Days of Our Lives - Wed., Apr. 10, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Peterson-Brady Apartment - Eric is on the phone with the landlord. They have missed two months' rent. He will talk to Sloan to get this cleared up. Eric talks to Jude's bassinet.

Pub - Jada and Sloan meet. Sloan needs her money. Jada uses an app to pay her, then Sloan tells her that due to Bobby/Everett's brain condition, he can't enter (or void) a contract.

Spectator offices (establishing shot, same) - Leo and Stephanie talk about the paper's PR and the shock of Stefan's drug dealing. Everett/Bobby arrives. Soap stares. Everett/Bobby doesn't want to talk about what is on his mind with Stephanie, and swats Leo away (verbally) when Leo pitches a story. Jada shows up to demand he sign the divorce papers. Leo learns about this drama and makes remarks. Jada tries to get Bobby/Everett to perpetrate a fraud (based on what Sloan told her earlier) even though he's legally Bobby. Bobby/Everett can't, etc. Everyone shushes Leo. Jada storms out, Stephanie follows.

Square - Sarah continues to stand by Xander as they eat ice cream and stroll with Stroller Victoria. DA DiMera (who ignores a call from Kristen) shows up to talk to them. The charges have been dropped. EJ looks defeated (but not angry) as he congratulates Xander.

DiMansion Living Room - Kristen leaves EJ an angry voicemail. She's worried about their PR/family fortune. Nicole enters looking for a fight about their daughters. Nicole's bravado suggests she has forgotten that Kristen has previously kidnapped and impersonated her. Holly's a druggie who lied about Rachel's brother, Rachel's a terror just like her mommy.

They list each other's felonies and Salem dramas. Kristen's seduction of Brady as Nicole, resulting in Rachel, as well as kidnapping Daniel, fetusnapping Tate, and raping Eric are mentioned. Kristen mentions Nicole's lying about Daniel Rafael to break up Daniel and Jennifer, as well as the Sydnapping. They are about to become physical when EJ intervenes. EJ blames Kristen for starting the confrontation. The adults agree to keep Holly and Rachel separate.

EJ says he needs to step up to replace Stefan. EJ thinks he can be interim CEO and still be DA. He has to because Tony's travelling, Chad's "never expressed an interest" (pick up your jaws now), and Johnny's too young and inexperienced. Kristen tries to volunteer but EJ laughs it off. Nicole offers to go with him so she can shop and they can have supper afterward. They go to check on Holly first; Kristen remains behind and calls Mr. Shin.

Peterson-Brady Apartment - Sloan arrives home and remembers a confrontation with Leo. Eric wants to talk. Sloan apologizes for falling behind, pays the rent with an app, and Eric talks about working out a budget. Later, Eric's worked out a budget but something's wrong. Sloan avoids the conversation by fussing with Jude and going to buy diapers.

Cook/Horton Apartment - Cute scenes with Sarah and Xander eating and talking about cheese. Xander wonders why he was targeted. He remembers the mystery call. They speculate about Clyde. Perhaps Stefan, who was working for Clyde, hired the hitman. He plans a visit to the prison to interrogate Stefan.

Spectator Offices - Leo offers Everett/Bobby sympathy. Everett hates himself and Robert Stein, feels Stephanie has lost his trust. Leo's sympathy seems genuine but he wants to write a story, Everett/Bobby ("Boberett" as Leo calls him) nixes the story. Leo says it's obvious Everett/Bobby is heartbroken over Stephanie; leaves.

Pub - Jada and Stephanie are talking. Jada sympathizes with Stephanie and apologizes for sniping at her more than once. She's sorry she took out her anger on Stephanie, asks for forgiveness for the awful things she said. Stephanie was hurt, but understands. Stephanie admits she is furious, but also feels for Everett/Bobby. There are still some feelings there.

Spectator Offices - Everett/Bobby stares off the center of the camera and says, "There's no escaping you, is there, Robert Stein?" He calls Marlena for an appointment.

Square - Sloan and Leo quibble about her bills. She compliments his writing (and it seems genuine). He's paid by the article. Leo continues to have expensive tastes, Sloan tries to butter him up. They negotiate a 25% reduction in his payments and hug.

Peterson-Brady Apartment - Eric continues to look through the bills. Something is not adding up. He vows to get to the bottom of it. END
How is it that no one has told Sloan about the Salem Money Tree?? Or is that money only available to those born in Salem? Or long-time established Salemites?

Thanks Jason.

While I do enjoy people worrying over money, because that's true people do worry over money, it's not really what I want to see front and center, unless it returns Nicole's baby to her. Which it won't because we are still under the scab writers.

Jada, cruel and terrible yesterday, kind and soft today. Make up your mind. Do you want this person with a gun in your town?

Wrap up the Everett/Bobby's issue, please?? I don't care as I'm not invested in him or his huggily wuggily Stephanie.
I rather enjoyed the Nicole vs Kristen confrontation. Nicole told no lies.

Xander is finally free! That was sticking in EJ's craw a bit wasn't it? When was Sarah breastfeeding and requiring cheese? I guess during that one month period they were living platonically and had separate bedrooms?

Leo's eyes bugging out over the whole Bobby Everett thing was fun. Jada instantly asking Everett to commit fraud after her lawyer consult was a choice.

Eric is trying to budget on a piece of yellow paper with no bank statements or supporting documentation and calls it a spreadsheet. Sad.
Thank you, Jason!

Now Sloan can live large with the discounted blackmail rate.

Eric obviously does not excel in Excel, the program for spreadsheets with formulas and columns and rows, oh my! Please let this storyline end and give Nicole her baby!

