her at Christmas she didn't want him getting in Will's face about visiting with the baby because he had soul custody. She didn't want to rock the boat so I'm assuming (which I know you should not do) she's pretty much powerless.

So I'm not sure Rafe has any real standing after all.
I think Dr. Baker might want to weigh in on that.....but Gabi & Will have joint custody, and Gabi wanted Sonny in on it all, since she was going to prison. She did not want them refusing to let Rafe see Ari or not be a part of Ari's life. I do think it a shame that the fathers don't go visiting relatives with her, or specifically invite some over. They always have to drop by, but Ari is sleeping. Rafe was super lucky Ari was not only awake, but not out with a sitter.
Are we being prepared for Rafe's attempting to gain custody of Ari? That contract that Gabi signed gives him some standing for this.
On what grounds?? While Will is a doofus, he's not a bad father and Ari is hardly mistreated. Dumped off on babysitters all the time? Sure, but so are all of the other Salem kiddies.
Rafe has been seen with Ari more often, lately.
He may have custody standing via Gabi's maybe-contract... presuming the writers remember it. :)
Paul has caused "trouble in River City," that could result in divorce, or town-leaving , by Will/Sonny.
Plenty of fodder for paranoid speculation! :)

A fly in the ointment of this storyline is that Rafe would probably need to be in a stable, preferably legalized, relationship. Wherever would he find such? :eek:
He may have custody standing via Gabi's maybe-contract... presuming the writers remember it.
No, he wouldn't. Again, while Will acts like a jerk, he's not a bad father. Arianna is in no way neglected or abused. And tension between spouses is hardly considered child abuse.
A fly in the ointment of this storyline is that Rafe would probably need to be in a stable, preferably legalized, relationship.
Single people get custody of (and adopt) children all the time. Not being married wouldn't make a difference.
"It doesn't matter how threatened you feel, you don't have the right to rip up somebody's life." Marlena's words to Will could not have been more accurate. She told him as sincerely and as nicely as she could that this was none of his business. When she shoved his tablet into his chest and walked off, I thought for a second maybe she'd reached him, but as soon as Tori tells him that Paul was asked to stay a few more days for another fundraiser, he goes all Dr. Evil with his twisted smirk and threatens to publish the article that night.

And how does Aiden commit Paul for another fundraiser engagement without asking Paul first. I'd understand if he was Paul's manager/agent, then it would be his job, but as a man Paul only met a few days ago, Aiden had no right.

John's entirely too happy so you know things are about to get ugly for him LOL.
You are right, I should have said that for purposes of a possible romantic storyline only, it could be to Rafe's custodial advantage to be in a stable relationship. Nicole is at loose ends... :)
Again, having Rafe in a relationship would be of no advantage in this situation. And once again, since Will is not a bad or abusive parent, it's a moot point.

I got the impression Marlena had on a flannel shirt, too. lol

I thought it was just a plaid shirt, not a flannel one.
LOL, I thought Marlena was dressed casually and appropriately for working at a benefit, unpacking boxes, making signs, plus dealing with children. On the other hand, Hope's white jacket was really not the thing to wear for what she was doing.
Well we got Rafe two days in a row and it's not even my birthday! *that's in 12 days for anyone who might want to mark that on their calendars :)* As nice as it is to see him I hope he doesn't get too entangled with Will and Sonny's drama. I get that he's concerned for Arianna's emotional well-being which is as it should be especially since she can't have her mom around. But I just think there are better uses for him such as Victor's war against Clyde.

Of course I wouldn't complain if he got his own story but we all know that's just crazy talk.
Rafe being on screen missed my birthday by one day but I'll take it as belated present. At least there is a little bit of something worth watching although he has only been on 3 days in March and February. Still has those super cop skills working, finally
I think Dr. Baker might want to weigh in on that.....
Again, having Rafe in a relationship would be of no advantage in this situation. And once again, since Will is not a bad or abusive parent, it's a moot point.
JS is correct. The standard that courts use in custody proceedings is the "best interests" of the child. For a non-parent to prevail in a custody battle, it would have to be shown that Will is an "unfit" parent. Being a jerk toward people outside the family and writing misspelled, ungrammatical articles for a trashy magazine doesn't make him an unfit parent. As for the custody agreement, it's still in effect, but with Gabi in jail serving a sentence that apparently runs until after Arianna is 18, it's essentially irrelevant.
I wish they would stop using Jack to have his kids "get lucky". Also Abby should already know about reviews on the web since they are making a movie about the book.

Does Chadsworth want revenge on Abby? Why is he trying to manipulate her and why is his old man helping?

Not enjoying Will, but yay!!!! to Rafe, John and Marlena being on.

I wonder if this hospital is going to start chasing down people for blood now. Maybe they will run low again and follow John around then blab that he has the same blood type as Paul:rolleyes:

No to Theresa and Mel scenes. No to Mel and any scenes

I really can't stand Will.

edited to replace word - JS