Days of Our Lives - Wed., Apr. 11, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Ah, well, seems Days is still on the bike, you know, the one where you pedal and pedal, but go nowhere...the stationary bike. But it is nice to see Salemites interacting with some with whom they never or rarely have a conversation. Lucas seems to have figured it out, the offer to Chloe, the fan with no name, etc. Chloe seems to have no clue, but Lucas says it is all to weird, takes off to check his theory.

Eve & Brady literally bump into each other, she drops her phone, both go to pick it up, she does, bye bye. (Talk about a filler scene!) Brady goes into the Pub, finds his dad sitting there, waiting for Marlena, who was to meet him. Brady tells John how he screwed up royally, John says it sounds like something Vic would do, yep, Vic's idea. John cannot believe Brady agreed, that is wrong to purposely want to break someone's heart. Brady knows, just thought if he could get Basic Black back, he could prove his worth to Vic. John offers some advice, soon leaves to search for Marlena, not like her to not show up, nor answer his messages.

Chloe sits alone at the club, Eve comes in, joins her, and they talk the whole offer from the mysterious stranger. Chloe doesn't mention it being in Mexico, just that Lucas is suspicious, went to investigate. Eve is all for following your dream, don't give up on it.

Kate is on the phone, telling someone she can't wait to get rid of that wretched woman. She gets to the front door, fumbles for her keys (LOL, she needs a key, but Marlena walked right in!!!) She is in the foyer, going thru the mail, most of which she declares boring, hears a noise.

Inside, Stefan & Gabby are trying to decide what to do about Marlena, they can't let her go to police, Abby would go to jail, and that would put an end to Gabby's life. Stefan won't let that happen, but he will not kill Marlena, but will think of something else. Don't worry. They hear Kate come in, evidently pick up Marlena & take her down into the changing room in the tunnels.

Kate investigates the noise, finds an empty room. She notes the door to the tunnels is open, is about to check it out, Lucas comes barging in, all worked up, accusing Kate of this plot to get rid of Chloe. Kate denies, he reminds her of poisoned brownies, she doesn't want to go there. They go back and forth, she would love Chloe to be gone, but swears she did not put this Miguel person up to any plot.

Lucas returns to the Club, tells Chloe he went to see Mommy Dearest, she claims she is not to blame. Chloe is torn, really would like to do this.

Chad sits with Gabi, blathering away about her innocence, appeal, Abby's lying, Chad's promises to get to the truth, yada, yada, yada. Gabi is now in prison garb, so evidently he hung around there a long time.

Hope & Rafe repeat all their previous conversations, he is sorry, she reminds him that their big fight, he broke everything off. She wants him to sign annulment papers, more I am sorry, I love you, yada, yada. He ends up depositing the papers in the waste basket.

Down in the changing room, Stefan is talking of how Dr. Laura really fixes it up. Unconscious Marlena has been put on a cot., there is a portable closet pole full of dresses. Stefan & Gabby talk of what to do now. He needs to send John a message, oops no signal down here. Gabby worries Marlena will be calling for help when she wakes up. Nope, we keep her locked down here, thick walls, soundproof, no one will hear her. He is going upstairs to text John.

Meanwhile, John has come to Marlena's office, it is dark, of course she isn't there. He sits behind the desk, trying to figure out where she is, He has her computer on, a message comes thru from her. Sorry, missed dinner, Still with a patient. John is puzzled, begins checking her computer.

Down in the changing room, Gabby is pulling clothes off the rack, packing them into something as she wants to put them in the tunnels themselves just in case. Her back is to Marlena, who begin to stir, she is waking up.

Egads, thought I had posted this, and here it is still sitting...........sorry everyone.
:angry::angry::angry:Hope: Apparently, her stay in Hong Kong has not mellowed her attitude toward Rafe. Perhaps, somebody should remind her 1) that without Rafe's help she'd be in the slammer with Hattie, Sheila, and Gabi; 2) she took Bo back after his thing with Carly Manning; and 3) Bo took her back after she poured gasoline all over him and was about to light a match.

:clap:Rafe: He gets kudos for refusing to sign the annulment papers. Sooner or later, judgmental Hope just might realize that he's about as good as it gets when it comes to husband material in Salem. That said if things get legal, Rafe should get a real lawyer, not poor, bumbling Justin.

:sick::sick::sick:"Gabby" & Sleazy: This two idiots are playing way out of their league by holding Marlena captive. And they shouldn't just worry about the sleuthing ability of John Black. Ghost Stefano just might return to wreck havoc on them both for daring to mess with his beloved Queen of the Night.
He ends up depositing the papers in the waste basket.
Sorry Hope/Rafe fans, but that is where this relationship belongs, IN MY OPINION.
but swears she did not put this Miguel person up to any plot.
And Lucas, if you believe this, I have a plot of land to sell you too.
Eve is all for following your dream, don't give up on it.
Yes, and look at Eve, following your dream has sure gotten this gal far.

