Days of Our Lives - Wed., Apr. 3, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

And we pick up where we left off yesterday, as all stories continue in yawndom. Stefan holds Holly's toy as Chloe comes in, realizing Stefan still misses Charlotte. She is still worried about those cartel thugs, Eli & Lani come in, saying they have an informant who fingered the guys, but they have left town now. They also know this informant gave the info to Ben & Stefan yesterday, but they did not pass it on, otherwise P.D. Could have nailed the guys yesterday. They show Chloe some pictures, she I.D.s 2 men as having been hanging around the club. They leave, asking to be kept informed if they hear anything. Stefan has berated the P.D. & tells them to leave his home. Now Chloe scolds him for not informing the cops, but he doesn't think much of them, promises again to keep her and the kids safe. He is coming on to her, she says she knows he would like a relationship with her, but she won't enter into anything until she knows the kids & their mom are safe.

Brady talks with Gabi, on his plan to take down Stefan. She is to seduce Stefan, marry him, then take him to the cleaners, everything he owns, and she will be controlling DiMera enterprises. She is intrigued, he reminds her all Stefan has wanted since he came to Salem was a family. He tried with Gabby, the only person nice to him...did not work out. So now he has pulled Chloe & the kids into DiMansion. Gabi tells of having kissed Stefan, Brady thinks perhaps she is not as filled with hate towards him as she thinks. But Stefan did not back off, so why not?

Maggie has cornered Rex on pretext of inquiring about Will, but wants to talk about him & Sarah. And in her usual buttinsky manner, she is not sure he won't cheat on Sarah again. Rex claims not, comments she forgave Eric for killing her son, but can't forgive Rex for cheating on her daughter. She replies that nothing would bring Daniel back, but Rex & Sarah are NOW. In her fervor, she blurts out that Sarah had feelings for Eric, Rex hops onto that, Sarah said it was just a crush, nothing, what does Maggie mean, what did Sarah say? Maggie backs off, you have to ask Sarah about that. Rex is assuring Maggie he won't cheat on Sarah, they love each other. Maggie gets a bit ticked, storms off, will update on Will later.

Kate is refusing to leave Victor's table, trying to convince him to bring her back into Titan. He is refusing, she has betrayed them already. She does that old standard “just was business”. He asks why she wants to bring down Stefan, she says a blight in the community. (unsatisfactory answer to me). She accuses Vic of becoming soft, ever since he married Maggie. He doesn't want her talking about Maggie, but Kate persists, saying how Maggie takes care of him, bringing him a cup of tea, something else. She derides him losing his edge, says Vic & Kate would be formidable team, world would tremble. Maggie shows up, Kate takes off, telling Vic to think over what she said. Maggie has her arms around Vic, asking if he'd like a cup of tea, or maybe something else.

Eric & Sarah chatter about her being engaged again, she flashes her ring, they talk of Holly, how she is doing well with Chloe, Sarah claiming she visits her, Holly doesn't ask about Mommy any more. He thanks her for being supportive, they grasp each other's hands, Rex walks in, “am I interrupting something?

Gabi is at DiMansion, putting on extra lipstick, opening her sexy blouse to show more cleavage & the black lace bra. She grabs some papers goes into living room to give to Stefan, who says she cannot seem to stay away from him. She says not to flatter himself, gives the papers, sign here, initial there, as she bends over him seductively.

Eric & Sarah tell Rex they were only talking of Holly, Rex asks if Eric knows their news. Yes, Eric says, Dad told me. Congrats, happy for you both. Rex has possessively taken Sarah's hand, guiding her towards his side, and now kisses her a few times. Eric looks rather ill at ease.
I do not understand everyone wanting to break up Rex and Sarah. And get with sourpuss Eric. Just stop already.

So Gabi is officially a woman of ill repute now? Wow, Stefan will be an idiot if he thinks Gabi really wants him.
By the way, Lani & Eli had a short conversation about how she still misses David Abraham, feels for children with no mother (this was after they left DiMansion, & Chloe. Obviously, this conversation was necessary with Rafe off to CA to bring back Jordan's baby boy. :sarcasm:
If today's exercise in extreme tedium had a theme, it was been-there-done-that, which only added to the boredom of it all.

More of the endless, extremely tiresome Sarah-Rexy-Eric nonsense. What ever made the writers think that the viewers would be interested in this dreary combination?

Let's bring down the DiMeras. The very idea is enough to make long-time viewers' eyes roll. Everyone knows that such plots are always doomed to failure.

A DiMera looking for love. Zero chasing Chloe is a pale version of other love-smitten DiMera's seeking romance: EJ's long-running pursuit of his sweet hot, Samanther and Stefano expressing his adoration of Kate (at least until Ian McAllister came along).
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I can't believe this Gabi as Honey Pot plan. It's absurd and more than a little disgusting, but at least it was better than watching the "undeniable" connection between Sarah and Eric. I would do anything at this point to get away from that storyline. Can we get Ben to go on another rampage?
Thanks for hanging in there another day and watching this and writing it up. It doesn't sound quite as bad as yesterday. At least Sonny and Will aren't on. But Sarah/Rex/Eric are just as unwatchable. Also, Stefan pursuing Chloe is already bothering me almost as much as when he was obsessed with Gabby. I can only hope some of this stuff gets played out soon.
when I said Gabi was bending over to have Steffan sign the can even see a bit of the black bra,,,lol

Thanks, Poirot... you're a real trooper.

Kate told Victor she wanted to take down DiMera.. has she forgotten Chad still
works for the company

I loved Victor's face when Maggie asked him do you want a cup a tea after Kate
talked to him about it.

I think Maggie should have told Rex the truth about Eric.

I'm not sure which one is worse... Brady suggesting to Gabi to seduce Stefan or
Gabi agreeing to do it.
Were we supposed to feel sympathy for Stefan because he was missing Charlotte?

The only thing it made me feel was disgust for what he did to Abby. I wish I could have reached through my television screen and smacked Chloe for comforting him.:angry:
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These "writers" have no idea how to write for female characters. It's like they live in a previous century. On Days, practically no woman can live without a man, preferably two, since they love having the attention of two men at the same time. They think rape is O.K., even romantic. Chloe comforting Stefan, Sami marrying her rapist, etc. Gabi is now using her body to seduce Stefan, all the while claiming it's for revenge when she's secretly pining for him. Because after all, every woman, again, falls in love with someone who tormented her. That is soooooo sexy. :sarcasm::angry: And of course, pretty much every woman on this show is willing to do anything (sleep, lie, cheat, set cabins on fire) to get a man. Bravo, Days "writers", good job at describing modern women. :sarcasm:

Then again, the guys aren't much better, are they? They fall in and out of love in the blink of an eye (I'm looking at you, Eric and Brady), and think that women can't think for themselves so they feel they have to step up and do it for them. :angry::angry:

Sorry, rant over. Carry on.
I'm actually a fan of the Gabi & Brady storyline because she has chemistry with both Stefan and Brady. I wouldn't mind seeing a love triangle between those three, as long as Brady doesn't end up with Chloe. He's too unstable to provide what she needs. In another time, maybe I'd be fine with them together. But not now. As for Chloe and Stefan, I also like the idea of them together, but I can't recall a time when she put off dating just because of a little danger.

Kate and Victor should take note of Gabi & Brady's plan to bring down the DiMeras. It's more clever, and Stefan actually is dumb enough to fall for it. Corporate attempts to bring down the DiMeras have always failed. So far, Gabi's been the only one who's even come close to getting revenge on a DiMera. Speaking of Victor, maybe if he saw Maggie digging into Eric he'd realize she's no pushover.

FF the love triangle. Good grief.