Days of Our Lives - Wed. Aug 19 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Episode #11,147 Taped 7/15 Director – Albert Alarr

We really jump around town today….so bear with me. Seems to be a new day has dawned in Salem. Melanie wakes up, flashes back to her little romp with Philip last night, he wakes up, they engage in a bit of pillow talk, no regrets, where do we go from here, we will just have to take it one step at a time and see, yada, yada. There is a lot of noise at the door, both jump out of bed, Melanie is wrapped in the sheet and into the bathroom, while Phil quickly dons his pants and opens the door. And there is the motel mgr. On his knees outside the door, sorry about the noise, needed to fix the A/C and wanted to get it done before it got too hot. Now he talks of the hot chick Phil brought here last night, wants her number as he could use some hot merchandise to fill empty rooms at night. Philip grabs his shirt front, shoves him up against the wall, the guy apologizes, Philip goes back into the room. He checks his cell, finding the battery is dead, he will have to get his charger.

At the hospital, Stephanie asks Nurse Maxine if Philip has been admitted last night, as Lucas arrives. She has been trying to reach him, and Maxine notes that no Philip K. was admitted. Stephanie tells Lucas she has been trying to reach Philip to tell him about Ciara, which surprises Lucas, no one told him. He wonders if Victor or his mom knows, Stephanie tells him that Victor is the one who told her, claims Maggie is notifying all those overseas. Lucas is a bit upset that everyone was called except him. (guess Maggie might have been a bit reluctant to call him after the way he treated her). Stephanie leaves, Lucas pulls a big envelope out of his pocket, stares at it. Nathan comes along, Lucas inquires about Chloe, they go in her room. Lucas does not want to bother Lexie and wants an update, then shows Nathan the papers he takes out of the envelope. Lucas was going thru some boxes at home, found this…..her living will. She does not want to be kept alive if no hope, etc. But Nathan tells him if these papers have not been filed with an attorney, or the hospital, they cannot abide by them, and the decision will have to be her husband’s, as before. Nathan leaves the room, Lucas tells Chloe that it seems her fate is in his hands.

Melanie has skipped in, lol, (o.k. at least that is what it seems like, but not really), telling Maxine she is taking a personal day, won’t be showing up for her shift. Maxine asks how her nursing class, Melanie is going to skip that, too, & when Maxine tells her she could lose her spot in the class, Mel says they would not dare. Out comes Nathan, Maxine fills him in, he tells Melanie he hopes it wasn’t because of him. Melanie cheerily tells him not to be so full of himself, just because he two timed her with Stephanie, and dumped her on their date preferring Stephanie over her….doesn’t mean a thing. He is not all that. She bounces off. LOL Stephanie returns, chats it up with Nathan, talking of how she hardly slept last night, worrying about Ciara, and thinking about Philip. She feels she has to talk to him, since he left his job, and family.

Daniel has been trying to reach Brady, wondering if he came up with a plan to get into Chloe’s room…..tho he knows Brady is probably helping in the search for Ciara. Kate comes upon Daniel on the pier, and begins immediately to verbally stick pins in him. She talks of how stupid he is, rushing to try and get into Chloe’s room when he got out of jail, after trying to kill her. Daniel tells her she knows it was her, but Kate goes on and on at how, when Chloe dies, he will be sentenced to death himself, and she will be sitting in the visitor’s room, watching. Daniel tries to reason with her, talking of how Chloe saved her life. Kate says Chloe did not pull her from a burning building, that she only gave a little bone marrow, big deal. She does the entire wicked witch routine, nasty as can be, smirking all the while.

Philip arrives home, calling for Henderson, but out comes Stephanie, happy to see him, and that he is o.k, since she was unable to reach him. He explains about his dead phone, she tells him about Ciara, then that she heard he left the family. He says it was his decision, she knows that. There is some rather awkward conversation, but Philip realizes she is suggesting they perhaps get back together. Melanie has arrived, and seeing Stephanie, steps away from the door, sadly listening, as Philip & Stephanie speak of talking their situation out, and perhaps getting back together.

Kyle is trying to get Ciara to eat something, she is saying no. Brenda comes over, telling Ciara if she doesn’t eat, she will die, and then will never see her mommy & daddy again. Ciara finally takes a bite of whatever it is. Brenda gets a call from Dean, goes outside to talk. He tells her the money has arrived, time for the next step.