Thank you for writing this up.
Lucas and Chloe: I would like to enjoy this story but I'm going to need Lucas to take it down a couple of notches. I know we're supposed to see it as him just being protective and looking out for Chloe but he's coming across as a bit possessive. I mean they've only gone ice skating so far.

Antics at the DiMansion: Um okay, that happened. I really don't have too much to say about that. LOL

Chad and Gabi: Okay honestly, I kind of want to squirt headwriter Ron Cavalarti with water from a spray bottle and smack him on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper and say "No, Ron, bad!"

My issue isn't so much with the substance, of which there was admittedly very little, of their discussion itself, but with what it could represent. Which is a possible revisiting of Chad and Gabi as a couple.

Once Gabi is exonerated, which hopefully will be soon, there are a couple of options I think she could go romantically. Speaking of which, I will list in order of preference with one I do not like at all.

1. Reunite her with JJ. I think a glimpse at my avatar pretty much sums up my assessment of this possibility. Just to be clear I'm for it.

2. Keep her with Eli. After what's happened,with Eli continuing to lie about the baby after promising there were no more secrets, this wouldn't be my first choice. But despite all that, I still think Gabi and Eli could have potential. So I'm okay with this.

3. Bring on a new guy. I would prefer to see either of the first two options more fully explored before they went this route. But on the other hand, it might be good for her to start from scratch without any baggage.

4. Reunite her with Chad. I can best sum up my feelings about this by quoting Darth Vader at the end of Revenge of the Sith when he realizes he's responsible for the death of his beloved Padme: "NOOOOO!"

Chad and Gabi do not work as a couple. The reason why they don't work is that Chad is not in love with Gabi. Sure, he cares about her, and I would even believe he feels love for her as a friend, but he's not in love with her.

We have not seen any evidence that has changed. So to even hint that Gabi and Chad may reunite is quite frankly a waste of time. So I really wish they would cut it out and have the people who should be there supporting Gabi do that.
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Thanks Poirot.

Why didn't Rafe tear up the annulment papers instead of throwing them away?

I'm not surprised Lucas assumed Miguel was working with Kate. Why hasn't Lucas
suggest he'll go with Chloe to make sure nothing bad is going on?

Where was Marlena's car parked? Lucas and Kate both came in the front door.

John got the text from Stefan saying Marlena missed dinner because she was with
a patient. Will John wonder where since he's in her office? Will he ping her phone?
Does her car have GPS he can track?

And the big question of the day why is Chad with Gabi instead of his wife? He knows
something odd is going on with her. Shouldn't he be with Abby to figure out why?
Kate is on the phone, telling someone she can't wait to get rid of that wretched woman. She gets to the front door, fumbles for her keys (LOL, she needs a key, but Marlena walked right in!!!)
This DA PLOT moment was too much.

StefanNO so I skipped a bunch. He's not redeemable and if they try.

While I agree with Eve's contention that Chloe shouldn't let Lucas dictate her life, she should investigate this opera gig. Meanwhile why would anyone ever believe anything Kate says?
I agree about Marlena's injury maybe being serious, Lil0, and very often when someone gets hit on the head with a fireplace poker, it is in a murder mystery.

Kat, I wondered the same thing, shouldn't Chad be with his wife, trying to figure this thing out?

Poirot, I'm only just now getting around to reading, so it wouldn't have mattered how early you got the summary up, but I was a little worried about you. Glad you are okay. Thank you for doing all this!

I'm just glad there isn't any showing of Ciara and Claire today. I barely got through watching them from yesterday's show.

I agree with Troy that Lucas is acting too possessive. He's going along as though they are a couple. They probably are, in his mind. I don't like being critical of him because I have long been a Lucas fan and I'm always glad to see him, but why do they so often write him to be angry or possessive? Even if that may be a part of his personality, when he gets dumped on or pushed around (which is way too often), I'd much prefer that they emphasize his better traits. He is such a gentle, caring, loyal person, I think they could write better stories for him.
Kat, I wondered the same thing, shouldn't Chad be with his wife, trying to figure this thing out?

The next time Chad visits Gabi, as we know he will, and he says with the light of great purpose in his eyes "I promise Gabi, I know Stefan is responsible for this and I WILL find out what he did to Abigail to make her say what she did on the stand." I want Gabi to say in the exasperated tone I know we're all starting to feel: "Then what do you keep hanging around here for, stupid?"
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Can we please just end Hope and Rafe for good already and put us and them out of their misery?!! This couple has no chemistry please just end it.