While I am not a fan of Holly, she did not deserve to be yelled at like that. Shame on Kristen, who has no shame, she of the life mask.

While watching the show, I did have a yearning for string cheese. Lo and behold, I have an unopened bag!

Glad Jada came to her senses about Stephanie.

Loved Leo's names for Bobby/Everett. This storyline also needs to end, Will Marlena be able to get Bobby/Everett to the other side?
Had to laugh when Nicole said to Kristen "what is wrong with you?" Oh, way too many things to count. But Nicole did name off quite a few. Nicole is not a liar, everything she said was true. It is crazy when all of Kristen's misdeeds are spoken. She has done some crazy stuff. And yes, with you as a mother, Rachel is going to be handful when she's a teenager. She's a handful now. And a brat.

So happy that Xander is finally exonerated. EJ still knew that, even when telling him, by saying he would love to lock him up. I love Xander and Sarah. Always have.

Well, Sloan giving Leo a big old hug was a surprise. Conversation with Eric about budget should be interesting. But hey she got a 35% cut.

I hope Eric figures it all out. Not really looking forward to that face he'll have for 14 months after, but at least he'll know that Jude is biologically his (at least I hope). He already loves him as if he is his. Oh, I do look forward to the joy he will have knowing he has a biological son. And let Nicole have her baby back, let her and Eric co-parent. Just waiting on the writers to come back from their block I reckon. Haha.
Nicole told no lies.
I enjoyed it, too, for this reason and because Nicole is also no saint and Kristen reminded us of that.
Kristen's misdeeds are spoken. She has done some crazy stuff.
I really loved how Nicole pointed out that the only reason Rachel exists is because Kristen seduced Brady while wearing a bodysuit that made her look like Nicole. Only in Salem, right? People should mention this any time Rachel is mentioned.
I do look forward to the joy he will have knowing he has a biological son.
I'm still hoping the regular writers fix this mistake and make the child EJ's, since EJ and Nicole are a more believable and likable couple. I know I'm in the minority of the fandom, but that's the story that makes sense.
I would rather have Nicole with EJ. I am concerned that time will run out and we will not get a good conclusion to the Nicole story if she is written out. Since her leaving once she finds out about the baby does not make sense, BUT her leaving before she finds out about the baby would be ridiculous. I guess I am hoping for a recast although that recast would be a hard one!
Once again, Sloan showed that she’s no lawyer == taking Jada’s money and then saying that she’s stuck with Bobby/Everett. Any decent attorney could sort this out. It’s not as though the bearded wonder is insane. As for covering her financial malfeasance, Sloan is doomed. Even Sami would admit that Eric can count.

Kristen vs. Nicole was too much. The Kritter should avoid these showdowns. No matter how bad the other person is, the kreepy Kritter is sure to be worse. And if a brawl broke out, old Granny Kristen wouldn’t stand a chance.

EJ can eat dirt — Xander is exonerated. As for who tried to frame him, one thing is certain, the heroic X-Man will sort things out long before Rafe’s cops — especially angry Jada — discover anything.
Thanks, Jason.

I was surprised Jada went to the newspaper office to have Bobby sign the papers when Sloan said they could be
voided later since he wasn't himself.

Did Jada and Stephanie become friends again? Maybe until next week.

Will Xander and Sarah figure out who framed him for shooting Harris?

Sloan was saved by the baby twice when Eric wanted to ask her questions about their bills. Will Eric use the
Salem brain to figure out what's wrong?
You know.........I liked Eric, I love Nicole. I hated that they liked each other, but Eric decided to become a priest. Fine. But then he decided that life was really not for him. O.K. Now he is free again,'t reunite with Nicole. Instead he is hooked up with the sleazy Sloan, while Nicole somehow gets hooked up with the sleazy EJ DiMera.

I have no idea why the writers at that time thought those were great ideas....they weren't. And the farce goes on.

Don't you wonder why the saintly Eric goes for sleazy Sloan? Or why they do not want to hook Eric & Nicole up permanently? Do they honestly think that the only angst they could provide the viewers is by constantly having to be with others?

Maggie & Mickey had adventures, & problems and were together, same goes for John & Marlena. Steve & Kayla. And yes, all have aged........we all do. And evidently these writers are unable to write strong stories for the younger actors, but are willing to backburner the older ones. Yes, they have to deal with those wanting to "move on", hoping for bigger and better, which is only their agent's way of pretending they have other big opportunities for their clients.

The writers killed off Adrienne, but a mistake, so on came Bonnie. Killed off Theresa & Gwen, so Theresa got a new face.

After disposing of (I forget his name) a heretofore unknown twin brother emerges........and we now have Stefan, tho haven't seen him in some time now.

I realize younger actors want to try whatever might be out there for them, but those who did stay around for some time have either tired of the role/character, or just retired from acting permanently. Maybe it is just me, who doesn't live in LA or NY but...........have not seen the actors who portrayed Bo, Hope, Justin, Jennifer, Bonnie, Jack, Rory, Roman, Chloe, Daniel...........and more ....listed on other shows presently. No idea if the writers are failing or the agents are failing their clients
The Kreepy Kritter Kristen and Nicole blow up was good. If Ejerk had not intervened, Nicole would have wiped up the floor with her. Kristen thinking that Shin would consider her for CEO is laughable. I don't see Shin as being intimidated by her, but you never know with writers who are as dumb as dirt.

Nicole could be CEO, she is a DiMera by marriage. That would blow what's left of Kreepy Kritter Kristen's mind.

Ejerk finally did one thing I can approve of. Tell Kristen if she can't behave she can get out.
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