Days of Our Lives - Wed., Apr. 18, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Ho, hummm, more of the same as yesterday. Big, long conversation/argument between Brady & Eve, he wanting that 2nd chance, her refusing, back and forth, until he finally wears her down, she agrees to one date, perhaps a week from Friday. He compliments, pulls out all the stops, they seem about to kiss, Maggie walks in, Eve leaves, Brady tells his good news, Maggie happy for him.

Replay of Paul losing sight of Leo, but Leo onto him, turns up behind him, wanting to know why Paul is following him. They go back and forth, Leo telling of working for Titan, breaking up with Sonny, and claiming to not know who Vivian is. He did talk to some old lady who wanted something from him, but he cut her off, did not know what. Blah, blah, blah. Eventually Leo has to go back to work, Paul texts Kate saying he has some info about Viv, they have to talk. Leo texts Viv, telling her he took care of the one tailing him.

Viv is sitting at the Pub, having a Bloody Mary, Lucas walks in, orders coffee. Viv strikes up a conversation, and in her usual way, needles Lucas to have a drink. She mentions hearing Kate urging Chloe to take the Mexico City offer, Lucas doesn't drink, Viv goes so far as to order him one, but in comes Maggie, Viv calls her the alcohol police. Maggie tells off Viv, takes Lucas aside, gets him to tell her what is going on, thus hears all about the offer to Chloe, & Lucas telling her to go, follow her dream. Maggie is proud of him. Hug.

Claire got all her hugs and congrats from Maggie, promising to do her best for Bella magazine, knowing it means so much to Pop Pop. (Egads!) who named it after his daughter. She goes home to find Tripp on phone to Theo, asking if Claire had wanted him to help her win. She snatches the phone from Tripp, tells Theo she will call him back, reams out Tripp, who gives it right back. She claims she did not cheating, he is going to call Theo back, she admits she did ask him, he said no. Tripp is talking of how much this meant to Ciara, Claire accusing Ciara of only wanting to beat her, yada, yada, blah, blah. She calls Ciara her frenemy, Tripp thinks it is more the last part of the word. He wants them to stop being at war.

In the square, Ciara is checking her phone, muttering about Claire winning by one vote, some guy turns around, and here is Wyatt, the guy Theo fed all the info about Ciara to, for Ciara to have a guy interested in her. He gives her a song and dance about reading about the contest, voting for her, really piling it on. Thinks Ciara has it all over Claire. Finally Ciara takes him to where the bike is parked, asks if he wants to go for a ride. Sure.

Chloe has met up with Miguel, and beats around the bush for quite some time, about her singing, career. Great opportunity for her, her own opera, etc. She finally, tho, tells him the answer is no. She has talked about Lucas, who encouraged her to take the job, but he has been thru much, she doesn't want to leave him right now, but does say if she was not involved with Lucas, she would have accepted. Miguel leaves, calls his boss, tells what Chloe said, and is told to eliminate Lucas.

Tripp is done telling off Claire, says Ciara not talking to him. Claire is sorry, Tripp leaves. Claire flashes back to running into Wyatt right after Theo turned her down. She smirks.

Chloe comes up to Lucas, he figures it is to say goodbye. She gives him a big kiss, - does that seem like goodbye. Smiles.
Thank you, Poirot.

The contest stuff just bores me. Claire and Ciara are acting like babies. Geez, even the 3 year olds in school today knew how to share and take turns.

Brady needs slapped up the side the head. For once, I think that Eve deserves better, and has gotten the rotten end of the deal with him.

The Chloe/Lucas story is moving along. I never would've guessed that Chloe would choose to stay. Those thugs better not hurt Lucas. GRRR

I still don't trust creepy Leo. He seems to be turning on Vivian, but I think he may still do something underhanded to Sonny.
Leo is hard to figure at all. Don't know where they are going with him. Kiriakis is not a common name, so if he was working even a temp job at Titan, he had to know Sonny was connected. He denied knowing Viv to Paul, who seems to be aware of that, and then reported to Viv. Leo may just be out only for Leo.

Then there is Claire, all annoyed because Tripp actually thinks she cheated in some way, blathering how she would not, did not........and she did! And Ciara who was still mad at Wyatt........yet all he has to do is butter her a bit, and she caves. Ugh.
Damn, Paul is mad. Not as mad as Sonny will be when he finds out Paul knew Leo and Vivian had a connection with each other and Paul didn't tell him.
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Another boring episode. Brady and Eve are a horrible mismatch I don't understand who thought this was a good idea. They should not be leading episodes.

Why is everyone in Salem parenting Claire and Ciara except for their actual parents and grandparents?

The guy's Spanish at the end did not match up to the subtitles on the screen. Some of his words were just flat out incorrect or in the wrong tense.

Playing the role of Kate Roberts today was Maggie Horton Kiriakis.:rolleyes:

I was hoping for a twist that Claire organically won the contest but I was actually shocked that Wyatt helped her. I wasn't expecting that. Now we need to find out what his motivations are.
Victor: If he finds out that Claire has besmirched the name of his beloved daughter by cheating to win the contest that was named for her, will the YouTube flop join Eve, Chloe, Nicole, and Vivian on his blacklist?

Ciara: She ought to do what political candidates often do when they lose by one vote: demand a recount and darkly hint at the possibility of vote fraud. And did Wyatt still have to be dirty? Does every guy who is interested in Ciara have to be a sleaze? Why couldn't the writers have had cheatin' Claire get help from the king of all felonious tech geeks, Myron Raddatz?

Lyin' Leo: This twerp should get out of the lying game. He's just not that good at it. In fact, if he keeps telling whoppers, he'll up looking like Pinocchio on a bad day.

Vivian: She actually called Kate an "insecure, miserable shrew." This is yet another case of a very black kettle calling the pot black.

Clueless Chloe: Great move by the dopey diva, telling some sketchy guy that only Lucas stands between her and accepting the opera deal. This was like Stefano being told that some person was the only thing standing between him and true love with his Queen of the Night.
Vivian: She actually called Kate an "insecure, miserable shrew." This is yet another case of a very black kettle calling the pot black.
Thanks, Poirot.

I enjoyed yesterday's show better.

Why was Vivian (Eve) tempting Lucas (Adam) into having a drink? Maybe
to make Kate angry.

I'm glad Chloe is staying in Salem. Too bad Miguel's boss doesn't
like the idea because Lucas is now on his hit list.

Paul needs to work on his spying skills. I guess Vivian told Leo he had
someone following him.

So, Claire asked Theo to help her win the contest. He said no, but Wyatt
fixed it so she could win.
Leo may just be out only for Leo.
All he needs is a coma and a fake arrest/trial and he'll be a bona fide Salemite.

I am done with the rest of the storylines. I do not like that Claire/Wyatt appear to have cheated on the contest, and I don't believe for even .1 seconds that Ciara has always felt secondary to her niece (who grew up on the other side of the world).

At least that rapey guy and his wigged-out crush weren't on.
Thanks for the summary. Another filler episode. The teen scene is absurd as usual.

Happy that Chloe stayed, although disappointed she didn't follow her dream. Who are these weird dudes? They better not harm Lucas! I will say that it was nice seeing Maggie, although she certainly was meddlesome today.

Brady & Eve needs to end, and it needs to end now.