Over at the cop shop, a frantic, emotional and exhausted Bo & Hope are still waiting impatiently for some word from the kidnappers. Traitor cop Dean listens and watches all conversation. Roman has arrived, will be checking some other leads. Justin arrives with the money in what appears to be a silver/aluminum/metal briefcase, says all the money is there, 50s and lower unmarked bills, no sequence to the numbers. Roman returns with the list of recent prisoner releases, narrowed down to four that Hope put away, but none seem to be involved. Hope sobs that it is her fault, and the kidnappers have said so. The cops cannot figure out why Hope seems to be targeted. Dean leaves the station, and using gloves, calls the kidnappers, telling him to get the next stage moving. He hangs up, stomps on the phone, throwing the broken parts in different directions.

The cops have been unable to trace the call to Hope, different towers being used. Hope is beside herself, and then her phone rings. Brenda, using the synthasizer, warns Hope again about doing exactly what they tell her. Hope says they have the money, and she wants to see her baby. Brenda tells her to check her e-mail, and hangs up. Bo & Hope rush to the laptop, to find a pic of a tied up Ciara holding the morning edition of the Chicago Daily Report. Bo orders someone to contact the Chicago police, and tells Roman to have the lab boys go over that picture, pixel by pixel, to see if they can nail a location.
Dean has snuck out, arrives at the shack, where Ciara is blindfolded, tied up, and listening to music … cannot hear them. Now we learn the why of Hope being targeted here. Seems that she got promoted to detective instead of Dean, who had already put in years, had done the citations, grunt work for her, and she gets the credit and gets the promotion. He calls her a few choice names while on his rant, with Brenda joining in on how Hope is rich, knew the commissioner who is now the mayor. Dean is oozing resentment, at one point kissing Brenda, so we know they are “together”, and takes his leave.
Back at the station now, Dean is suggesting to Bo that this trouble all started when that lawyer arrived, but Bo assures him that the guy is on the Jonas case, and is his cousin, all is well. Dean goes in another room, uses someone’s phone to text his cronies(Justin’s????)next Hope gets another call on where to bring the money. Alone, no cops, no snipers in trees, etc. etc. etc. Brenda pulls out a gun, sticks it in her back belt line, and tells Ciara it is time to get this show on the road. At the cop shop, there is now a few minutes of arguing, as Bo insists she is gonna get backup, Hope insists this is their child, she go it alone, Roman goes back and forth a bit, finally Bo caves and agrees. Hope takes the briefcase, she and Bo hug, exchange a few kisses and she is on her way. She arrives at a clearing in the woods, (west side of the river) and waits.
Back at the station, Bo sits at the laptop, and suddenly gets a vision, in black & white, of a ski-masked person bringing Ciara, who runs into Hope’s arms, but the kidnapper pulls a gun, shooting Ciara. Hope screams and cries no, no, and sits cradling her daughter, crying my Ciara, no, no.

I sure hope that Melanie doesn't get pregnant and we go thru another Lumi/Ejami storyline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, I hope they do not try that, poor Ciara. This is crossing the line with Bo & Hope, how much are they really going to put these 2 through.

Thanks for the write up Barb!
Well I do not like the kidnapping story nor Bo's vision, I am glad they gave us a reason for the kidnapping. Why Bo & Hope were targeted.

Poor Steph & Mel & Philip! I hate this triangle. And I hate hoe they have made Nathan the 'rebound" guy! Maybe this is going to be a love square! :)

For the show bouncing all over like you said Barb, you did an amazing write up! I followed this very well!!

Thanks as always!
Days of Our Lives

...Nathan tells him if these papers have not been filed with an attorney, or the hospital, they cannot abide by them, and the decision will have to be her husband’s, as before. ...

Thanks for the write-up Barb!

Too bad the writers on this show feel compelled to dispense so much misinformation. There may be a state somewhere where you're required to "file" a living will with an attorney (?) or a hospital in advance, but I've never heard of it. A living will is a legal document. If it's properly executed and presented to the hospital, they're required to honor it. But, I forget. Salem exists in a universe of its own.
I'm seriously starting to think that the writers have real problem with children.Theo's close call,Miscarriage, baby death, child kidnapping with visions of child murder all in the same plot cycle.
This is not healthy writing, but psychologically troubling. I realize that plots concerning children are the most passionate for the target audience...but give me a break here. I think I'll just check back once a month for the resolution. I lost a son 7 years ago and this whole thing has just gotten to be too draining.
I've tried to look at the whole thing with humor as it is just a soap... but they just won't move passed these plot lines until they kill off everyone under the age of 10....someone better start checking Caroline's cookies for arsenic..Allie and Johnny are next!
NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! I am sick to death of these writers harming/hurting innocent little children. There is enough of that going on in the world today. Since he's so made at Hope, why not kidnap her and torture her, leave the children out of it for once. We are finally closing in on the ending to one bad storyline/babyswitch and now this??!?!?!? I just don't know that I can take another child being harmed so soon after Grace's death.

