Days of Our Lives - Wed., Aug. 13, 2014

I had to roll my eyes when at the police station, Daniel told Eric "sorry it took me so long to get her" or something to that effect. They really need to give Daniel a superman costume to wear. He could rip off his scrubs and strike a pose in his Supppperrrrr Dannnnnnnn costume!

That's not what Daniel said at all. He said he was sorry it took so long for Eric to have what he needed to clear his name for once and for all. He didn't say anything about himself being the one to do it.
Yippee, Daniel brought Kristen to justice!!!!! :sarcasm:

Hope even mentions to Roman that Daniel brought Kristen in as if him busting criminals was just an everyday occurrence. But then again, it is an everyday occurrence. The last criminal running loose in Salem, Liam, was apprehended by none other than Daniel Jonas. You have a police squad in Salem, why not let them catch the criminals, while the doctors, I don't know, maybe stick to their day job and attend to patients.

Why is all of the crossover with Daniel necessary? If it's meant to endear him to viewers, it's not working on all of us. I'm completely, and utterly irritated with him.
There was also another missing scene after Sami left the Square. Eric tried to leave too and Nicole stopped him and questioned him a little. I had trouble understanding Eric but I thought he said something to the effect of he still would have loved Nicole had Kristen not done what she did to him. Did anyone else catch that? Greg Vaughan (Eric) was mumbling and I didn't have time to rewatch.
Eric said he wished Kristen had been arrested a few months ago because then he would have been vindicated and he still would have loved Nicole and none of the destroyed evidence and Nicole lying would have happened.
Actually Heroic, that is NOT what Daniel said. Daniel said "Eric I'm sorry it took so long. Maybe now you can get back to the life you always wanted"

It is at 6:02 on here

Really neither you nor I are wrong. It is in how you interpret what Daniel said. He brought Kristen in, Nicole said "Daniel, you did it, you got her", then Daniel said his line "I'm sorry it took so long".
Yippee, Daniel brought Kristen to justice!!!!! :sarcasm:

Hope even mentions to Roman that Daniel brought Kristen in as if him busting criminals was just an everyday occurrence. But then again, it is an everyday occurrence. The last criminal running loose in Salem, Liam, was apprehended by none other than Daniel Jonas. You have a police squad in Salem, why not let them catch the criminals, while the doctors, I don't know, maybe stick to their day job and attend to patients.

Why is all of the crossover with Daniel necessary? If it's meant to endear him to viewers, it's not working on all of us. I'm completely, and utterly irritated with him.

PICKY, PICKY!!! Poor Daniel...he can't help being Mr. Nice and Helpful Guy!! I'll bet his "mama" taught him know, that "other mother"!!
I'm still shaking my head at the sheer coincidence and the absurdity of a laundry truck in New Orleans magically being bound for good ol' Salem, USA. I would think that both Daniel and Kristen would have to pee at least once along the way. :confused:
Having lived in Chicago, with my sis in St. is about a 5 -6 hr. drive.
Once upon a time, Salem, Illinois used to have a big DAYS OF OUR LIVES weekend event, it was big, with actors coming in from L.A. etc. But then, the person in the Chamber of Commerce who organized the event moved away, and no one evidently wanted to tackle it again. LOL. And yes, I wrote them about it, and got the reply, which is how I know. I had planned on going, and could not find info.
Well, they won't specify what state Salem is in, but it IS supposed to be a town in the mid-west, not far from Chicago. There IS a Salem, WI just over the state line, but the characters on the show talk mostly of Chicago, and all the Chicago sports teams. They have also, in the past, been able to drive to Indiana in just an hour or two. Once they even got into Michigan, (which is a short distance from Chicago after crossing into Indiana. )

But then, when Days put it's characters on a ship in Toronto that managed to reach the Pacific ocean in 3 days.......we all know distance is not a problem for Salemites.
And remember when Chad and Abby went to Chicago (to see Cameron's striptease) on Chad's motorcycle.

But then we had Nicole and Eric go to the Vatican and back again in the blink of an eye and it's still the same day, since Nicole is still wearing the black dress with the pearl collar. They must have gone through the magic portal in the square.