Days of Our Lives - Wed., Apr. 4, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday. April 4, 2018

Paul sits in the corner of the Club, watching Vivian drink martinis. He leaves, bumps into Leo coming in, they exchange polite hellos, Leo enters, Paul calls Kate, nothing going on with Viv, calling it a night, going home. Will calls Adrienne, who has talked to Jen, yes, Will has the job. As she hangs up, Sonny enters, she lets him know she hired Will, he thinks Will is a good writer, will do well. He leaves, Justin comes home, plops in a chair, exhausted, bad day, just wants to crawl in bed. She reminds him they were to go out to dinner, he asks what time did she make the reservations, she says he was to do that. Uh, oh, but..Justin has a surprise, takes her into another room, where the delivery from Buddy's Burger Barn is spread out. She is thrilled, he says he never wants work to come before her, made that mistake once, won't do it again. Kiss, kiss, happy time.

Paul goes home, tells Will of his new big case, Will tells of his new job. Will looks up Viv on line, learns she has buried not one, but two people alive, thinks Paul should tell Kate to get someone else. Nope, Paul knows all that. They end up happily in bed, and later, talk about themselves. Paul tells of his first impression on meeting Will, the interview, then talks of the first time he wanted to date a guy, but was too scared to ask the fellow. Definitely a bonding time. Will talks a bit of Memphis, not sure if he will make a good reporter, write well. Paul encourages him, kiss..round two.

Chad is really upset about Stefan's failure to give him details, Kate walks in, asks and gets the entire lowdown. She wants to call in the cops, Chad says they really have no proof, Stefan could have made up the whole thing about the dark haired woman killing Andre. When he says Stefan says the name was Gabby, they both are shaking heads, impossible. Chad tells about Abby's testimony, saying Gabi had confessed. Both women swearing they are telling the truth, Kate saying one is lying..obviously. Chad goes upstairs to get Abby, who was supposed to be resting, but.....she is not there. He is puzzled, something was off on the plane home from Hong Kong, something in her eyes.

But Abby is with Marlena, telling her tale of missing hours, days, lost memory, not remembering conversations Chad says they had, waking up in Hong Kong not knowing how she got there, Stefan trying to calm her. Marlena is calm, just asking questions. Abby thinks she may be losing her mind, but this is not like it was when she had to go to the sanitarium. She recalls hearing voices (we hear Gabby & Laura arguing), no, not talking to her, but to each other. What is wrong with me. Marlena had already said they would figure out what was going on, now she has gotten up, is standing in front of Abby, when she suddenly cries out in pain, holding her head.

Sonny is on his date with Leo, sees Vivian at the bar with Stefan, tells Leo about that horrible woman, evil, don't ever have anything to do with her. She has done so much to the family, and has already said she is coming after me. Told her to bring it on.

Vivian talks with Stefan, amazingly sober for all the martinis she downed. Stefan tells her all that happened, Dr. Laura, Gabby wanting to come out, but evidently Abby managing to do so. Viv notes he has it bad for Gabby, he admits this is so. When Leo came in, acknowledging Viv at the bar, she tells Stefan he is just someone she met once. Eventually Viv leaves, promising Stefan he can count on her any time. He sits alone on the bench outside.

Sonny & Leo have left the club, not wanting to stay in the vicinity of Vivian. Leo has walked Sonny home, they kiss goodnight, Sonny thanks him, Leo wonders if they should take this inside, or is his daughter there. Nope, she is with Lucas. Kiss. They go in. Justin & Adrienne are snuggling on the sofa, hear the door, call out to Sonny. He only pokes his head in, hopes they had a good time, he is going to bed. Leo is stroking his arm which is out of sight. His folks say goodnight, Sonny closes the door, tells Leo he is bad, they go upstairs.

Marlena is asking Abby what is wrong, she is rubbing her forehead, then says, ahhh, stands up, a calmer look on her face. She walks around Marlena's desk, sits down, ties her hair into a bun, picks up Marlena's glasses, puts them on.......then says to her. You were about to tell Abigail she has DID, disassociative identity disorder, she is not yet ready to know this, so I cannot allow that to happen.
Poirot, I don't know how you get this watched and written up so fast. I know you get it a little earlier than I do but maybe only half an hour. It is still going here. Anyway, thank you for watching and doing the writeup. It looks like there are only a few scenes of this that I care to watch.
Thank you, Poirot.