Chad says Abby has been off but he won't even consider she is having a mental issue? I hope this ends soon too. Gabi needs to get out of prison!
The best way Chad could help Gabi get off is to go find out what is off with Abby. Abby is his wife and he knows something is wrong. If this were Marlena or Kayla, neither John or Steve would rest until they find out what's wrong with them. Abby should be Chad's top priority.

Too bad Kate did not catch Stefan and Gabby, but she would probably have been attacked like Marlena was.

I actually agree with Hope. The problem is not so much that Rafe slept with Sami. After all, Rafe and Hope were on a break :sarcasm:, but the fact is he did not step forward and tell her what he did when they got back together and would still not have admitted it with Hope living in ignorant bliss had Claire not found out and told Hope about it.

I understand Lucas' point of view regarding Chloe's job offer. This offer came out of nowhere and is highly suspicious. At the very least, Chloe needs to gather more information about the position before accepting, but the way she's acting, I think she's going to take it. However, I don't think Kate is involved in this deception. When she was on the phone talking about "that woman", I believe she was referring to Vivian.

Brady knows John :eek:.
Thank you, Poirot.

To me, the only decent things in this episode were seeing John and Lucas.

Am I the only one who thinks the writing is going downhill again?? It seems like every time there is a new head writer they start off like gangbusters cleaning up the last one's junky storylines, start their own stories off with fireworks, then slow everything down to a snail's pace with a lot of repetition and filler.
When Chad was talking with Gabi, it was HER suggesting Abby perhaps having another mental breakdown, it was HER talking of Abby being unhappy about Gabi & Chad being together, it was GABI doing the thinking of what possibly could have caused Abby to lie on the stand. Gabi even suggested that Abby might believe what she said that Gabi told her. Chad was brushing it all aside, no, no, can not be. Gabi brought up Ben, how Abby kept seeing him everywhere. So Gabi is figuring things out. (As I watched I was thinking that next she will be working for Black Patch, lol)

@Squirrelly.......I don't watch other soaps at all, but evidently this new headwriter is sort of repeating story he did elsewhere with this DID story. If so, tis a mistake, since Days has done this kind of story, and very well (Kim) plus the mental breakdown stories as well. But then, how many of Salem's citizens are addicts of one kind or another? (meaning they have done alcohol & pill addiction stories many times on Days)
It truly is a shame, because those who remembered him from other soaps went on and on about what good writing. Now for me, I did not see any of his work elsewhere, so perhaps I don't find as much fault with it. However, I do realize the writing was done 8-9 months ago, before he ever really got to know the characters, or the actors who portray them. We all know Days has a huge problem with filming 5-6 mos. ahead - well, the writing is done 3-4 months before that!
And of course the consultants were put on because they know the characters and could help in that regard. And it does not help the writers or show with the interference from the "suits". All of them.
I think after May sweeps, there may (MAY) be some sort of shift.
(And it doesn't help when actors don't give their scenes their full attention/ability)
As always killer summarym you nailed it! Thanks for all your time and energies!
Inside, Stefan & Gabby are trying to decide what to do about Marlena, they can't let her go to police, Abby would go to jail, and that would put an end to Gabby's life. Stefan won't let that happen, but he will not kill Marlena, but will think of something else. Don't worry. They hear Kate come in, evidently pick up Marlena & take her down into the changing room in the tunnels.
This story is just not OK with me. He is a creep and should not be given any part of this show. The whole creep thing and going after a mentally ill person add up to lots of FF on my recording! I'm really not enjoying this show at all with this focus. :angry:

Chad sits with Gabi, blathering away about her innocence, appeal, Abby's lying, Chad's promises to get to the truth, yada, yada, yada. Gabi is now in prison garb, so evidently he hung around there a long time.
IF we go back to Chad with Gabi, I believe that will be the end of DOOL for me. Along with creeps and Chad being so very dumbed-down, just sayin'.

:sick::sick::sick:"Gabby" & Sleazy: This two idiots are playing way out of their league by holding Marlena captive. And they shouldn't just worry about the sleuthing ability of John Black. Ghost Stefano just might return to wreck havoc on them both for daring to mess with his beloved Queen of the Night.
Sleazy needs to GO!
Chad and Gabi: Okay honestly, I kind of want to squirt headwriter Ron Cavalarti with water from a spray bottle and smack him on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper and say "No, Ron, bad!"
Am I the only one who thinks the writing is going downhill again?? It seems like every time there is a new head writer they start off like gangbusters cleaning up the last one's junky storylines, start their own stories off with fireworks, then slow everything down to a snail's pace with a lot of repetition and filler.
There are about 10 minutes of each episode that I am watching, and even that is with not much interest or pleasure. Something needs to change SOON!!! :tsk::sick::cry::angry::sad::whack:

And this from a "cockeyed optimist"!

Oh, yea, and Gabi's rant putting down women and making her relationship with Chad sound so important made me want to scream!!