Thanks for the wonderful write-up Barb!
soapnut, maybe it wasn't notarized? I know mine had to be before I went into the hospital for procedures.
Poirot said:
Out comes Nathan, Maxine fills him in, he tells Melanie he hopes it wasn’t because of him. Melanie cheerily tells him not to be so full of himself, just because he two timed her with Stephanie, and dumped her on their date preferring Stephanie over her….doesn’t mean a thing. He is not all that. She bounces off.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Gotta love it!
What? Dean didn't get a promotion? Who the heck is Dean? He wasn't on the show even a year ago, so why should he get promoted? Kill him off now and end this inane storyline.
Thanks for the write-up Barb!

Too bad the writers on this show feel compelled to dispense so much misinformation. There may be a state somewhere where you're required to "file" a living will with an attorney (?) or a hospital in advance, but I've never heard of it. A living will is a legal document. If it's properly executed and presented to the hospital, they're required to honor it. But, I forget. Salem exists in a universe of its own.

It DOES have to be on file with the hospital........the reason for an attorney is in case you are not in your own local hospital. AT least in my state. I have been told this. And yes, maybe if you have one notarized it would be valid, too. I have a relative in another state who had one at home, but it was ignored when she was put on life support, as it was not "valid".
Barb thanks for the great write up, if they were all over the place today, you were right on!

If they do something to Ciara, I am not watching anymore and this time I mean it. I'm sick to death of TPTB harming children in anyway shape or form.

Someone needs to kidnap Kate and put her back on that fishing ship she was on along time ago. I'll even pay them to take her.
TamiBelle - Please let me know where to send money to help you finance Kate's return to the fishing boat!!!!!!
Barb, you did an amazing write up! I foolowed this very well!!

Thanks as always!

I totally agree.

Thanks for the write up Poirot. Hope that Bo and Hope get Ciaira back unharmed.

Me too!

TamiBelle - Please let me know where to send money to help you finance Kate's return to the fishing boat!!!!!!

TamiBelle, let me know too. I want her to spend the rest of her life cleaning fish. :mad:
i think the writers are horrible. All they seem to think about is hurting or killing the children... its awful and very inconsiderate to their audience who might be dealing with the loss of a child for all they know!

my daughter's best friend died of leukemia in April of 2008 and though he wasn't my child, i loved him like he was my own and he spent mon-fri with me every day since they were the pain is very real for me too, understanding that God was only able to heal him by taking him to Heaven. DOOL is supposed to be my gossip outlet, not extra reasons to be depressed!

and the story line i am enjoying, Steph/Phil/Mel/Nathan... get'em Mel!

kate. ::sigh:: i hate you. but, i would like to punch you in the mouth. that's right-- punch you right in the kisser.
Kate really does need to be sent back to the fishing boat...but without her, the writers would have more "time space" on the show to kill for now, keep her- heck give her more show time to protect Ciara from the evil that is DOOL writers...:rolleyes:
It DOES have to be on file with the hospital........the reason for an attorney is in case you are not in your own local hospital. AT least in my state. I have been told this. And yes, maybe if you have one notarized it would be valid, too. I have a relative in another state who had one at home, but it was ignored when she was put on life support, as it was not "valid".

It doesn't have to be on file BEFORE the patient is admitted. A relative bringing it in after a patient has lapsed into a coma (like Lucas did) will suffice. Some states do require notarization. Many don't but most do require witnesses. There's a lot of misinformation floating around about living wills and some hospitals try to make up excuses not to honor them. That's why many states have now incorporated provisions that prohibit such refusal (although usually there is an option to transfer the patient if the refusal is based on religious or ethical beliefs). As for the attorney, I'd like to think we're indispensable but in this case, we're not.
BTW, I couldn't agree more that way too many children are getting hurt or killed on this show. Enough already!

And kudos to Barb for describing these disturbing scenes clearly but with sensitivity. I don't know if I could do it.