I'm with you, OC. I think I'll put it on through Roku, and just let it run after dinner while I clean the kitchen. I'll go back in the living room when I hear Abby and Marlena talking. I hope they show Marlena's face when Dr. Laura helps herself to Marlena's desk chair and glasses.
Deidre Hall (Marlena) and Marci Miller (Abby) did a good job in their scenes together.

edited to add actress' last names and character names; please remember that not everyone knows the actors' real names - JS
Thanks for the summary. Another decent show after yesterday. I think the Paul/Will and Vivian/Leo/Sonny stuff was the most interesting part of the episode, although Marlena and Abigail's scenes also sound really good.
Abby talking to Marlena was intense at times, so the break from that is Will & Paul telling each other their early days. Kate was unnecessary, and her scene with Chad.....boy, I dislike the hair style and the clothes. Justin & Adrienne were definitely filler......but I do love Adrienne's new haircut! Looks fabulous on her! Actually, it did seem the entire rest of the show was filler, except that Chad SEEMS to be getting a clue, he realizes something is not right with Abby.
Just remembered that Marlena was the one who treated Jessica (Marie's daughter) and Kimberly when they had their multiple personalities.
This is good to know. It means that Marlena won't have to go watch the old film Three Faces of Eve in order to figure out what's doing with Abigail

And a few other observations:

If Sonny wanted to impress on Leo what bad news Vivian was, he should have told him the tale of the magic sarcophagus. Of course, poor Leo might then have nightmares about being buried alive.

Will and Paul really should have gone over to Doug's Place to watch Vivian down martinis. They could have entertained themselves by betting on when she'd fall off the bar stool.

Was it was wise for Leo to venture into the upper reaches of the K-mansion? He might encounter Victor whose Vivian early warning system is such a fine-tuned instrument that he might have caught a whiff of the old witch's perfume on Leo's sport jacket.
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please remember that not everyone knows the actors' real names - JS
When I talk to my aunt about the latest Days episode she tells me not to mix her up by calling them by their real names! :)

I started watching Days when Marlena was possessed. My husband was on second shift and he started watching then and I got hooked.
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I never paid any attention to the actors' names until I started reading this board. Still don't know some of them.

Kate's clothes and! Most of the time I am perplexed and mildly amused by what she wears, but today I thought she was wearing pajamas when she first appeared. The pajama image was enhanced by the fact that her hair looked like she had just tumbled out of bed. Her look today was surprising to me, even for Kate!
Thanks for the summary. I'm torn on watching because as much as I want to see Will/Paul and Leo/Sonny, I'm not sure what the endgame is and I don't want to invest in a show that doesn't care about me.

Also, I vowed yesterday to zap any episode that had the alter nonsense in it. This one does. We'll see.
Thanks Poirot.

The other day I thought Kate's outfit was PJs. Today we found out she actually
went to work wearing them.

Poor Chad. He's confused what Stefan meant when he said Gabi. That's because Chad
can't read closed captioning like we can. We know Stefan's Gabby spells her
name different :)

Paul left Doug's Place too soon. He missed Leo talking to Vivian.

I enjoyed Marlena and Abigail. It was interesting to learn how much time
Abigail has
lost the past few weeks.
Well, there are events, characters, etc. I don't like, but....I still a Days fan........Just have always watched the entire show, warts and all......but every one has their .....own thing...just read the "popular shows you never watched" thread. LOLOL
I can usually figure out who someone is referring to on the show with the first name or initials as long as it's on Days. There are other boards that do that in Days discussion with the other soaps, then I am like, who? I really appreciate this board with both the actor and character name.

I have been mostly indifferent towards the multiple personality storyline, but today I was invested with the scenes between Marlena and Abigail. I actually felt for Abigail as I felt her confusion and pain. Also, I am more invested in Abigail than the alters so I really want her to overcome them so that we can finally know why she snapped and killed Andre.
Just remembered that Marlena was the one who treated Jessica (Marie's daughter) and Kimberly when they had their multiple personalities.

I don't remember her treating Kim. I thought that coincided with her return from the dead.

Kate was unnecessary,

This is evergreen

Loved the Marlena/Abby scenes. Marlena so has Abby figured out already. That's why she didn't move when Abby got the headache. Like @Jen67 I also hope Abby overcomes the alters and we find out the truth about Andre. I'm not convinced she killed him. I do hope Chad gets involved soon too but I suspect the main reveal with be May sweeps.

Paul and Will are adorable.

I'm not crazy about Leo and Sonny but I do like Leo's intro. He's already 10x more interesting to me than Stefan.

I'll never complain about using a classic supercouple as filler.

Line of the day from Vivian: Victor is married to that creampuff Maggie Horton.
Well, there are events, characters, etc. I don't like, but....I still a Days fan
I accept your point of view. I will continue to watch the show but I will avoid the characters I dislike (except on Thursdays, LOL). When they air too heavily (StefanNo was the leader for March, yuck), I have to do something in protest. Even if the network doesn't care about my demographic. I deserve better and so do all fans of Days who've stuck by the show.